Ledsham's handy helps to composition for standards v., vi. and vii., by the author of 'Sentence grammar' &c1885 |
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Ledsham's Handy Helps to Composition for Standards V. , VI. and VII. , by ... Wright T. Hoyle Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 2015 |
Common terms and phrases
allowed to cool amusements animal Arctic Circle beautiful birds bobbins boiled building called camel carat China cleaned clothing coal coil cold colour comma CORPORATION STREET cotton dead decorated with holly defence Diurnal motion Drawing Frame earth elephant exercise fastened feet flowers fruit garden gold grows heat height Helps to Parsing honey horse houses insects iron Ivory kinds knives Lancashire leather leaves LEDSHAM'S HANDY HELPS letter lime lion MANUFACTURE masticated milk morning Necessary to health Noyon obtained pieces plant plates Rhododendron rollers Roving salt seeds Sentence Grammar ships skin Slubbing soap Sperm whale Spermaceti Staffordshire streets sugar Temperate thick tiger town trees Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn tropical countries Twist Mule vegetables Warp Weft Mule Weft Ring Frame whale whalebone wheel Winding Frame wire Worcestershire Wrought iron Zones
Սիրված հատվածներ
Էջ 6 - The infinitive of the verb to be has the same case after it, as before it ; as, They believed him to be me.
Էջ 30 - Zone extends on either side of the equator, and is bounded on the north by the Tropic of Cancer, and on the south by the Tropic of Capricorn.
Էջ 6 - ... the first person, in preference to the second, and the second in preference to the third.
Էջ 6 - Three or more nouns, adjectives, verbs, participles, or adverbs, with or without a conjunction, are separated by commas ; as, "Poetry, music, and painting, are fine arts.
Էջ 12 - ... succeeds is a red berry, resembling a cherry, and having a pale, insipid, and somewhat glutinous pulp, inclosing two hard oval seeds, each about the size of an ordinary pea. One side of the seed is convex, while the other is flat, and has a little straight furrow inscribed through its longest dimension; while growing, the flat sides of the seeds are towards each other.
Էջ 7 - Calvin was educated for the Church. Calvin was born at Noyon. Noyon is in Picardy. Calvin was born in 1509. Calvin was the son of a cooper.
Էջ 8 - He was not n< ijnalnted with the use of shoes and stockings. He had never worn these.
Էջ 11 - The Greenland whale is from fifty to eighty feet long. The head is about one third the size of the body.
Էջ 17 - Steel rolled into narrow strips of the required width and thickness. Cleaned with sulphuric acid, then cut into pieces, the size of the pens to be made.