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municated with them by miracle.

But gradually a different idea was entertained. Especially the moral unity of God was emphasized -the perfect harmony of the divine attributes, the perfect consistency of the divine purposes, the absolute dominion of the divine goodness. God was known and spoken of as Father, the paternal relation summing up and absorbing every other. By pursuing this idea of the divine paternity, the belief was arrived at that no power of pure malignity had an existence in the universe; that there was no personal Satan; that evil was no absolute entity, limiting, marring, or thwarting the beneficent energies of the Supreme; that the whole universe was dispossessed of demons, and belonged without reservation to the All-Good. Having reached this point, and expelled Satan from the world this side the grave, it was impossible not to go further and expel him from the region which lay on the other. Unitarianism has therefore earnestly contended against the doctrine of everlasting punishment of the wicked. While it holds no fixed or consentaneous opinion in regard to the state of being in another life, it has asserted that the state of being could not in any case be one of hopeless misery. There might be suffering, severe in degree and indefinite in duration; but it would be disciplinary, not vindictive in its purpose, and it would cease when its beneficent end was secured. Unitarians have insisted very strongly on the doctrine of retribution, but its object was never supposed to be the infliction of suffering for its own sake, or to satisfy merely the moral law; many have contended that the pain was but the necessary consequence or the inevitable concomitant of sin, enduring as long as that endured, and no longer; but the prevalent theory is probably that of the progressionists, who hold that the next life is the continuation of this, and that the soul under new conditions carries forward to its completion the process of spiritual development begun here.-The same general modification of view that characterizes the Unitarian thought in the particulars already mentioned, may be observed in the opinions respecting the Bible. The Polish Unitarians mostly held fast to the inspiration of the Scriptures, and appealed to them as final authority in all points of religious belief. The early English Unitarians did the same. The "new school" (if we may use the phrase for the sake of distinctness) do not appeal to the Scriptures as inspired and infallible oracles, but discuss religious questions on grounds of philosophy alone. Regarding the Bible as the most interesting and valuable part of the world's literature, they seek in it illustration of the spiritual laws, but not final statements of moral and religious truth. In regard to church government, it is enough to say that the congregational form is the prevalent, perhaps the only one. Each society manages its own affairs, temporal and spititual, in its own way. Councils are seldom

called, and when called they can pass no decree. Strictly speaking, Unitarianism has no established ritualism, no priestly order, no indispensable, saving sacraments. From the beginning until now the prevailing view of the Lord's supper has been that of Zwingli; and though here and there it has been taught that the communicant partook spiritually of the body of Christ, or received a special grace from the elements, these instances have not been numerrous enough to qualify the assertion that the "communion" is observed in the Unitarian churches as a memorial rite dear to the affections and sacred by association, but carrying with it no special efficacy, demanding in its participant no special holiness, and useful only as a means of cultivating the religious life. In several societies of the "new school" it has been dispensed with altogether. Greater diversity of opinion has obtained respecting baptism than respecting communion. The early Unitarians on the continent and in England opposed infant baptism, but advocated strenuously the baptism of adults. Socinus thought it of little consequence whether one were baptized or not. There are those to-day who think it of considerable moment that children should be baptized; others deem it of no moment whatever. For the most part, when observed, it is made a social household ceremony, and is cherished for the pleasing sentiment that is associated with it.-The worship in Unitarian assemblies is very simple. In 1785 the society worshipping in King's chapel, Boston, eliminated Trinitarianism from the "Book of Common Prayer," and retained the book in its altered form. In other places, societies have compiled books of worship for themselves. In most there is no book. Efforts have been made recently to render the public worship attractive by a vesper service" of a musical and devotional character. In some portions of the denomination an ecclesiastical spirit has shown itself working to reanimate the body of the church by restoring the declining interest in the institutions and ceremonies.-The progress and spread of Unitarianism has never been rapid, and such advance as it has made has been due more to the general movement of society than to its own conscious efforts. There is little recognized Unitarianism on the continent of Europe. Most of the Protestant ministers in Holland and Germany, it is believed, hold Unitarian opinions. In Paris these opinions are supported by government like other forms of faith, and one of the most eloquent preachers there, Athanase Coquerel, has for years proclaimed the Anti-Trinitarian doctrines. Recently, the writings of Channing have excited interest in Paris. In Great Britain there are about 313 congregations, of which England has 235 with 226 ministers, Scotland 6 with 5 ministers, Ireland 42, and South Wales 30. The Unitarians have 5 periodicals. Missionary operations are conducted through the British and foreign Unitarian association. The



