PROFESSOR OF HUMANITY, IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. London: PRINTED FOR SAMUEL BAGSTER, IN THE STRAND. INSCRIBED, IN TESTIMONY OF THE GRATITUDE AND ESTEEM OF THE AUTHOR, TO ROBERT GRAHAM, ESQ. OF GARTMORE, LATELY LORD RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, AND MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE COUNTY OF STIRLING. 4 Advertisement 1 TO THE FIFTH EDITION, PUBLISHED IN 1797. IN the year 1774 was published, " A philosophical Analysis and Illustration of some of Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters. In the year 1784 were published, " Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters of Richard the Third, King Lear, and Timon of Athens: to which were added, An Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare; and Additional Observations on the Character of Hamlet." Soon after |