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[blocks in formation]

Crusoe island, 415.

Cullum, G. W., on the attack on Wash-
ington in 1814, 430.

CUNNINGHAM, K. M. New find of fossil
diatoms, 35.

Currents of the North Sea, 22.

Curtin, R. G., on Rocky Mountain fever,

Cyprus under British rule, 576.

D. Total-abstinence teaching in the
schools, 115.

D., A. M. Poison rings, 418; phylloxera,

D., W. M. Bishop's ring during solar

eclipses, 239; date of vintage, ill. 60;
the recent cold wave, ill. 70; winter on
Mount Washington, 40.
Dakota practices, some Ojibwa and, 526.
DALL, W. H. Distribution of colors in

the animal kingdom, 572; Schwatka's
Along Alaska's great river, 308.
Dall, W. H., on invertebrates, 351.
Dall's What we really know about
Shakspeare, 66.

DANA, C. L. The nature of so-called

double consciousness and triple con-
sciousness, 311.

Dana on nervous diseases, 455.

Dance of Moquis, 349.

Danish island, a mythical, 96.
Danube, a study of the, 96.

DARTON, N. H. The Taconic contro-
versy in a nutshell, 78.
Darwin, C., biography of, 284.
Davenport tablets, the, 10, 119, 189, ill.

Davidson, Dr. Thomas, memorial to, 323.
DAVIS, W. M. A recent ice-storm, 190;

a thunder-squall in New England, ill.
436; Chinook winds, ill. 55: climate and
cosmology, 491; currents of the North
Sea, 22; sea-level and ocean-currents,
146; the festoon cloud, 57.

Chinook winds. 33;
names of the Canadian Rocky Moun-
tain peaks, 351.

Deaf-mutes in the United States, 214.
Deaf-mutism, congenital, 14.

Death-rate and sanitation in Russia, 314.
Death-rates among college graduates,
124; in Alabama, 140.

Deaths of English scientific men, 282.
Decapods, 338.

Deer, hunting of, in New York, 213.

Deformities of bones among the ancient
Peruvians, 130.

DeLanoye's Rameses the Great, re-
viewed, 176.

Dendroeca Kirtlandi, 536.

Dentistry, encyclopaedia of, 351.
Destruction of birds, 111, 191, 196, 197,
199, 201, 202, 204, 205, 241; of eggs of
birds for food, 199.

Dewalque, G., library of, 525.
DEWEY, J. Inventory of philosophy
taught in American colleges, 353.

Dialects, some local, 72.

Diamonds, value of, in South Africa, 348.
Diathermancy of ebonite, 386, 462.
Diatoms, new find of fossil, 35.

Dictionary, a new English, 557; of defi-
nitions and technical terms, 22.
Didima on the health-resorts of Mexico,

Diet for the sick, 66.

Digestion in the human stomach, obser-
vations upon, 290.

Diphtheria, new method of treatment
of, 492.

Disease, bacteria and, 422.

Diseases, cardiac, 454; nervous, 455; of
the fore-brain, 359; of the vine, 569.
Disinfection by heat, 165; of cattle-cars,

Dobson, W. L., on Tasmania, 523.
Dodo, is the, an extinct bird? 145, 168,
190, 242, 264.

Dogs, decrease of mad, in Prussia, 412.
Douglas, Professor, catalogue prepared
by, 6.

DOYLE, K. Oil on troubled waters, 77.
Draper, J. W., biographical notice of,

Drugs, action of, at a distance, 522.

Du Bois-Reymond, history of natural
science by, 284.

Dun, W. A., on a local weather bureau,


Destruction of bird-life

in the vicinity of New York, 197.
DUTTON, C. E. Crater Lake, Oregon, a
proposed national reservation, 179.
Duval, M., appointment of, to professor-
ship of histology, 212.
Dwarfs, giants and, 82.

E., O. St. Petersburg letter, 161, 261.
Ear, sensitiveness of, 570.
Earthquake at New Orleans, 237; in
Chimbo, 117; observations, 301; record
for 1884, 116.

Earthquakes, 348, 570; in Japan, 237; in
New Hampshire, 559.

Ebonite, diathermancy of, 386, 462.
Eclipse, solar, 161; of August, 1886, 385.
Economic discussion, aspects of, 538,
572: factor, the state as an, 485, 490.
Economics, ethics and, 529.
Economist, a daring, 446.
Economists, new school of, 361.
Economy, household, 154.

EDMANDS, J. R. A monument to de
Saussure, 119.

Education act of 1869, 138; association of
Boston, woman's, 235, 368, 370; at Ox-
ford, medical, 322; geographical, 155;
in Holland, primary, 457; in Saxony,
industrial, 435; in Texas, industrial,
449; movement in St. Petersburg for
female medical, 162; physical labora-
tory in modern, 573; primary, 449;
state, 414.

Educational books and reports, 153;
fund, 370; system, some shortcomings
of the present, 138; tendencies in Ja-
pan and in America, 287.
Edwards, Thomas, death of, 458.
Egleston. T., on the decay of building-
stone, 93.

Egyptian exploration, 263.
Eight-hour day, 59.

Electrical communication between ves-
sels at sea, 52; conditions of the
human body, 390; current, 235; exhi-
bition at St. Petersburg, 117; furnace,
Cowles, 369; installation, 235, 545;
light. Franklin institute experiment
on, 116; in England, the slow adoption
of, 53; lighting, 351; domestic, 323; in
England. 343; motors for street-rail-
ways, 116; railways, 318.
Electricity employed in physiological
investigation, 390.

