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Wisp, s. a small bundle of straw or hay Wist, pret. and part. of the obsolete verb Wis, to know


Wis'tful, a. attentive, full of thought
Wit, s. quickness of fancy; a man of ge-
nius; understanding, judgment,
-To Wit, ad. namely, That is
Witch, s. a woman given to unlawful arts
Witchcraft, s. the practice of witches
Wit'craft, s. invention, contrivance
Witha'l, ad. along with the rest; besides
Withdraw', v. to draw back, retire, retreat
Withdrawing-room, s. a room near another to
retire to, usually called a drawing room
Withe, s. a willow twig; a band of twigs
With'er, v. to fade, to pine or die away
With'ers, s. ft. the joint uniting the neck and
shoulders of a horse

Withhold, v. a. to keep back, to refuse
Within', prep. in the inner part
Within'side, ad. in the inward parts
Withou't, prep. not within compass of
Withstan'd, v. a. to oppose, resist, restrain
With'y, s. a willow, the shoot of a willow
Wit'less, a. wanting understanding
Witling, s. a petty pretender to wit
Wit'ness, . testimony; an evidence.-. to bear
testimony, to attest.-interj. denoting an

Wit'ticism, s. a mean attempt at wit
Wit'tily, ad. ingeniously, cunningly, artfully;
with flight of imagination
Wit'tingly, ad, knowingly, by design
Wit'tol, Wit'tal, s. a contented cuckold
Wit tolly, a. cuckoldy, low, despicable
Wit'ty, a. ingenious, sarcastic, smart
Wive, v. to marry, to take a wife
Wives, s. pl. of Wife

Wiz'ard, s. a conjuror, a cunning man
Wiz'en, v. n. to wither, to become dry
Wo, s. grief, sorrow, misery, calamity
Woad, s. a plant used in dyeing blue
Wo'ful, a. sorrowful, calamitous
Wo'fulness, s. calamity, misery
Wold, s. a plain open country; a down
Wolf, s. a fierce beast; an eating ulcer
Wolfdog, s. a large dog to guard sheep
Wol'fish, Wol'vish, a. fierce like a wolf
Wolfsbane, s. a poisonous plant

Wom'an, s. the female of the human race
Wom'an-hater, s. one who hates women
Womanhood, . the qualities of a woman
Wom'anish, a. suitable to a woman
Wom'ankind, s. female sex; race of women
Wom'anly, a. becoming a woman, not childish,
not girlish

Womb, s. place of generation
Wom'en, s. plural of Woman
Won, pret. and part. pass. of Win

Won'der, v. n. to be astonished.-. amazement, admiration

Won'derful, a. admirable, strange Won'derstruck, a. amazed, astonished Won'drous, a. marvellous, strange, surprising, admirable

Wont, v. n. to be accustomed or used to Wo'n't, a contraction of Would not, but used for Will not

Won'ted, a. accustomed, usual, used
Woo, v. to court, to make love, to sue
Wood, s. a forest; a place filled with timber
trees; the substance of trees

Wood'ashes, s. ashes of burnt wood
Wood'bine, s. the honeysuckle
Wood'cock, s. a bird of passage

Wooded, a. supplied or thick with wood
Wood'en, a. made of wood; clumsy
Wood'hole, s. a place where wood is laid
Woodland, s. land covered with woods
Wood'louse, s. vermin about old wood
Wood'man, s. a sportsman, a hunter, &c.
Wood'note, s. a wild note; wild music
Wood'nymph, s. a nymph of the woods
Wood'offering, s. wood burnt on an altar
Woodpecker, s. the name of a bird
Wood'pigeon, s. a wild pigeon
Wood'roof, s. a herb

Wood'sare, s. the froth on herbs
Wood'work, s. any thing made of wood
Wood'y, a. abounding with wood; ligneous
Woo'er, s. one who courts women

