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ficient that Authors are of the irritable genus-Critics fhould be difpaffionate, fedate, and collected.

Crit. But, Sir!-I'll cramp your fame-I'll fetter it, depend on it!

Auth. Having fetters, I fuppofe, like thofe of a jailor," of all prices."

Crit. I'll ferve you up, Sir!-you'll prove an excellent treat.

Auth. I'm glad of it-I am of a humane difpofition-your whole phyfiognomy fhews that a treat is much wanted.


Crit. I'll ftrip your book of its fine coat.

Auth. Welcome-fo that you patch your own with.

Grit. I'll give you attic falt.

Auth. From a red-herring in a garret !`

Crit. Vengeance! (Exit in a fury.)

The Critic, for quitting Court, non-suited.



[From the fame.]

NY perfon inclined to contract for the removal of that well-known edifice at the west end of the town, erected of true Portland ftone, as a fpecimen of the durability of a structure raised profeffedly on Dutch principles, may deliver in proposals at the Crown and Anchor, in the Strand, any morning till the 1ft of January 1802, between the hours of nine and twelvein the forenoon. No contractor employed under Alderman Picket's city plan for pulling down Temple Bar, and its furmounting appendages, can be treated with.

N. B. Whatever ropes or Scaffolding may be requifite to make it a perfect job, will be found at the public expenfe. The rubbish to be the fole property


[blocks in formation]


Accompanied with Compofitors, Pressmen, and "Cadmi Filiolis atricoloribus"-(Anglicè Printers' Imps) Magnoque ululante tumultu.

[From the True Briton]

IND anditors lift to the difmallest strains



Ever yet manufactur'd by heads without brains! Oppofition is ready to give up the ghoft,

And what will become of the fam'd' Morning Poft?

What gallant battalions we muster'd at Campbell's *,
Of Whigs from the Senate, the ftews, and the shambles;
While at war with the French, and while Pitt rul'd the

Ah, thofe were fine times for the grand Morning Poft!
By Brinfley, Fox, Ruffell, Fitzpatrick, and Howard,
What orations were made, and what firloins devour'd!
What bumpers wafh'd down each republican toast!
All the columns they'd fill'd of the fage Morning Poft!
What invective was mix'd with punch, wine, and waffel,
How Counsellor Robinfon + fung like a throftle-

* The Shakespear Tavern.

+ The Whigs are infinitely indebted to this learned, patriotic, and tuneful counsellor, who may be deservedly styled “ The throftle with his note fo true," as he never fails to enlift harmony in the caufe of politics, and to temper the fervours of Whiggifm with the melodies of "Ballinamona Ora," and the "Grand Punchinello," performed to admiration, and rapturously applauded (as our friend J. S. Jordan informs us from the fountain, head), at the recurring feftive folemnities of their club.


What eulogy Dignum's Da Capos engross'd—
Form'd a dainty detail for next day's Morning Pof!
But fince Addington bade animofity cease,

And entwin'd round the fceptre the olive of peace,
All our wit, wine, and rhetoric, are drawn to the dregs,
And the Morning Poft travels upon her last legs.

The effect of this change, which Whig-newfmongers ru
Makes our preffmen look black, and our editor blue:
Troubled waters provide us with victuals and drink,
When the stream's undisturb'd to the bottom we link.
For the peace that won't yield us a tankard or slice,
Though most folks account it "a pearl of great price,"
Is a pearl our compofitors all difcompofes;
Other purl they have need of to fuddle their nofes.
Though united at home, and refpected abroad,
Though enmity ceafes, and faction is aw'd,
We abhor the fmooth courfe that a Minister steers,
Who no parties has left us to fet by the ears.

At the statesman, alas! whom we daily defame,

The fool's bolts that we shoot still fall short of their aim;
While our club, in the cause of infurgency flack,
Won't afford us one traitor to clap on the back!

