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Montague, Mrs., her annual dinner to chim-
ney-sweepers, 623.
Montgolfier, Messrs., 1567.

Months, Woolley's curious representation
of the, 515; ancient Cornish names of, 970.
Moody, Joe, 683.

Moon, accounts of lunar rainbows, 1229,
1230; extraordinary lunar halo, 1587;
discoveries in the moon, 1595.
More, sir T., credulity of, 425.
Morecroft, Mr. T, (the Spectator's Will
Wimble,) died, 89′′

Morris, nine men's, game called, 983, 1661.
-dancing. 792.

captain T., died, 221.

Mosely. Dr., a curious criticism of, 143.
Mother of God, curious address to, 1089.
Mountebanks at White Conduit-house in
1826, 1291.

Mountgoddard-street, London, 1137.
Mulberries, numerous kinds of, 1069, &c.
Mummers, 1645, &c.

Munden, the actor, notice of, 891.

Murder, ludicrous trial of a dog for, 198.
Murphy, Arthur, author, notice of, 797.
Museum, Leverian, engraving and notice
of, 986, &c.

Music, of a harvest cry, 1171; Canada and
America in general, deficient in vocal
music, 713; notice of the death song of
the swan, 965, 966; lottery for a fine
organ, 1453.

My son, sir," ludicrous engraving, 1542.
Mysteries, old dramas, notice of, 500.

Nanneu, the haunted oak of, in Wales, 1022.
Napoli, in Grecce, celebration of Easter in,

Naseby, battle of, original letter of Oliver
Cromwell about, 911.

Nassau, William,(first earl ofRochfort,)1376.
Naturalists' calendar proposed, 25.
Nature and art, 310.

Navy, pressing men in church for, 419.
Necton, in Norfolk, Whitsuntide festivals
established in, 669; engraving, 671.
Nelson, lord, 1343, 1356.

Neptune, personified by sailors, custom of,

Nests, attachment of birds to them, 288.
New-year's day, 5, &c.

River, impu ity of water cf, 1203; at
Hornsey, engraving of, 1311; New River
eclogue, notice of, 1551.
Newark, customs at, 161, 367.
Newbury, Berkshire, customs at, 367, 1045.
Newcastle, extract from common council
book of, 487; house of God, charity at,
Newscriers, London, 1275; a remarkable
one, ib

Newspapers, an old one for 1736, de-
scribed, 1301; an apology for not giving
the news in one, 1362.

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O'Hara family, the, a tale of, 1018.
Oaks, the haunted oak of Nanneu, 1022;
sir Philip Sidney's oak, 1032; Abra-
ham's oak at Mamre, 1033; name of
Berkshire derived from one, 1033; lot-
tery called the Royal Oak, 142, &c.
Oaths, form of the Dunmow oath, 803, 807,
at election of mayor of Garrett, 843.
Oddities, Whims and, Mr. Hood's book
called, notice of, and cuts from, 1537, &c.
Ody, Joe, 1871, 1584.

Oil used for stilling waves, 191, 254.
Old English squires or gentlemen, then
houses and mode of living, 1620, 1621,&c.

general Ben, of Nottingham, 1569.
Lady, the, picture of, 189.

Whig, the, newspaper described,

Oldham, Lancashire, hedgehogs abounding
in 1826, 939.

Opera arm-chairs, 630.
Optical illusions, 1559.

Orders, female order of merit at Paris,
696; order of fools, 1287, &c.

Orford, lord, his account of archbishop
Chicheley, 1141; and of a curious or
gan, 1451.

Organ, disposal of a very curious one by
lottery, 1451.

Orsedew, explanation of, 1263.
Osnaburg, lottery in, 1581.

Oven, heat of, resisted by Monsieur Cha
bert, 772, &c.

Owen, Glendower, 1026.

Owl and duck, cruel amusement with, 1403
Ox, Durham, complaint of, 1547.
Oxfor, gazette first published at, 1884.