Woof, s. the set of threads that crosses the warp; the weft; texture; cloth Woo'ing, s. act of making love to another Wool, s. the fleece of sheep; short hair Wool'comb, s. the instrument with which wool is combed

Wool'comber, s. one whose business it is to comb wool

Wool'fel, s. a skin with the wool on
Woollen, a. made or consisting of wool
Woollen-draper, s. a draper in woollen goods
Wool'liness, s. quality of being woolly
Wool'pack, s. a bag or pack of wool
Woolly, a. composed of or resembling wool
Wool'stapler, s. one who deals in wool
Word, s. a single part of speech; promise.
-v. to express properly; to dispute
Wore, preterite of Wear

Work, v. to labour; be agitated; raise, &c.
-s. labour, toil, deed, employment
Workhouse, s. a receptacle for parish poor
Working-day, s. a day for work
Wor'kman, s. an artificer, a labourer

Workmanlike, a. like a workman, skilful
Workmanship, s. manufacture, skill, art
Works, s. pl. the fortifications about the bod
of a place

Workshop, s. a shop to work in

Wor'kwoman, s. one skilled in needlework World, s. the earth; mankind; universa! empire; the manners of men

Worldling, s. one who idolizes his money Worldly, a. human; bent upon this world Worm, an insect, grub; any spiral thing. -v. a. to take out the charge of a fire-arm by means of a worm

Wor'm-eaten, a. gnawed by worms; old
Wor'mwood, s. the name of a bitter herb
Wor'my, a. full of worms, having worms
Worn, part. pass. of Wear

Wor'nil, s. a maggot; a worm in cows
Wor'ry, v. a. to tear, to mangle, to harass
Worse, a. more bad, more ill

Wor'ship, s. dignity, eminence; term of ho

nour; a religious reverence; adoration Wor'shipful, a. respected for dignity, &c. Worst, a. most bad, most ill, most wicked. -.a. to defeat, to overthrow; to put an army to the rout

Wors'ted, s. woollen yarn; wool spun
Wort, s. a herb; ale or beer not fermented
Worth, a. deserving of, equal in value to.
- price, value, importance

Wor'thily, ad. suitably, justly, deservedly
Wor'thiness, s. worth, desert, excellence"
Wor'thless, a. undeserving, unworthy
Worth'lessness, s. want of value
Worthy, a. deserving, valuable, noble.
-s. a man deserving praise
Wot, v. n. to know, to be aware of
Wove, the pret. of Weave
Woven, the part. of Weave
Would, pret. of Will

[-pret. of Wind Wound, s. a hurt.-v. a. to hurt by violence, Woun'ding, s. act of cutting the skin Wrack, s. ruin, destruction; see Wreck Wraith, s. the pretended apparition of a person about to die

Wran'gle, s. a perverse dispute; a quarrel.
-v. n. to dispute peevishly
Wrangler, s. a peevish disputative person
Wrap, v. a. to roll together; to contain
Wrap per, s. a cloth or paper cover, &c.
Wrap'ping, s. act of wrapping together
Wrath, s. extreme anger, vengeance
Wrath'ful, a. angry, raging, furious
Wrath'less, a. free from anger, meek
Wreak, v. a. to revenge; to execute.
-s. revenge, vengeance, passion
Wrea'kful, a. revengeful, malicious
Wrea'kless, a. unrevenging, impotent
Wreath, s. a garland; any thing twisted.
v. a. to turn, to twist, to curl
Wrea'thing, s. act of entwining
Wrea'thy, a. spiral, twisted, curling
Wreck, s. a shipwreck; destruction, ruin
Wreck'ing, s. act of destroying by violent meano
Wren, s. the name of a very small bird
Wrench, v. a. to pull by force, to wrest.
-s. a sprain, violent twist; trap
Wrest, v. a. to twist by violence, to writhe.
-s. a distortion, a violence
Wres'tle, v. n. to struggle for a fall


X, laid horizontally, for 1000; and with a as a Roman numeral, stands for 10; when |

dash over it for 10,000; as an abbreviation X stands for Christ, Xn. for Christian, and Xm. for Christmas. As an initial it is pronounced like Z.

