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Coercion Bill, i. 247-8; and
Amended Ecclesiastical Titles
Bill, 335; and Insane Prisoners'
Act Amendment Bill, ii. 139;
Suggests Government Inquiry
into Capital Punishment, 140;
Opposes Permissive Bill, 149;
Introduces Measure for Suspend-
ing the Habeas Corpus Act in
Ireland, 267.

Grosvenor, Earl, Amendment of on
Mr. Gladstone's Reform Bill, ii.
204, 206; Mr. Bright's Warning
to, 207-8.
Guildhall, London, Mr. Cobden's
Speech at, on the Potato Famine,
i. 209; Reform Meeting at, ii. 216.


Habeas Corpus Act, Suspension of
in Ireland, ii. 272-3.
Hamilton, Lord Claud, Attack of
on Mr. Bright, ii. 328.
Hamilton, Lord George, his Motion
on Constructing Public Works in
India, ii. 522-3.

Harcourt, Sir W., his Attack on
the Beaconsfield Government, ii.

Hardy, Mr. Gathorne, against Irish

Church Disestablishment, ii. 296.
Harris, Mr., of Birmingham, his
Plan of Voting, ii. 349-50.
Hartington, The Marquis of, Vote of
Want of Confidence in the Derby
Ministry, i. 515-16; his Proposal
for the Defence of Canada, ii.
160; Contrasts the Beaconsfield
and Gladstone Administrations,
485; Chosen Leader of the
Liberal Party, 502; his Reply
to the Beaconsfield Manifesto,

Hastings, Sir Thomas, Challenges

Mr. Cobden to a Duel, i. 297.
Hayes, President, Invites Mr. Bright
to Visit America, ii. 497-8.
Herbert, Mr., R.A., Mr. Bright's
Opinion on his Fresco, ii. 139.
Herbert, Mr. Sidney, Opposes In-
quiry into Protection, i. 198;
Resigns Office under Lord Pal-
merston, 400.

Hermon, Mr., his Preston Election
Address Criticised by Mr. Bright,
ii. 580-2.

Herries, Mr., M.P. for Stamford,
Attacks Mr. Cobden, i. 295.
Hobhouse, Sir J. C., Opposes Mr.

Bright's Motion on Cotton Cul-
tivation in India, i. 291.
Home Rule, Mr. Bright upon, ii.

Horsfall, Mr., Motion of on Inter-

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national Maritime Law, ii. 88.
Horsman, Mr., on the Savoy Annex-
ation, ii. 129; on Infringement
of Privilege, 41, 71; Attack on
by Mr. Gladstone, 72-3; Mr.
Bright's Retort upon, 201.
House of Lords, The, Right of to
Reject Taxation Measures Passed
by the Commons, ii. 36-9, 40-49;
Amendments by on the 1867
Reform Bill, 261; Rejection by
of the Irish Church Suspensory
Bill, 307; Remarkable Division
in, on the Disestablishment Bill,
333; Mr. Bright upon, 573.
Howick, Lord, Moves for Inquiry
into the National Distress, but
Unsuccessfully, i. 164, 166.

Hume, Mr., Proposes Reduction of
Land Forces, i. 294, and of
Public Expenditure, 313; Moves
for Amendment of the National
Representation, 316.

Hyde Park, The Riot at, ii. 215;
Demonstration in, 257.


Indian Mutiny, Mr. Bright on, i.

Indian Questions, Mr. Bright refers
to, i. 443-4, 447-8, 455-6, 457, 459-
62, 463-5, 466-71, 473-5.
Inglis, Sir H., Alluded to by Mr.
Bright, i. 330.

Ireland, Mr. Bright's Sympathy for
the Condition of, i. 78-9, 118;
Potato Famine in, 205; Desti-
tute State of, 246; Govern-
ment Measures for Relief of,
246-7; Wretched Condition of
Described by Mr. Bright, 261,

Extension of Franchise in, 265;
Reform Bill of 1860 for, ii. 49;
Emigration from, 135-6, 600; Pic-
ture of under a Tory Government,
243; Disturbed Condition of, in
1866, 267; Mr. Chamberlain on
the Crisis in, 572; Coercion
Bill for, 587-8; Mr. Bright on
Neglect of Manufactures in,

Irish Church Question, Mr. Bright

upon the, i. 29, 79, 119, 256, 266,
271-3; ii. 136, 279-80, 301 ;
General Feeling upon the, 275.
Irish Coercion Bill, The Peel Minis-

try Fall upon, i. 221; Sir George
Grey's Introduced, 247; Passed,
253; Mr. Forster's of 1881, ii.