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English Unitarians have been largely interested in philanthropic undertakings. They early es tablished the domestic mission in London; and at present they have 10 laborers at work in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool, and Halifax. Unitarianism in America had its birth and still has its head-quarters in Boston. If it goes to other parts of the country, it goes with New Englanders. There are in the United States about 263 societies, of which Massachusetts has 164, and the city of Boston 21; Maine has 16, New Hampshire 15, Vermont 3, Rhode Island 3, Connecticut 2, New York 13, New Jersey 1, Pennsylvania 5, Maryland 2, Ohio 5, Illinois 11, Wisconsin 2, and Missouri, Kentucky, Minnesota, South Carolina, Louisiana, California, and the district of Columbia, each 1. There are about 339 ministers. The "Christians" of the West, a very numerous body, are Unitarian in theology; so for the most part are the Universalists. The divinity school at Cambridge, Mass., is Unitarian, and so is the Meadville (Penn.) the ological school. The periodicals published by the denomination are 8 in number. The American Unitarian association commenced its existence in May, 1825. Its purpose was to effect "more systematic union and a concentration of labors by which interest may be awakened, confidence inspired, and efficiency produced." On the same day, without concert, a similar association was formed in England, bearing the title of the British and foreign Unitarian association. In the first year the American association received less than $1,300; now it receives annually from $12,000 to $13,000. It has assisted nearly 100 churches which required foreign aid; issued 277 tracts, in editions varying from 2,000 to 8,000 copies, making a total of 1,764,000, beside reports and miscellaneous tracts; distributed 1,100 sets of Dr. Channing's works, and 1,500 copies of Dr. Peabody's "Doctrinal Lectures" expended in 8 years for the purchase, printing, and publication of books, $43,090; employed as many as 20 home missionaries; and for several years supported a missionary in India. Closely affiliated with the association is the "Christian Book and Pamphlet Society," established by young men in 1827, which in the past 9 years has circulated gratuitously over 83,000 pamphlets and 4,500 books. The missionary and charitable societies in Boston under Unitarian support or patronage are too numerous to be particularly

mentioned here.

UNITAS FRATRUM. See MORAVIANS. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST, a Protestant church, having no ecclesiastical connection with the Moravians, with whom they are frequently confounded. They arose among the Germans in Pennsylvania about 1760. In 1752 Philip William Otterbein, a missionary of the German Reformed church, sent out to America by the synod of Holland, began to preach in Lancaster, Penn., but soon becoming convinced that he was not himself a converted man, rest


