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TANEY, a S. W. co. of Missouri, bordering on Arkansas, and drained by White river and its affluents; area, 1,540 sq. m.; pop. in 1860, 3,576, of whom 82 were slaves. The surface is hilly and the soil fertile. The productions in 1850 were 301,116 bushels of Indian corn, 11,557 of wheat, 38,826 of oats, and 78,585 lbs. of butter. Capital, Forsyth.

TANEY, ROGER BROOKE, an American jurist, born in Calvert co., Md., March 17, 1777. He is descended from a family of English Roman Catholics which settled in Maryland about the middle of the 17th century, and received his education at Dickinson college, Penn., where he was graduated in 1795. Commencing the study of the law in Annapolis in 1796, he was admitted in 1799 to the Maryland bar, began to practise in his native county, from which he was also elected a delegate to the general assembly, and in 1801 removed to Frederic. In 1816 he was elected a state senator, and upon retiring from that office in 1822 removed to Baltimore, where he has ever since resided. In 1827 he was appointed attorney-general of Maryland, notwithstanding his political views, which were strongly democratic, were opposed to those of the governor and council; and in the summer of 1831 he was appointed by President Jackson attorney-general of the United States. Upon the dismissal of Mr. Duane from the office of secretary of the treasury, Sept. 23, 1833, on account of his refusal to remove the government deposits from the United States bank, Mr. Taney was appointed to succeed him, and immediately issued the necessary orders for the removal of the deposits to the local banks selected by him as agents of the government. The senate, which had an anti-administration majority, rejected his nomination in June, 1834, by a vote of 28 to 18. In 1835 he was nominated by President Jackson as an associate justice of the supreme court; but the senate, being still opposed to the president, postponed the subject indefinitely on the last day of the term, which was equivalent to a rejection. Upon the death of Chief Justice Marshall he was appointed by Jackson as his successor, and in March, 1836, the senate, which had meanwhile changed its political complexion, confirmed the nomination. He took his seat upon the supreme bench in Jan. 1837, and still (March, 1862) holds the office. Of the various questions before that court with which his name has been associated, that known as the "case of Dred Scott" has gained a special prominence from the important political interests which it involves. The chief justice, while concurring in the judgment of the majority of the court, that the circuit court of the United States for Missouri had no jurisdiction in the suit brought by the plaintiff in error, Dred Scott, on the ground that the latter was not a citizen of Missouri, held, that for more than a century previous to the adoption of the declaration of independence negroes, whether slaves or free, had been regarded as "beings of an inferior order, and

altogether unfit to associate with the white race either in social or political relations; and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect;" that consequently such persons were not included among the "people" in the general words of that instrument, and could not in any respect be considered as citizens; that the inhibition of slavery in the territories of the United States lying north of the line of 36° 30′, known as the Missouri compromise, was unconstitutional; and that Dred Scott, a negro slave, who was removed by his master from Missouri to Illinois, lost whatever freedom he may have thus acquired by being subsequently removed into the territory of Wisconsin, and by his return to the state of Missouri.

TANGENT (Lat. tango, to touch), in geometry, a straight line which meets or touches a curved surface without intersecting it. In trigonometry, the tangent of an arc is a perpendicular to the radius drawn from its point of meeting the arc to the secant which passes through the other extremity of this arc.

TANGIER, a town of Morocco, near the W. entrance of the strait of Gibraltar, in lat. 35° 47 N., long. 5° 48′ W.; pop. estimated at 10,000. It is built on high ground overlooking a spacious bay, and presents a very striking appearance from the sea. It is surrounded by a wall and defended by several forts. There are several mosques and Jewish synagogues, and a Roman Catholic church. The harbor was once good and much frequented by foreign shipping, but it is now greatly incommoded by the ruins of the old mole. The principal trade of the place consists in supplying the British garrison of Gibraltar and the cities of Cadiz and Lisbon with cattle, fowls, fruit, &c.-Tangier (anc. Tingis, of which there are remains 3 m. to the S. E.) is supposed to have been founded by the Carthaginians, from whom it was taken by the Romans, and it afterward passed into the hands of the Goths and Arabs. The Portuguese took it in 1471, and ceded it to the British in 1662, who erected a mole and held the place for 22 years.

