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THIRD воок.



Defires and hopes of penitence.

I LET no events caft down
Those who from evil flee,
Nor difappointment fhame their hopes
Who wait, O Lord, on thee.

2 Lord, fet before mine eyes
Thy ways in clearer light;
And help me always to perform
What is pleasing in thy fight.


From the ftraight paths of truth,
Ne'er let me turn aftray:

On thee, my gracious God, I wait
To learn and keep thy way.

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No strict enquiry make:

The faults that I renounce, forgive

For thine own goodness fake.

5 God, who is good and juft,
Will those who err inftruct,
And to the paths of righteousness
Their wandering fteps conduct.

6 The humble foul he'll guide,
And teach the meek his way:
Kindness and truth he'll fhew to all
Who his juft laws obey.

7 Give me the tender heart
That fears the Lord above:
And lead me thro' whatever path
Thy wifdom fhall`approve.

8 But ever keep my foul
From error, fhame, and guilt;
And fuffer not the hope to fail
That on thy truth is built.



Prefervation and redemption.

I TO God the only wife,

Our faviour and our king,

Let all his faints with joyful hearts
Their humble praifes bring.

[blocks in formation]

2 'Tis his almighty love,

His counsel, and his care,

Preferves them fafe from fin, and death,
And every hurtful fnare.

3 He will present their souls.
Unblemish'd and compleat,
Before the glory of his face,
With joys divinely great.

4 Then all his faithful fons
Shall meet around the throne;

Shall blefs the conduct of his grace,
And make his wonders known.

5 To God the only wife

All majesty belongs,

And be his power and grace
In everlasting fongs.




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Christian hope.

BEHOLD what wondrous grace
The Father hath bestow'd

On upright minds of mortal race,,
To call them fons of God!

2 It doth not yet appear

How great we shall be made;

But when we see our faviour near,

We fhall be like our head.

[blocks in formation]

Should trials well endure,,

Should more and more our fouls refine,.

Till pure as Chrift is pure.


Pleafures of religion.

COME, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known; Join in a fong with sweet accord, And thus approach his throne,

Here let the humble mind. Bid all its forrows ceafe; Religion never was defign'd To make our pleasures lefs..


The eternal God is ours,

That God whofe name is Love,

And he will fend his quickening powers
To carry us above.


4 There

2 'Tis his almighty love,

His counfel, and his care,

Preferves them fafe from fin, and death,
And every hurtful snare.

3 He will present their fouls.
Unblemish'd and compleat,
Before the glory of his face,
With joys divinely great.

4 Then all his faithful fons

Shall meet around the throne; Shall blefs the conduct of his grace, And make his wonders known.

5 To God the only wife
All majefty belongs,

And be his power and grace ador'd
In everlasting songs.



Chriftian hope.

BEHOLD what wondrous grace
The Father hath beftow'd

On upright minds of mortal race,.
To call them fons of God!

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