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HE object of a popular history ought to

events, and to teach the influence of those events upon the life, growth, and prosperity of the nation. Hence, and most emphatically with the American nationfor thank God we are a nation-it should not be confined to the mere acts of the (administrative) Government, or to the simple revolution of governmental machinery. Inventive genius; the plough and the plane; the anvil and the loom; the chisel and the pencil; the pen and the press, play just as important a part, and should find recognition. We should see something of the inner life of the nation, if we would gain any clear knowledge of the people whose history we read. We need, as much as we need the facts, the circumstances attending and necessitating those facts, if we are to accept them as lessons of the past for our guidance in the future. It is thus, and thus only, "History is philosophy teaching by example."

The leading object of a school historyand especially a school history of our own country-should be, not to give a dry presentation of facts only, but also to indicate, to the youth of our land, how these facts are connected-the events following causes, and the causes producing eventsand to point out to them the great moral and political lessons which these are calculated to teach. The writer of a school history proposes to give instruction to the young, who need as much guidance in tracing the relation of the facts which he presents, as they do in tracing the relations of the facts presented to them in philosophy or in mathematics. Hence, a school history, above all others, should not be a mere chronology of events. This is simply history with its vitals torn out, and properly comes in, after history, as a mnemonic aid, like the formulas in other sci


The author of Robert's History1 has not failed in all this, because he has not attempted it. Indeed he tells us in his preface that, "Facts only are presented, and the mind of the youthful student left in freedom as to the principles and motives

1) ROBERT'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Philadelphia: Sower, Barnes & Potts. Price 90 cents.

of the actors in this grand drama who pass in review before him."

Let us look, then, at the manner in which these facts are stated, and at some of the facts themselves. The author has followed so strictly the chronology of events, that he has failed to consider together, facts so nearly related that they could not be separated without making such a break in the narrative, as rudely to shock the mind of the attentive reader.

For instance, on page 143, "General Wayne, who had brought the war to a successful termination with the Indians northwest of the Ohio, now concluded a treaty with them." The reader is here brought to a sudden stop to inquire about that war, and then naturally asks, why was not this statement made at the close of paragraph 18, at the top of the page, where it evidently belongs? Why should the statement of the " Whiskey Insurrection," and of the "treaty with Great Britain" be interposed? A similar example is found on pages 150-1. In fact this is a fault running through the whole book. The example quoted is subject also to another criticism, to which the writer has too frequently exposed himself: "Brought the war to a successful termination with the Indians," etc. Did Wayne bring "the war to a successful termination with the Indians; or did he bring the war with the Indians to a successful termination?"

The slight credit which our author gives to Roger Williams is unjust, and the warm praise accorded to Cecilius Calvert, as the champion of religious liberty, is undeserved. It is true that Calvert guarantied freedom of religious opinion in his colony; but he never declared, as Williams did, that government had no right to meddle in matters of conscience-that errors in religion "are to be fought against with that sword, which is only in soul-matters able to conquer; to wit, the sword of God's Spirit, the Word of God." Calvert granted freedom of religious worship as a concession, as a matter of policy, in order to build up his colony; and Williams claimed it equally for all as a God-given right, which no government could infringe without usurpation. And yet Williams is passed by without a word of commendation, while Calvert is represented to have

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spent more than forty years" in establishing the principles of religious liberty, and to have met with such success as to "enrol his name among the great and wise benefactors of the human race, in all ages and in every clime."

It is strange how men will stultify themselves! On the very page (4) where this passage occurs, we are told that in a very short time after, "the Church of England was by law established as the State religion, to be supported by general taxation." This was the splendid success of an effort running through more than forty years!" No such religious liberty was established by Roger Williams; and, wanting such success, he fails in praise. Alas, poor Williams!

Page 181: "A treaty between Spain and the United States, ratified this year, ceded East and West Florida, with all the adjacent islands, to the United States, in extinction of the various American claims, to satisfy which the American government agreed to pay the claimants five millions of dollars."

Now what is the fact with regard to this Florida purchase? Simply this: Spain ceded the Floridas to the United States, and received in exchange Texas and five millions of dollars. It is true that it was stipulated that the money should be paid to American citizens having just claims against Spain. But why was the most important part of this transaction left unrecorded? Was the writer ignorant? or did he fear that if he disclosed a bargain, where so much was given, he would be compelled, for the honor of Yankee shrewdness, to state why a contract, apparently so foolish, was made? Did he not know that this was one of the most important moves in the "irrepressible conflict" which brought on us two foreign wars, and culminated in a four years' domestic war, such as the world had never seen? Did he not know that Florida was demanded for the security of slavery-that John C. Calhoun insisted that "Florida is an imperative necessity now-we can get Texas back when we want it ;" and thus overcame the opposition of General Jackson to the, otherwise, foolish trade? If he knew the truth of this transaction, so pregnant of evil, why not tell it to the youth whom he would teach? If he did not know it, then-no matter.

