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Translation of the Declaration, originally written in French, and signed by the American Plenipoten- tiaries.

We the underwritten Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States of North America, having received from Mr. Fitz Herbert, Minister Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty, a Declaration relative to a suspension of arms, to be established between his said, Majesty and the said States, of which the following is a copy, viz.

"Whereas the Preliminary articles agreed to and signed this day between his Majesty the King of Great Britain, and his most Christian Majesty on the one part, and also between his said Britannic Majesty and his Catholic Majesty on the other part, stipulate a cessation of hostilities between those three powers, which is to commence upon the exchange of the ratifications of the said preliminary articles; and whereas by the provisional treaty signed the thirtieth of November last between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of North America, it was stipulated. that the said treaty should have its effect as soon as a peace between the said crowns should be established; the underwritten Minister Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty. declares in the name, and by the express order of the King his master, that the said United States of North America, their subjects and their possessions, shall be comprised in the suspension of arms above mentioned, and that they shall consequently enjoy the benefit of the cessation of hostilities at the same periods and in the same manner as the three crowns aforesaid, and their subjects

and possessions respectively; on condition however, that on the part and in the name of the said United States of North America there shall be delivered a similar declaration expressing their assent to the present suspension of arms, and containing an assurance of the most perfect reciprocity on their part.

"In faith whereof, we, the Minister Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty, have signed the present declaration, and have thereto caused the seal of our arms to be affixed, at Versailles, this twentieth day of January one thousand seven hundred and eighty three."



We have in the name of the said United States of North America, and in virtue of the powers we are vested with, received the above declaration, and do accept the same by these presents, and we do reciprocally declare that the said States shall cause to cease all hostilities against his Britannic Majesty, his subjects and possessions at the terms or periods agreed to between his said Majesty the King of Great Britain, his Majesty the King of France, and his Majesty the King of Spain, in the same manner as stipulated between these three crowns, and to have the same effect.

In faith whereof we Ministers Plenipotentiary from the United States of America, have signed the present declaration, and have hereunto affixed the seals of our arms. At Versailles the twentieth of January, one thousand seven hundred and eighty three. (signed)


Copy of the 1st and 22d Articles of the preliminary Treaty between France and Great Britain.


Aussitôt que les Préliminaires seront signés et ratifiés, l'Amitié sincere sera retablie entre sa Majesté très Chretienne et sa Majesté Britannique, leurs Royaumes, Etats et sujets par mer et par terre, dans toutes les Parties du Monde; Il sera envoyé des ordres aux Armées et Escadres, ainsi qu'aux Sujets des deux Puissances de cesser toute hostilité, et de vivre dans la plus parfaite union en oubliant le passé, dont leur Souverains leur donnent l'ordre et l'Exemple; et pour l'Execution de cet Article, il sera donné de part et d'autre des Passeports de mer aux Vaisseaux qui seront expediés pour en porter la Nouvelle dans les Possessions des dites Puissances.


Pour prévenir tous les Sujets de plainte et de Contestation qui pourroient naitre à l'Occasion des Prises qui pourroient être faites en Mer depuis la Signature de ces Articles préliminaires, On est convenu reciproquement que les Vaisseaux et Effets qui pourroient être pris dans la Manche et dans les Mers du Nord après l'Espace de douze Jours à compter depuis la Ratification des presents Articles préliminaires, seront de part et d'autre restitués. Que le terme sera d'un mois depuis la Manche et les Mers du Nord, jusqu'aux Isles Canaries inclusivement soit dans l'Ocean, soit dans la Mediterranée; de deux Mois depuis les dites Isles Canaries jusqu'à la Ligne équinoxiale ou l'Equateur; et enfin de

cinq mois dans tous les autres Endroits du Monde sans aucune exception ni autre Distinction plus particulière de tems et de lieux.


We John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay, three of the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States of America for making peace with Great Britain; To all Captains or Commanders of ships of war, privateers, or armed vessels belonging to the said States or to either of them, or to any of the citizens of the same, And to all others whom these presents may concern, Send Greeting.

Whereas peace and amity is agreed on between the said United States and his Britannic Majesty, and a suspension of hostilities to take place at different periods in different places hath also been agreed upon by their respective Plenipotentiaries. And whereas it hath been further agreed by the said Plenipotentiaries, to exchange one hundred passports for merchant vessels, to the end that such as shall be provided with them, shall be exempted from capture although found in latitudes at a time prior to the taking place of the said suspension of hostilities therein. Now therefore know ye that free passport, licence and permission is hereby given to the

commander now lying at the port of

and bound from thence to

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And we do earnestly enjoin upon and recommend to you, to let and suffer the said vessel to pass unmolested to her destined port, and if need be, to afford her all such succour and aid as circumstances and humanity may require.

Given under our hands and seals at Paris on the in the year of

our Lord 1783.

day of

Proclamation for the Cessation of Hostilities. BY THE KING,

A Proclamation, declaring the cessation of arms, as well by sea as land, agreed upon between his 'Majesty the most Christian King, the King of Spain, the States General of the United Provinces and the United States of America, and enjoining the observance thereof.


Whereas provisional articles were signed at Paris, on the thirtieth day of November last, between our Commissioner for treating of peace with the Commissioners of the United States of America, and the Commissioners of the said States, to be inserted in and to constitute the treaty of peace, proposed to be concluded between us and the said United States, when terms of peace should be agreed upon between us and his most Christian Majesty and whereas preliminaries for restoring peace between us and his most Christian Majesty were signed at Versailles on the twentieth day of January last, by the ministers of us and the most Christian King; and whereas preliminaries for restoring peace between us and the King of Spain, were also signed at Versailles on the twentieth day of January last, between the ministers of us and the King of Spain: and whereas for putting an end to the calamity of war as soon and as far as may be possible, it hath been agreed between us, his Most Christian Ma

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