TANJORE, a district of British India, Madras presidency, bounded N. by South Arcot and Trichinopoly, E. and S. E. by the bay of Bengal, S. and S. W. by Madura, and W. by Poodoocottah and Trichinopoly; area, 3,781 sq. m.; pop. in 1851, 1,676,086. There are no harbors of any importance on the coast. The country is well watered by the Coleroon and Cavery and their numerous tributaries. The surface consists for the most part of an extensive plain of great fertility. Cotton goods are manufactured to a considerable extent, and salt is made in the neighborhood of Point Calymere. The inhabitants are nearly all Hindoos, and their castes and institutions have been more perfectly preserved than in most other parts of Hindostan.-TANJORE, the capital, is situated on a branch of the Cavery, 180 m. S. W. from Madras and 45 m. from the bay of

Bengal; pop. 80,000. It stands in a fertile plain, and consists of 2 forts and several suburbs. The greater fort is about 4 m. in circumference and the lesser about 1 m., and both are strong and well constructed. The palace, which stands in the centre of the great fort, is an ancient edifice with several high towers. The Hindoo temple in the small fort is considered the finest building of the kind in Hindostan. It is 570 feet long and 200 broad, and has a pyramidal tower 100 feet high. A colossal figure of a bull, carved in black granite, which surmounts the principal entrance, is a fine specimen of Indian art. The manufactures consist of silk, muslin, and cotton goods.

TANNAHILL, ROBERT, & Scottish poet, born in Paisley, June 3, 1774, died May 17, 1810. He was the son of a weaver, and throughout his life followed the same occupation. A volume of "Poems and Songs," published by him in 1807, became exceedingly popular; but while engaged upon a revised and enlarged edition, his health gave way, and he fell into a state of morbid despondency, greatly aggravated by the refusal of Constable to print the new work. He burned all his manuscript poems as well as those which had received revision, and finally drowned himself in a brook near Paisley. An enlarged edition of his poetical remains, with a memoir, was published in Glasgow in 1838.

TANNIC ACID, or TANNIN. The astringent principles existing in a great variety of plants which render them capable of combining with the skins of animals to form leather, of precipitating gelatine, of forming bluish black precipitates with the per-salts of iron (or if a free acid be present a dark green color), were formerly termed tannin. These substances, being found to possess acid properties, are now known as tannic acid, and various distinctive names are given to them as they are found of different chemical compositions, though agreeing in their essential properties. Thus the tannic acid derived from the gall nut is termed gallotannic acid; that of the oak, quercitannic acid; of the fustic (morus tinctoria), moritannic acid; of the cinchona, quinotannic acid, &c. The principal sources of tannin have been named in the article LEATHER, and the method of extracting it has been particularly described in the article GALL NUT, which is the most abundant source of it. Beside this variety, which is the same as that existing in the bark and leaves of many forest trees, fruit trees, and shrubs, and in some roots, as those of the tormentilla and bistort, there is another less known, as the tannin of the catechu and kino, which precipitates the salts of iron of a dark green instead of a blue color. Gallotannic acid when pure is a whitish, uncrystallizable, solid substance, without odor, intensely astringent to the taste; it dissolves freely in water, to a less extent in dilute alcohol, and sparingly in ether. It changes blue litmus paper to red, and expels carbonic acid from its compounds

with effervescence. Its composition, according to Strecker, is represented by the formula C54 H22 O34. Its aqueous solution exposed to the air absorbs oxygen, and is converted into gallic acid. Beside its use in tanning, gallotannic acid is employed to produce with the salts of iron the gallotannate of iron, which is the basis of most of the writing inks. It is also employed in medicine for its astringent property, chiefly in checking hæmorrhages, as a wash for ulcers, ophthalmic affections, &c. The combinations of tannic acid with iron and with lead have been applied in the form of ointments to the dressing of ringworms, gangrenous sores, &c.