Paddington, customs at, 449, 577; notice of
the old church at, 1869

Paisley. Hallow-eve fires, 1259.
Palamede, a fish highly valued, 648
PALM SUNDAY, pageants on, 390, 392.
Palmer worm, notice of, 1128.
Pancakes, 1561.

Pancras, Roman station at, 1345, 1566.
Pandolfo Attonito, or lord Galloway's la
mentation, 632.
Pantomimes, 500.

Panyer Alley, cngraving of an effigy on a
stone in, 1135.

Papeguay French amusement of shooting
at, 289, 375.

Paris, festival of cobblers at, 1054.

Parish beadle, 1553.

Parker, John, curious caligraphy by, 1215.
Parkinson, Mr., obtains the Leverian mu-
seum by lottery, 997, &c.
Parkyns, sir T., notice of, 874.

Parliaments, the only one within memory,
expiring by efflux of time, 249.

Parr, Dr. S., letter from, on king Rich-
ard's well, 1107.

Parrots, engraving of a street image of
one, 311; amusement of shooting at a
stuffed one, called papeguay, 289, 375.
Passing Bell, origin of, 135.

PASSION WEDNESDAY, celebration of, at
Seville, 401.

Patch, alias Price, Charles, lottery office-
keeper, curious memoirs of, 1470.
Paths, field, 903.

Paul Pry, letter from, 49.

Paul's Cathedral,notice of ball and cross on,
1096; dialogue between queen Elizabeth
and the dean, 1367; lottery drawn in the
church-yard, 1410.

Cross, history of, 414.
Pauntley, agricultural custom in, 28.
Peak of Derbyshire, custom of, 451; pecu-
liar rights of marriage claimed in, 637.
Peerages, now existing, prior to Henry
VII., 1109.

Peers, king William's, notices of, 1874.
Penderill family, anecdote of, 257.
Penny lottery, 1421.

Pentonville, Roman remains at, 1197, 1566.
Peppard revel, advertisement of, 678.

Pepys', Mr., notice of gathering May-dew,

Peru, harvest customs in, 1162.
Peter, the Lombard, immaculate conception
suggested by, 1609

--penny, 1819.

Peter's, St., at Rome, celebration of Easter
in, 45!.

Petrarch, his notice of the cavern of Sainte
Beaume, 1006.

Phillips, sir R., his description of Garrett,


Phrenological illustrations by Cruikshank,
notice of, 1121, &c.

Physicians, the wonderful one, 477.
Piccadilly, origin of, 381.

Pictures in churches, curious colloquy on

Pigs, the first in Scotland, humorous to
tice of, 1113.

Pilate, tradition concerning, 431.
Piper, John, notice of, 925.

Plants, machine for determining their daily
increase, 185.

Plate, lotteries for, 1409, &c.

Play-bills, one announcing Garrick's first
appearance in London, 1336; apparatus
for printing, 72.

Plays, first attendance at one described,


Ploughing, a miser's plan for, 1194.
Plumtree, Miss, her account of supersti-
tions of Brittany, 972, &c.

Poetry, establishment at Toulouse for en-
couraging, 602.

Poisons, singular case of experimenting on,

685; taken, or pretended to be so, in
large quantities, with impunity, 771.
Pol de Leon, St., account of, 971.
Polkinhorne, the Cornish champion in
wrestling, 109.

Pollard's land, in Durham, tenure of, 1044
Pomfret, earl of, 1376.

Pony, remarkable feat of one, 682.
Poor man's home, 563, 564.
Porters, fellowship, notice of, 876.
Portland, duke of, 1374.

Porto Bello, capture of, 1392.

Ports and Havens, first lottery for repairing,


Pope, Morris, a champion at single-stick

Posset at bed-time, notice of, 1623.
Post, the walking, 1593.

Pottage, Christmas, 16413.

Potteries, the, a summer scene in, 991.
Pounteney, Mrs., accomplice of Price, the
forger, 1478, &c.

