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completely full." He was proceeding, but a brewer's dray put an end to the comparifon, to the mortification of your conftant reader,

Aug. 30.




[From the Morning Chronicle]

As you have expreffed a defire to know my adventures in the excurfion that I took on Tuesday, Aug. 3, with Monf. and Madame Garnerin*, I am very ready to fatisfy your curiofity, although you may be difappointed by the meagrenefs of my relation. My predeceffors may convince you, that it is not easy to make a tranfition from one element to the knowledge of another; and, although you grovelling creatures on earth are extremely ignorant of the pleasures of an aërial journey, I am not quite certain that I fhall throw more light on the fubject than fome who have gone before me.

One thing is certain, and it may serve as my apology thefe journies among the skies have a tendency to confufe the ideas very much; and, although I have the advantage of my predeceffors, by having eight more lives to fpare, I affure you I was alarmed for every one of them; and my fears prevented me from making thofe curious experiments on the faculties of feeing and hearing, of which you lately had a most edifying account t. I made no improvements in catoptricks, nor faw much clearer than when in my miftrefs's kitchen; and as to hearing, unlefs it was a confufed, buzzing noife as Iicrofled the Thames, which I thought was like Pufs, pufs! I declare I knew.

*See European Magazine for Auguft 1802, p. 109.
+ See Capt. Sowden's Narrative.


not a fyllable that paffed among the crowd that I had left.

One thing, indeed, I experienced in common with my predeceffors, and that was hunger: I had eaten nothing for a quarter of an hour, and yet I felt an immoderate appetite; but, alas! I had no locker to overhaul, and neither chicken nor chicken-bone within my reach! I wifhed, indeed, to lap a little milk, and faw the cows in Tothill Fields very plainly; but, at the height I was at, they tantalized me, by appearing like piebald mice. The people, too, in the roads and ftreets I could fee very plainly-but they were no bigger than cheese-maggots. On the top of Westminster Abbey were a number of black cats affembled, as I fuppofed, to fee the triumph of their fellow-creature; but I learned afterwards that they were only the dean and chapter! I had a glimpfe, too, of our minifters clinging to the outfide of the Treafury, the flat roof of which feemed ready to give way; and you can't think how little they appeared in my eyes! Guefs, then, Sir, how much one's fight is improved; and whether it be true, as fome of my predeceffors have reported, that the farther you are from an object the better you fee it.

As to my defcent, it was tolerably rapid, and I confefs I became concerned for the cat-aftrophe of my reception. During my flight downwards, like my predeceffors, I emitted a great quantity of gas, I hardly can tell how; for when I came to the earth I had almoft loft my fenfes. I delivered my credentials, however, fignifying where I came from, and demanding to be returned, that I might fup with my friends at Vauxhall, who, I did not doubt, by this time had provided a little pic-nic for me; but I was detained for a reafon your paper has already explained.

I have haftily fcratched thefe lines, to prevent your readers being taken in with books of air-voyages,

which are fometimes written by people who know no more of the matter than I do; and if they write fo, who have affiftance at hand, what can be expected from me, who was left to myfelf with no more knowledge of aërial failing than if I had been bred to the fea?

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I am, Sir, your humble fervant,


[From the Oracle.]

ASCENDED very majestically from Fleet Market, accompanied by the acclamation of the mob, who threw ftones, cabbage-ftalks, &c. at me, in order to with me a fafe journey-Hit my head a confounded blow against the top of St. Paul's, which, though it deranged my intellects, did not affect my appetite. As I had not time to eat upon earth, inftead of making obfervations, I devoured a cold fowl, and drank two bottles of porter-Afcending higher, felt an unconquerable propenfity to the marvellous; and, after refreshing my memory by reading a page or two in Munchaufen's Travels, a book which no aëronaut should be without, I very clearly, though upwards of three miles high, difcerned a bailiff waiting for me at the corner of Chancery Lane; and fo diftinctly heard my wife fcolding the maid, for want of better employment, that the balloon was perceptibly agitated by my inftinctive trembling. Feeling myfelf as warm as a lump of butter in the dog-days, I feared being burnt to death by approaching too near the fun, and therefore prepared to defcend; but effected it fo rapidly, that, after dashing in the drolleft manner through half a dozen thunder-clouds, I found myself up to the neck in a horse-pond, 65 miles from London. A true account. July 28.

ANTHONY Aircastle.


PREDICTIONS FOR THE AUTUMN OF 1801. [From the Morning Poft]

Two WO Hibernian admirers of a charming woman fhall quarrel about her; and when they fhall be on the point of deciding their title by a duel, fhe fhall fay, "Your difpute diftreffes me, and, to reconcile you, I have chofen a third lover, and will have nothing to do with either of you more."

Three authors fhall pafs three hours together without criticifing each other's works. This phenomenon will perhaps never appear again, after fuch good-humoured authors as Cumberland, Morton, and Reynolds, fhall cease to exift.

Reports fhall be propagated at a certain wateringplace, to the difadvantage of a moft virtuous woman of fashion, while one of confummate gallantry shall be panegyrized for her chastity.-Reputations!-they are fo many lottery tickets, diftributed at the office of Public Opinion.

An elegante of the first order shall go half naked, while her coachman shall be fuffocating in the month of Auguft, within the cumbrous circumference of a double-milled great coat with half a dozen capes ; and her lapdog fhall fleep in fheets of fky-blue and rofe-coloured blankets.

The evenings on the Steine at Brighton, and the Pier at Margate, fhall be brighter than in any preceding year.The beaux fhall run after beautiful belles, juft launched from the boarding-fchool, and on coming up fhall find them feptuagenary grandmothers going to prayers.

A pretty ruftic, of feventeen, will come to town to take care of a grand houfe in one of the fquares, during the abfence of the family in the country.She will cry for two days after her mother, the cows, and her coufin Nelly; and in two months the shall

have wit, fashion, and equipage, a house, and a thousand admirers. Mr. Scrip thall call her the confolidated fund of his omnium.-A handfome face is fometimes as good as a bank in London.

A young buck fhall fpend his old fortune, and fhall difcover, on the first day of Michaelmas term, that he paid 2000l. for a girl who was not worth a crown; 2000/. for horfes that he never rode; 3000l. for a house and premifes in which he never lived; and 4000l. for fervants, without being half fo well ferved as his valet's valet-de-chambre.

As fathion always accommodates itself to the fea fon, hats ornamented with fruits will fucceed to thofe now adorned with flowers, and nothing will be more common than to fee an elegante carrying on her head, pears, peaches, and ananas, like a Covent Garden bafket-woman.

There will be fome mournings; but fome balls will diffipate the forrow. Life is a conftant vibration between laughing and weeping.

A fingular phenomenon will happen. A perfon fhall acquire a large fortune, without wit, labour, any effort of his or her own, kindnefs, or bequeft of others. This perfon will gain the 20,000l. in the Irish lottery. The like will not happen again until the lottery after.

July 23,





[From the Morning Herald.]

"Ridiculum acri

"Fortius ac melius."

WHEN on the pavement Celia fmoothly fails,
Her muflin veft is buoy'd on gentle gales;



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