Alaska, 308.

Bancroft's History of

Ellis, G. E., on reconstruction of history,

Elmira, reformatory at, 207.

ELY, R. T. Ethics and economics, 529.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 304; the ar-
ticle Psychology' in, 514.
Endowment of research, national, 284,
307, 374.

Engineering, study of, at University of
London, 235; tripos at Cambridge,
Eng., 282.

Engineers' club, Philadelphia, 370; con-
vention at Cleveland, 1.

England, colonies of, 475; electric light-
ing in, 343; low temperatures in, 281.
English biology, losses to, during 1885,
31; dictionary, a new, 557; fishery


board. proposed, 344, 431; public
schools, science in, 31; scientific men,
deaths of, 282; society for psychical
research, attack on the theosophical
report of, 156; sparrow, 14, 35, 80.
Ensilage commissioners, report of, 545;
congress in New York, 99.

Entomology, summer course in, at Cor.
nell, 415.

Ephemerides for amateur astronomers,

Epidemics in Paris during 1884, 521.
Epilepsy, 583.

Equality in ability of the young of the
human species, 36, 80.

Equatorial currents in star and plane-
tary atmospheres, 13.

Equus fauna, 336; geologic age of, 369.
Errata, 484.

Eruption of Mount Etna, 237.

Eskimo building-snow, ill. 54, 372, 396;
East Greenland, 172.

Ethics and economics, 529; and philoso-
phy, Sage professorship of, at Cornell
university, 74.

Ethnological collections of British mu-
seum, 436.

Euphrates valley, 470.

European colonies and their trade, 275.
Evolution and the faith, 483; of lan-
guage, 555; of the horses, some points
in the, ill. 13.
Exhibition, colonial and Indian, at
London, 478; for small industries, 569;
international maritime, 434; of appli-
ances for geographical education, 53.
Expedition to Alaska, new, 566.
Exploration, Egyptian, 263.
Explorations in Greenland, hydrograph-
ic, 409; in the Atlantic, deep-sea, 570.
Explosions in coal-mines, 346, 389; means
of preventing, 29.
Explosive, new, 371.

Exposition in Washington, proposed
permanent, 186; international horti-
cultural, 186.

Extraordinary structure, a most, 572.
Eyes, diseased, 514.

Eyesight of Amherst students, 414.

Faith, evolution and the, 483.
Famine, fish and, in India, 125.
FARNSWORTH, P. J. Equality in ability

of the young of the human species, 80.
Fat in animals, origin of, 444.
FAYE, H. Is the ocean surface de-
pressed? 421.

FERREL, W. Note on the nocturnal cool-
ing of bodies, 329; sea-level and ocean-
currents, 75, 187; the temperature of
the moon, 32, 122.

FIELD, C. Settlement of labor differ-
ences, 372; the silver problem, 286.
Fire, a well-banked, 304.

Fish and famine in India, 125; commis-
sion, English, 323; destruction of, by
the cold weather in Florida, 139; in
Connecticut, shell, 59; poisonous, 411.
Fish-cultural station at Gloucester,
Mass., 182.

Fisher's Outlines of Universal history,
reviewed, 246.

Fisheries board of Great Britain, pro-
posed, 344, 431; French sea, 457; injury
to, by sewage, 458: Massachusetts in-
land, 89; interests, American, 113;
English, 479; of Newfoundland, seal,

Fishes, naturalization of, in Tasmanian
waters, 44; significance of the term,
FLETCHER. Alice C. Composite portraits
of American Indians, ill. 408.
Flint. Austin, death of, 263.
Flooding the Sahara, maps, 542.
Flood Rock explosion, General Abbott's
report on the, 25.

Florida, cold weather in, 415; destruction
of fish by, 189.

Flowers, fruits, and leaves, 549.
Food-accessories: their influence on di-
gestion, 312.

Food-consumption, 342.
Food-materials, 154.
Football, game of, 90.

FORD, W. A Tadpoles in winter, 146.
Fore-brain, diseases of the, 359.
Forest preserves near Boston, 236.
Forest-culture, difficulties of, in the
British empire, 559; in southern Kan-
sas, 304.

Forum, the, 213.

Fossils, catalogue of British, 290.
France, new geological map of, 74.
Franklin institute experiment on electric
light, 116.

FRAZER, P. International geological
congress at Berlin, 141.

Fredericq on the study of history on the
continent of Europe, 177.
French academy, appointment of secre-

tary of, 370; prizes of, 50; pompous
prolixity of the, 418; sea-fisheries, 457.
Fresenius, chemical laboratory of, at
Wiesbaden, 370.

Friction, journal, 93.

Frogs, common mouse the enemy of,

Froude's Oceana, reviewed, 292.

FUERTES, E. A. Underground rivers, 329.
Fund, donation from Sir William Arm-
strong to scientific relief, 139; educa-
tional, 370.

Fungoid disease, new, 348.
Fungus, peculiar, 348.

G., A. Names of the Canadian Rocky
Mountain peaks, 330; pompous prolix-
ity of the French, 418.

G., C. The anachronisms of pictures,

GAGE, S. H. Tadpoles in winter, 146.
GAGE, S. H. and S. P. Amoeboid move-
ment of the cell-nucleus, 35; combined
aerial and aquatic respiration, 394;
pharyngeal respiratory movements of
adult amphibia under water, 395.
Gambetta, brain of, 348.