TANSY (tanacetum vulgare, Linn.), a plant formerly cultivated for its medicinal properties, but which, escaping from gardens, has established itself by the roadsides and in waste places as a hardy and troublesome weed. It belongs to the composite order, and to that section which is known as the corymbiferæ. The roots of the tansy are perennial, the stems dying down at the end of summer; the leaves are bipinnately divided, deep green; the flower heads in dense fastigiate corymbs, of a golden yellow color, and blooming in August and September. There are two varieties; one with variegated or striped leaves and seldom seen; the other, not uncommon, with double or curled leaves, and more in repute for its mildness, being employed in flavoring puddings, &c. The medical qualities of tansy are the aromatic, bitter, tonic, and anthelmintic, for which it is sometimes used in dyspepsia, intermittents, and gout, or for expelling worms. The young shoots are used by the Finns to dye cloths green. There are several other species, chiefly belonging to the East.


TANTALUS, a Greek of the mythical period, differently described as king of Argos, Corinth, Lydia, or Paphlagonia. Having given offence to the gods, he was punished in the lower world by confinement in a lake, where he was tormented with thirst, yet could not drink, for the waters always receded from his lips. Branches laden with fruit also hung over his head, and when he stretched forth his hand to take the fruit the branches withdrew. From this name the English language has acquired the verb "to tantalize."

TAOS, a N. E. co. of New Mexico, bounded N. by Colorado territory and E. by the Indian territory and Texas, and drained by the Rio Grande and Canadian rivers; area, about 18,000 sq. m.; pop. in 1860, 14,103. It is mountainous in the W., being traversed by several spurs of the Rocky mountains. The productions in 1850 were 72,049 bushels of wheat and 26,633 of Indian corn. There were 11 churches, and 40 pupils attending public schools.-TAOS, the capital, is situated on the right bank of a small tributary of the Rio Grande, 52 m. N. N. E. from Santa Fé. It stands in a valley at the

foot of the first range of the Rocky mountains, and is divided into two parts by a rivulet. The inhabitants are nearly all Pueblo Indians, and are proverbial for their honesty and industry. TAPESTRY (Gr. Tanηs, a carpet), an ornamental figured cloth, made by interweaving upon a groundwork or warp of hemp or flax colored threads of worsted, silk, and sometimes gold and silver, or linen and cotton. It has been used from the earliest times for lining the walls of apartments, and sometimes for covering couches, tables, and other articles of furniture. The Greeks applied the name to coverings for the floor, mention of which is made by Homer. Such were also employed by the ancient Egyptians, made of woollen and linen and ornamented with various figures. These people, as also the Hebrews, attained great skill in ornamenting textile fabrics by embroidery. (See EMBROIDERY.) The ornaments were formed by colored yarns worked in by the hand, and also by the loom, and in the finer specimens of the art threads of gold were introduced; and among the eastern nations the richest fabrics were studded with rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and pearls. These were hung around the inner walls of the temples, and used for lining private apartments and for the coverings of couches. The art was early introduced into France, and when Clovis in 496 adopted the Christian religion, it is stated that not only were the churches adorned with rich tapestries, but the streets themselves were curtained with them. The aid of the loom was introduced about the 9th century, but the fabrication of tapestries with the needle continued to be the chief occupation of females during a large portion of the middle ages. Up to the 12th century the use of tapestry was limited to the adornment of churches and monasteries; but after this period it began to be adopted in the dwellings of the nobility, in imitation, it is supposed, of the customs prevailing in the East, with which the crusades had made the people of the western countries familiar. The tapestry suspended in front of the walls served not merely as a protection from the cold and dampness of the stone, but it commemorated, in the designs skilfully executed by the ladies of the family, the heroic deeds of their ancestors, and was a grateful memorial to be transmitted to successive generations. In France the workmen employed in the manufacture were originally called sarazins and sarazinois, indicating the origin of the art as derived from the Saracens. The finest work in the 14th and 15th centuries was produced by the Flemings, and about this period the principal manufactories in the west of Europe were at Bruges, Antwerp, Arras (whence the name arras, generally applied to tapestry in England in the middle ages), Brussels, Lille, Tournay, and Valenciennes. Florence and Venice at that time produced tapestry more rich and costly than that made in the French cities; but in the 16th century the more ornamental work with threads