Page 194: "The majority, called the Law and Order Party, opposed this move

ment, insisted that any change in the fundamental charter of the State must be made by the full concurrence of a majority of the people; and denounced the Suffrage Party as guilty of high treason." We can not suppose that the author intends to falsify; and yet the mass of readers would learn from this little else than falsehood. The charter granted by Charles II. was still in force. That charter permitted only freeholders to vote. There was no provision by which the charter could be amended-the people had no power to amend-the Legislature had none. The people desired a change--a convention was called-a constitution was formed and submitted to a vote of all the citizens, a record on the ballot showing whether it was given by a freeholder, or by a citizen not a freeholder. The result was a majority of the freeholders, and also of the citizens not freeholders. The author should have said, "must be made by the full concurrence of a majority of the freeholders in an nnmixed vote"-an important distinction. The Law and Order Party did not constitute the majority of the people.

Page 197: "Such a series of wrongs were (was?) perpetrated against the colonists of Texas as compelled them to take up arms and fight for their lives and liberties." Unhappy Texans! But what were those wrongs? Here again our teacher is dumb. On the establishment of her independence, Mexico abolished slavery. This, as every well-informed person knows, was the grievous wrong which compelled the Texans "to take up arms and fight for their lives and liberties."

What is said of Kansas, and of certain matters in the administration of President Buchanan, is liable to similar criticisms.

Page 233: "Great sorrow was felt for the death of Colonel Baker, a senator in Congress from California." It has generally been supposed that Colonel Baker was a senator from Oregon; but as Mr. Roberts presents "facts only," this may have been a popular delusion.

The book contains not a word about those sterling men who first settled New England, and who, planting the schoolhouse side by side with the church, became the progenitors of a moral, intelligent, and industrious people, who have made the world their debtor for the products of inventive genius and of mechanical skill.

The self-sacrificing deeds of Lafayette,

Pulaski, and Steuben, who aided our fathers in their struggle to be free, are not held up to the admiration and gratitude of those who enjoy the blessings they helped to win.

The cool courage of Wadsworth's "Drum! drum! I say," the heroic conduct of Jasper in nailing the flag to the staff, the words of the dying Lawrence, "Don't give up the ship," are not used to furnish to the youthful mind lessons of sublime and patriotic devotion. Not a word to incite our youth to noble deeds is said of all the worthies of Revolutionary memory. Even Washington, that greatest and best of all our heroes, fails, under the influence of Mr. Robert's pen, to become, as a model, the teacher of the young, in virtue, patriotism, and true manhood.

To those wanting a portable chronological chart of their country's history, in convenient form, this book will be valuable. As a school-book, it lacks too many essential elements, and has no just claim to be called a School History.

NEXT to the teachings and the reasonable requirements of the Gospel, we know of nothing so generally and persistently neglected by the great mass of civilized mankind, as is the practical observance of those laws of physiology upon which so largely depend the preservation of life and health. And, in these latter days, so remarkable for the popularization and diffusion of knowledge, those who thus sin against themselves can claim no exemption from blame on the score of ignorance. In this country especially, where the laws of health are constantly and glaringly violated, popular treatises, school instruction, public lectures, and the columns of our newspapers, all hold up a warning finger to the reckless public, who live too fast to live long or well. And the people read, but will not heed. We have sometimes doubted whether it was worth any one's time and labor to offer any additional instruction to those who thus blindly disregard the voice of admonition and the dictates of common sense. Yet, it is, perhaps, desirable that truth should be constantly kept before the people, whether they will heed it or not. Hence, we can recommend no better medium than Dr. Jarvis' recent and admirable work on "Physiology and Health." The author, who is widely known as a statistician, and the head of a prominent estab

lishment for the care of the insane, in Massachusetts, commences his treatise with the simple statement that "every human being is appointed to take the charge of his own body. He must supply its wants, direct its powers, regulate its actions, and thus sustain his life." He then proceeds to set forth the laws of health, the powers of the several organs, the limit of their strength, the way in which they are to be developed and sustained, their proper uses, and the certain and evil consequences that follow their misapplication. All this is done clearly, logically, and in the most easy and fascinating manner. Well considered in plan, reasonable in its deductions, and admirable in style, it meets our most exacting wishes as a handbook of the science of which it treats. From preface to finis, the reader feels as if he were face to face with the author in a familiar conversation, in which the accumulated resources of years of study and experience, and practical good sense, are quietly and fully unfolded before him. Where all is so excellent, it is difficult to particularize. Yet the chapters on "Digestion and Food," "Animal Heat," "The Skin," and "The Brain and Nervous System," are worthy of the most careful consideration. For the sake of these chapters alone, we wish that every teacher in the United States could read this work. For every one concerned in the work of education, the book is pregnant with important facts and suggestions, which, properly employed, ought to bear good fruit for the rising generation.