GARMAN, S. Amblystoma and Gordius,

Gas, heating power of, 467; petroleum
and natural, 163; as found in Ohio.
map, 560; wells of Pennsylvania, oil
and, 251.

Gas-lamp, new, 282.

GASS, J. The Davenport tablets, ill. 438.
Gautier, A., on ptomaines and leuco-
maines, 411.

Gems, remarkable, ill. 399.

Geodetic survey of the United States,
400 .

Geographical education, exhibition of
appliances for, 53; notes, 48, 72, 96,
160, 233, 301, 367, 408; report on, 155; re-
search, statistics in regard to, 164;
society of Marseilles, death of founder
of, 416; royal, 481, 519.
Geography, how to teach, 551; devices
for teaching historical, 525.
Geography-teaching in Germany, 209,
Geological and natural history survey
of Canada, 459; class of Philadelphia
academy of sciences, excursion of, 568;
railway guide, 164; report on Marion
county, Ky., 30; survey in Brazil, 523.
Geology of African lakes, 416; of Arabia
and Palestine, 535.
Geometry, study of, 15.
Geothlypis, 536.

Gerhard's Guide to sanitary house-in-
spection, 351.

German emigrants, 548; universities, 110.
Germany, blondes and brunettes in, 129;
geography-teaching in, 209.
Gheel colony of lunatics, 410,
Giants and dwarfs, 82.

GILBERT, G. K. An open letter, 166; ba-
rometer exposure, 571.

Gilbert, G. K., on the Equus fauna, 369,

Gilbert's Topographic features of Lake
shores, 263

Glacial action on the shores of Lake
Superior, evidences of, 145.

Glaciers in Alps, 569; of the United
States, 264.

Glass as a sheathing for ships, 7.
Gold, production of, in Australia, 547.
Golden Gate, temperature of water of,


Goldscheider, A., on the nerves, 459.
Goodale, G. L., lessons in botany by,


Demand for good

maps, 79.
Gordius, Amblystoma and, 550.
GORE, J. W. Correction of thermome-
ters for pressure, 144, 190,
Government aid to the Marine biological
association, 53; scientific bureaus, dif-
ficulties of commission on, 185; sur-
veys, 363, 427.

Grafting of solanaceous plants, 187.
Gray, Asa, sketch of career and work of,

Great Lakes, rise and fall of waters of,
317; white-fish for the, 325.
Grecian canal, 214.

Greeks, singular custom among the, 237.
Greely, Lieutenant, 435; provision for,
on retired list, 547.

Greely's Three years of arctic service,
reviewed, ill. 182.

GREEN, C. C. Tadpoles in winter, 168.
Greenland, expedition to, 385; hydro-
graphic explorations in, 409.
Griscom's Farmer's view of a protective
tariff, reviewed, 176.
Guatemala, 550.

Gudden, Dr., death of, 538.
Guiana, investigations of Dr. Ten Kate
in. 238.

Gulf Stream, 237.

Guyot, Arnold, biographical sketch of,
369, 385.

H., F. H. The destruction of birds, 241.
H., G. G. A national university, 12.
H., H. W. Primitive marriage, 147; the
races of Britain, 84.

Haager society for the defence of the
Christian religion, prize of, 404.
Habits, animal and plant, 100.
HADLEY, A. T. How far have modern
improvements in production and trans-
portation changed the principle that
men should be left free to make their
own bargains? 221.
Hadley's Railroad transportation, re-
viewed, 258.

Hake, G. G., on the condition of Cyprus
since its occupation by the British,

[blocks in formation]

Ham's Manual training, reviewed, 492.
Hamlin, C. E., death of, 74.
Hampshire County, Mass.,
brood in, 118.


Handley's First lessons in philosophy,
reviewed, 5.

Handwriting of hypnotized persons, 302.
Harrison, F., on the spelling of foreign
names, 406.

Hart, A. B., on graphic methods of il-
lustrating history, 430.
Hartmann's Philosophical questions, re-
viewed, 426.

Harvard, anniversary of, 503; moral
and religious instruction at, 427; ob-
servatory, generous gift to, 503; sum-
mer course in chemistry at, 283.
Hauer, F. v., aunals of Vienna natural
history museum, edited by, 304.
Haunted houses, apparitions and, 341.
HAWORTH, E. A swindler abroad again,

HAYNES, H. W. Death of Father Gae-
tano Chierici, 123.

Health, drainage for, 316; Illinois state

board of, 449; improvement in Eng-
land, public, 272; of New York during
April, ill. 493; during February, ill.
258; during March, ill. 363; during
May, ill. 564; sewerage and, 335.
Health-resorts of Mexico, 454.

Heat and cold, different physiological
senses for, 151.

Heating-power of gas, 467.

Hebrew university, founding of a, in
New York City, 237.

Heer memorial, 284; monument, 263.
Height, ratio of increase of, to increase
of bulk in the child, 150.
Hemiptera, 369.

Henderson's Diet for the sick, reviewed,

Henry, W. W., on religious liberty in
Virginia, 430.

HERRICK, C. L. Certain homologous
muscles, 396.

Hibbert lectures for 1886, 496.
HICKS, J. D. English sparrows, 36.
Higgins, H. H., testimonial to, 370.
HILGARD, E. W. Absorption of mercu-
rial vapor by soils, 462; Dr. Otto Mey-
er and the south-western tertiary, 11.
HILL, H. M. Tadpoles in winter, 119.
HINMAN, R. Partition of Patagonia, 440.
Hirn, Adolphe, 524

Historical materials, neglect and de-
struction of, 430.

