**** DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO WIT: L. S. ***** * * * * DISTRICT CLERK'S OFFICE. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the sixteenth day of November, A. D. 1818, and in the forty-third year of the Independence of the United States of America, JAMES M. WINCHELL, of the said District, has de posited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit: "An Arrangement of the Psalins, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D. D. To which are added, Indexes, very muck enlarged and suproved, to facilitate the use of the whole in finding Psaims or Hymns suited to particular subjects or occasions. By JAMES M. WINCHELL, A. M. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Boston." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned:" and also to an Act, entitled, "An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein men fioned; and extending the Benefits thereof to the Arts of Designing, En graving and Etching Historical, and other Prints." ₩348. Po 1820. TO THOSE WHO USE THIS ARRANGEMENT. 4 The first number, is the number of the Arrangement, opposite to which is the number of the Psalm or Hymn in the cominon edition of Watts. Thus, 169 of the Arrangement, is the 169 page; and the 94th Hymn 2d Book C. M. in Watts. St. Anns, and Abridge, the names of tunes in which it may be sung. The sharp is added to denote the key, and to assist in the selection of other appropriate tunes. A Psalm or Hymn suited to a particular subject 1. By the table of the first lines, if the first line be recollected, the number opposite to each Psalm and Hymn referring to the number of the Arrangement. 2. By the tables of Psalms and Hymns following the Preface, if the number of the Psalm or Hymn in the common editions be recollected. Thus, The 84 Psalm 1st Part L. M. is 402 of the Arrangement. The 63 Hymn 1st Book is 153 of the Arrangement. 3. By referring to the Index of Surjects, or the Syllabus of the Arrangement, when neither the number nor the first line is recollected. The numbers in the Index of Scriptures, refer to the Psalms and Hymns in the Arrangement, founded upon the passages to which they are opposite. Thus, Genesis, 1st......58, that is page 58 of the Arrangement contains the Hymn founded on that passage of scripture. The Psalms and Hymns on the "Perfections of God," on the "Doctrines of the Gospel," and on the "Graces of the Holy Spirit," follow the alphabetical order of the subjects on which they are written. Particular Directions to Ministers and others who take the lead in public or family Worship. 1. In giving out a Psalın or Hymn where the Arrangement is used exclusively, it will be necessary to mention the number of the Arrangement only. 2. Where the common edition of Watts is principally used, the number of the Arrangement may be omitted. 3. Where the Arrangement and the common editions are used promiscuously, it will be necessary to mention the numbers of both in the following order. 139th Psalm 1st Part. L. M. being the 40th of the Arrangement. 35th Hymn 2d Book C. M. 213th of the Arrangement. By a careful observance of the above directions, all confusion or inconven ience in the use of this Arrangement will be avoided. THE Psalms and Hymns of the Rev. Dr. Watts are so generally esteemed and so extensively circulated, that any apology is deemed unnecessary for this attempt to facilitate the use of them. Owing to their promiseuous position in the common editions, and also to the extreme deficiency of the Indexes, the use of them has long been attended with many inconveniences, especially to those leading in public worship. These inconveniences have suggested to many persons, the propriety of an arrangement of the whole, into distinct sections or chapters, according to the different subjects of which they treat, interspersing the Psalms and Hymns in one book. Such an arrangement was successfully attempted, some years since, by the Rev. Dr. Rippon, of London; which met with so great encouragement, as to require four editions in the short space of four years. From his labours, it is just to acknowledge, much assistance has been derived in preparing this American edition. Dr. Watts, himself, seems to have justified the principle of an arrangement, by following it in several instances. He has judiciously placed together in one book, the Hymns on the Lord's Supper; the advantage of which, is repeatedly experienced at the administration of that ordinance. He has also placed together the Hymns, on Solomon's Songs; the songs to the Blessed Trinity; and the Hosannas to Christ. But, if there be any advantage in having these Hymns arranged under their respective heads, stiil greater advantage, it is thought, must be derived from having the whole thus arranged. It is even conjectured, by many, that Dr. Watts would have followed this plan throughout, had it early enough occured to him, and had he published the several parts of his book at the same time. "For," as Dr. Rippon has justly observed, "to have been consistent with himself, he should have distributed the whole work into sections, or none of it; but by setting the example in several chapters, it is presumed he has sanctioned the analysis of every part of the work." With regard to the interspersion of the Psalms among the Hymns, it is only necessary to observe, that this has been done already, to a considerable extent, by Dr. Watts himself. It will be perceived by any one, who will consult the titles of the first and second books of Hymns, that there are, among them, more pieces composed from the Book of Psalms, than there are, either from the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, or from the important epistle to the Hebrews. The interspersion, therefore, of the whole, cannot be considered a just cause of complaint; especially, when the use of the whole is thereby made easy: for, by a glance of the eye, all the Psalins or Hymns on a particular subject may be immediately perceived. It may not be improper to observe here, that great care has been taken to preserve the Psa ms and Hymns of Dr. Watts entire; at the same time, by a careful comparison of the best editions both European and American, not a few of the typographical errors, and other altera. tions, which have been accumulating for years, have been corrected. It ought also to be distinctly noticed, that the number of each Psalm and Hymn in the com-mon editions, is preserved in a conspicuous place, in this; so that, by referring to the directions, and the Tables of Numbers which follow this Preface, no inconvenience will be occasioned by the promiscuous use of this with the old editions of Watts. The tunes named over each Psalm and Hymn, are such as have received the approbation of some of the best judges of musick. For the selection of them, the subscriber acknowledges himself chiefly indebted to Mr. Jonathan Huntington, a teacher of musick, who cheerfully undertook the task, at the request of the Standing Committee of the Handel and Haydn Society in this town. The advantages which Ministers and private Christians may derive from this Arrangement; and especially from the enlarged Indexes both of subjects and seriptures, which are attached to it, wili, it is thought, best recommend it. It is not presumed to be perfect, though it is hoped.. no errors of magnitude have crept into it., Such as it is, it is humbly commended to the candour of an enlightened Christian publick; and especially to the blessing of Him, who is "fearful in praises," with a fervent desire that it may be instrumental in promoting the interests of piety, and the cause of sacred devotion. JAMES M. WINCHELL.. Boston, November, 1818. NOTE. 1. The Hymns and Psalms may be found as usual, by the Index of first lines. 2. This Table gives the numerical order of the former Editions, and the corresponding numbers in the Arrangement. Thus, ist Psalm, C. M. is 380, that is, 380 of the Arrangement; 2d Psalm, S. M. is 146 of the Arrangement. |