of gold and silver was introduced in the celebrated manufacture of Fontainebleau. The manufacture of Gobelin tapestry established by Louis XIV. is still carried on in the greatest perfection. (See GOBELINS.)-The working of tapestry was practised with much skill in England in the time of William the Conqueror. Mention is made of silken curtains embroidered in gold, and one of the most famous pieces of ancient tapestry is the Bayeux tapestry, worked with wool upon linen by Queen Matilda and her maidens, commemorating in its designs the conquest of England. This piece of work was 214 feet long and 20 inches wide, in 72 divisions, each with a Latin superscription. In former times it was exhibited once a year for a short period in church, and then locked up. Napoleon caused it to be exhibited in several of the French cities in 1803, and then transferred it to the municipality of Bayeux. (See BAYEUX TAPESTRY.) Works of this character gradually became more common, and about the end of the reign of Henry VIII. the art of weaving tapestry is said to have been introduced into England. In the reign of James I. the manufacture was established at Mortlake in Surrey, and was sustained by the patronage of Kings James and Charles. For the earlier designs old patterns were employed, but afterward original historical and grotesque scenes were furnished in great perfection by Francis Cleyn. The tapestry hangings were arranged in the houses upon hooks, so as to hang a little out from the wall, thus admitting the concealment of a person behind them. Upon special occasions tapestry hangings were forwarded from one place to another, for temporary display.The method of weaving tapestry in what is called the haute-lisse or high warp, as practised in France, has been described in the article GOBELINS. This method is distinguished by the warp threads being arranged vertically in a frame, and by the weaver standing behind them while he conducts the work. By the other method, known as the basse-lisse, the warp threads are arranged horizontally, with the painting to be copied under them. The weaver, sitting in front of the frame, observes the pattern through the threads, which he occasionally parts with his fingers, and then depressing the treadles, he introduces the colored thread or worsted by means of a shuttle called a flûte, and drives the weft thus introduced close up with the teeth of a sort of comb. As the face of the work is on the under side and cannot be seen until the whole is finished, the other or haute-lisse is generally preferred. By either method the work is very slowly conducted. Tapestry is now woven in pieces of any desired breadth; but formerly the frames were so narrow that it was necessary to unite different breadths together, and this was done so skilfully that no imperfection was perceived in the design. TAPEWORM. See ENTOZOA, vol. vii. p.



TAPIR (tapirus, Cuv.), a genus of pachyderm mammals, characterized by a nose prolonged into a short, movable proboscis; skin very thick and covered with close short hair, the neck furnished with a kind of stiff mane; tail very short; ears small, erect, and pig-like; 4 toes on the fore and 3 on the hind feet, separate and ending in nail-like hoofs; skull pyramidal as in the hog, with the nasal bones much arched for the muscles of the proboscis; teeth, 6 incisors and 2 small canines in each jaw, and molars 14 above and 12 below. The tapirs have nothing of the majestic appearance and sagacity of the elephant, and the proboscis can hardly be called a prehensile organ; they look more like hogs, but the legs are longer; they inhabit the moist tropical forests of South America and of the Malayan peninsula and archipelago, usually sleeping by day in retired places, and feeding at night on fruits, grasses, and other vegetable substances, though they are as omnivorous and gluttonous as the hog; like their congeners, they are fond of rolling in the mud and water, and are excellent swimmers; they are naturally of gentle disposition and easily tamed; when pursued they take to the water if possible, where they easily defend themselves with the teeth; on land they do not go by open paths, but break through the thick undergrowth of the woods by their powerful and wedge-like head, in this way escaping the larger carnivora; they have an acute sense of hearing and of sight, and are strong and tenacious of life; their flesh is eaten both in South America and Asia. The best known species is the American tapir (T. Americanus, Cuv.), about 6 feet long and 3 high, of a uniform brown color, tinged with gray on the head and chest. It is found over almost the whole extent of South America east of the Andes, and its herds sometimes do great mischief by trampling down cultivated fields; it has only one young at a birth, and in November. The T. villosus (Wagl.), found upon the high Andes, differs from the preceding in having much longer hair; it is but little known, and may be a mere variety caused by a colder climate and less succulent food; it was called T. pinchaque by Roulin, who first described it. The Asiatic tapir (T. Malayanus, Horsf.) is 7 or 8 feet long, with the hind parts of the body white, and the anterior and the legs black; the trunk is 7 or 8 inches long, the eyes very small, and the rounded ears bordered with white; though the largest, it is the gentlest of the genus. Fossil species are found in the tertiary formations of central Europe; the tapir appears to be connected with the swine by the extinct palæotherium.


