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on the Government the necessity of giving Mr. Stoney a position somewhat corresponding to those I have mentioned, and I am glad to find my representations have met with a liberal response, and that the secretary and his assistant now receive an addition to the salary heretofore allotted to them by Government.

I now come to the Queen's College Fund. It is now three years in existence. About £1200 have already been distributed amongst the students of the University. A portion of this fund has been invested in railway stock and a portion in Indian stock; so that I am happy to say that, whilst we can amply, freely, and liberally endow the students at the present time with prizes and rewards, there will remain funds which will carry back to the students of this University a recollection of the liberality of the public, and, I hope, leave some remnant of good-will also towards myself.

Now, we have heard from the Lord Chancellor what the success of the University has been. The success of the students of the Queen's Colleges in the competitive examinations was most remarkable. I will take the last year of 1863-64. There were two competitive examinations for the Public Works, Department in India, and the Queen's University students won the first, second, and sixth out of ten appointments. There was a competitive examination for the Indian Telegraph Department-I only mention these two, but I might mention many others—and the students of the Queen's University actually obtained five out of twelve appointments. I think it is impossible to refer to those details without seeing how remarkably successful we have been in the general competition with students of other Universities.

Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I should be disposed to close these few remarks, but I have observed that in all our successes there is yet wanting something to make them thorough and complete. We see all over Ireland a network of National Schools. I think there are at this moment 6000 odd, with more than 800,000 children attending them. We have three Queen's Colleges in the different provinces of Ulster, Munster, and Connaught. They are doing an immensity of good. As regards the National Schools, it is unnecessary for me to refer to them; but in our criminal statistics we observe what an immense effect they have had by the moral agency and systematic training to which the children are subjected. But I have to deal with the Queen's Colleges, and what I wish to show is, how much needed these Queen's Colleges must be. I will take the two great religious denominations which represent the majority of the people in this country, Roman Catholics and Protestants. Look at the Dublin University Commission. I am not aware that matters are much altered since then, and you will see from that, I think, that while Roman Catholics and Presbyterians represent the overwhelming majority of the people of this country, yet actually in Trinity College only six per cent. of the students were Roman Catholics, and four per cent. Presbyterians. Is not that convincing proof of the necessity we are under of establish


ing a National University which will embrace all classes in this country? Well, then, between the National Schools and the Queen's University there is a great lack. How is that? We want in this country what they are now agitating for in England-we want Intermediate Schools. In England the new Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Sir Stafford Northcote, and many others, I am happy to say, have interested themselves in this subject, and what we want here is that we should have a system of Intermediate Schools which should act as a feeder to this University. You have enormous endowments. There are enormous endowments in the Royal Schools and Charter Schools, and many others; but I am sorry to say we all know that the funds of these Schools have been grossly mismanaged. The revenue of these Schools alone amounts to £70,000 or £80,000 a year, but if properly managed they might reach £140,000 or £150,000 a year; and therefore I say, I believe, if you would properly apply them, you have resources to maintain intermediate education which would be most useful and beneficial to the people of this country. It is to the middle classes I address myself. It is they who are most interested in this matter. They have hitherto been deprived of the advantages of collegiate and university education, at least in this country. It depends upon this country generally to stir up this matter as they are doing in England. Attract public attention to it, and I will venture to say that two years will not pass without bringing it that consideration which it is entitled to receive. We all know the discouragement which must result from having this enormous educational fund lost to the country.

We are prospering-prospering as we should do, and why? In whatever channel of action your choice or your inclination may lead you-whether it be in science, whether it be in medicine, whether it be the legal profession, or whether it be in the public service—the avenues of distinction are now open to you. Thank God there are no barriers which you cannot now surmount by patience, perseverance, and industry. I recollect that a learned Judge-a very learned Judge-was once asked how men succeed at the bar. He said, "Some succeed by great talent, some by high connexions, some by a miracle, but the majority by commencing without a sixpence." Never were truer words spoken. Self-help alone makes a man succeed. If he has confidence in himself, he may despise the world, because he is sure to get on by his own determination to succeed. I recollect having read in "Moore's Life" a characteristic letter from Lord Melbourne to Lord John Russell. Lord Russell wrote to Lord Melbourne, asking him to make some provision for one of Moore's sons. This was Lord Melbourne's reply, and it contains a very useful piece of advice :—

"MY DEAR JOHN,-I return you Moore's letter. Whatever is done should be done

* Lord Wodehouse, who had not as yet entered upon the duties of the Viceroyalty.

for Moore himself. Making a small provision for young men is, of all things, the most prejudicial to themselves. They think what they have much larger than it really is, and they make no exertion. The young should never hear any language but this: You have your own way to make, and it depends upon your own exertions whether you starve or not.'-Yours, "MELBOURNE."