ed not until he experienced what he regarded as the new birth. This new experience led him to institute meetings during the week for prayer and religious conference. The interest excited by these proceedings, and the spiritual destitution of the country, induced him to hold, in barns and groves in various places outside of his pastoral charge, what were called "great meetings." To one of these, held at Isaac Long's, in Lancaster co., all persons who had experienced a change of heart, without respect to their ecclesiastical relations, were especially invited. A large assembly, in which Lutherans, Reformed, Mennonites, Dunkers, Amish, and Moravians were represented, convened; and among the number was found Martin Boehm, a Mennonite preacher, who had also some time before obtained what he deemed the new life. At the conclusion of a remarkably effective sermon by Boehm, Otterbein arose, and, embracing him, exclaimed: "We are brethren!" This was the origin of the name of the new church. Otterbein and Boehm labored together for more than 50 years; and as the calls for preaching became numerous, laymen selected from the converts were licensed to preach. These laborers at first held conferences at the great meetings; but when this became impraeticable, annual conferences were appointed, where preachers were licensed, examined, disciplined, and directed in their labors. In 1859 the church had 29 annual conferences; 1,150 ministers, 700 of whom were itinerant; 336 circuits; 25 stations; 224 missions, 62 of which were established in 1858-'9; 4,507 preaching places; 880 meeting houses; 3,199 classes; and 84,000 members. It has at Dayton, Ohio, an extensive printing establishment, where several periodicals and a variety of books are issued, in English and German. It owns 7 institutions of learning, viz.: Otterbein university, Ohio; Hartsville university, Ind.; Michigan_collegiate institute, Mich.; Western college, Iowa; Blandinsville seminary, Ill.; Fremont seminary, Kansas; and Sublimity college, Oregon. The United Brethren in Christ have but one grade of ministers, are Arminian in theology, and supply their churches with preaching on the itinerant plan. They have quarterly, annual, and general confer ences. The highest ecclesiastical body is the general conference, which meets every 4 years, and is composed of delegates from the confer ence districts elected by ballot, every member of the church being entitled to vote. No slaveholder, no adhering member of any secret combination, and no manufacturer, seller, or drinker of intoxicating liquors can be a mem ber of the church. They regard a change of heart as an indispensable condition of member ship. Baptism is administered by either sprink ling, pouring, or immersion, each member being permitted to exercise his own judgment in regard to the mode; infants are baptized when it is desired. Open communion at the Lord's table is practised. Until about 1825 the Unit


ed Brethren in Christ confined their labors almost exclusively to persons speaking the German language; but at present by far the greater number of the communicants speak English. They have churches in the eastern, middle, southern, and western states, in most of the territories, and in Canada. In some of the western states this church is among the largest denominations. See "History of the United Brethren in Christ," by G. Lawrence.

UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH, an ecclesiastical denomination in Germany, which arose in 1817 out of a union of the Lutheran and Reformed churches. Attempts at uniting these two churches were made as early as 1529, when leading theologians of both schools held a conference at Marburg. Though fruitless, these attempts were often renewed, and other religious conferences between theologians of the two denominations were held at Leipsic in 1631, and at Cassel in 1661. In 1703 Frederic I. of Prussia convened several Lutheran and Reformed theologians at Berlin, to discuss the practicability of a union. He erected union churches at Berlin and Charlottenburg, and had the orphans of the two denominations brought up in the same establishments; but the Lutheran clergy made a successful resistance to the progress of these schemes. A "Plan of Union" proposed by Klemm and Pfaff, theologians of Tübingen from 1710 to 1722, met with little favor. Frederic's successor, Frederic William I., issued several decrees designed to promote a union. The rise of rationalism, toward the close of the 18th century, disposed the theologians generally in favor of a union of the two churches, whose distinctive tenets, it was generally admitted, had but few believers among the clergy of either. Schleiermacher proposed to establish at first only an external church unity, and to leave the controversies of scientific theology open to discussion. The tercentenary of the reformation in 1817 led at length to the practical establishment of the union, which, however, in the opinion of many of its advocates, was to consist at first only in the establishment of a common church government and the common celebration of the Lord's supper. The leadership in this movement was assumed and has ever since been maintained by the government of Prussia. The clergy of Berlin issued a declaration in favor of the union, and a circular of the minister of the interior confirmed it, and decreed that the united church should bear henceforth It the name Evangelical Christian church. was thought that the union would be gradually and peaceably consummated by an agreement respecting a constitution, church property, and ordinary usages. It was also decided that the Lord's supper should be celebrated by a mere breaking of the bread and a faithful recitation of the words used in the original institution. For several years this work appeared to be in process of accomplishment in the several ecclesiastical corporations, sometimes by public