TAPPAN, DAVID, D.D., an American clergyman, born at Manchester, Mass., April 21, 1753, died Aug. 21, 1803. He was graduated at Harvard college in 1771, and, after studying theology more than two years, commenced preaching, and in April, 1774, became pastor of a church in Newbury, Mass. In 1792 he

was chosen professor of divinity in Harvard college, and held that position till his death. He published during his life about 30 occasional sermons and addresses, and in 1807 two posthumous 8vo. volumes appeared, the one containing a selection from his sermons, the other a course of lectures on Jewish antiquities. TAPPAN, HENRY PHILIP, D.D., LL.D., an American clergyman, born at Rhinebeck, N. Y., in the early part of the present century. He was graduated at Union college in 1825, and, after studying two years at the Auburn theological seminary, was for a year assistant pastor of the Reformed Dutch church in Schenectady. In 1828 he was settled as pastor of a Congregational church at Pittsfield, Mass.; in 1831 resigned on account of ill health and visited the West Indies; and on his return in 1832 was appointed professor of moral and intellectual philosophy in the university of the city of New York. In 1838 the faculty resigned in consequence of troubles in the institution, and for some years subsequently he conducted a private seminary, and devoted his leisure to the preparation of works on philosophy and education. In 1851, and again in 1853, he visited Europe. In 1852 he was recalled to the chair of philosophy in the New York university, but before entering upon its duties was elected chancellor of the university of Michigan, which post he accepted and still holds. In 1856 he was elected corresponding member of the imperial institute of France, and the same year president of the American association for the advancement of education. His principal works are: "Review of Edwards's Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will" (12mo., New York, 1839); "The Doctrine of the Will determined by an Appeal to Consciousness" (1840); "The Doctrine of the Will applied to Moral Agency and Responsibility" (1841); "Elements of Logic, together with an introductory Review of Philosophy in general, and a preliminary View of the Reason" (12mo., 1844; revised and enlarged ed., 1856); "Treatise on University Education" (1851); "A Step from the New World to the Old" (2 vols. 12mo., 1852); and a large number of addresses and orations.

TAR, a thick, black, viscid material, a product of the destructive distillation of carbonaceous substances, as wood, peat, bituminous coals, and shales. It is a commercial article, largely produced, and applied to a variety of uses. It was known to the ancient Greeks, and Dr. Clarke, who describes the method of manufacturing it in the forests of Bothnia, states that there is not the smallest difference between the processes there practised and those of ancient Greece. Along the whole coast of the gulf of Bothnia the inhabitants are very generally engaged in this occupation. They make use of the roots of the fir trees, with logs and billets of the same, which they arrange in a stack of conical shape, fitted to a cavity in the ground, generally made in the side of a bank. In the bottom of this cavity is

