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I am admonished by my voice as well as by other things, that I must not trespass too long upon your attention. Well, will this statue-this counterpart, as I can myself witness, of the features I remember so well—well will it stand in this spot-this spot so happy in its architectural combinations-so rich in its historic associations; here, beneath the grey walls of the venerable College which sheltered his buoyant youth, opposite the august portico of his nation's hall of legislation? And here let me ask, why should not this method of decoration be extended-why should not other worthies adorn your noble thoroughfares? why, since to-day we have to do with poets-why should not a monument to another consummate Irish minstrel, Oliver Goldsmith, be nestled within the shadows of his own University? However, our special business to-day is with Moore, and amply he suffices for the occasion. I congratulate you-I congratulate the inhabitants of Dublin-upon the completing of this act of honour to their own poet; and, though the fame of Moore will always be mainly linked with that lyre which he could touch alike to melt and to burn-though his lay, accompanying the language of our country, which now girds every quarter of the globe, will always be the delight of every social board, and of every refined circle, will still thrill on the lips of beauty, and fire the pulse of patriotism, I yet do sincerely rejoice that you have given a local habitation and a life-like embodiment to Thomas Moore within his own Dublin.



[MAY 24TH, 1861.]

ILBERT SANDERS, Esq., Chairman of the Fine Arts Exhibition, having read the Address, the EARL OF CARLISLE said :


I have often found myself associated with your respected and spirited Society in promoting the high interests of science and agriculture.

I will not seek to establish distinctive grades of usefulness between the different branches of mental and social attainments; but we shall surely seek in vain for more elevating and refining developments of them than in the domain of the fine arts. You have, therefore, done well to add to those important realities of life with which it is generally your province to deal, the grace and the charm which the fine arts generally, and perhaps the art of painting especially, are calculated to impart. Before I actually make the inspection by which I am about to be gratified, it would be premature to express an opinion upon the precise merits of the Exhibition. I have little doubt, however, that a close inspection of the details will only confirm the effect of the rich and glowing spectacle which, as I stand here, I see before and around me. I congratulate the Society on the general co-operation with which they have been honoured from crowned heads, especially from our own beloved Queen; and I think there is every reason to hope that we may be gratified by seeing among the spectators of this Exhibition His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, during his auspicious residence in Ireland. The collection now about to be opened to the public gaze, besides its illustrations of ancient and modern art, will trace some of the manifold connexions between art and manufacturing skill, and will thus add point to the pleasing contrast adverted to in your address, that while in other regions and communities, either the baleful blight of war is ravaging the fair face of nature, or discord is summoning brothers to worse than warlike strife, we, the loyal subjects of our common Sovereign, the tranquil citizens of one united empire, the peaceful friends of the whole family of nations, are in new temples celebrating the high festivals of industry, art, and concord.


[JUNE 30TH, 1863.]

HE following Address was presented to the EARL OF CARLISLE,


on the occasion of his diverting the waters of the "Vartry" from the old river channel into the new conduit intended to convey them to the city of Dublin for the supply of its inhabitants :—


"We, the Waterworks Committee of the Municipal Council, in the name of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Dublin, beg leave to tender to your Excellency our warmest thanks for the cordial interest you continue to take in the progress of this the greatest public work undertaken by the municipality of Dublin since its first incorporation. Some months have elapsed since you kindly consented, at a period when doubts and misgivings as to the future still haunted the minds of many, to become sponsor for the Vartry Waterworks, testifying your wellgrounded faith in the project by laying the first stone of our service reservoir, and not hesitating to identify with our undertaking the name of the Prince who is heir to the Throne of these realms, and whose virtues have already won for him the affections and the loyalty of this people.

"It cannot fail to prove gratifying to your Excellency to learn that the doubts and misgivings have passed away, and that all controversy as to the suitability of the project is at an end. Mr. Bateman-a man whose name is imperishably connected with the great Lough Katrine Works, and whose high repute gave scientific authority and engineering vitality to the doubts of the less skilful many-has recently re-investigated the whole project, under the sense of official responsibility, and, after a most rigid scrutiny of all its details, has confirmed the favourable opinions pronounced by your Excellency as to the essential soundness and certain success of the undertaking.

"To your Excellency, and to the members of your Government, whose co-operation you procured for us, we are indebted for the financial facilities which enabled us to prosecute these works to the state of advancement you have to-day witnessed. To that co-operation we owe

the success of our application for a loan of £250,000, and the reduction of the interest on that loan from five to four per cent. In the consequent diminution of their burdens to the extent of £2,500 a year, and in the abundant guarantee thereby afforded that we will be able to complete all our works without increasing either our borrowing powers or our present taxation, the citizens of Dublin will feel the benefit of the warm interest you have taken in their welfare, for which we now desire, in their name, to express our deep and lasting gratitude.

"The waters of this river have passed for countless ages through the channel in which they flow to-day for the last time. A new channel, intended to conduct them to more useful ends, has been designed by the skill of our engineers, and constructed under the direction of the eminent contractor, Mr. M'Cormick, to whose experienced and practised judgment we confidently intrusted all our works. Nearly two thousand native workmen, doomed to eat bread in the sweat of their brow, have here found their laborious industry requited by good wages, bringing in their train contentment and abundance; and your Excellency will learn with satisfaction that their conduct has been throughout marked by good order and disciplined obedience.

"It now only remains for the Waterworks Committee, in the name of the ancient and loyal Corporation of Dublin, respectfully to ask your Excellency to close this old channel now and for ever, and to command that the beautiful waters of the Vartry' shall henceforth flow through their new conduit, dedicated throughout all time to come to the high and holy purposes of ministering to the domestic wants, the physical health, and the moral elevation of the three hundred thousand people, in whose name and for whose use we humbly implore the Author of all good to bless, to sanctify, and to perpetuate the work you are now about to accomplish.


"Chairman of the Waterworks Committee.

"Tuesday, June 30th, 1863."


The EARL OF CARLISLE replied as follows:

I have to thank the Waterworks Committee of the Municipal Council of the city of Dublin alike for a friendly address, a picturesque expedition, and a very interesting and imposing ceremony. I well remember the inaugurative function of this great undertaking, and I cordially join

with you in rejoicing that it should have advanced thus far, smoothly and prosperously, in its progress towards completion. I almost feel that you invest me with powers to which neither my imagination nor my ambition ever soared, when you call upon me to divert the crystal waters from the course they have probably followed since these purple Wicklow hills emerged from the earth's crust, and to bid them flow in a new and virgin channel. I well know that this marvel has been achieved by high engineering genius, and by the scarcely less necessary co-operation of a hardy and honest industry. I fervently echo your prayer that the results of this spirited enterprise may fully accomplish all the purposes which have inspired its conception and progress. If in a neighbouring valley the eye of genius could see in the social pleasures which were gathered round" the Meeting of the Waters" a magic more exquisite than their own, so here we consecrate the parting of the waters to a still higher mission, to promote the health, comfort, and civilization of countless families.

The EARL OF CARLISLE, after a brief pause, addressing the assemblage, said :—


I have a very few words to add on this occasion. I wish to give a practical proof of the value I attach to this undertaking, by making a special recognition, in the only way open to me, of the indefatigable zeal and high ability evinced by the Chairman of the Waterworks Committee throughout the whole progress of the undertaking.

The EARL OF CARLISLE then commanded Dr. Gray to kneel down, and, receiving a sword from the Aide-de-camp in Waiting, laid it successively on each shoulder, using at the same time the words,


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