The Actor and His TextHarrap, 1987 - Всего страниц: 285 This book sets out to apply the methods of voice production directly and practically to the speaking of text. Specifically, it addresses the problem of how to infuse life and meaning into words that are first encountered on the printed page. |
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Стр. 38
... Act II , Scene I. It is a speech of Brutus , in a scene where he and Sicinius - the two Tribunes of the people comment on how the people come to look at Coriolanus as he goes to seek the patrician's vote that he be made Consul . The ...
... Act II , Scene I. It is a speech of Brutus , in a scene where he and Sicinius - the two Tribunes of the people comment on how the people come to look at Coriolanus as he goes to seek the patrician's vote that he be made Consul . The ...
Стр. 79
... ACT II , SCENE 1 : Mercutio : Benvolio : If love be blind , love cannot hit the mark . Now will he sit under a medlar tree And wish his mistress were that kind of fruit As maids call medlars when they laugh alone . O , Romeo , that she ...
... ACT II , SCENE 1 : Mercutio : Benvolio : If love be blind , love cannot hit the mark . Now will he sit under a medlar tree And wish his mistress were that kind of fruit As maids call medlars when they laugh alone . O , Romeo , that she ...
Стр. 225
... scene is suspended in time , and this is heightened by the repeated references to the storm , and the twice - spoken ' Shut up your doors ' . ( ii ) Read for yourselves the last beat of Act II , Scene 1 in Richard II between Willoughby ...
... scene is suspended in time , and this is heightened by the repeated references to the storm , and the twice - spoken ' Shut up your doors ' . ( ii ) Read for yourselves the last beat of Act II , Scene 1 in Richard II between Willoughby ...
Acknowledgments 79 | 7 |
Attitudes to Voice and Text | 15 |
Shakespeare Setting out the Rules | 52 |
Авторские права | |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
actor antithesis Antony Antony and Cleopatra audience aware Barnardo beat become beginning breath caesura character consonants Coriolanus Delroy dialogue Dingo doth emotional energy exercises eyes feel give Hamlet happens hath hear heightened helps Hermia Iago iambic pentameter imagery images important Karn keep King King Lear language Lear Leontes listener look Love's Labour's Lost Macbeth meaning mememe metre Midsummer-Night's Dream mind Mogg move movement naturalistic night notice open vowels Othello ourselves particularly passage patterns perhaps person phrase physical piece of text play poetic possible reason rhyme rhythm Richard II Romeo and Juliet Rosalind round scene sense Shakespeare sing soliloquy sonnet sound space speak the text speech stress syllables talking texture thee Theseus thing thou thought structure Troilus Troilus and Cressida verse voice vowels weight Winter's Tale words writing