THERE is certainly no more essential part of a nation's literature, none more characteristic and expressive of the nation's conceptions and sentiment, than its popular poetry. Not its popular doggerel, not the street-ballad, though that is very important, but its popular literary poetry, the best known and best liked poems of the great poets, such as are read, and memorized, and declaimed in school, retained, reread, and loved through life. Some of these Professor Simonson has given in his new book.3


(2) PHYSIOLOGY AND LAWS OF HEALTH. For the use of Schools, Academies, and Colleges. EDWARD JARVIS, M. D. New York: A, S. Barnes & Co., 1866. 12mo.. pp. 427. Price $1.50. (3) DEUTSCHES BALLADEN BUCH: Eine Sammlung Balladen, Romanzen, und kleinerer Gedichte von Goethe, Schiller, Bürger, Uhland, Schwab, Körner, u. A. Mit Lebensskizzen [etc.], von Professor L. Simonson, Trinity College, Hartford. Boston De Vries, Ibarra & Co. 16mo., pp. 304. Price $1.75.

As he had to make a selection, perhaps
the ballad was the best poetic form to
select. There certainly are no more popu-
lar or more beautiful poems in German
literature than Schiller's ballads, nor any
that are more satisfactory to a non-German
reader. Besides, he has also given a few
of the finest and most popular lyric pieces
of the eleven authors represented. The
biographical notices of the authors, and the
historical explanations, are valuable; and
the endeavor to make the book useful, for
æsthetic discipline, by the analysis of
several poems, is worthy of praise. We
take exception to a few general sentences
in the preface upon the nature of the bal-
lad. The student is told that the ballad
has, according to Goethe's idea, something
mysterious, but not mystic; that the latter
character lies in the subject of a poem, the
former in its treatment. "The mysterious
character of the ballad is found in the man-
ner in which it is presented. The poet
has his subject, his figures, their actions
and motions so deeply impressed upon his
mind, that he scarcely knows how to word
them. He applies therefore all three fun-
damental forms of poetry--the epic, lyric,
and dramatic-to express what is to excite
the imagination and engross the mind,"
What does this mean? What is the
plain English, or plain German, for this
subtle distinction between the mystic and
mysterious? Do good poets or bad poets
find it difficult to word their thoughts and
feelings? How much difficulty does diffi-
cult imply? Are the subject, the figures,
their actions and motions, impressed more
deeply upon the mind of a balladist than
the subject, the characters, and the action
of a play upon the mind of a dramatist?
Does the ballad-writer employ three forms
of poetry in one poem, because it is mys-
terious and not mystic? a mere matter
of presentation, though not of subject?
But an end to questions! The book is
good. We miss some poems, such as Uhl-
and's "Little Roland," and "Roland, the
Shield-bearer," yet, we are glad to testify
that it is a very satisfactory selection; the
notes are neither too few, nor too many;
the size and appearance of the book fit it
as well for the parlor-table or library, as
for the use of a class. It will be convenient
not only for the student, but for readers
of German literature who do not own all
the principal poets, or who do not wish to
look through large volumes whenever they
feel disposed to read over a favorite piece.


NOTWITHSTANDING the great attractiveness of Natural History, its study has not been properly encouraged in this country. This is partly owing, no doubt, to the defective character of such text-books as have from time to time been published. Some of these are dry and abstruse, while others are so superficial as to be unworthy of attention. Dr. Hooker's late work on this subject was a great advance, but a work containing more information concerning the classification, was necessary as a fitting complement to it. In great measure Prof. Tenney's effort supplies the want. We regret that it contains no preliminary chapter on the general structure of animals or comparative zoology. It is true, that a detailed discussion of this subject belongs rather to a work not elementary in its nature; still, some knowledge, at least, is essential to a just conception of the unity of creation. Nevertheless, the judicious teacher will find little difficulty in presenting the matter properly to his class. The book is profusely illustrated with very excellent engravings, some of which appear in the MONTHLY, in the article on "The Anthropoid Apes." The style is very agreeable, and will do much toward rendering the work popular. The mechanical execution reflects great credit upon the publishers.