enactments and sometimes as the government directed, by a practical acceptance of the breaking of the bread and an acknowledgment of the authorities of the united church; but it was considerably disturbed by the introduction of a new liturgical book, the Agenda. A theological commission, appointed to compose such an instrument, accomplished nothing. The king then published an Agenda, which had been introduced by his cabinet (1822) into the court church, gave orders that it should be introduced into the garrison churches of his kingdom, and recommended it to all the con- . gregations of the realm, instead of the conflicting and arbitrary forms which had previously been used in the different provinces. Many objections were raised against the Agenda, especially by the strict Lutherans; and when in 1834 a royal decree was issued ordering its introduction into all non-united as well as united congregations of the kingdom, a number of strict Lutherans seceded from the national For several years the government church. endeavored by the suspension of ministers to coerce them back into the national church; but in 1845 Frederic William IV. conceded liberty of worship. They then organized an All the independent Lutheran church, which numbered in 1861 about 60,000 members. rest of the former Lutheran and Reformed churches of Prussia, embracing about 10,000,000 souls, are nominally connected with the There is great United Evangelical church. difference of opinion, however, as to the nature and extent of the union by which the United Evangelical church has been called into existence. One party-generally called the confederalists-under the leadership of Prof. Hengstenberg and the late Dr. Stahl, maintain that the union consists in a mere external confederation and subjection to the same general church government; that the individual churches remain Lutheran, Reformed, or (if they have ex pressly adopted the union) United; and that if the right of adhering to the old standards of the Lutheran confession should be curtailed, it would become the duty of the party to secede. A second party, commonly called the consensus party, takes for its doctrinal basis the Bible and the common dogmas of the Lutheran and Reformed confessions. It controls the theological faculties of most of the universities, not only in Prussia, but in the other German states.

Among its leading men are Nitzsch, Twesten, Hoffmann, Niedner, Tholuck, Julius Müller, Jacobi, Dorner, Lange, Liebner, Stier, Ullmann, Umbreit, Ebrard, Herzog, and Rothe. A third party, frequently designated as the union party, reject the authoritative character of the old symbolical books of both the Lutheran and the Reformed denominations, and base themselves on the Bible simply, claiming at the same time the right of subjecting the authenticity of the Old and New Testaments to critical examination. This party embraces many of the disciples of Schleiermacher, the

school of Tübingen, and a number of liberal divines of different shades of opinion. The second and third parties agreed in asking for the introduction of a presbyterian church constitution, embracing district, provincial, and general synods; but their exertions were vigorously resisted by the confederalists. Frederic William IV., who repeatedly declared his wish to restore full self-government to the national church, convoked in 1846 a general synod, in order to complete her organization. The work was interrupted by the revolution of 1848, but resumed in 1856 by another general conference, and began to be carried out upon the accession to the government of the regent, now King William I., in 1858.-The example of the king of Prussia in consolidating the Lutheran and Reformed churches into a United Evangelical church was followed in a number of other German states. Thus the union was introduced, either by resolution of synods or by a general vote, in Nassau (1817), the Bavarian Palatinate (1818), Baden (1821), and even in Würtemberg (1827), where the Reformed church had hardly an existence. The union may be considered permanently established in the Bavarian Palatinate and in Baden, in both of which the church has a presbyterian constitution, inclusive of a general synod, which in both churches is unanimous in maintaining the union. In the other state churches, in which the consistorial element still prevails over the synodal, the views of the churches and congregations on the subject have never been fully ascertained, and their final relation to the United Evangelical church can be determined only after a completion of their ecclesiastical constitution. Saxony, Hanover, Bavaria proper, Mecklenburg, Brunswick, and several other states were too exclusively Lutheran, Switzerland too exclusively Reformed, to fall in with the movement. In Austria and France a fusion of the Lutheran and Reformed churches has also many friends, but nothing has been done as yet in the way of practical execution. In the United States there is a branch of the United Evangelical church of Germany, called Evangelischer Kirchenverein des Westens, founded at St. Louis in 1841.-See Hering, Geschichte der kirchlichen Unionsversuche (2 vols., Leipsic, 1836-'8); Nitzsch, Urkundenbuch der Evangelischen Union (Bonn, 1853); Julius Müller, Die Evangelische Union (Leipsic, 1854); Stahl, Die Lutherische Kirche und die Union (Berlin, 1858).

