ON ART, SCIENCE, PASTIMES, BELLES-LETTRES, AND MANY HOME CIRCLE. COMPILED BY NUGENT ROBINSON. This Edition has been carefully Revised to Date. NEW YORK: PETER FENELON COLLIER, PUBLISHER. PREFACE. T no period in the history of the United States has the necessity for a cheap but perfect Cyclopedia of Useful Knowledge been so imperative. So keen is the competitive spirit of the age, that the advantage of knowledge in the struggle for advancement is apparent to all. A good education is the best legacy we can leave to our children. It is the best investment we can make for ourselves. The educated man, in every walk of life, carries with him his own capital-a capital unaffected by monetary crises an investment whose interest is not regulated by the success of speculation-a legacy which none can dispute, and of which none can deprive him. This is essentially a practical book. Its aim and object is to enable people to educate themselves. The ambition of the Publisher is to place in every American home this treasury of knowledge, invaluable as a manual of study and a work of reference; and while it is simple, progressive and interesting in style, is a veritable power, from the manner in which it enforces education. A reference to the list of contents will show, that under various heads are included those numerous branches of study essential to the varied walks of life, while its social forms convey those instructions which so qualify persons of both sexes for appearing to the highest advantage in society. COLLIER'S CYCLOPEDIA AND VERITABLE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE contains a complete digest of Mercantile Law, together with forms of Legal Documents, Government Bonds, and a dictionary of law terms, enabling every man to become his own lawyer. The newest and best system of Phonography is copiously illustrated. Bookkeeping in all its branches; arithmetic and algebra, together with a lightning calculator, form prominent features in this invaluable work. |