Xang'ti, s. the name of God among the Chinese Xan'thic, a. tending to yellow, an acid combined of sulphur, carbon, &c

Xan'thine, s. a yellow colouring matter, discovered in madder

Xantho'sia, s. a genus of plants covered with yellow down [the name of Socrates' wife Xantippe, s. a scold, a quarrelsome woman; Xebec', s. a small three-masted vessel Xenod'ochy, s. hospitality, kind treatment of strangers


CHT, s. a small ship with one deck, richly | adorned, and contrived for swiftness and Measure

, s. an American root

Wres'tler, s. one skilled in wrestling
Wrestling. s. an athletic exercise, in which
one strives to overthrow the other
Wretch, s. a miserable or worthless person
Wret'ched, a. miserable, despicable
Wretchedness, s. misery, despicableness
Wriggle, v. n. to move to and fro

Wright, s. a workman; an artificer in wood
Wring, v. to twist, to squeeze, to press, to
writhe, to harass, to torture, to extort, to
force by violence, to turn round by violence
-s. a twist; sensation of anguish
Wrin'kle, s. a crease in cloth. &c.

-v. a. to cause creases or wrinkles Wrist, s. the joint of the hand to the arm Wris'tband, s. the band of the shirt at the hand Writ, . scripture; a legal process, &c.; as a pret. of Write now obsolete

Write, v. to express by means of letters
Writer, s. an author; one who writes
Writhe, v. to distort, to twist, to wrest
Writh'ing, s. act of distorting; a distraction
Writing, s. any thing written with pen and
ink; a composition; a book

Wri'ting-master, s. one who teaches to write
Wri'tings, s. legal conveyances, &c.
Writ'ten, part. pass. of Write

Wriz'zled, a. wrinkled, withered, shrunk
Wrong, s. injury, injustice; an error.

a. not right, unfit.-v. a. to injure Wrong, Wrongly, ad. amiss, improperly Wrongful, a. unjust, dishonest, injurious Wrong headed, a. self-opinionated, perverse Wrote, pret. of Write

Wroth, a. angry, enraged, provoked
Wrought (raut), part of Work; performed;

Wrung, pret. and part. of Wring
Wry, a. crooked, distorted, wrested
ness, s. state of being wry

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Yard, s. ground enclosed adjoining to a house. a measure of three feet; supports for a ves sel's sails

Yar'dwand, s. a measure of a yara

Yarn, s. spun wool; woollen thread
Yawl, s. a ship's boat.-v. n. to bawl
Yawn, v. n. to gape; oscitate; open wide
Yawning, a. sleepy, slumbering
Yclad, a. clad, clothed, adorned
Yclep'ed, a. called, named, denominated
Ye, nominative plural of Thou

Yea, ad. yes, surely, certainly, truly
Yean, v. n. to bring forth young as sheep
Yea'nling, s. the young of sheep

Year, s. the term of twelve calendar months
Yearling, a. being a year old

Yea'rly, ad. once a year.-a. lasting a year
Yearn, v. n. to feel great uneasiness
Year'ning, s. an emotion of tenderness
Yeast, s. the froth in the working of new ale
or beer; spume on a troubled sea
Yeas'ty, a. frothy; smeared with yest
Yest; see Yeast

Yolk, s. the yellow part of an egg

Yell, r. n. to make a howling noise.-s. a cry of horror or distress

Yellow, a. of a bright glaring colour, as

Yellowish, a. approaching to yellow
Yellows, s. a disease in horses
Yelp, v. n. to bark as a hound, &c.

