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In Sonnet 40.

When on each eye-lid fweetly doe appeare
An HUNDRED GRACES as in fhade fit.

And in a verfe of his * PAGEANTS preferved by E. K. +

An hundred graces on her eye-lids fate.

Which he drew from a modern greek poem ascribed to Mufæus.

Οι δε παλαιοι

Τρεις χαρίλας ψευσαλο πεφυκεναι· ΕΙΣ δε ΤΙΣ Ηρες

In the Hymne of heavenly Love we find a thousand


Sometimes upon her forehead they behold

A thousand graces masking in delight.

* The following paffage from Sir T. More's English Works, Raftall, London, 1557, may perhaps give the reader fome idea of the nature of Our poet's PAGEANTS.

Mayfter Thomas More in hys youth devysed in hys fathers house in London, a goodly hangyng of fyne paynted clothe, with nyne pageauntes, and verses over every of those pageauntes: which verses expressed and declared, what the ymages in thofe pageauntes represented and also in those pageauntes were paynted, the thynges that the verses over them dyd (in effecte) declare.”

+ Notes on JUNE,

+ Ver, 63.


But the thought of the graces fitting under the shade of her eyebrows, is more exactly like what Taffo fays of Cupid.

Sotto al ombra

De le palpepre*.

B. ii. c. xii. f. lxvii.

And the ivorie in golden mantle gownd.

Thus in the Epithalamion,

Her long loofe yellow lockes

Doe like a golden mantle her attire.

It is remarkable, that Spenfer's females, both in the FAERIE QUEENE, and in his other poems, are all described with yellow hair. And in his general defcription of the influence of beauty over the braveft men, he particularifes golden treffes.

And mighty hands forgett their manlinesse,
Drawn with the power of an hart-robbing eye,
And wrapt in fetters of a GOLDEN TRESSE. 5.8.1.

This is faid in compliment to his mistress †, or to queen Elizabeth, who had both yellow hair; or per

* Aminta, att, 2. fc. I. Epith. v. 154.

+ See 6, 10, 12, 16. Sonn, 15. and


haps in imitation of the italian poets, who give most of their women treffes of this colour. With regard to the queen, Melvil, a minute and critical obferver, informs us, that "She delighted to fhew her goldencolored hair, wearing a caul and bonnet, as they do in Italy. Her hair was more reddish than yellow, curled in appearance naturally *." In the Pastoral, April, we have the following verses.

The red-rose meddled with the white yfere
In either cheek depeinten lively chere.

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This is faid of Syrinx, or queen Elizabeth, the daughter of Pan, or Henry VIII. E. K. obferves, that Spenser here alludes to the union of the houses of Lancaster and York, the white and red rofe: the two families being united in Henry VIII. the queen's father. This was partly meant; but his chief intention was, at the fame time, to pay a compliment to the queen's complexion, which was remarkably delicate, though rather inclining to pale. There is a Sonnet of Lord Brooke, to this purpose.

Under a throne I faw a virgin fit,

The red and white rofe quarter'd in her face t.

* Melvil's Memoirs, pag. 49.

+ Sonnet 71. pag. 228. Workes, &c, 1633. 4to.




How fufceptible this ADMIRED HEROINE was of the moft abfurd flattery paid to her perfon, may be feen from many curious proofs, collected by Mr. Walpole*. The prefent age fees her charms and her character in their proper colours!

B: iii. c. i. xxxvi.

Of Venus while Adonis was bathing.

And throw into the well fweet rosemaries,
And fragrant violets and pancies trim,
And ever with fweet nectar she did sprinkle him.

Thus in his Prothalamion,

Then forth they all out of their basketts drew
Great ftore of flowres the honour of the field,
That to the fence did fragrant odours yield;
All which upon thofe goodlie birds they threw,
And all the waves did ftrew;

That like old Peneus waters they did feeme,
When down along by Tempe's pleasant shore,
Scatter'd with flowres thro' Theffaly they ftreame.

To these we may add,

*Royal and Noble Authors. ed. 2. Lond. 1759. vol. 1. pag. 141. See more compliments to the Queen's beauty, in the paftoral cited above. She was then forty-five years old. This however was more allowable in a poem.


And ever as the crew

About her daunft, fweet flowres that far did fmell,
And fragrant odours they upon her threw.

6. 10. 14.

The circumstance of throwing flowers into the water, is not unlike what Milton fays of Sabrina's ftream.

The shepherds, at their feftivals,

Carol her goodness lowd in ruftic layes,

And throw sweet garland-wreaths into her streame,
Of pancies, pinks, and gaudy daffadils".

Statius introduces Love and the Graces fprinkling Stella and Violantilla, on their wedding-night, with flowers and odours.

Nec blandus Amor, nec Gratia ceffat,
Amplexum virides optatæ conjugis artus,
Floribus innumeris, & olenti fpargere thymbra↑.

And in another place he speaks of Venus pouring the fragrance of Amomum over Earinus in great abundance; a circumstance not much unlike that just mentioned concerning Venus and Adonis.

Hunc multo Paphie saturabat amomo ‡.

Comus, v. 848.

+ Epithalam. Sylv. b. 1. 2. v. 19.

Com. Barin. Sylv. b. 3. 4. ver. 82.

H 2

B. iii.

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