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would appear insignificant but for the contrast it presents to the great regions of plains that spread from its W. flank over central Russia and from its E. side into Siberia. Its course is nearly due N. and S. over an extent, as usually estimated, of 19° or 20°, with a breadth of about 40 miles. On the S. it commences on the right bank of the Ural river at the Kirgheez steppe, in about lat. 51° N.; but high lands may be traced still further S. into the region lying between the lake of Aral and the Caspian sea. On the N. its termination is at the Kara sea, or Karskaya gulf of the Arctic ocean, though its continuation is marked in the rocky hills on the W. side of Nova Zembla. The highest summit of this portion of the range, named Glassovskoy, is about 2,500 feet above the sea. The average elevation of the Ural mountains is probably less than 2,000 feet above the level of the sea, and its highest summits do not exceed 6,000 feet. Much of the range blends so gradually into the plains at its sides that it has little of the mountainous character, and is crossed by easy roads, as that by which Ekaterinburg is reached from Russia. The highest summit is said to be Deneshkin Kamen, to the N. of lat. 60°. Other principal summits are Konskakofskoy Kamen, 5,397 ft. high; Tremel or Iremel, 5,075 ft.; Constantinov Kamen, 5,000 ft.; and Taganai, 3,592 ft. It is only in the extreme northern part that the mountains remain covered with snow during the summer. In general, the chain is clothed with forests of the gigantic pinus cembra, above which are often uplifted rugged ledges of rock of most picturesque forms, and frequently overgrown with pæonies, roses, and geraniums. The rocks of which these mountains are composed, as described by Sir Roderick Murchison, resemble those of the Appalachian mountains. The lower groups are silurian strata metamorphosed into crystalline rocks, which for the most part are talcose schists, quartzites, and limestones. To these succeed the upper silurian, devonian, and carboniferous, the strata of which are also more or less altered, though still retaining traces of their characteristic fossils. A marked contrast is observed in the appearance of these rocks on the European and Asiatic slopes. On the former the strata are indeed contorted, fractured, and partially changed; while in the centre, as on the eastern slopes, the masses consist everywhere either of highly altered and crystalline silurian strata, or of the eruptive rocks which penetrate them. It is in these formations, especially where the talcose and chloritic schists are traversed by veinstones of quartz or cut by dikes of igneous rocks, that gold is found. In the debris from these are situated the gold washings, which furnish the chief portion of this metal and of platinum to the Russian government. (See EKATERINBURG, GOLD, and PLATINUM.) There are also important mines of iron and copper; and diamonds, emeralds, and various other precious stones are found in the same region.

URANIA, one of the nine Muses, daughter of Zeus by Mnemosyne. She was regarded as the muse of astronomy, and was usually represented with a little staff pointing at a celestial globe.

URANIUM, a metal, the protoxide of which, supposed to be the metal itself, was discovered in 1789 by Klaproth in the mineral pitchblende, and was named by him after the planet Uranus, which was discovered in 1781. The metal itself was not really separated until M. Peligot obtained it in 1840 by decomposing its chloride by means of potassium or sodium. Thus produced, it is partly in the form of a black powder, and in part composed of silvery lamina which can be filed and are somewhat ductile. The metal dissolves in dilute acids, setting free hydrogen gas. In the air it undergoes no change at common temperatures; but when moderately heated it takes fire and burns with a remarkably white and shining light. So little heat is evolved, that a piece of paper upon which the burning metal is placed is not ignited. The product of its combustion is a deep green oxide. Uranium is represented by the symbol U, and its chemical equivalent is 60. In its chemical relations it resembles iron and manganese. It forms several compounds with oxygen, one of which, the black oxide (2U0, U2O), forms about 80 per cent. of the mineral pitchblende. The sesquioxide (U.O.) performs the part both of an acid and a base, and is the oxide of what are known as the yellow salts of uranium. The compounds of uranium are employed chiefly in giving yellowish hues to glass and porcelain. The peculiar yellow tint with greenish or opaline reflections seen in Bohemian glass is derived from compounds of uranium. This uranium glass is remarkable for exhibiting with great distinctness the phenomenon of "epipolic dispersion of light," described a few years ago by Prof. Stokes and Sir David Brewster. These compounds are also of great value in porcelain painting, mineral pitchblende being used to a considerable extent at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, where it is converted into uranate of soda for this purpose. It produces an orange color in the enamelling fire, and a fine black in the furnace in which the porcelain is baked. The uranate of potash is of a fine orange color, and has been proposed as a paint. It is found accompanying various ores of silver and lead in several of the mining districts of Bohemia, Hungary, and Saxony. Uranium is found in a number of other minerals in combination with lime as a sulphate or carbonate; also with copper and lime; and in the hydrated phosphate of uranium and lime, known as uranite, of which the oxide forms 62.7 per cent. The lime is sometimes replaced by oxide of copper, when the mineral, in beautiful green crystals, is known as chalcolite or copper uranite. Fine specimens of these are found near Redruth and elsewhere in Cornwall.