Irish Land Question, Mr. Bright
upon, i. 251-2, 262, ii. 279, 556-
61, 574, 593, 597-600.


Jaffray, Mr., Resolution as to the
Minority Clause Moved by, at
Birmingham, ii. 349; Moves
Congratulatory Address to the
Three Old Members on their
Re-election, 399.

Jamaica, The Rebellion and Mas-
sacre in, ii. 164-5; Report upon,
Jefferson, Mr., U.S. President, on
Laws of Primogeniture and En-
tail, ii. 124-5.

Jewish Disabilities, The Question
of, Discussed, i. 327-32.
Johnson, Dr., Anecdote of, Related
by Mr. Bright, ii. 588.
Judges, Attitude of towards Capital
Punishment, ii. 140-1, 145.


Kenealy, Dr., Elected for Stoke-
upon-Trent, ii. 502; Introduces
Petitions concerning the Tich-
borne Trial, 502-3; Motion for
a Royal Commission thereupon
Condemned by Mr. Bright, and
Lost, 506.

Kilkenny, Statute of, Referred to
by Mr. Bright, i. 341; ii. 556.
King, Mr. Locke, Bill for Ex-
tension of the County Franchise,
i. 318, 477; his Property Quali-
fication Measure, 477.

Kinglake, Mr., in Defence of the
Crimean War, i. 359-60.
Kossuth, the Hungarian Patriot,
his Reception at Manchester, i.
343-4; quoted by Mr. Bright on
the Crimean War, 417.


Labouchere, Mr., his Motion for
Improvement of Commercial Re-
lations with the Brazils, i. 97-8;
Mr. Gladstone Opposes, but Lord
Palmerston and Mr. Bright Sup-
port, 98-9.

Labouchere, Mr., Proposes that Mr.
Bradlaugh be Allowed to Affirm,
ii. 566.

Laird, Mr., on the Alabama Ques-
tion, Mr. Bright's Condemnation
of, ii. 156-7.

Lancashire, Distinguished States-
men born in, i. 1; Noted for its
Political Energy and Activity,
2; Want of Sympathy in, with
the South in the American War,
ii. 158.

Landlord Rule in Ireland, Mr.
Bright Condemns, i. 260.
Landed Proprietors, The, Charged
by Mr. Bright with Obtuseness,
ii. 127-8.
Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, Permissive
Bill Introduced by, ii. 146; his
Local Option Resolution, 532,
"Law of Nations," Mr. Bright on
the, i. 382.

Layard, Mr., on the Crimean War,
i. 366.

League Weekly Newspaper Started,

i. 173.

Leatham, Miss, Becomes Mr.
Bright's Second Wife, i. 244.
Leatham, Mr. E. A., Returned for
Huddersfield, i. 527.

Lennox, Lord Henry, Moves for a
Select Committee on Capital
Punishment, ii. 140.
Lindsay, Mr., Amendment of,
against Lord Palmerston's Na-
tional Defence Outlay, ii. 23.
Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Associa-
tion, i. 193.

Lloyd, Alderman, Proposes Mr.
Bright for the Vacant Seat at
Birmingham, i. 440-1, 444-5;
and Nominates him at the General
Election, 508.

Lowe, Mr., on the Preponderance
of Russia in the Black Sea, i.
406; Opposed by Mr. Bright,
409; Denounces the Working
Classes, ii. 198; on Mr. Glad-
stone's Reform Bill, 198, 213;
Mr. Bright's Spirited Response
to, 202; Opposes the "Vote of
Credit" asked for by the Beacons-
field Ministry, 420; on Extension
of the County Franchise, 516-17.
Lucas, Mrs., Mr. Bright's Sister,
i. 5.

Lytton, Sir Bulwer, Censures Lord

John Russell, i. 416; on Mr.
Disraeli's Reform Bill, 500-1;
on Mr. Gladstone's, ii. 206; his
Writings Quoted by Mr. Bright,



Macaulay, Lord, on State Educa-
tion, i. 286 7; on Lord Palmerston,
Macdonald, Mr., his Employers'
Liability Bill, Mr. Bright upon,
ii. 474.
Mackay, Mr., Sent to India by
Manchester Chamber of Com-
merce in the Cotton Interest,
i. 293; his Report, 293.
Maclaren, Mr. Duncan, Thanks the
Birmingham Electors for Return-
ing Mr. Bright, i. 445-6.
Maguire, Mr., Motion of on the
Condition of Ireland, ii. 287-8.
Manchester, Chamber of Commerce

Established at, i. 123; First
General Election at after the

1832 Reform Act, 124; First
Great Free Trade Demonstration
at, 140-1; Meeting at on Indian
Cotton Cultivation, 293; Inau-
guration of Free Library at, 346;
Mr. Bright Loses his Seat for,
432; New Town Hall Opened
at, ii. 464.
"Manchester School," Mr. Bright
upon the, i. 345-6.
Manchester Times Quoted, i. 126;
Mr. Cobden Writes Anonymously
in, 128; Comments in on Mr.
Bright's Unopposed Return,
242-3; on his Defeat, 434.
Martineau, Miss Harriet, her His-
tory of England during the Thirty
Years' Peace Quoted, i. 137.
Maynooth Grant, Mr. Bright Op-
poses on Principle, i. 117-20.
Mayo, The Earl of, Introduces the

Irish Proposals of the Tory
Government, ii. 288, 334.