Poverty, reflections on, 563, 564.

POWDER PLOT, November 5, celebrations
of, 1378, &c.

Prayers desired in a church for luck in
a lottery, 1461.

Presents, hiding of, in shoes and slippers,

Pressing for the navy in church, in reign of
queen Elizabeth, 449

Preston, Lancashire, singular collision of
flocks of birds near, 1139.
Pretorium, supposed, of Suetonius, at Pen-
tonville, 1198, 1566.

Price alias Patch, lottery-office keeper, no
tice and engravings of, 1470.

Prince of Thieves, Robin Hood the, 1687
Printers, their May festival, 627; printers
devils, 1239.

Printing, mystery of, picture of, 1240
calicoes, a chemical black for, 269.

--press at St. James's, notices con
cerning, 981.

Prisoners under sentence of death, prayers

for, 1378.

Prize-fighting, a challenge given and ac-
cepted in 1726, 780.

Prizes in the lottery, 1410, &c.
Processions, a burlesque one of freema-
sons, 523; of the chimney-sweepers, in
lieu of their old May dances, 619, of
the camel at Beziers, in France, 611
Prophecies, some relating to Easter, &c.,
455; lord Bacon's remarks on, 457.
Protestants and Catholics, mutual interest
of, 1370.

Provençal poetry, public encouragement
of, at Toulouse, 602.

Puffs, lottery, engravings and notices touch-
ing, 1503. &c.

Pulpits, 1544.

Pump with two spouts, 492.

Punch in the puppet-show, 500.
Puppet-shows, fatal fire at one, 1225
Purton, Wiltshire, customs at, 1207, 1379
Quainton, Buckinghamshire, 1611
Quakers, their address at birth of George

IV., 1087.

Queen, (harvest,) 1155, 1161.
Quirinalia, the Roman, 487.

Racing, early date of horse-racing, 539;
women riders at Ripon, 1060; a sudden
and lively foot-race at Brighton, 1257.
Raffling lottery, notice of, 1444.
Rain, Peiresc's explanation of bloody

rain, 1128; astonishing fall of, at Inve-
rary, 1215; most fertilizing in thunder
storms, 1131.

Rainhow lunar, accounts of, 1229, 1£30.
Raleigh, Nottinghamshire, custom at, 1649.
Ramsgate, custom of, 1642

Ratzburg, Christmas out of doors at, 114.
Ravens, attachment of, to their nests, 238.
Reading, a lottery at, 1411.

Recorders of London, a spring diversion of
une, 532.

Refreshment, (seasonable) engraving of, 59.
Relics, of the crucifixion, account of, 426,

in churches, curious colloquy on, 1367.
Revolution, curious one in fishes, 769.
Rhinoceros, a remarkable female one, 1605.
Riddles, one by Cleobulus, 26.
Riding, extraordinary, 1293; riding the
fair, a local custom, 1664, 1665.
Ringing of bells. See Bells.
Ripon, Yorkshire, customs at, 866, 1059.
Rivers, Brindley's answer about the use of,

Robin Hood, memoir of, 1635.
Robinson, G., fraud of, 1450.
Rochford, Essex, Lawless court at, 1286.
Rochfort, first earl of, 1375.

Rodd, Mr. T., bookseller, integrity and
judgment of, 1126.

Rogue in grain, acknowledgment of one,


Roman remains, at Pentonville and Pan-
cras, 1197, 1199, 1345, 1566.
Romans, lotteries among, 1529, 1530.
Rook, supposed poem on "The Rook" by
lord Erskine, 1139.
Roses for shoes, 1854.

Ross, Mr., actor, curious anecdote of

Rotherham, Yorkshire, accourt of swal
lows at, 1295.

Rouen, in France, pageant of the assump
tion in, 1092.

Rousey, John, aged 138, died, 731.
Rowing for Dogget's coat and badge


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Scotland, curious political drama acted be-
fore the court of, 15; superstitions in,
684; humorous account of the first pigs
in, 1113.