URBAN, the name of 8 popes, of whom the following are the most important. I. URBAN II. (ODO OF LAGNY), born in Châtillon-sur-Marne, died July 29, 1099. He was archdeacon of Rheims, and afterward provost of Cluny. Gregory VII. made him bishop of Ostia, and sent him in 1084 to the emperor Henry IV. to settle the controversy respecting investitures. He was elected the successor of Victor III. in 1088, at Terracina, as the see of Rome was occupied by the antipope Clement III. Urban was at once recognized by all the Christian princes except Henry IV., who, with all the bishops of Germany but 5, sustained Clement, and the king of England, who for some time remained neutral. The antipope had to flee from Rome in 1089, and a council convoked by Urban excommunicated Clement, the emperor, and their adherents. In 1091 Clement returned, under the protection of an imperial army, and Urban fled for protection to Count Roger of Apulia; but in 1093 he once more took possession of Rome, although one of the forts remained until his death in the hands of the antipope. By his order a council at Autun in 1094 excommunicated Philip I. of France for having repudiated his wife Bertha and married Bertrada. When Conrad, a son of Henry IV., declared himself against his father, Urban recognized him as emperor. At a synod in Piacenza in 1094, he condemned the doctrine of Berengarius on the eucharist. At the council of Clermont (1095) he called on the Christian nations to deliver the holy sepulchre at Jerusalem from the Mussulmans, and thus gave an impulse to the crusades. At the council of Bari in 1098, he made a fruitless attempt to effect a union of the Greek and Latin churches. Urban was one of the most influential popes of the middle ages. He declared the election of a pope independent of the assent of the Roman emperor, vigorously enforced the law of celibacy, and forbade bishops and priests to accept ecclesiastical offices from the hands of laymen. II. URBAN V. (GUILLAUME GRIMOARD), born in the diocese of Mende, died Nov. 13, 1370. He was a member of the Benedictine order, abbot of Auxerre in 1353 and of Marseilles in 1358, and papal legate in Naples and Sicily, and was elected in 1362, at Avignon, successor of Innocent VI. He went in 1367 to Rome, but in 1370 returned to Avignon. In 1369 the Greek emperor John Palæologus himself visited Rome, abjured the peculiar tenets of the Greek church, and acknowledged the supremacy of the pope. In 1370 Urban sent missionaries to the Tartars and an embassy to Georgia, as the churches of Georgia had joined the Greek church. He was the first pope who blessed a golden rose for princes (he presented it to the queen of Naples), and the last who resided in Avignon. He was a patron of scholars, and praised by his contemporaries as entirely free from nepotism. III. URBAN VI. (BARTOLOMMEO DI PRIGNANO), born in Naples, died in Rome in 1389. Before his accession to the

