Those that set at nought and fold Him, Pierc'd and nail'd Him to the tree; With weeping, deeply wailing; Shall the true Meffiah fee.
3. The dear tokens of his paffion, Still his dazzling body bears; Cause of endless exultation To his ranfom'd worshippers; O with what joyous rapture Gaze we on those glorious fcars! 4. Yea, Amen! Let all adore Thee, High on thine eternal throne; SAVIOUR, take the pow'r and glory, Claim the kingdom for thine own: Hofanna, Jah, Jehovah,
Everlasting God, come down!
¶ CXCI. Unfruitfulness, Ignorance, and unfanctified Affections.
ONG have I fat beneath the found
Of Thy falvation, LORD; But ftill how weak my faith is found, And knowledge of Thy word! 2. Oft I frequent Thy holy place,
And hear almost in vain ; How small a portion of Thy grace My mem'ry can retain !
[3. My dear Almighty, and my GoD, How little art Thou known, By all the judgments of Thy rod, Ard bletlings of Thy throne !] [4. How cold and feeble is my love! How negligent my fear! How low my hope of joys above! How few affections there!]
5. Great GoD, Thy fov'reign pow'r impart, To give Thy word fuccefs; Write the falvation in my heart, And make me learn the grace! [6. Shew my forgetful feet the way That leads to joys on high; There knowledge grows without decay, And love fhall never die.]
• CXCII. Praife to God. 75.
1. LORD, and God of heav'nly pow'rs, Theirs yet oh benignly outs ; Glorious King, let earth proclaim, Worms attempt to chant Thy name! 2. Thee to laud in songs divine, Angels and arch-angels join; We with them our voices raise, Echoing thy eternal praise.
3. Holy, holy, holy LORD, Live by heav'n and earth ador'd! Full of Thee they ever cry Glory be to GoD most high!
+ CXCIII. A Sinner pleading for Mercy.
LORD, at thy feet a finner lies,
And knocks at mercy's door ; With heavy heart and downcaft eyes Thy favor to implore.
2. On me, the vaft extent display Of thy forgiving love; Take all my heinous guilt away, My heavy guilt remove.
3. I fink, with all this weight oppress'd, Sink down to death and hell; Oh! give my troubled fpirits reft, My num'rous fears difpel!
4. 'Tis mercy, mercy I implore,. I would Thy bowels move; Thy grace is an exhaustlefs ftore, And Thou Thyself art love.
5. Oh, for Thy own, for JEsu's fake, My many fins forgive;
Thy grace my rocky heart can break, And breaking foon relieve!
2. My ftrength decays, my fpirits droop; Bow'd down with guilt, I can't look up: I lofe my life, I lose my foul, Except thy mercy make me whole.
3. The faviour knows what's to be fick And, tho' Almighty, has been weak : Sin he had none, and yet did die For guilty finners fuch as I.
6. Thus melt me down; thus make me bend, 4. Sin's rankling fores my foul corrode,
And Thy dominion own; Nor let a rival more pretend To repoffefs Thy throne!
CXCIV. Devoted to God.
1. LORD, by profeffion we are thine, Devoted to thy will;
O, may we ev'ry law divine
With conftant zeal fulfil!
2. From common and inferior things We now divideci ftand, Subjects unto the king of kings, And all at his command.
3. O may we always live and act, Becoming fuch a claim! And never more commit a fact Which will difgrace our name!
4. Nay, we would ftill in zeal improve, Grow more devoted still ;
Feel more the force of holy love, And better do thy will.
+ CXCV. For a Sick Perfon.
Oh! heal them with thy balmy blood! And if Thou doft my health reftore LORD, let me ne'er offend thee more! 5. Or if I never more must rise.
And death's cold hand must close my eyes; Pardon my fins, and take me home: O come, LORD JESUS, quickly come! CXCVI. We bould not anxiously pry into Futurities.
LORD, how my now mean yur ORD, how mysterious are Thy ways!
5. Yet this my foul defires to know, Be this my only with below
[request That CHRIST is mine."-This great Grant, bounteous GoD, and I am bleft.
‡ CXCVII. A good Confcience. 1. ORD, how fecure and bleft are they, Who feel the joys of pardon'd fin? Should storms of wrath fhake earth and fea, Their minds have heav'n and peace within.
2. The day glides fweetly o'er their heads, Made up of innocence and love; And, foft and filent as the fhades, Their nightly minutes gently move.