UNITED PROVINCES. See NETHERLANDS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE, & republic in North America, lying between lat. 24° 30′ and 49° N. and between long. 66° 50′ and 124° 30′ W. It is bounded N. by British America, from which it is in part separated by the river St. Lawrence and Lakes Superior, Huron, St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario; E. by the Atlantic ocean; S. by Mexico and the gulf of Mexico; and W. by the Pacific ocean. The greatest length of this vast region is from Cape

Cod on the Atlantic to the Pacific, near the parallel of lat. 42°, about 2,600 m., and the greatest breadth from Madawaska in Maine to Key West in Florida, about 1,600 m., the mean length being about 2,400 m. and the mean breadth about 1,300 m. The line of the frontier toward British America measures 3,303 m., and that toward Mexico 1,456 m. The boundary line on the ocean, including the larger indentations, is 12,609 m., of which 6,861 m. are on the Atlantic, 3,467 m. on the gulf of Mexico, and 2,281 m. on the Pacific. With the exception of a small portion of the N. E. coast, the shores on the Atlantic and gulf are low, while those on the Pacific are mostly bold and rocky. The most important indentations are Passamaquoddy, Frenchman's, Penobscot, Cas co, Massachusetts, Buzzard's, New York, Raritan, Delaware, and Chesapeake bays, and Long Island, Albemarle, and Pamlico sounds on the Atlantic; Tampa, Appalachee, Appalachicola, Pensacola, Mobile, Black, Barataria, Atchafa laya, Vermilion, Galveston, Matagorda, Aransas, and Corpus Christi bays on the gulf; and San Francisco bay and the straits of Juan de Fuca on the Pacific. Politically the republic is divided into 34 states, 8 territories (including Arizona, not yet organized), and the federal district of Columbia. For convenience the states are generally classified by geogra phers as follows: eastern or New England states, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Mas sachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut; middle states, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware; southern states, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas; western states, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, California, Oregon. The southern and western states are sometimes also subdivided as follows: southern, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida; south-western, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee; north-western, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, California, Oregon. The date of admission of the states into the Union and of the organization of the territories, their area, and their population according to the successive decennial censuses, are shown in tables I., II., and III. The areas are derived in some instances from the result of state surveys. The total area of the states and territories, according to the report of the topographical bu reau made at the close of 1853, and subsequently revised and amended, is 2,963,666 sq. m., of which 820,680 sq. m. belonged to the republic at the peace of 1783; about 889,579 sq. m. were added by the purchase of Louisiana 66,900 by the acquisition of Florida, 318,000 by the annexation of Texas, 308,052 by the Oregon treaty, and 550,455 by the Mexican treaties. Mr. Kennedy, superintendent of the census bureau, estimates the total area at


3,230,572 sq. m. The commissioner of the
general land office in 1860 estimated the land
area of the states and territories at 2,943,257
sq. m. or 1,883,744,000 acres; or including the
Indian territory, 3,010,277 sq. m. or 1,926,-
636,800 acres. The population of the 13 colo-
nies at the breaking out of the war of the
revolution in 1775 was 2,803,000, including
Table IV. gives the
about 500,000 slaves.
number of deaf and dumb, blind, and insane
persons in the United States in 1850 and 1860;
table V., the increase per cent. of the popu-
lation of each state and territory during the 10
years next preceding each decennial census;
table VI., the nativities of the white and
free colored population in 1850; table VII.,
the capitals of the states and territories,
their population to the square mile, the valu-
ation of real and personal estate, and the
number of representatives of each state in con-
gress under the censuses of 1850 and 1860;
and table VIII., the population of all the cities
and towns of the United States having over
12,000 inhabitants in 1860. The uncivilized
Indians are not included in the census re-
turns, and the Indian territory, not forming
a component part of the republic, though
belonging to it, is not counted in estimating
the area. It has an area of 74,127 sq. m.
In 1789 the number of Indians within the ter-
ritory of the United States was 76,000. By the
acquisition of new territory this number was
raised to 129,366 in 1825, exclusive of those in
the Missouri valley; and to 400,764 in 1853,
though all the tribes have been rapidly dimin-
ishing. The numbers reported in 1853 were
distributed, as nearly as can be ascertained, as
follows: in the Indian territory, 91,428; New
York, 3,745; North Carolina, 1,600; South Car-
olina, 200; Florida, 500; Alabama, 100; Mis-
sissippi, 1,000; Texas, 29,000; Wisconsin and
Minnesota, 29,786; California, 100,000; Ore-
gon and Washington territory, 23,000; Utah,
11,500; New Mexico, 45,000; Missouri valley
(Blackfeet, Sioux, and other tribes), 43,430; the
plains, or Arkansas river (Kioways, Comanches,
Pawnees, &c.), 20,000. In Dec. 1861, the gov-
ernment held relations with 152 tribes, com-
prising 239,506 persons, of whom were fe-
males. The rivers of the United States, exclu-
sive of the St. Lawrence, which washes a por-
tion of the northern frontier, may be comprised
in four distinct classes. 1. The Mississippi and
its affluents, which drain the entire region be-
tween the Alleghanies and the Rocky moun-
tains. The chief of these affluents are, on the
E., the Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, and Yazoo;
and on the W., the Minnesota, Des Moines,
Missouri, Arkansas, and Red river.
of these rivers are streams of the first class,
from 1,000 to 2,000 m. in length, while many
of the secondary affluents have courses extend-
2. The rivers which
ing from 300 to 1,000 m.
rise in the Alleghany chain and flow into the
Atlantic. Of these, the most important, be-
ginning at the N. E., are the Penobscot, Ken-