papal see he was archbishop of Bari. He was elected successor of Gregory XI. in 1378 by the cardinals assembled at Rome; but the cardinals who were residents of Avignon did not recognize him, and in union with some of the Roman cardinals, who declared his election a compulsory one, elected Count Robert of Geneva pope under the name of Clement VII. Thus began what is known as the great schism in the Roman Catholic church. Clement was recognized by France, Scotland, Spain, Savoy, Lorraine, and Naples, and he resided in Avignon; Urban was recognized by England, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Italy, Hungary, Bohemia, Poland, and the German emperor Charles IV. The two popes, with the aid of their allies, carried on war against each other until the death of Urban. When Queen Joanna of Naples, who had supported Urban with an army, abandoned his cause, the pope anointed Charles of Durazzo king of Naples; but soon he fell out with the latter also, and excommunicated him. Urban was besieged by Charles in Nocera, and fled in 1386 to Genoa and Lucca, but in 1388 returned to Rome. He ordered the year of jubilee to be celebrated every 33 years, instead of every 50 as before, and appointed the first for the year 1390. IV. URBAN VIII. (MAFFEO BARBERINI), born in Florence in 1568, died in Rome, July 29, 1644. Under the pontificate of Gregory XIV. he was governor of Fano, and under Clement VIII. papal prothonotary; in 1604 he was appointed archbishop of Nazareth (in partibus infidelium) and ambassador to Paris, in 1605 cardinal presbyter, and in 1608 archbishop of Spoleto. He was elected successor of Gregory XV., Aug. 6, 1623. He was a patron of sciences and arts, but left the government mostly to his relations, who favored France, and monopolized the most important offices. Through one of his relatives he was involved in a war with the duke of Parma in 1642, which he was obliged to conclude in 1644 by an unfavorable peace. He bestowed upon the cardinals, the three clerical electors of Germany (the archbishops of Mentz, Cologne, and Treves), and the grand master of the knights of Malta, the title most eminent (eminentissimus), which led to a long controversy with Venice. He condemned the doctrine of Jansenius and the system of Galileo, established the college of the propaganda, issued a revised edition of the Roman breviary, gave to the bull In Cana Domini its present form, and forbade priests the use of snuff in church under pain of excommunication. A volume of his poems procured him membership in the Accademia dei Gelati at Bologna.

URBANA, a post village and township, the capital of Champaign co., Ohio, at the crossing of the Columbus and Indianapolis and the Sandusky, Dayton, and Cincinnati railroads, 46 m. W. from Columbus and 98 N. W. from Cincinnati; pop. about 4,500. It is finely situated and well built, and has several manufactories, 2 newspaper offices, 2 banks, and a large union

school. It is the seat of Urbana university, founded in 1850 by the New Jerusalem church, and having in 1861 8 professors and teachers and 21 students in the collegiate department; and of the Urbana collegiate institute, a female seminary under the charge of the United Presbyterian church, having a large and elegant edifice with extensive grounds and 6 teachers. URBINO (anc. Urbinum Hortense), a fortified city of Italy, capital of the province of Urbino e Pesaro, situated on a hill, 20 m. S. W. from Pesaro, and about the same distance from the Adriatic; pop. about 7,000. It is a walled town, and has a fine government house, formerly the ducal palace, containing a collection of sculptures and antiquities; the Palazzo Albani, a cathedral, and several churches and convents. It is the see of an archbishop, and has a university, a theological seminary, and an academy of sciences and literature. It has a large manufactory of pins, and 4 annual fairs. The university was founded in 1671, and in 1860 had 20 professors and 72 students.—Urbino is a city of considerable antiquity. Pliny and Tacitus both mention it, the latter as the place where Fabius Valens was put to death in A. D. 69. Numerous inscriptions still extant prove its importance at that period. In A. D. 538 it was besieged and taken by Belisarius. After that event it continued to be a place of note, and during the middle ages was the seat of a race of independent dukes. Raphael was born here, and his house is still preserved.

URBINO E PESARO, a province of the Marches, in the kingdom of Italy, formerly a legation of the Papal States, bounded N. by Forli, N. E. by the Adriatic, S. by Ancona, Macerata, and Perugia, and W. by Perugia and the Tuscan district of Arezzo; area, 1,358 sq. m.; pop. 257,751, about equally divided between the districts of Pesaro and Urbino. The surface is mountainous. The soil, especially in the valleys, is fertile, producing various sorts of grain, flax, hemp, the olive, and the vine. The principal rivers are the Metauro, Cesano, Foglia, and Marecchia. Horned cattle, sheep, swine, bees, and silkworms are extensively reared. The province is formed from the ancient duchy of Urbino, and occupies part of the old territory of Umbria. Capital, Urbino.

