The Sacred HarpH.F. Anners, 1831 - 240 էջ |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 68–ի 1-ից 3-ը:
Էջ 25
... soul , can this be death ? The world recedes ; it disappears ! Heaven opens on my eyes ! -my ears With sounds seraphic ring ; Lend , lend your wings ! -I mount ! -I fly ! O grave ! -where is thy victory ? O death ! -where is thy sting ...
... soul , can this be death ? The world recedes ; it disappears ! Heaven opens on my eyes ! -my ears With sounds seraphic ring ; Lend , lend your wings ! -I mount ! -I fly ! O grave ! -where is thy victory ? O death ! -where is thy sting ...
Էջ 46
... soul , and fly Straight to yonder world of joy . Joyful crowds his throne surrounding , Sing with rapture of his love , Through the heavens his praises sounding , Filling all the courts above . Spread thy wings , my soul , and fly ...
... soul , and fly Straight to yonder world of joy . Joyful crowds his throne surrounding , Sing with rapture of his love , Through the heavens his praises sounding , Filling all the courts above . Spread thy wings , my soul , and fly ...
Էջ 48
... soul . No heavenly harpings soothe our ear , No mystic dreams we share ; Yet hope to feel Thy comfort near , And bless Thee in our prayer . When tongues shall cease , and power decay , And knowledge empty prove , Do Thou Thy trembling ...
... soul . No heavenly harpings soothe our ear , No mystic dreams we share ; Yet hope to feel Thy comfort near , And bless Thee in our prayer . When tongues shall cease , and power decay , And knowledge empty prove , Do Thou Thy trembling ...
Common terms and phrases
Abide adore angels ask'd beam beauties beneath bless blest blood breast breath bright calm cheer Christ clouds coral strand dark dear death dying EDMESTON eternal eternal grace fair faith Father fear final doom flame Gilboa gloom glorious glory grace grief harp hast hath hear heart heavenly holy hope hour HYMN Jehovah Jesus King Lamb land life's light liquid sky Lord mercy MONTGOMERY morning mortal mourn mournful mountain name is Love nature and thy night numbers o'er pain peace POLLOK praise prayer reign rejoice repose rest rill rise Sabbath sacred SACRED HARP saints Saviour seraphs shades shine sigh silent sing sinners skies sleep smile song sorrow soul spirit star Star of Bethlehem Stars like dust storm stream sweet tears tempest thee thine thou art throne thy name Thy nature tomb trembling triumph Twas voice weary weep wings Zion ΑΝΟΝ