A horrid hole of a house, in an alley they call a court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms : and into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by a multitude of tacks, and some torn bits held on by... Clarissa; or, The history of a young lady - Էջ 295Samuel Richardson - 1820Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | Samuel Richardson - 1811 - 452 էջ
...court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first. floor rooms : and into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but the ceiling was smoked wifh variety of figures, fcnd initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1824 - 876 էջ
...court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms ; and into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but the ceiling was smoked with variety of figures, and initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1824 - 806 էջ
...court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms ; and into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but die ceiling was smoked with variety of figures, and initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1868 - 382 էջ
...court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms : And into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but the ceiling was smoked with variety of figures, and initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1868 - 388 էջ
...court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms : And into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but the ceiling was smoked with variety of figures, and initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - 554 էջ
...court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms : and into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but the ceiling was smoked with variety of figures, and initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - 552 էջ
...a court; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms: and into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but the ceiling was smoked with variety of figures, and initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - 552 էջ
...court ; stairs wretchedly narrow, even to the first-floor rooms : and into a den they led me, with broken walls, which had been papered, as I saw by...and some torn bits held on by the rusty heads. The floor indeed was clean, but the ceiling was smoked with variety of figures, and initials of names,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - 552 էջ
...of names, that had been the woful employment of wretches who had no other way to amuse themselves. The windows dark and double-barred ; the tops boarded...little four-paned eyelethole of a casement to let in air; more, however, coming in at broken panes than could come in at that. Four old Turkey-worked chairs,... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - 552 էջ
...of names, that had been the woful employment of wretches who had no other way to amuse themselves. The windows dark and double-barred ; the tops boarded...little four-paned eyelethole of a casement to let in air; more, however, coming in at broken panes than could come in at that. Four old Turkey-worked chairs,... | |
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