URCHIN FISH. See SEA PORCUPINE. URE, ANDREW, a Scottish chemist, born in Glasgow in 1778, died in London, Jan. 2, 1857. He was educated at the universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and, having taken the degree of M.D., was in 1802 appointed professor of chemistry and natural philosophy in the Andersonian institution at Glasgow. Upon the establishment of the astronomical observatory in Glasgow he was placed in charge of it, and took up his residence in the building. In 1818 appeared his first important work, a "Systematic Table of Materia Medica," with a dissertation on the action of medicines, followed in 1818 by a remarkable paper entitled "New Experimental Researches on some

of the leading Doctrines of Caloric," which was subsequently published in the "Philosophical Transactions." Within the next few years he published a "Dictionary of Chemistry" (1821), a translation of "Berthollet on Dyeing" (1822), a "System of Geology" (1829), and numerous papers on chemical subjects. In 1830 he removed to London, and was appointed analytical chemist to the board of customs, an occupation which suggested and supplied materials for his succeeding works. These comprise "The Philosophy of Manufactures" (1835), "The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain compared with that of other countries" (1836), and his well known "Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines" (1839), which has passed through several editions in America and England, the last of which, enlarged and edited by Robert Hunt, was published in 1860 (3 vols. 8vo.). UREA. See URINE.

UREDO, a genus of entophytous fungi resembling heaps of colored dust, and escaping from the tissues of plants by the bursting of their epidermis. Their origin was for a long time a matter of much uncertainty. The subject has been lately studied with care by Tulasne, who proved them in many instances to be rudimentary forms of other fungi and imperfectly developed conditions. The uredos are very often injurious in agriculture, species being known to the farmers as bunt, smut, burnt ear, &c., when attacking the seeds of the cereals, or rust, red rag, red gum, &c., when found on the stems and leaves of grain and grasses. The subject is treated at considerable length by Burnett in his "Outlines of Botany" (London, 1835); by Prof. Henslow in the "Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society" (vol. ii., London, 1841); and by Tulasne in Annales des sciences naturelles (3d series, Paris, 1854.) A treatise by A. C. Corda on "The Brand in Cereals," with figures of the species, has been translated for the "American Journal of Agriculture and Science," by E. Goodrich Smith, and separately published (Albany, N. Y., 1847). The several species of uredo in America, in common with like cryptogamic plants of low development of structure, are identical in many instances with those abroad.

URFÉ, HONORÉ D', a French author, born in Marseilles in 1567, died in Villefranche in 1625. He was descended from a noble family, and after leaving college entered at the head of a company of 50 men the army of Henry IV. On his return he found Diane de Château-Moraud, a rich and beautiful heiress of his district, to whom he had been attached in his youth, married to his elder brother Anne d'Urfé. This couple, after living together 20 years, were divorced by mutual consent, and in order to retain the property in the family Honoré sought and obtained the hand of Diane. The lady however was so passionately fond of hunting, that she kept a large number of dogs, whom she allowed in her sleeping apartments. The insupportable smell caused by these ani

mals led him to retire to a small estate near Nice in Piedmont, where he composed L'Astrée. The first part appeared in 1610, the second in 1612, and two more in 1618; and after the death of D'Urfé a conclusion compiled from his manuscripts was added by his secretary Baro. The work was imitated by numerous authors, and from it a great number of subjects for dramas and paintings were taken. Beside this, D'Urfé wrote La Syreine, avec d'autres pièces (1611 and 1618); Epitres morales (1598, 1603, and 1620); and La sylvanire, fable bocagère.

URFEY, THOMAS D'. See D'Urfey. URI, a canton of Switzerland, bounded N. by the canton of Schwyz, E. and S. E. by Glarus and Grisons, S. by Ticino, and W. by Valais, Bern, and Unterwalden; area, 418 sq. m.; pop. in 1860, 14,761. It is divided into the districts of Uri and Urseren, and Altorf is the capital. The surface is exceedingly mountainous, many of the summits rising to an elevation of 8,000 feet above the sea, and several exceeding 10,000 feet. The best known, though by no means the most elevated summit, is that of St. Gothard, and the highest points are Gallenstock, Sustenhorn, Scheerhorn, Spannorter, Windgelle, Bristenstock, Urirothstock, and Mutthorn. The only practicable outlets from the canton are by the road to Italy, which leads over the pass of St. Gothard, 6,700 feet above the level of the sea, and by the lake of Lucerne. Some of the head streams of both the Rhine and Rhône have their rise in Uri; but the principal river is the Reuss, which rises on the S. side of Mt. St. Gothard, receives the greater part of the drainage of the canton, and flows into the lake of Lucerne after a N. course of 30 m., during which it descends 4,500 feet. The most extensive valley lies upon the banks of this stream. It is narrow and rugged about the head, but becomes wider and level toward its lower extremity. The climate is cold, and strong winds blow from the mountains with great violence. Some grain, rape, hemp. potatoes, and vegetables are cultivated in the lower grounds, and fruit, walnuts, and chestnuts are grown. The inhabitants speak German, are simple in their habits, and almost all Roman Catholics; few foreigners are found among them. The government is a pure democracy, and every male inhabitant over 20 years of age is entitled to vote for the principal officers.