Yelp'ing, s. act of barking as a dog after its

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Yeo'man, s. a gentleman farmer; a freeholder

an officer in the king's court, &c.
Yerk, v. a. to move with a spring
Yes, ad. a term of affirmation; yea, truly
Yes'terday, s. the day last past
Yes'ternight, s. the night last past
Yet, conj. nevertheless, notwithstanding.
-ad. beside, still, at least, after all
Yew, s. a tree of tough wood
Yew'en, a. made of or resembling yew
Yield. r. to produce, to afford; to give up
Yield'ing, s. a submission

Yoke, s. a bandage for the neck; a mark of
servitude; a chain; bond; couple, pair

v. a. to couple together; to enslave
Yo'kefellow, s. a companion in labour
Yon, Yon'der, a. being within view
Yore, ad. of long time past, of old time
You, pronoun, oblique case of Ye
Young, a youthful, not old; tender.-. the
offspring of any creature

Younger, a. more young, not so old
Youn'gest, a. the most young of all
Young'ster, Yon'ker, s. a young person
Your, pronoun a. of You

Yourself, pron. even you, you only

Youth, s. one past childhood; tender age
You'thful, a. young, frolicsome, vigorous
Youthfulness, s. state of being in the first part

of life

Yule, s. the time of Christmas
Yux, Yex, s. the hiccough



AC'CHO, s. in architecture, the lowest part Zincog'raphy, s. the art of drawing and printof the pedestal of a column

Zaffar, Zaffir, s. a factitious mineral

Za'ny, s. a buffoon, a silly person, a merry


Zar nich, s. a solid substance in which orpi-
ment is frequently found

Zeal, s. a passionate ardour; warmth
Zealot, s. a person full of zeal; a fanatic
Zealotry, s. behaviour of a zealot
Zealous, a. ardently passionate in a cause
de'bra, s. an Indian beast,; a kind of mule
Zechi'n, s. a Venetian gold coin worth 9s.
Ze'doary, s. the name of a spicy plaut
Zenith, s. that point in the heavens directly
over our heads, opposite the Nadir

Zeph'yr, Zeph'yrus, s. the west wind

ing on zinc

Zo'cle, s. a small sort of stand or pedestal, be

ing a low square piece or member, used to support & bust or statue, &c.

Zo'diac, s. a great circle of the sphere, containing the twelve signs

Zodiacal, a. relating to the zodiac

Zone, s. a girdle; a division of the earth
Zo'ned, a. wearing a zone

Zoographer, s. one who describes the nature,
properties, and forms of animals

Zoog'raphy, s. a description of the forms, natures, and properties of animals

Zoological, a. describing living creatures Zoologist, s. one who treats of living crea tures

Zest, s. the peel of an orange squeezed into Zoology, s. a scientific treatise of animals

wine; a relish; a taste added

-v. a. to heighten by added relish

Ze'ta, s. a Greek letter; a dining room
Zetetic, a. proceeding by inquiry; seeking
Beu'gma, s. a figure in grammar, when one
verb agrees with divers nouns
Zigzag, a. turning short; winding
Zigzags, s. pl. in fortification a series of
diverging trenches, or paths, so cut that the
besieged are prevented from enfilading the
besieger in his approaches

c, Zink, s. a kind of fossil substance

Zo'ophytes, s. pl vegetables partaking of the nature both of plants and animals Zoophoric, s. statuary column, or a column supporting the figure of an animal Zooph'orus, s. a part between the architraves and cornice, so called on account of the ornaments carved on it, among which aro the figures of animals

Zoot'onist, s. one who dissects brute beasts Zoot'omy, s. a dissection of the bodies of brute beasts

Zounds, interj. expressing anger or wonder





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MECKLENBURG SCHWERIN Frederic Francis, Grand Duke

MECKLENBURG STRELITZ. Fred. William Charles, Grand Duke 1819 1860

1823 1842

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SAXE COBURG AND GOTHA Ernest II., Augustus Charles, Duke 1818 1844

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UNITED STATES (America) Ulysses S. Grant, President
WURTEMBURG ...........

1822 1869

Charles Frederick Alexander, King... 1823 1861

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