History. graphic methods of illustrat-
ing. 430; study of, on the continent
of Europe, 177; reconstruction of, 431.
Holcomb, W. P., on Pennsylvania bor-
oughs, 455.

HOLDER, C. F Maori poetry, 330; Mar-
vels of animal life, 220.

Holder, J. B., on sea-serpents, 523.
Holder's Marvels of animal life, 6
Holland, primary education in, 457.
HOLMES, V. H. The trade in spurious
Mexican antiquities, ill. 170, 264.
Holzapfel's Roman chronology,

viewed, 261.


Homes, Japanese, and their surround-
ings, 42.

Hopeine, crystallized, 848.
Hornaday's Canoe and rifle on the
Orinoco, 351.

Horses, some points in the evolution of
the, ill. 13.

Horsford, E. N., on the landfall of John
Cabot, 430.

Hotchkiss, J., on topographical knowl-
edge in battles and campaigns, 431.
Houghton, A. B., on the Panama canal,

Housekeeper, burning of the, 470.
HOYT, J. W. A national university, 121.
HUBBARD, G. G. International copy-
right. 135; railroad to Merv, Bokhara,
and Samarkand, 47; the European
colonies and their trade, 275.
Hudson Bay railway, proposed, 98; route
to Europe, 278.

Hudson's Railways and the republic, re-
viewed, 579; Rotifera, reviewed, 402.
Hughes, D. E., on an electric current,
235; on self-induction, 442.
Hughlings-Jackson on epilepsy, 533.
Hull's Geology of Arabia and Palestine,
reviewed, 535.

Human species, equality in ability of
the young of the, 36, 80.

Humble-bee, remarkable powers of
memory in the, 331.

Humboldt Bay, chart of, 456.

Hunt, T. S., on the Cowles electrical
furnace, 369.

Hurricane at Murraysville, Penn., 306.
Hussak's Rock-forming minerals, re-
viewed, 294.

HUXLEY, T. H. The proposed fisheries
board of Great Britain, 344

Hybrid, the claimed wheat and rye, 56,

Hydrographic explorations in Green-
land, 409.

Hydrology, meeting of international
congress of, 304.


Hydrophobia, evidence of, in dog that
bit Kaufmann, 29; in animals, Prus-
sian legislation relating to. 412; in
Philadelphia, 426; Pasteur and, 213,
282, 296, 303, 413; statistics concerning,
521; treatment of, 457; virus at Johns
Hopkins university, 515.
Hygiene, journal of, 284.
Hypnotism and the action of drugs at
a distance, 522.

Hypnotized persons, handwriting of,

I., C. English sparrows, 35.
Ice-storm, a recent, 190, 220, 242.

Illinois, mounds of southern, 327; state
board of health, 449.

Illuminants, lighthouse, 332.

India, fish and famine in, 125; progress
in, 156; silver question in, 111; tax on
salt in, 73.

Indian cobra, venom of the, 88; grave,
relics from an, ill. 34; languages,
bibliography of, 358; snake-dance, ill.


Indiana academy of sciences, 68, 435,

Indians, composite portraits of Ameri-
can, ill. 408.

Induction, 442.

INGERSOLL, E. Fish and famine in In-
dia. 125; names of the Canadian Rocky
Mountain peaks, 308; the English
sparrow, 80; the Rocky Mountains as
seen from the Canadian Pacific rail-
way, 243.

INGHAM, W. A. Aspects of the econom-
ic discussion, 572.
Inoculation, yellow fever, 90, 140, 428,

Insectivorous plants, 355,

Insects, fossil, 414; egg-masses of, 525;
occurrence of singular, in Washington,
369; power of vision of, 326; relation
of birds and, as studied by the agricul-
tural department, 111; sense of smell
in, 272.

Integrators, mechanical, 316.
Intelligence of animals, 176.
International congress for discussing
papers upon climatology, 569; of by-
drology, meeting of, 304; on technical
instruction at Bordeaux, 414; copy-
right, 52, 111, 135, 140, 219, 327; geologi-
cal congress at Berlin, 141; institute
of statistics, 481; literary and artistic
association, 525; maritime exhibition,
434; philomathic congress, programme
of, 455.

Iron conference at St. Petersburg, 109;
new meteoric, from West Virginia, 11;
ore, statistics concerning, 549.
Irrigation, new system of, in Colorado,

Italian journal of zoölogy, new,

J., J. Dr. Hughlings-Jackson on epi-
lepsy, 533: popular psychology, 106.
Jackman, W. T., photographs of retina
by, 458.

JACKSON, R. T. A new museum pest, 481.
JAMES, E. J. Silver problem, 266; the
state as an economic factor, 485, 490.
JAMES, W. Professor Newcomb's ad-
dress before the American society for
psychical research, 123.
Jameson, J. F.. on Usselinx, 431.
Japan, agricultural industries of, 463;
Imperial university of. 457; intellectual
movement in, 450; railway-bridges of,
51; Roman alphabet association of,

Japanese university, re-organization of,

JASTROW, J. Elementary science-teach-
ing, 114; the evolution of language,

Jefferson, removals attributed to, 430.
Jena university, legacy bequeathed to,

Jets, sympathetic vibrations of, ill. 494.


Jevon's Letters and journal, reviewed,


Jewish ability, comparative distribution
of, 247.