Meldon, Mr., his Motion on Exten-

sion of the Franchise in Ireland,
ii. 510, 525, 531-2.

Miall, Mr. Edward, Returned for
Rochdale, i. 343.

Miles, Sir W., against Repeal of the
Paper Duty, ii. 36.

Mill, Mr. Stuart, his Argument as

to an Open Ballot Replied to by
Mr. Bright, if. 439.

Milton, John, Quoted by Mr.
Bright on War Expenditure, ii.
Mirabeau on Capital Punishment
in England, ii. 142.

Molesworth, Rev. Dr., Issues a
Periodical in the Tory Interest,
i. 54.
Mongredien, Mr. A., Quotation
from on Results of Free Trade,
i. 230-1.

Moore, Mr. G. H., Moves for In-

quiry into the Irish Ecclesiastical
Revenues, i. 265.

Morgan, Mr. Osborne, his Burials
Bill, ii. 507, 523-5.
Morpeth, Lord, Sympathises with
the Anti-Corn-Law League, i.
181; Expresses his Conviction
as to Final Repeal, 208.

Muntz, Mr., P. H., Nominates Mr.
Bright for Birmingham, i. 508;
his Election Opposed by the
Good Templars, ii. 441; on the
Management of Birmingham
Grammar School, 526-7.


Napier, Sir Charles, at the Edin-
burgh Peace Conference, i. 354-5;
at the Reform Club Banquet, 361.
National Reform Union, Banquet
of the, at Manchester, ii. 234.
Neate, Mr., Resolution Moved by,
as to a Royal Commission on
Capital Punishment, ii. 145-6.
Newcastle, Duke of, Introduces the
Foreign Enlistment Bill, i. 388.
New York Tribune, Referred to by
Mr. Bright, i. 325.

New York Chamber of Commerce,
Address Voted by, to Mr. Bright,
ii. 114.
Nonconformists, and the Education
Question, Mr. Bright on, i. 287-9;
and their work in England, ii.

Northcote, Sir Stafford, on Inter-

ference with the Khedive of
Egypt's Finances, ii. 478; Opposes
Official Reports of Parliamentary
Debates, 519.

Nova Scotia, Petitions against
Inclusion in the Dominion of
Canada, ii. 162, 367.

O'Brien, Mr. Stafford, Predicts
Disastrous Results from Free
Trade, i. 195.
O'Connell, Daniel, Anecdote of,
Related by Mr. Bright, ii. 287.
Odger, Mr. G., the Working Man
Candidate for Southwark, ii. 338.
Ormerod, Mr. O., an Early Friend
of Mr. Bright, i. 54.
Ottoman Empire, Decay of the,
Affirmed by Mr. Bright, i. 367,
389; ii. 30.

Oxford, The Bishop of, on Mr.
Cobden's Death, ii. 172.


Paget, Lord Clarence, on the Need
for Building Iron-clads, ii. 75.
Pakington, Sir John, Criticizes Mr.
Bright's Utterances on Governor
Eyre, ii. 166.

Palmerston, Lord, Attacks the Peace
Society, i. 322; Reply to Mr.
Bright on the Attitude of the
Ministry to the Crimean War,
363-4; Condemned by Macaulay
for it, 364-5; his Demeanour in
War contrasted with that of Peel,
394; Forms Ministry of 1855,
400; Important Secession from,
and Debate upon, 400-4; Recon-
structs the Cabinet, 404; Attacked
by Mr. Bright, 416-19; Dissolves
Parliament, 429; Obtains an In-
creased Majority, 433; Introduces
his Conspiracy to Murder Bill,
452; Resigns, 453; Opposes
the Ballot, 477-8; Defends the
Government's Chinese Policy, ii.
18; Proposals for Increasing the
National Defences, 22; Moves
for a Committee on Infringement
of the Privileges of the House of
Commons by the Upper House,
37; Resolutions upon, 40,47; on
the Navy Estimates of 1861, 76-7;
on the Trent Incident, 88; on
the Relations of England and the
United States in 1865, 152, 153;
on the Death of Mr. Cobden, 173;
his own Death, 193.
Paper Duty, Repeal of the, Debate
on, ii. 36-7, 47-8; Mr. Bright
upon, 42-3, 45, 47; Mr. Glad-
stone Proposes, 71; Royal Assent
given to, 75.