There is a good deal of good, sound, common sense there; and I recollect, in this very city-I think at the opening of a railway that was constructed through the energy of Mr. Dargan-a remark made by that gentleman which bears on this subject. Mr. Dargan's health was drunk, and he was wished prosperity, and complimented upon the independence he had acquired by his own exertions. Having returned thanks for the toast of his health, Mr. Dargan made this sensible remark:-"We have heard a great deal lately about the independence we have acquired from this, that, and the other source, but I have given a great deal of attention to industrial independence, and my opinion is, that active industry and careful exactness would be the making of Ireland." There is a great deal of common sense in that suggestion. You will succeed, my young friends, in future life, by showing determination and perseverance, and acting with prudence. Let me then entreat you that in your early life you should make it your study to advance yourselves in those useful and honourable labours in which the rising generation of Ireland are so well fitted to excel by their character, by their intelligence, and by their moral qualities. Do not let it be said that the success of your academic career is ephemeral-that, having gained Honors here, you are contented to rest upon your oars, and pass an idle and listless life. On the contrary, let it be but an earnest of future exertion—a pledge of perseverance, and, no doubt, of success in the business and concerns of active life. And, above all, my young friends, do not forget ever to keep present to your mind that in your persons, and in your position, you represent that great family of the middle classes of the United Kingdom, by whose industrial independence and upon whose moral worth the welfare and the institutions of this free country must ever mainly depend.




VICEREGAL LODGE, September 14, 1861.

I FEEL that I ought not at least to withhold my expression of admiration for the liberal and munificent hospitality which you evinced in your recent enter

tainment to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. It would have been very agreeable to myself, if I could have conveyed to you an intimation that you were to receive the same honour which was conferred upon the Chief Magistrate of Dublin upon the occasion of Her Majesty's first visit to that capital. As, however, that precedent was not followed upon her second visit, and as it is our hope that IIer Majesty's future arrivals in Ireland may not be looked upon as rare or exceptional circumstances, it has not been thought advisable to adopt the course which was pursued in 1849.

Your Lordship is aware that the highest mark of distinction by which it would be in my own power to prove how much I appreciated at once the general feeling and bearing of the whole population of Dublin during the visits of Her Majesty and her august family, and the manner in which you personally represented and embodied the loyal sentiment of the community would be by conferring upon your Lordship the honour of Knighthood. I do not, however, directly make that proposal to you, in case it might not be agreeable to you to accept it. Upon the slightest intimation, however, that it would not be unacceptable, I need not say how much pleasure I should feel in bestowing it.

I have the honour to be,

My dear Lord Mayor,

With great respect and regard,
Your very grateful Servant,



The Address of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Council of the Borough of Morpeth, to the Honorable and Reverend WILLIAM GEORGE EARL of CARLISLE, VISCOUNT HOWARD OF MORPETH, and BARON DACRE OF GILSLAND.


WE beg to offer your Lordship and the other relatives of the late EARL OF CARLISLE our sincere sympathy on his death. In expressing this, we only echo the feeling which is so general in Great Britain and Ireland as to be almost national; for to know his Lordship was to love, respect, and admire him. But we regard his Lordship as having a more intimate relation with us, as, in looking to the long line of his ancestors until it is lost in the mist of Saxon antiquity, we see the founders of our Corporation and its feudal head

for more than six centuries, and we fondly believe that the best and greatest qualities of that long and noble line were repeated in the late Earl. In him we trace the calm wisdom of his immediate ancestor, and the literary tastes and splendid talents of the LORD WILLIAM HOWARD, and we are certain that in the late Earl were combined all those qualities which caused History to style one of the Greystock branch "THE GOOD LORD WILLIAM;" for every thought, word, and act of him whose loss we deplore, were distinguished by goodness of heart, by kindness and consideration for others, and an entire absence of every selfish object.

Exalted as was the station, and great the possessions of the late Earl, we know that he looked upon these at their true value, and had other and higher hopes, which we trust are now more than realized.

We assure your Lordship that the name and virtues of GEORGE EARL OF CARLISLE will be long remembered and fondly cherished in this Borough.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the common Seal of our Borough to be affixed hereto, this twelfth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.




The Address of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Morpeth and Neighbourhood, to the Honorable and Reverend WILLIAM GEORGE EARL OF CARLISLE, VISCOUNT HOWARD OF MORPETH, and BARON DACRE OF GILSLAND.


THE inhabitants of this town and neighbourhood desire to express their sorrow on the death of the late EARL OF CARLISLE. Connected by ancestral and historic associations and extensive possessions, he had scarcely attained his majority when he entered upon public life as the representative of this Borough. He then said, "The principles which shall ever regulate my conduct are loyalty to the king, a sincere attachment to our free and equal constitution, an earnest desire to secure the welfare of every class of my fellowsubjects, and an ardent love of that freedom which has made us the proud and happy people it is our boast to be." The few yet living who listened to that address well remember that the modest, yet eloquent words and graceful bearing of the noble Lord augured a brilliant future, which was more than fulfilled when his Lordship stood in the Castle Yard of York, elected by the

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