Johns Hopkins university, anniversary
of, 415; circulars, contents of March
number of, 304; tenth annual report
of, 24.
Journal, new Assyrian, 351; scientific,
in Berlin, 371; zoological, 327; new
Italian. 569; of charities and correc-
tion, international, 306; of hygiene, 284.
Journals in Portuguese provinces, list
of, 165.

Judiciary, American, 430.

K., W. Equality in ability of the young
of the human species, 36.
Kamtchatka, expedition to, 99.
Kansas university science club, 480.
KELLER, G. Double vision, 440.
KELLOGG, L. O. Penetrating-power of
arrows, 550.

Keltie, J. S., on geographical education,

KENNAN, G. A trip to the Altai Moun-
tains, map, 18.

Ketteler's Theoretical optics, reviewed,

KIEPE, W. The Davenport tablets, ill.

Kilauea, 504.

KING, F. H. Topographical models or
relief-maps, 120.

KINGSLEY, J. S. Cost of scientific books,

Kirtland's warbler, 413.

Kittredge, G. L., on a singular custom
among the Greeks, 237.

Kleinpaul's Proper names, reviewed,

Knox, J. J, on legal tender in the United
States, 284.

Kobelt's Algeria and Tunis, reviewed,

KOCH, P. Montana climate, 167.
Kogia breviceps, 413.

Kongo, affluent of the, 160, 302; medical
instruction for those going to the, 91;
new map of the, 139; news from the,
51; report on the, 68.
Krause's Explorations in Alaska, re-
viewed, 95.

Kükenthal's Die mikroskopische technik
im zoologischen praktikum, reviewed,

KUNZ, G. F. A new meteoric iron from
West Virginia, 11; some remarkable
gems, ill. 399.

Labels, a convenient way of indicating
localities upon, 352.

Labor differences, settlement of, 339,

Laboratories, two new medical, for New
York, 480.

Laboratory at Annisquam, Seaside, 368;
Chesapeake zoological, 456; of Frese-
nius, chemical, 370; physical, în mod-
ern education, 573.

Ladd on the Yale curriculum, 103.
Laflamme, Abbe, on the physical geog-
raphy of the Saguenay, 239.
Lake Mistassini, 459.

Lake Moeris, restoration of, 160.
Lake of Constance, 525.
Lake Ontario, levels of, 412
Lake Superior, evidences of glacial
action on the shores of, 145.
Lakes of western New York, 273.
Lanciani, R., on Roman archeology, 492.
LANGERFELD, E. The competition of
convict labor, 117, 143, 168.
LANGLEY, S. P. The temperature of the
moon, 8, 79.

Langley, S. P., on the invisible spectrum,

Language, evolution of, 555.
Languages, bibliography of Indian, 358;
learning, 493.

LANKESTER, R. Proposed English fish-
ery board, 431.


[blocks in formation]

Legal tender in the United States, 284.
Legibility of letters of the alphabet, ill.

Leslie, B., on an improved method of
lighting vessels under way, 177.
LESLEY, J. P. Topographical models or
relief-maps, 58.

Lesseps, M. de, and the North African
inland sea, 112.

Letter, an open, 166.
Leucomaines, 411.

Levees of the lower Mississippi, preser-
vation of, 339.

Lewis, T. R., death of, 545.

Librarians, report of the annual confer-
ence of, 98.

Library of G. Dewalque, 525.

Lick observatory, 49; large dome for, 567;
trustees, purchase of crown disk by,

Light, penetrability of, 456.
Lighthouse illuminants, 332.

Lighting, new system of, 435; vessels
under way, improved method of, 177.
Lightning-conductor, ribbon form of,


Lime, caustic, used for gunpowder in
collieries, 307.

Lobsters, hatching, rearing, and trans-
planting, 517.

Lockhardt, Colonel, mission of, 568.
Lockwood, Lieutenant, merits of explo-
rations of, 139.

LOCKWOOD, S. Apropos to Pteranodon
and Homo, 242.

LOCKYER, J. N. The data now requisite
in solar inquiries, 386.

Locomotives fired with petroleum, 448.
Locusts, dried, 416.

London, population of, 173; Royal so-
ciety of, 477.

Longevity, 109; in Salem, 503.

Loomis, A. L., on cardiac diseases, 454.
Loomis, E., on areas of high barometric

pressure over Europe and Asia, 369.
Louisiana purchase, 430.
Lubbock's Flowers, fruits, and leaves,

Lunatics, Gheel colony of, 410

Lynx, means of distinguishing Canada
lynx from Bay, 396.

LYON, D. G. Arsenic in wall-paper, 392.

M. Explosions in coal-mines, 346.
M., T. C. Sir William Thomson to the
coefficients, 9.

Macgowan on a supposed ancient phon-
ograph, 348.

Macgowan, D. J., on earthquakes, 348.
Mackerel, winter habitat of, 263.
Magazines, science articles in, 29,
Magnetism, earth, 569.
Malarial germ of Laveran, ill. 297,
Malay peninsula, Sakeis of, 48.
Malpais in Michoacan, Mexico, 49.
Manganese ores in the United States,

[blocks in formation]

Mammoths in the Lena Delta, search
for, 367.

Manual training, 492.
Maori poetry, 330.