13. Quick as their thoughts their joys come But fly not half fo faft away; [on,
Their fouls are ever bright as noon, And calin as fummer ev'nings be. 4. How oft they look to th' heav'nly hills, Where groves of living pleafure grow; And longing hopes and chearful fmiles Sit undifturb'd their brow] upon
45. They fcorn to pine for golden toys; But spend the day, and fhare the night In numb'ring o'er the richer joys, That heav'n prepares for their delight. 6. But wretched men, like worms and moles, Lie grov❜ling in the dust below: Almighty Grace, renew their fouls, And they'll afpire to glory too!
+ CXCVIII. Conviction of Sin by the Law,
2. My hopes of heav'n were firm and bright But fince the precept came, With a convincing pow'r and light, I find how vile I am.
[3. My guilt appear'd but fmall before, Till terribly I faw
How perfect, holy, just and pure,
Was thine eternal law.
Then felt my foul the heavy load, My fins reviv'd again;
I had provok'd a dreadful God, And all my hopes were flain.] 5. I'm like a helpless captive fold, Under the pow'r of fin; I cannot do the good I would, Nor keep my confcience, clean. 6. My GoD, I cry, with ev'ry breath, For fome kind pow'r to fave; To break the yoke of fin and death, And thus redeem the flave!
1. LORD, how thy wonders are display'
Where'er we turn our eye! If we furvey the ground we tread, Or gaze upon the sky.
2. There's not a plant, or flow'r below, But makes thy glories known; And clouds arise and tempests blow, By order from thy throne. Creatures as num'rous as they be, Are fubject to thy care:
There's not a place where we can flee, But GoD is present there.
3. An object, which if mortal eyes Could make approaches to; They'd foon esteem their beft lov'd toys Not worth one scornful view.
4. How then, beneath its load of flesh,
Would the vex'd foul complain? And how the friendly hand fhe'd bless, Would break her hated chain ?
+ CCI. For a publick Faft. ORD, look on all affembled here, Who in thy prefence stand,
To offer up united pray'r For this our finful land!
2. If fome have oft in private pray'd Our country might find grace; Now hear the fanie petitions made In this appointed place!
3. Or if amongst us fome be met,
So careless of their fin, They have not cried for mercy yet; LORD, let them now begin.
Where pricking thorns abound; Where mortal poifons copious grow, The ftreams are dang❜rous found.
2. Yet the dear path to thine abode
Lies thro' this horrid land;
LORD! we would keep the heav'nly road,
And run at Thy command.
[3. Our fouls fhall tread the defart thro' With undiverted feet;
And faith and flaming zeal fubdue The terrors that we meet.] 14. A thousand favage beafts of prey Around the foreft roam; But Judab's lion guards the way,
And guides the ftrangers home.] [5. Long nights and darkness dwell below, With fearce a twinkling ray;
But the bright world to which we go, Is everlasting day.]
[6. By glimm'ring hopes and gloomy fears, We trace the facred road;
Thro' difmal deeps and dang'rous fnares, We make our way to Gop.]
7. Our journey is a thorny maze, But we march upward ftill
Forget these troubles of the ways, And reach at Sion's hill.
[8. See the kind angels at the gates, Inviting us to come!
There JESUS, the fore-runner, waits To welcome trav'llers home.]
9. There, on a green and flow'ry mount Our weary fouls fhall fit;
And with tranfporting joys recount The labours of our feet.
[10. No vain difcourfe fhall fill our tongue, Nor trifles vex our ear; Infinite grace fhall be our fong, And GoD rejoice to hear.]
11. Eternal glories to the KING That brought us safely thro,! Our tongue fhall never ceafe to fing. And endless praife renew.
CCIV. The Darkness of Providence. ORD! we adore thy vaft designs,
Th' obfcure abyfs of providence ; Too deep to found with mortal lines, Too dark to view with feeble sense.
2. Now thou array'st thine aweful face In angry frowns, without a smile; We thro' the cloud believe Thy grace, Secure of thy compassion still.
3. Thro' feas and ftorms of deep diftrefs, We fail by faith, and not by fight; Faith guides us in the wilderness, Thro' all the briars, and the night. 4 Dear father, if thy lifted rod Refolve to fcourge us here below Still will we lean upon our GoD, Thine arm fhall bear us fafely thro'!
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