PREFACE. THE close of the year calls upon us for our annual Address to our Readers. We rejoice with them in the exertions of Christians of various denominations in behalf of our common religion during the present year, and implore the blessing of the great Head of the Church upon them, as well as upon our feeble endeavours to subserve his cause, and to promote his glory. Great efforts are now making by the enemies of Christianity, by means of scurrilous and blasphemous publications, to gain proselytes to their impious opinions. But it is a foolish, as well as wicked, attempt. It is a vain thing for them to reproach and blaspheme the Holy One of Israel: His cause must and will prevail. Some persons, who are already the servants of sin, may be deceived by their writings; but the righteous shall go on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger. At such a time as this we feel ourselves particularly called upon, not merely to cherish sentiments of sincere love and brotherly affection to our fellow-christians, (for in this we trust we have never failed,) but to declare our high regard for all who love Zion, and who are fellow-citizens with ourselves of that happy city. Although it is our province to pay more immediate attention to that part of its wall which is " over against our own house," we are anxious, according to our ability, to promote the prosperity at large of the city of which we form a part. We request our Correspondents to accept our thanks for their numerous and valuable communications, and hope to be favoured with a continuance of them; but the limited extent of our pages renders it necessary for us to reject many papers, which we should otherwise take pleasure in inserting, as well as to abridge others which we do insert. The same cause also occasions the delay of papers which we hope to be able to insert at some future period. We lament these things, but we cannot prevent them. We formerly hoped to be able to give a monthly Portrait; but it was attended with difficulties, which we did not sufficiently contemplate. We have added, however, to the number of our pages; and we will give an Engraving as often as it shall be in our power. Our readers will have perceived that an addition has this year been made to the sum which had been usually granted for the Widows of our Ministers. It will afford us real pleasure should the increased sale enable us to add to their comforts the ensuing year. We have been informed that some of our Ministers, feeling for the necessities of the Widows, have exerted themselves in their respective circles in recommending the Magazine. Were all our Ministers to follow their example, we are persuaded that a much larger number might yet be sold. |