Map, archeological, 350; of Asia, ethno-
graphic, 368; of France, new geological,
74; of New Jersey, topographical, 283;
of New York harbor, 434; of Russian
Turkestan, geological, 284; of the
Kongo, new, 139; of the White Moun-
tains, 546; of United States as an aid to
teachers, outline, 317; detailed, 306.
Maps at the geographical exposition,
relief, 162; demand for good, 31, 79;
missionary, 160; of United States, top-
ographical, 425; plans, and charts in
the British museum, catalogue of, 6;
topographical models or relief, 23, 58,
120, 418.

MARCOU, J. On two plates of strati-
graphical sections of the Taconic
ranges, by Prof. James Hall, 393.
MARCY, O. Penetrating-power of arrows,

Marine biological association, govern-
ment aid to the, 53.

Mark, E. L., appointment of, to Hersey
professorship at Harvard, 98.

Text-books on methods

in microscopic anatomy, 100.
MARKS, W. D. Electric railways, 318.
Marriage, primitive, 147.
Marsupials, 546.

Marvels of animal life, 220.

Mason, E. G., on the march of the
Spaniards across Illinois, 430.
MASON, O. T. Congenital deaf-mutism,

14; penetrating power of arrows, 328.
Massachusetts agricultural experiment-
station, third annual report of, 349;
inland fisheries, 89; topographical sur-
vey, 49, 235, 503.

MAYER, A. M. Diathermancy of ebonite,

Mayer, A. M., on the diathermancy of
ebonite, 386.

Mechanics of materials, key to text-
book on, 327.

Medals, annual award of, at the St.
Petersburg geographical society, 162;
awarded by signal service, 416; of
National academy of sciences, 385; of
Paris geographical society, 367.
Medical education at Oxford, 322; move-
ment in St. Petersburg for female, 162;
instruction for those going to the
Kongo, 91; laboratories, two new, for
New York, 480; school at Tokio, 457;
schools, improvement of, 449; students
in Boston, female, 456.
Medicine, additions to the Paris faculty
of, 303; state recognition of veterinary,
in New York, 559.

Mediums, Mrs. Sidgwick and the, 554.
Meetings, want of free discussion at
scientific, 23.

Memory, remarkable powers of, in the
humble-bee, 331.

Menault's Intelligence of animals, re-
viewed, 176.

MENDELIEFF, K. An Indian snake-dance,
ill. 507.

Mercurial vapor, absorption of, by soils,

Merriam, A. C., election of, as director
of the American school at Athens,

MERRIAM, C. H. Preliminary description
of a new species of Aplodontia, 219;
preliminary description of a new
squirrel from Minnesota, 351.
Merriam, J. M., on removals attributed
to Jefferson, 430.

Merriman's Key to text-book on the
mechanics of materials, 327.
Mersey and Severn, tunnels under the,
completed, 139.

Merv oasis, making a new,
Mesmerism, 415.


Meteoric iron from West Virginia, 11.
Meteorites, catalogue of collection of,

Meteorological conference, 210; observa-
tory, observations made at the Blue
Hill, 306.

Metric system in government depart-
ments, 239.

Mexican antiquities, trade in spurious,

Mexico, dangerous mosquito in the city
of, 46; health-resorts of, 454.
Meyer, Dr. O., and the south-western
tertiary, 11.

Meynert's Psychiatry, reviewed, 359.
Microscopic anatomy, text-books on
methods in, 100; objectives, 274, 413;
slide containing Lord's Prayer, 164.
Milk, scarlet-fever and infected, 544.
Mineral waters, 454.

Minerals, rock-forming, 294.

Mineralogical collection, most remarka-
ble private, 186.

Mines, accidents in, 459; marsh-gas in,

MINOT, C. S. Text-books on methods in
microscopic anatomy, 100; the Rotif-
era, 402.

Mint, report of deputy-master of the
British, 545.

Mississippi, preservation of levees of the
lower, 339.

Missouri rivers, stocking of, with Cali-
fornia trout, 133.


The intellectual move-
ment in Japan, 450.
Money, waste of public, 9.

Mongolia, explorations in, by Prejeval-
sky, 157

Montana climate, 167.

Moon, atmosphere of the, 31, 124; tem-
perature of the, 32, 79, 122.
Moquis, dance of, 349.

MORGAN, A. International copyright,


Morris's Catalogue of British fossils, 390.
MORSE, F. W. Phylloxera, 417.
Morse's Japanese homes and their sur-
roundings, reviewed, 42.

Mosquito, dangerous, in the city of
Mexico, 46.

Moths, scent-organs in some bombycid,

Mott, V., hydrophobia treatment by,
with Pasteur virus, 457.

Mounds in Manitoba, exploration of, 186;
of southern Illinois, 327.
Mount Etna in a state of eruption, 237.
Mount Washington, winter on, 40.
Mountain heights, accurate, 423.
Mouse-plague of Brazil, 126.

Mowry, W. A., on the Louisiana pur-
chase, 430.
Mud-minnow, 349.

Muir's Thermal chemistry, reviewed, 314.
Municipal government in Massachusetts,


Murray's New English dictionary, re-
viewed, 557.

Muscles, certain homologous, 396.
Museum, military and naval, in Wash-
ington, 415; of art, metropolitan, to
be free to public on Sundays, 434; of
natural history, American, to be free
to public on Sundays, 434; Peabody,
Abbott collection at, 4; pest, new, 481;
Vienna natural history, annals of, 304.
Museums in Russia, public, 492; needs
and shortcomings of anatomical, 339.
Mussels, poisonous, 175, 413.
Musser, J. H., on phthisis among mill-
hands, 454.