placed a cast iron pan from which a spout leads out through the bank. The heap is covered over with turf, and is then fired, as in making charcoal. Tar collects in the latter part of the process of charring, and runs off through the spout into barrels placed to receive it. Tar is a product where charcoal is the chief object of the process, but is seldom obtained in quantities sufficient to render it an object to collect it, except in charring the resinous woods of the pine family. In Sweden, where the business is also an important one, some peculiar methods are adopted to increase the yield of tar in wood. Trees of no value for the saw mill are partially peeled of their bark a fathom or two up from the ground, not enough to kill them, but only to check their growth. After 5 or 6 years, when cut down, the wood is found to be much richer in resinous matters which produce tar. It is noticed that the condition of the weather during the process of charring may make a difference of 15 or 20 per cent. in the yield of tar. In the United States tar is produced in almost all parts of the country where pitch pine and the pinus australis are found. Along the coast of the southern states, especially of North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia, the business has been carried on upon a large scale in connection with the manufacture of turpentine, rosin, and pitch. Old trees, which have ceased to produce turpentine, and dead wood which is rich in resinous matter, are selected for the coal pits. The process does not materially differ from that already described. The product is not only sufcient for home consumption, but large quantities are annually exported. The exports of tar and pitch for the year ending June 30, 1860, were 60,623 barrels, valued at $151,404.-In the preparation of pyroligneous acid, tar is one of the products of the destructive distillation, settling in the bottom of the tanks in which the liquids are collected. The variety known as coal tar is obtained in the same way, when bituminous matters are distilled for the production of illuminating gas or coal oils. (See GAs, and PETROLEUM.) Both wood and coal tars are complex mixtures of a variety of liquids holding solid matters in solution or suspension; thus, wood tar contains the hydrocarbons included in the term eupion, and toluole, xylole, cymole, naphthaline, &c., beside a number of oxidized compounds, including creosote, picamar, kapnomor, &c. Rosin and paraffine are found among its solid contents. When its volatile products have been driven off by distillation or boiling, the black carbonaceous residue is known as pitch. The composition of coal tar is not materially different; though, as sometimes the term is incorrectly applied to coal oils, it is then described as containing all the great variety of products derived from the destructive distillation of bituminous coal as obtained from the gas works. Coal tar, the commonly esteemed refuse product of these works, may be considered in general as consisting of from 3 to 15 per cent. of light oils, from 60 to


67 per cent. of heavy oils, and from 18 to 35 per cent. of pitch; the best coals, as the cannel and Boghead, produce tar more rich in light oils, and yield least pitch.-Wood tar is thick and hard in cold weather, and softens when warm so as to flow like thick molasses. specific gravity is about 1.04. It is applied to various useful purposes. It is boiled down to produce pitch, is used to coat the bottoms of vessels to render them water-tight, and to cover rigging of ships to preserve it from the action of the weather, and is a useful lubricant for the journals of wheels. In medicine it is used internally in chronic catarrhs, and in some cutaneous diseases, as ichthyosis. The inhalation of its vapor is recommended in cases of bronchial disease, the air of a room being impregnated with it by moderately heating the tar placed in a cup over a lamp. It has been found beneficial as an external application to ulcers and various diseases of the skin. It is administered in pills mixed with flour, or in an electuary of tar and sugar. It yields a portion of its properties to water with which it is stirred, and this preparation, known as tar water, is administered as a stimulant and diuretic, and is applied as a wash in chronic cutaneous affections.-Coal tar possesses an exceedingly repulsive odor, and was long considered of no value; but it has recently been found that the heavy oils obtained by its distillation may be made to furnish a variety of singular products possessing rare properties, and affording rich colors applicable to dyeing (see MAUVE), and also flavors of various essences and agreeable perfumes. (See CARBOLIC ACID, ESSENTIAL OILS, and PERFUME.) Coal tar is now in common use as a coating for iron work exposed to the weather, and is used with asphaltum and other substances to form a tight covering for roofs and the walls of vaults, &c. Its use in preparing a fuel with the dust of mineral coal is noticed in FUEL, vol. vii. p. 782.

TAR, a river of North Carolina, which rises in Person co., and flows S. E., passing Tarborough, Greenville, and Washington, and finally discharges its waters into Pamlico sound by an estuary called Pamlico river. Its length is 140 m., or including Pamlico river 180 m., and it is navigable for small steamers to Tarborough, 85 m. from the sound.

TARANTO, or TARENTO (anc. Tarentum), & town of S. Italy, in the province of Terra d'Otranto, situated at the N. extremity of the gulf of the same name, 44 m. W. S. W. from Brindisi; pop. about 18,000. It stands upon an island connected with the mainland by two stone bridges, is defended by a citadel, and contains many good houses and fine public edifices. The manufactures include linen and cotton goods, and gloves made from the fibres of the pinna marina, procured in the gulf. purple dye of Taranto, so long celebrated, still enjoys some fame. The inner port is so choked up as to be inaccessible, while the outer one is much exposed.-Tarentum was colonized


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