PROFESSOR TYNDALL'S Lecture on Radiations is very interesting. Abstruse physical points are discussed in a manner which renders them simple, and their study not only instructive, but entertaining. Indeed, the author may justly claim the high honor of being almost the only man living who can present scientific truths in a popular manner without belittling them, or concealing their proper value. The "Rede" lecture is, in great measure, a condensation of what was said upon the same subject in the author's "Heat as a Mode of Motion," although it contains details of many new facts and experiments. The subject of the lecture is not closely followed, but many points clustering about it are carefully treated. An engraving illustrating the comparative heat in the spectrum, precedes

(4) NATURAL HISTORY. A Manual of Zoology for
Schools, Colleges, and the General Reader.
SANBORN TENNEY, A M., Professor of Natural
History in Vassar Female College.
with five hundred engravings. Crown, 8vo, pp.
540. New York: Scribner & Co. $3.00.
(5) ON RADIATION. The "Rede" Lecture, delivered
in the Senate House before the University of Cam-
bridge, England, on Tuesday, May 16, 1865. By
JOHN TYNDALL. F. R. S., Prof. Nat. Phil. in the
Royal Institution, etc. 12mo, pp. 48. New York
D. Appleton & Co. 50 cents.

the lecture. Every instructor should have the book, not only because of the immediate use he may make of it before his classes, but because of the additions which he may make to his own stock of knowledge.

MOST young men, who become instructors in physics and chemistry, enter upon their work fresh from the college, without opportunities for acquiring expertness of manipulation. They are, therefore, so superficially acquainted with the construction and use of apparatus, that in experimenting they have ill success, and frequent failures. To this class, Dr. Frick's work will prove most welcome. It is to physics what Morfit's "Manipulation" is to chemistry; but is more valuable, in that it gives not only full details concerning the use of apparatus, but also explains carefully and minutely the construction of every complicated piece, and even gives directions by which many pieces may be manufactured at little cost. This work will also prove an important assistant to teachers in many academies, where there is little apparatus and little means to procure more. The illustrations are numerous, and of a high order. The book is well gotten up, printed on tinted paper, and strongly bound. It will prove valuable to every physical experimenter.

THE publisher of Warren's well-known series of geographies has done good service to the cause of education by issuing, in the tablet form, which is so convenient and deservedly popular, and withal so cheap, a new set of School-room Maps, or Geographical Charts. The set consists of fourteen charts, mounted upon seven heavy card-board tablets. These tablets are inclosed in a portfolio. They are accompanied by a valuable Handbook for Teachers, which we shall notice at another time.

We are quite as interested in what these

(6) PHYSICAL TECHNICS; or, Practical Instructions for Making Experiments in Physics and the Construction of Physical Apparatus with the most limited means. By Dr. J. FRICK. Director of the High School at Freiburg, etc. Translated by John D. Easter, Ph. D. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in the University of Georgia, Philadelphia: Lippincott & Co. 8vo, pp. 467. $3. (8) WARREN'S GEOGRAPHICAL CHARTS FOR SCHOOLS, accompanied by a Handbook for Teachers. (Fourteen charts, mounted upon seven tablets, inclosed in a portfolio.) Price $15. J. B. Cowperthwait, Philadelphia.

geographical charts omit as in what they contain. They omit all unnecessary names and minor details, which only burden the memory of the pupil, confuse his ideas, and destroy all definite impressions.

These give complete physical maps of all the divisions of the world, as well as the important political features. While they are practically outline maps, at the same time they contain all the more important names, so skillfully arranged as not to interfere with the primary objects of such maps. The letters are not visible to the pupil from his chair, while the teacher, before his class, is emphatically "master of the situation." The coloring of the maps shows at a glance the elevations of the land; the drawings of the mountains very adroitly show their altitudes; and the signs which mark the localities of cities are so devised as to give the population of the cities.

The system of triangulations and relative measurements is certainly a great improvement upon the old method of teaching map drawing. It compels the pupil to gain a distinct impression of the general form and outline of the country under consideration, with its important mountain ranges, lakes, and rivers. This plan, properly pursued, must make the pupil so independent of the old trammels of copy, parallels, and meridians, that he can readily reproduce from memory a good map of the country.

It is impossible, in our space, to give an idea of the numerous points of advantage which may be gained by the use of these maps. We think that, properly taught, a class, in six weeks, may learn more of geography from any one of these tablets than has usually been taught during the entire course of many of the pupils in our public schools.

We notice several little mistakes, which the publisher will do well to correct in his next edition. In the zoological table, which, by the way, is very useful and complete, the habitat of rabbits includes South America. We believe that no rabbit, and only one species of hare, has been found upon that continent. In several places the coloring is defective. This can be easily remedied.

Verily, better prospects are dawning upon geography, so long neglected and so badly taught. These charts are a great advance in the right direction.

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