Myers on the unconscious self, 415.
Mytilotoxin, 413.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Oasis, making a new Merv, 132.
Obelisk, decay of, 24. 75, 93.

Observatory, Washburn, fourth volume
of the publications of the, 580.
Occupations of the British people, 552.
Ocean surface, 302, 419, 421, 570.
Oceana, 292.

Ocean-currents, sea-level and, 75, 102.
146, 187.

Ogle, W., on suicides in England and
Wales, 229.

Ohio, petroleum and natural gas as
found in, map, 560.

Oil, a new, 368; and gas wells of Penn-
sylvania, 251; on troubled waters, 46,
77, 101, 133, 167, 214, 325, 326,
Oil-spring, submarine, 304.

Oil-wells of Baku, 149.

Ojibwa and Dakota practices, 526.
Old-fashioned book, an, 246.

Olive-oil, production of, 570.

Opium, duty on, 385; habit, 23.

Oppolzer's Treatise on orbits, reviewed,

Optical illusion, 458.

Optics, theoretical, 401.

Orbits, treatise on, 580.

Ornithological nomenclature, instability
of, 296.

ORTON, E. Petroleum and natural gas
as found in Ohio, map, 560.
Oxford, modernizing of, 31.
Oyster-culture, a sponge destructive to,

P., H. W. A tornado brood in Hamp
shire county, Mass., 220; festoon clouds
of a tornado, 124.

P., V. Recent psychical researches, 91.
Palat, Lieutenant, assassination of, 409.
Paleobotany, 263.

Paleontology, collections of inverte-
brate, 163.

Palestine, geology of Arabia and, 535.
PALMER, Mary T. A trap-door spider at
work, 240.

Panama canal, 214, map 279; dredging-
machinery for, 460.

Papyrus from Egyptian excavation, 284.
Parasitism among marine animals, 17.
Paris academy of medicine, dispute in
over Pasteur's work, 521; of sciences.
election of Vulpian as permanent sec-
retary of, 410; an ancient burial-place


near, 74; geographical society, medals
of. 367; new scientific society in, 132.
PARKER, H. W. A tornado brood in
Hampshire county, Mass., 118.
Pasteur, 823; and hydrophobia, 213, 282,
296, 203, 413; commissions to investi-
gate claims of, 428; deaths of Russian
patients of, 409; dispute in Paris acad-
emy of medicine over work of, 521;
ovation to, 521; Stanley club dinner
to, 411.

Patagonia, partition of, 409, 440.

Patten's Political economy, reviewed,

Paul, C. K., on mesmerism, 415.

PAUL, H. M. Close approach of Saturn
and Geminorum, ill. 28.

Peabody museum, Abbott collection at,


Peach, C. W., death of, 323.

Method of stating results

of water-analyses, 211.
Peary, R. E., on an expedition to Green-
land, 385.

Pedagogy, history of, 469.

Peirce, C. S., criticism of, in connection
with the coast survey, 325.

Pennsylvania boroughs, 455; oil and gas
wells of, 251.

Pepper, W., on phthisis, 453.
Perak, explorations in, 97.
Periodicals, 456.

Persian desert, discovery of lake in, 117.
Personality, multiple, 397.

Peruvians, deformities of bones among
the ancient, 130.
Petrified flesh, 406.

Petroleum and natural gas, 163; as found
in Ohio, map, 560; in California, 525;
locomotives fired wi h, 448
Petroleum-wells near the Red Sea, 370.
Philadelphia academy of natural sci-

ences, excursion of geological class of,
568; growth and needs of, 24.
PHILBRICK, E. S. A recent ice-storm,

Philology and archeology, handbook of
classical, 304.

Philomathical society of Bordeaux, 416.
Philosophical questions of the day, 426.
Philosophy, first lessons in, 5; in Amer-
ican colleges, 353; study of, in Aus-
trian gymnasia, 229.

Phonograph, a supposed Chinese, 348.
Photograph of the solar spectrum, 117.
Photographic study of stellar spectra,

Photographs, exhibition of scientific,
349; of retina, 458.

Photography, instantaneous, applied to
the study of the heart and intestines,
264; new English monthly magazine
devoted to, 568; use of composite, for
the detection of forged signatures, 67.
Phthisis, 453; among mill-hands, 454.
Phylloxera, 307. 417; commission,
French, 282; in California, 370; in
Cape Colony, 230.

Physiological investigation, electricity
employed in, 390; senses for heat and
cold, different, 151.

Physiology, Cartwright lectures on, 320.
PICKERING, E. C. Accurate mountain

heights, 423; photographic study of
stellar spectra, 278.

Pictures, anachronisms of, 264, 307.
Pilcomayo expedition to Bolivia. 234.
Pilling's Bibliography of the languages
of the North American Indians, re-
viewed, 358.

Pilot chart of the North Atlantic, 163.
Planet, discovery of, by Palisa, 847.
Plant-lice, nectar-secreting, 102

Plants, cross fertilization of, by birds,
ill. 441; insectivorous, 355.

Platt, I. H., on pneumatic differentia-
tion, 454.

Play fair, Sir Lyon, appointment of, as
minister of education, 184.

PLYMPTON, G. W. Flooding the Sahara,
maps, 542.

Pneumatic differentiation, 454.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Poetry, Maori, 330.
Poison rings, 418.

Poisonous mussels, 175, 413.
Poisons in the living body, 303.
Polar expedition, 213, 326.