nebec, Connecticut, Hudson, Delaware, Sus-
quehanna, Potomac, James, Chowan, Roanoke,
Pamlico or Tar river, Neuse, Cape Fear, Great
Pedee, Santee, Savannah, and Altamaha, all
of which exceed 300 m. in length, and are navi-
gable to a considerable distance from the sea.
3. The rivers of the southern slope, flowing
into the gulf of Mexico, the principal of which,
E. of the Mississippi, are the Appalachicola
and the Mobile, and their affluents, and W. of
4. The rivers
the Mississippi, the Sabine, Trinity, Brazos,
Colorado, and Rio. Grande.
which flow into the Pacific, of which the most
important are the Columbia, which has several
large affluents; the Sacramento and the San
Joaquin, which flow into the bay of San Fran-
cisco; and the great Colorado of the West,
which has its terminus in the gulf of Califor-
nia. Few countries in the world contain so
many lakes as the United States, though these
are principally confined to the northern por-
Of the five great lakes, as they are
called, the largest bodies of fresh water on the
globe, with perhaps the exception of the newly
discovered and imperfectly known lakes in the
interior of Africa, four, viz., Superior, Huron,
Erie, and Ontario, lie on the northern border,
partly in the United States and partly in Brit-
ish America, while Michigan is wholly within
the territory of the republic. So is nearly all
of Champlain, another lake of great length,
though far inferior in breadth to the five great
lakes. Near the southern end of Lake Cham-
plain, in New York, is Lake George, renowned
for its beautiful scenery, a feature equally
characteristic of a number of other lakes in the
neighboring wilderness of the Adirondac, and
of others in New England. Among the last
mentioned, the most important are Moose-
head in Maine, Winnipiseogee in New Hamp-
shire, and Memphremagog, which lies partly
in Vermont and partly in Canada. The north-
ern part of Maine is thickly strewn with lakes
of great beauty and considerable size; and in
almost every part of New England sheets of
water are abundantly found under the designa-
tion of ponds, which in Europe from their size
and beauty would be classed as lakes. The
central and western parts of New York con-
tain several large lakes, the most remarkable of
which are Otsego, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, and
Skaneateles. In the southern states lakes of
fresh water are rarely found except in Florida,
where the principal is Okeechobee, and in Lou-
isiana, where there are many lakes formed by
expansions of the numerous rivers. Of these
latter, Lakes L'Allemand and Chetimaches are
large bodies of water. In the states of the north-
west, lakes are very numerous in Wisconsin and
Minnesota; the great number and size of those
The most
in the latter form indeed one of its most re-
markable geographical features.
noted lakes in the states and territories on the
Pacific side are the Great Salt lake and Pyramid
lake in Utah, Klamath lake in Oregon, and Tu-
lare lake in California.-The principal mountain

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