The Whig Chiefs we extoll d, all fecede from their bands,
Whence our flummery hangs a dead weight on our hands:
We've prefcrib'd it to Grey |, but fo fulfome and grofs
Was it brew'd, ten to one but he nauseates the dose.
What if Grey, what if Sheridan, Erskine, or Jekyll,
Will scarce take a fip of our eulogy treacle;
All our patriots are not of fo fqueamish a fort,
For R-bf-n engages to lap up a quart.

After this incomparable warbler of the bar, little Dignum, whofe modefty emulates his merit, will readily content himfelf with the fecond place, and allow us to depicture him as the " Wren" in the f fubfequent line of the quotation, an image equally expreffive of the fpherical graces of his perfon and the fweetnefs of his voice.

Counf. Robinson-" The throftle with his note so true;
Mr. C. Dignum-"The wren with little quill."


See The Morning Poft of Friday, Dec. 11, 1801..


deafnefs befriend all the Treafury Bench, Stephen's when operates fo copious a drench, he raves (as our draftic-applaufe takes effect) ›pofe—I deny—I contend-I object §.”

fince R-bf-n's fo kind as to come in the nick,
wallow our praise that makes other folks fick,
r readers henceforth our old title forget,
ur paper denominate "R-bf-n's Gazette."

R-bf-n's deferts and achievements fublime,
defcant as he speaks, without reafon or rhyme;
on our paragraphs propp'd, he shall foar
e fcum when a kettle of porridge boils o'er.
hat Member with R-bf-n would vie in renown,
we once make a shift to write Addington down?
own he must go, Sirs, you know very well,
the world shall believe half the lies that we tell.

e charge is too true (we speak truth now and then), e best places he fills with the honestest men ¶;" ourselves and our friends of advancement defpair, evoutly unite in this new Form of Prayer:

y culprits give law, and be magiftrates lash'd,
pudence honour'd, and merit abafh'd;

e Minister's friends for their probity fwing,
et traitors protect our dear country and King.

e Morning Pol Editor challenges the acknowledgments of his for the epitome of political science prefented to them in this ine, in which the whole amplitude,, extent, and dimensions, ha and Omega, the fubftance, quinteffence, and marrow, the tails, and extremities of R-bf-nian eloquence are fimplified, ed, and concentrated, like the Iliad in a nut-shell. mong thofe who hold offices under the present administration, rning Poft Editor deems an invidious statement of the names of Mr. Addington's relations fufficient to ensure his recent fourevelled against the Minifter, an eafy reception with the public. ight indeed be not unfavourable to the purposes of malevolence, uld inftance three gentlemen whose abilities do greater credit to pointments they hold, or whole characters are more deservedly ed in private life.


"Let Addington's fun from our hemifphere fade,
In the zenith be R-bf-n's dark lantern difplay'd;
For when Ignorance mounts we fhall find our right level
And grumble who lift, 't will be nuts for the Devil!"
Dec. 22, 1801.



THE exiftence of a certain weight of oppofit

to thofe intrufted with the adminiftration of vernment, is frequently faid to be effential to well-being of the community; and, accordingly this fentiment is more or lefs prevalent, the dee and fall of the old Oppofition is regarded with refponding fenfations of concern and apprehenfion.

No one feems to have felt more intenfe alarm this account than the worthy reprefentative of O hampton; but the line of conduct which his app henfions have fince led him to adopt, muft fum matter of confolatory reflection to all modern Patri worshipful Whigs, and true Trojans of every dei mination.

Minifters have not, indeed, at prefent, much c to expect that their laudable exertions for the wel and profperity of the empire will be obftructed by acknowledged powers of a Fox, the genius and a men of a Sheridan, or the ability and intelligenc a Grey; but have they not to contend with the lents, the genius, and energies of all three united their redoubtable antagonift, the member for 0 hampton? The luftre of abilities, and ardour in bate, which fignalized the late Oppofition in t collective capacity, though not diftinguishable at fent in their full expanfion, ftill exift undiminif but concentrated with inexpreffible effect and t liancy in one R-bf-nian focus.

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