Poliakoff's Journey in Sakhalin, re-
viewed, 234.

Political and social science at Yale, 546;
economy, 446; change in the tenets of,
with time, 375; science quarterly, 178;
sciences, 178.

Pond-lily seeds, germination of, 395.
Pope campaign, 431.

Population, Dutch statistics of, 367; of
British India, 457; of London, 173.
Portuguese provinces, list of journals
in, 165.

Potato, centennial of introduction of,
into France, 521.

Potomac, salmon in the, 415.
Pourtalès, grave of, 503.
Powell's Fourth annual report of U. S.
geological survey, reviewed, 158.
Preece. W. H., on domestic electric
lighting, 323.

Prejevalsky, N. M., explorations of, in
Mongolia, 157; reception to, and re-
sults of his explorations, 261.
Pressensé's Study of origins, 436.
Prize, Bressa, 525; for a botanical mono-
graph, 6: of M. A. P. Candolle, 6; of
Royal academy of medicine of Bel-
gium, 570; of the king of the Belgians,

Prizes in Sweden, 371; of the French
academy, 50: Warner, for essays on
the brilliant sunsets of 1883-84, 274.
Psychiatry, 359.

Psychical research, attack on the theo-
sophical report of the English society
for, 156; journal of, 139; Professor
Newcomb's address before the Ameri-
can society for, 89, 123, 145; report of
Mr. Hodgson to the society of, 306; re-
searches, recent, 91.
Psychology in Encyclopaedia Britan-
nica, 514; modern, 25; popular, 106.
Pteranodon and Homo, apropos to, 242.
Ptomaines, 411.

Pulmonary vesicles, 410.

PUTNAM, C. E. The Davenport tablets,
119, ill. 437.

Qualtrough's Boat-sailer's manual, 350.
Quinine, 371.

[blocks in formation]

Railroad in central Africa, 67; to Merv,
Bokhara and Samarkand, 47; trans-
portation, 258.

Railway contracts, 208; the proposed

Hudson Bay, 98; to central Asia, 277.
Railway-bridges of Japan, the, 51.
Railways and the republic, 579; electric,
318; imperfect information in regard
to Russian, 46.

Rainfall in New England, distribution
of, Feb. 10-14, 1886, ll. 254; in New
South Wales, variability of, 295; in
South Africa, map, 151.
Ranke, death of, 493.
Rat-plague in New York, 412.

Redard's Disinfection of cattle-cars, re-
viewed, 316.

Reformatory at Elmira, 207.
Religion in colleges, 183.
Religious instruction at Harvard, moral
and, 427; liberty in Virginia, 430.
Remsen's Introduction to the study of
chemistry, reviewed, 468.

Reports, delay in printing scientific, 416.
Research, national endowment of, 284,
307, 374.

Respiration, combined aerial and aquat-
ic, 394.


Respiratory movements of amphibia,

Retina, photographs of, 458.

Reyer, E., publication by, of profiles
through the Sierra Nevada, 414.

Rhine and Rhone rivers, channels of,

Rhodes, C., on lake-levels, 412.
Rice, C. C., on mineral waters, 454.
Richards's Food-materials, reviewed,

Richter's Inorganic chemistry, reviewed,

RIDGWAY, R. Is the dodo an extinct
bird? 190

RILEY, C. V. A carnivorous butterfly
larva, 394.

Rings, poison, 418.

River-bars, formation of, 30.
Rivers, underground, 329.
Rochefontaine, M., death of, apropos of
cholera, 303.

Rocks, sedimentary, 416.

Rocky Mountain peaks, names of the
Canadian, 308, 330, 351; as seen from
the Canadian Pacific railway, 243.
Roscoe, H., proposed president of British
association, 349.

Roscoe's Spectrum analysis, reviewed,


Rose of Sharon, what was the, 439.
Rothwell on submarine tunnelling, 93.
Rotifera, 402.

ROWLAND, H. A. The physical laboratory
in modern education, 573.

ROYCE, J. Abbot's Scientific theism, 335;
philosophical questions of the day, 426.
Ruminants of the Copper River region,
Alaska, 57.

RUSSELL, I. C. Soda and potash in the
far west, 61.

Russell's Recent glaciers of the United
States, 264.

Russia, death-rate and sanitation in, 314;
Turkomans in, 409; under the tzars,


[blocks in formation]


S., W. H. Is the ocean surface de-
pressed? 570.

Sadler. See Clark and Sadler.
Saguenay, physical geography of the,

Sahara, flooding the, maps, 542.
Sailing-boats, 350.

Sakeis of Malay peninsula, 48.

Sakhalin, journey of Poliakoff in, 234.
Salem, longevity in, 503.

Salmon in the Potomac, 415.

Salt, tax on, in India, 73.

Salt-storm, an old-time, 440.

Sandras on the human voice, 411.

Saturn aud Geminorum, close ap-
proach of, ill. 28.

Saurathera bahamensis, 536.

Saussure, de, monument to, 119.
Scarlet-fever and infected milk, 544.

Scent-organs in some bombycid moths,

Schilling, N. H., on electric lighting, 351.
Schizopoda, 249.

Schliemann's Prehistoric palace of the
kings of Tiryns, reviewed, 37.
Scholarships, 263.

Schools of Monteagle, Tenn., series of
summer, 326; reforms in English pub-
lic, 44; science in English public, 31;
total-abstinence teaching in the, 115.
SCHOTT, C. A. Did Dr. Hayes reach

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