Scottish songs, essay on, 713; list of, 717.
Scripture, application of, 1820; curious no-
tice about inscriptions in churches, 1367
Sea, stilling its waves by oil, 192, 254;
reflections on the sea, 1258.
Sealing-wax, account of, 263.

Seals, engravings of seals of London, 258,


Sebastian, Don, belief of the Portuguese in
his coming, 87.
Sedan-chairs, notice of, 901.
Sedgemoor, battle of, 910.

Sele, Howel, notice of, 1027, 1028.
Sermons, a singular one on 30th January,
149; preaching of at Paul's Cross, 414,
415; singular title-page of one, 478.
Serpentine river, skating on, 17.
Servants, a letter written to one on parting,
187; rules for them, 226; periodical
hirings of them described, 669; treat-
ment of them in harvest, 1158, 1160.
Severndroog castle and tower, 488.
Seville, celebration of certain religious ce-
remonies in, 392, 405, 421, 436.
Sewers, common, notice of a boar lost in
one, 1118.

Seymour, Arabella, (Arabella Stuart,) no-
tice and autograph of, 730.
Shaftesbury, custom at, 611.

Shakerley, aunt, ludicrous picture of, 1545.
Shakspeare, anecdote concerning, 522.
Shaving, on passing the Line, sailors' cus-
tom of, 1394.

Shaw, Hugh, aged 113, notice of, 1007.
Sheep-shearing, notice and engraving of,

Sheffield, custom at, 1259.

Shelley, sir J., laudable practice of, 23.
Shenstone, William, poet, died, 222.
Shepherds on Salisbury Plain, indolence of,

Sherborne, bells in, notice of, 745, 1255;
Pack-Monday fair in, 1307.

Shropshire, crying the mare in, 1163.
Shrove Monday, and peas and pork, 282.
Tuesday, notice and customs of,

196, 256.

Sidney, sir Philip, notice of his oak, 1033.
Signs on alehouses, 789.

Singlestick or backsword, 1841, 1899.
Sisters, the Biddenden, engraving and ac-
count of, 442, &c.

Sistine Chapel at Rome, grand religious
pageants in, 396, 435.

Sixpence, anecdote of a lost one, 1575.
Skaith Saw, or gruel against witchcraft
still made and sold at Falkirk, 688.
Skating, earliest notice of in England, 116;
people of Edinburgh skilled in, 117.
Skeleton, a curious present of one, 1560.
Sky island, custom of, 866.

Slaves in West Indies in 1736, 1304.
Sleep, how to obtain in cold weather, 95;
walking in, cases of, 1296.

Sleeper, an extraordinary one, 96.
Slippers and shoes, hiding presents in,


Smart, Mr. G., receives two gold medals
for machines for cleaning chimneys,

Smith, Mr. J., a date in Panyer Alley en-
graved in wood by, 1134, 1135.

Snails, predicting fortunes by, in Scotland

Snow, great fall of in 1814, 101; blue and
pink shades of, 72; accounts of women
lost in, 177, 395.

Societies, united one of Master Chimney-
sweepers established in London, 619;
also a Gymnastic Society, 1568; Cecilian
Society, ib.

Somersetshire, receipt for making Somer-
setshire bacon, 813; custom about lay-
ing out lands in, 917.

Somnambulism, cases of, 1297.
Songs, Scottish, essay on, 713.

Sops and ale, local custom of, 693.

Sotheby and Leigh, booksellers, notice of,

South Downs, custom in, 1562.

Shergold, lottery office-keepers, notices of, Spectator, (The,) ridicule of lotteries in
1451, 1496.

Sheridan, R. B., 1251.

Sherwood Forest, scene of Robin Hood's
adventures, 1637.

Shirts, specimen of pride about, 859.
Shoemakers, customs among, 471, 901,
1054, 1055.