Papal Aggression, Debates upon,
i. 333-9.

Patronage, Mr. Bright upon, ii.

Pattison, Mr., Returned for London
in the Free Trade Interest, i. 180.
Paulton, Mr. W., Lectures at Bolton
on the Corn Laws, i. 131-2; and
at Manchester, 133-4.
Peabody, Mr. George, Mr. Bright
the Guest of, ii. 314-15.

Peace Society, Meetings of at
Birmingham, i. 296, 340; Prose-
cution of Members of, 322; Con-
ference of at Manchester, 348-50;
at Edinburgh, 354-9; Deputation
from to the Czar of Russia, 361;
Principles of the, to be taught
in Sunday Schools, ii. 472.
Pease, Mr., Cited by Mr. Bright,
i. 328; on Abolition of Capital
Punishment, 520.

Peel, Sir Robert, Mr. Bright's Senti-

ments towards, i. 74, 76, 87, 94,
145; Becomes Premier, 127; Car-
ries a Vote of Want of Confidence
in the Whig Government, 144 ;
again Premier, 145; his "Sliding
Scale," 151; Personal Scene with
Mr. Cobden, 165; Defends the
Corn Laws, 177; his Budget of
1845, 195; Objects to Immediate
Repeal, 204, 210; on the Potato
Famine, 205, 207; Temporarily
Resigns Office, 209; Agrees to
Return, 214; Announces his
Change of Opinion on Protection,
215-16; Speech on the Govern-
ment Measures, 216-17; Lengthy
Debate upon, 218-20; Assailed
by the Protectionists, 218; De-
fends his Scheme, 218-19; Sup-
ported by Mr. Bright, 219-20;
Measure Carried, 221; Resigns
Office, 221; Farewell Speech,

Pell, Mr., his Amendment to the
Government Education Bill, ii.

Penn, William, Quoted by Mr.

Bright, ii. 241, 294.

Permissive Bill, Sir Wilfrid Law-
son's, ii. 146-9.

Philips, Mr. Mark, Returned for


Manchester in 1832, i. 125.
Phillimore, Dr., his Motion
Church Rates, i. 321.
Poor Law, Establishment of an
Efficient, in Ireland, i. 246.
Potter, Mr. T. B., Elected for
Rochdale, ii. 189; Banquet to,
on his Return from America, 491.
Prentice, Mr. Archibald, Proprietor

of the Manchester Times, i. 126;

Historian of the Anti-Corn-Law
League, 128-9; Meeting of, with
Mr. Cobden, 128.
Preston, Exciting Election at, i.
9, 10.

Prince of Wales, National Interest
in his Marriage Referred to by
Mr. Bright, ii. 136-7.

Purvis, Mr., Opposes Mr. Bright at
Durham, i. 67; Extract from his
Speech, 67; Appearance of on
the Hustings, 77; Attempted
Reply to Mr. Bright, 83-4; De-
feated, 84.

Ranelagh, Lord, Lends his Grounds
at Kensington for Trades Reform
Demonstration, ii. 238.

Richmond, Duke of, against Free
Trade, i. 194-5.

Ripon, Lord, Waited upon by Anti-
Corn-Law Deputation, i. 155.
Rochdale, Mr. Bright Addresses a

Bible Society Meeting at, i. 15;
his Connection with the Cricket
Club at, 16; the Town Enfran-
chised, 16; Formation of Literary
and Philosophical Society at, 19;
Education Meeting at, 32-3;
Address to the Radical Re-
formers of, 40-45; Church Rate
Agitation at, 46-54; Anti-Corn-
Law Meeting at, 138; Dis-
tress in, 147-8, 150; Chartism
at, 156-7; Demonstration at, in
Honour of Corn Law Repeal,
226; Freehold Land Society
Established at, 342; Presenta-
tion to Mr. Crawford at, 419;
Meeting at, to Promote Mr.
Cobden's Return, 505-6; Duly
Elected for, 514; Banquet at, to
Mr. Bright, ii. 81; Cotton Famine
Meeting at, 95-6; Cobden and
Bright on the Land Question at,
117-18; Sympathetic Meeting of
Mr. Bright's Workpeople at, 246;
Meeting at, to Welcome Mr.
Jacob Bright on his Election
for Manchester, 427; Mr. Bright
Distributes Art Prizes at, 467;
Sunday School Conference at, 471.

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