URIM AND THUMMIM (“light and truth"), two Hebrew words, the application of which is disputed. According to one opinion, they denote the four rows of brilliant precious stones in the breastplate of the high priest, upon each of which was engraved the name of one of the sons of Jacob. When an appeal was made to God by the high priest in difficult cases, the divine answer was manifested in some way by means of this breastplate, or, in the opinion of some commentators, by an audible voice speaking to the priest arrayed in full pontificals. According to other critics, the Urim and Thum

mim were two images personifying revelation and truth placed between the folds of the breastplate. The first time they are mentioned in the Bible, they are referred to as things already familiar to the Israelites: "And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim." (Exod. xxviii. 30.) It is unknown when this oracular method of consulting God ceased. There is no instance of it in Scripture during the time of the first temple, and it certainly was not practised during that of the second. There is a saying among the Jews that God spoke to his people during the tabernacle by the Urim and Thummim, during the first temple by the prophets, and during the second by the Bath-Kol.

URINE, the excrementitious fluid secreted by the kidneys, by means of a structure described in the article KIDNEY, transmitted slowly but continuously by the ureters to the bladder, and there retained until the distention of the organ requires its evacuation. It is secreted from arterial blood, and expelled by the agency of the abdominal muscles assisted by the contraction of the walls of the bladder, the sphincter at its opening being relaxed during the act of micturition. Its quantity varies with the amount of water in the blood, which it regulates, also removing from the body solid matters in proportion to the waste of the tissues and the surplus of azotized material in the system. The importance of this secretion is shown by the injurious effects arising from the retention of its elements in the blood, in uramia, as it has been called. On account of the ease with which this secretion may be collected, both in health and disease, and the facility with which its ingredients may be separated by chemistry, its nature, purposes, and alterations are very well known. Fresh, healthy human urine should be perfectly transparent, amber yellow, with a peculiar but not disagreeable odor, and a bitterish saline taste; it contains a very small amount of pavementepithelium cells and mucus-corpuscles, and has a well marked acid reaction; after a time it grows turbid, with a mucous sediment, unpleasant odor, and alkaline reaction from the formation of carbonate of ammonia and precipitation of the earthy carbonates; if turbid when first passed, it may be considered abnormal. The average amount, according to Prout, passed in 24 hours by a person who drinks no more than the wants of the system require, is about 30 oz. in summer and 40 oz. in winter. It is well known that the urinary and cutaneous secretions are complementary of each other, in regard to the quantity of fluid eliminated, one being increased while the other is diminished; cold, by checking the exhalation from the skin, increases the amount of urine secreted. The average specific gravity, taking the year round, according to the same authority, is about 1.020, and according to Simon 1.012. From the varying amount of azotized food and watery fluids habitually ingested, the proportion of solid

matter in the urine may vary from 20 to 70 in 1,000 parts; taking 100 parts of solid residue, the principal components are, according to different chemists, as follows:


Uric acid..

Extractive matter, ammonia salts, and chloride of sodium.. Alkaline sulphates..

Alkaline phosphates.