Shoes, notice of shoes and buckles, 1354;
hiding presents in shoes and slippers,
1598; engraving of a lady's old shoe and
clog, 1635.

Shore, Jane, notice of, 417.

Showers, supposed of blood, explanation
of, 1127.

Showman, engraving of the German show-
man, 1329.


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Stuart, Arabella, (Arabella Seymour,) no-
tice and autograph of, 734.
Stubbins, Dr., anecdote concerning, 1392.
Students, curious instance of one, 1068.
Studley, Royal, Yorkshire, description of,

Study, peculiar mode of pursuing, 1267.
Subscription for relief of distress, notice of,


Suffolk, customs in, 1165.

Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland, custom
in, 599.

Tenants, a remarkable one, 1256.
Tenures, an annual jocular one, 21.
Tetbury, 1561.

Texts inscribed in churches, 1367.
Thames, river, frozen over in 1814, 109.
Thanet, isle of, custom of, 1643.
Thieves, application for licence to kill
them, 1189; a remarkable one, 1942;
Robin Hood, the Prince of Thieves

Thompson, J., fraud of, 1450.
Thorn, the Glastonbury, 1641.
Threekingham, or Laundon, Lincolnshire,
notice of, 1246.

Thunder clouds, dreadful one at Java,

Thunny fishing, 647.

Thurlow, lord, letter of, 498.

Tickets, lottery, same number twice sold,
1460; divided with great minuteness, ib.
See Lottery.

Sugar-cuppers, in Derbyshire, notice of, Times, old, notice of, 1301.

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the prize-fighter, notice of, 780.
Sydenham, Mr., land-lottery of, 1446.
Swaffham, in Norfolk, custom of, 222.
Swallows in 1826, 492; notice of swallow-
singing or cheldonizing, 1111; swallows
at Rotherham, 1295.

Swan with two necks, explanation of, 958.
Swans, accounts of swanhopping, and order
for the same by the statutes and customs,
914, 958; a vicious swan, 955; their
power to contend with frost, 965; notice
of their supposed death-song, 964.
Swearing at Highgate. See Highgate.

Table Book, The, a work to succeed the
Every-Day Book, 1664.
Tale-bearing, how punished, 1562.
Tangiers, in Africa, celebration of Easter

at, 455.

Tanner, Dr., manuscripts lost by, 1617.
Tasker, William, died, 212.

Taylor, Dr. Rowland, martyred, 218.
the Whitworth doctor, 477.

Tea-kettle, trick with, 774.

Vol. II.-106.

Tissington, Derbyshire, custom of dressing
wells in, 686.

Toad-stools, singular connection of sub-
jects with, 518.

Toast, sugared, at lyings-in, 1333.
Tobacco, article on, 397.

Todd, James, death of, by a flying machine,


Toddingham, sir T., singular letter of the
famous earl of Warwick to, 1403.
Toulouse, establishments or customs at
600, 602.

Tourant, Michael, aged 98, notice of,


Towers, notice of old London watch tower,
and an engraving, 619; notice of Lam-
mas towers made of sods, 1051.
Tracy, sir W., 932, &c.

Tradesmen, emblem for, 1827
Trafalgar, battle of, 1343, 1356.
Travelling, in Ireland, 239, &c.; cheap,
curious plan for, 791.

Trees, engraving of " the Spirit's blasted
tree" in Wales, 1023; revivification of
trees, 238. See Oaks.

Trial of weights and measures, 127.
Trials, ludicrous one of farmer Carter's
dog, 188; burlesque ones, 233; trial of
the dog of Heriot's hospital, 758; an
aged witness at, 1602; "Trial of the
Royal Oak Lottery," a satire called

Trigg, Henry, curious will of, 1325.
Turkey-cock, Garrick earnestly imitating

one, 61.

Turner, Dr. Dawson, his account of the
pageant of the assumption at Rouen.

Turnstiles, notice of, 905.

Turpentine tree, the, notice of, 1034

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