135 111 583 139 113 167 45 130 112 46 209 113 655 114 114 140 337 168 115 141 508 109 121 142 270 170 611 The figures express the Number of the Hymns and Psalms as they are now arranged. Amidst thy wrath remember love Among the assemblies of the great Among the princes earthly gods And are we wretches yet alive 387 Bless'd with the joys of innocence 564 Blood has a voice to pierce the skies 360 Bright King of glory, dreadful God 594 Broad is the road that leads to death 181 164 102 189 Behold thy waiting servant, Lord And must this body die And now the scales have left mine eyes And will the God of grace Are all the foes of Sion fools Are sinners now so senseless grown Arise my soul my joyful powers Backward with humble shame we look Behold the love, the generous love Behold the morning sun Behold the wretch whose lust and wine grace Pless'd are the humble souls that see 642 335 Can creatures to perfection find 466 Children in years and knowledge young 469 Christ and his cross is all our theme 468 Come all harmonious tongues 385 Come children learn to fear the Lord 217 Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell 161 Come, happy souls, approach your God 527 Come hither, all ye weary souls 221 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove 202 Come let our voices join to raise 338 Come let us join a joyful tune 49 Come let us join our cheerful songs 406 Come let us lift our 177 joyful eyes 455 Deceiv'd by subtle snares of hell 108 Deep in our hearts let us record 307 Deep in the dust before thy throne 264 Descend from heaven, immortal Dove 28 565 247 136 566 430 32 253 323 427 516 154 401 126 Come let us lift our voices high 265 Come, sound his praise abroad Come, we that love the Lord 282 Consider all my sorrows, Lord 192 Death may dissolve my body now 536 Death! 'tis a melancholy day 161 Do we not know that solemn word 502 17 Down headlong from their native skies 196 370 Dread Sovereign, let my evening song 554 Best are the souls that hear and know 243 Early my God without delay 416 Blessed are the undefil'd in heart 379 Ere the blue heavens were stretch'd abroad 103 Bless'd be the everlasting God Bless'd be the Father and his love Bless'd is the man, forever blest 663 Eternal Spirit we confess --324 208 Exalt the Lord our God 26 L ix Father, we wait to feel thy grace Father, I sing thy wondrous grace 83 Firin as the earth thy gospel stands 86 87 Forever blessed be the Lord Firm was my health, my day was bright 659 Hosanna to our conquering King - 665 6.7 6:3 124 634 182 Hosanna with a cheerful sound 550 Forever shall my song record From age to age exalt his name From all that dwell below the skies 340 How are thy glories here display'd 553 533 445 From thee, my God, my joys shall rise From deep distress and troubled thoughts Gentiles by nature we belong Give me the wings of faith to rise • Give thanks to God, he reigns above- Give to the Father praise Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame Go preach my gospel saith the Lord 436 How large the promise, how divine 499 How can I sink with such a prop 250 336 512 398 122 372 235 472 503 357 355 176 402 397 458 How short and hasty is our life 667 How rich are thy provioions, Lord 399 520 236 44 98 God of my childhood and my youth 442 How vain are all things here below 316 How should the sons of Adam's race 611 24 156 521 God who in various methods told Great is the Lord, his works of might Great was the day, the joy was great Happy the church, thou sacred place - 547 I hate the tempter and his charms 8 I set the Lord before my face 45 If God to build the house deny 403 In Gabriel's hand a mighty stone 304 I give immortal praise 596 I cannot bear thme absence, Lord 572 How wondrous great, how glorious bright 327 27 376 473 In vain we lavish out our lives 257 580 Infinite grief, amazing wo 365 296 Into thine hand, O God of truth 605 206 Is there ambition in my heart 283 377 Is this the kind return 309 634 It is the Lord our Saviour's hand 619 Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims. 538 Jehovah speaks, let Israel hear 259 9 46 144 510 Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail 574 Jesus our Lord ascend thy throne 623 Jesus is gone above the skies invites his saints 511 405 490 b2 4 - Lord, how secure and bless'd are they Let all the earth their voices raise Let children hear the mighty deeds Let every creature join Let every mortal ear attend every tongue thy goodness speak Let God arise in all his might Let God the Father, and the Son Let God the Father live Let God the Maker's name Let him embrace my soul and prove Let me but hear my Saviour say Let mortal tongues attempt to sing Let sinners take their course - Let the old heathens tune their song Lo, the destroying augel flies Lo, the young tribes of Adam rise 97 My God, how endless is thy love 55 My God, my portion, and my love ceasing song shall show 159 My refuge is the God of love 541 Mistaken souls, that dream of heaven 268 113 351 551 513 My shepherd is the living Lord 183 My Saviour God, my sovereign Prince 457 308 200 560 My soul forsakes her vain delight 488 My shepherd will supply my need 165 166 633 331 404 143 My soul repeat his praise 358 4 62 321 279 630 275 342 314 579 518 433 Lord, I am thine, but thou wilt prove 240 No more, my God, I boast no more 643 201 599 Not all the blood of beasts 179 Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard 453 654 Lord, I have made thy word my choicé Lord, I will bless thee all my days Lord, I wou'd spread my sore. distress - 100 Not all the outward forms on earth 270 219 301 67 Lord, if thine eyes survey our faults - 570 Not to condemn the sons of men 232 413 Not to ourselves who are but dust 575 Not to our names thou only just and true - 271 50 405 Not to the terrors of the Lord 48 Lord, thou hast call'd thy grace to mind 363 Not with our mortal eyes -462 Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me through Lord, thou hast seen my soul sincere Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray 40 Now be the God of Israel bless'd 608 Now be my heart inspir'd to sing 298 492 496 300 133 i Lord, we adore thy bounteous hand 459 Now from the roaring lion's rage - 138 522 Lord, we adore thy vast designs 71 Now I'm eonvine'd the Lord is kind 73 Lord, we are blind, poor mortals, blind 29 Now in the gall'ries of his grace 545 225 Now in the heat of youthful blood 567 Lord, we have heard thy works of old www at first 464 Now let a spacious world arise 58 - 617 Now let our lips with holy fear 119 139 434 Now let our pains be all forgot 524 371 Now let the Father and the Son 669 612 Now let the Lord my Saviour sanile 367 100 Now way the God of power and grace Kise, rise, my soul, and leave the ground 33 Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength 639 There is a land of pure delight 374 There was an hour when Christ rejoic'd 366 - 629 626 - - 194 648 Thrice happy man who fears the Lord 25 Through every age, eternal God 254 Thus far the Lord has led me on 344 Thou God of love, thon ever blest Think, mighty God, on feeble man 14 These glorious minds, how bright they shine 657 640 422 243 128 318 345 423 Thou, whom my soul admires above 535 294 613 334 Thus di sons did the of Abra'm pass 507 553 327 Thus I resolv'd before the Lord 305 587 Thus saith the high and lofty One 581 Thus saith the first, the great command 237 261 84 Thus the great Lord of earth and sea Saints, at Saivation is forever nigh - your heavenly Father's word Shall we go on to sin Shine, mighty God, on this our land Save me, O God, the swelling floods See where the great incarnate God Shail the vile race of flesh and blood Shew pity, Lord, O Lord forgive - Sing all ye nations to the Lord Sing to the Lord aloud Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name 531 Thy name, Almighty Lord 68 Thus the eternal Father spake 437 Thus saith the Ruler of the skies 52 Thus saith the mercy of the Lord 185 Thus saith the Lord, the spacious fields 238 162 505 135 255 493 494 5 290 500 |