33.80 to 49.68 1.40 to 1.60

29.00 to 42.60

10.18 to 11.58 4.57 to 6.88

Phosphates of lime and magnesia.. 1.50 to 1.97 -The most important of the organic constituents of the urine is urea; this is due to the metamorphosis of the azotized components of the tissues (especially the muscular) and of the blood, and gives to the secretion its characteristic properties; the amount excreted in 24 hours in a child of 8 years is about 208 grains, in the adult female 295, in the adult male 433, and in the old man of 85 years 125 grains, the great proportion in children and the small in the aged depending respectively on the rapidity and on the slowness of the interstitial changes; it is usually increased in febrile diseases, where waste is rapid and supply small. Uric acid is the next most important of the organic products of the urine; its formation is probably anterior to that of urea; it is increased by azotized food, and diminished or converted into urea by exercise. Dr. Bence Jones has shown that there is no relation between the acidity of the urine and the absolute amount of uric acid which it may contain; this acid is sometimes in excess in febrile diseases. The acidity of the secretion in the healthy state depends on the presence of the acid phosphate of soda, though in disease free organic acids are present; it increases and diminishes inversely with the acidity of the stomach. The extractive matters, except such as are convertible into urea, are rich in carbon and poor in nitrogen. The alkaline phosphates are most abundant when, from disease or excessive use of the brain, there is a too great disintegration of the nervous tissue. The earthy phosphates, though in small proportion, are very important in reference to the precipitates they form, for which see CALCULI, GOUT, and GRAVEL. Tea and coffee diminish the amount of urea and phosphoric acid in the urine, by retarding the activity of the metamorphic processes; the waste under their stimulus being less, the demand for food is less, an important fact in a dietetic and therapeutic point of view; alcohol does the same, but by obstructing the oxidation of the excrementitious matters, and causing their retention in the blood; tobacco, also, retards the metamorphosis of the tissues, and upon this doubtless depends the instinctive craving for this article when once employed, enabling a man the better to withstand a short allowance of food. Alkalies and their carbonates accelerate metamorphosis, and thus increase the solids of the urine; diuretic medicines, which cause a larger amount of fluid to be passed off by the kidneys, do not necessarily increase, but often actually diminish, the quantity of solids thus excreted. Urine, or a fluid pre

senting its essential characters, may pass off by the gastric and intestinal mucous membrane. by the lachrymal, salivary, and mammary glands, by the ears, nose, skin, and even by serous membranes; these metastases are especially frequent in hysteria.-Space will not permit here any description of the diseases of the human urine, a subject of so great interest to the physician that many volumes have been devoted to it; some of the most important of them have been noticed in previous articles. When the secretion is very abundant, it may constitute either the symptom diuresis, or the disease diabetes; when painful, it is called dysuria; when suppressed, ischuria; and when drop by drop, with pain, burning, and spasm, strangury; in Bright's disease it is albuminous, whence this affection has been named albuminuria; in one form of diabetes, it is highly charged with sugar; when the secretion cannot be retained, the symptom is called incontinence; very frequently the cylindrical linings and the fibrinous moulds of the uriniferous tubes are detected in the fluid. Man being an omnivorous feeder, his urine differs considerably from that of purely carnivorous and purely herbivorous animals; even in him it varies much according to peculiarities of diet. In carnivora it is generally acid when discharged, becoming rapidly alkaline and ammoniacal; in herbivora it is alkaline when passed, and contains a large quantity of alkaline and earthy carbonates; in carnivora it contains about 7 per cent. of urea, is clear, bright yellow, and of a specific gravity of 1.059 to 1.076; in herbivora it is turbid when passed, from the alkaline carbonates, of somewhat lower specific gravity than in the preceding, with about 1 per cent. of urea, and hippuric acid per cent. (in the ox) to 1 per cent. (in the horse). In birds the urine is a thin paste, hardening by exposure, consisting principally of urate of ammonia, that of the carnivorous families contaming a considerable amount of urea. In serpents it is a white earthy mass, consisting of uric acid with potassa, soda, and ammonia; in the bullfrog, according to Dr. John Davy, its specific gravity is 1.003, and it contains urea and chloride of sodium; in a large land tortoise, according to Marchand, it was faintly acid, looking like pus, with 6.40 of urea and 17.25 of uric acid in 1,000 parts.-Beside the authors quoted above, the following may be mentioned as giving information of great value: Berzelius, Bright, Becquerel, Dumas, Liebig, Lehmann, Frerichs, Golding Bird, Bernard, Dalton, and Draper.

URQUHART, DAVID, a British author and politician, born in Braclanwell, county of Cromarty, Scotland, in 1805. In his youth he spent several years upon the continent, and then entered the university of Oxford, where he devoted his attention chiefly to political economy and the oriental languages. In 1827 he visited Greece with Lord Cochrane, after the peace of Adrianople went to Constantino

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