1. Our guide to Thee, the great unknown Through Him, O may our humble praise Accepted rife before Thy throne. CVIII. On ordaining a Minifter. GR REAT LORD of angels, we adore And, thro' ten thousand fons of light, 2. Amidst the waftes of time and death 3 At length, difmifs'd from feeble clay, Near himfelf- 7. Mafter (will we ever fay) 8. Grant, tho' parted, from our fight, 10. There we shall with Thee remain, CXIII. God the Glory and Defence of Sio APPY the church, thou facred plac The feat of thy CREATOR'S grace Thine holy courts are His abode, Thou earthly palace of our GOD! 2. Thy walls are ftrength, and at thy gates A guard of heav'nly warriors waits Nor fhall thy deep foundations move, Fixt on His counfels, and His love. 3. Thy foes in vain defigns engage, Against His throne in vain they rage; Like rifing waves with angry roar, That dash and die upon the fhore. 4. Then let our fouls in Sion dwell, Nor fear the wrath of men and hell; His arms embrace this happy ground, Like brazen bulwarks built around! 5 GOD is our fhield, and GoD our fun Swift as the fleeting moments run, On us he sheds new beams of grace; And we reflect His brightest praife. TAPPY the heart, where graces reign, 2. Love fuffers long with patient eye, 3. She ne'er defires nor feeks to know H APPY the man that finds the grace, The blefling of God's chofen race; 4. To pureft joys fhe all invites, 6. Happy the man who wisdom gains, 1. He owns and fhall for ever own CXVI. The Objects of a Chriftian's Defires. HAPPY the fout, whofe wishes climb manfions in the skies! He looks on all the joys of time, With undefiring eyes. 2. In vain foft pleasure spreads her charms, 3. He knows that all thefe glitt'ring things 4. To things unfeen by mortal eyes, 5. His hopes are fix'd on joys to come; Shall flourish in immortal bloom, 6. O were these heav'nly profpects mine, AND "The tall, the wife, the rev'rend head "Muft lie as low as ours." 3. Great GoD, is this our certain doom? And are we still secure? Still walking downwards to our tomb, 4. Grant us the pow'rs of quick'ning grace, To fit our fouls to fly ; 1. Then when we drop this dying flesh,.. We'll rise above the sky! *CXVIII. For Christmas Day. 4-7. TARK! the herald angels fing HA 66 66 Glory to the KING OF KINGS; 2. Joyful all ye nations rife, 3. CHRIST, by highest heav'n ador'd, Pleas'd as man with men t' appear, 5. Hail the Heav'n-born Prince of Peace! 6. Mild, He lays his glory by, 7. Come, defire of nations, come, 8. Now display Thy faving pow'r ! I. H § CXIX. Doxology. ARK! O Hark! how th' angeli hofts, Crouding unnumber'd round the throne, Join with the church, in a loud voice, To laud the FATHER and the SoN. 2. Worthy's the lamb that died, they fing Of pow'r, riches, wisdom, ftrength; With honor too and glory bless'd; And echo heav'n and earth's extent. Blefs'd be, blefs'd be, fay one and all, The SEATED on the throne and LAMB; With honor, pow'r, glory crown'd! For ever echo'd be by man! 3. |