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I again call the attention of the Supreme Council to the imperfect and unsatisfactory recapitulation on the backs of our printed Returns, and urge upon the Supreme Council the importance of causing this portion of our Annual Returns to be amended so as to show the membership at the close of the preceding year, its additions by initiation, admission or reinstatement in membership, and after deducting therefrom the losses by death, resignation, suspension or expulsion, to show the present membership in each body at the close of the fiscal year comprised in the report. The rejections and names of those rejected, it appears to me, should appear on the Returns.

The Regulation adopted at your last session requiring each Consistory to confer at least two of the Degrees under its jurisdiction in full ceremonial form and due instruction upon each Candidate before he shall be admitted to the rank and priveleges of a Sub.. Pr.. of the R. . S... 32°, has been faithfully carried out in this District to the best of my knowledge and belief. In some few instances application has been made to me for Dispensation in this particular, but with one or two exceptions I have invariably refused to issue such, or to sanction any departure from this wholesome regulation.

I hope soon to see this and other important Resolutions incorporated into the body of our Constitution and Regulations and that these be printed and freely distributed among the Bodies and Members of the Rite.

The Council of Deliberation of Pennsylvania met in the Masonic Temple, at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 5th day of December, A. D., 1876. There were present two (2) Active and sixteen (16) Honorary Members of the Supreme Council, a goodly representation from the several Bodies in the District, three (3) members of Consistories from our sister Jurisdiction of New York, and sixty-three (63) members of Consistories in Pennsylvania as visitors. The proceedings of the Council were entirely harmonious and more interesting than those of any preceding Council in this District. An exemplification of the Thirtieth degree was made by the officers and members of Philadelphia Sov.. Consistory S.·. P.·. R. ́. S. ·. 32°, Ill. ·. Bro. Andrew Robeno, Jr., 33°, presiding, and was exceedingly satisfactory to the members of the Council and visiting Brethren present. A copy of the proceedings acompanies this report, by mail, and in accordance with the suggestion made at the session of your Council of last year, a copy was mailed to each Active and Honorary Member of the Supreme Council so far as the postoffice address could be obtained.

The dues and fees from each and all of the Bodies in this District have been received and paid over to your Grand Treasurer.

Whilst some of the Subordinate Bodies in this District have been called upon to pay the last tribute of respect to deceased members, I am happy to say that the number of members of your Supreme Council resident in this District has not been diminished by death.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

S.. G... Insp.. Gen.., Deputy for Pennsylvania.


DETROIT, July 6, 1877.

Hon. J. H. DRUMMOND. 33°, M.·. P... Soc.. Gr.. Com.. Supreme Council, N. J.:


I have the honor to submit my Annual Report, showing the condition of the Rite in the State of Michigan, for the year 1876-7.

I am pleased to report that some work has been done in all the Bodies of the Rite in this State during the past year.

Doubtless much more work would have been done had it not been for the continued financial depression which has so oppressed the people since 1873.


In the Valley of Detroit degrees have been conferred on candidates, as follows:

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Bro.. JOHN D.

In the Valley of Grand Rapids, under the labors of Ill.. JENNINGS, 332, good work has been done, and the Lodge and Council in that Valley are taking a deep interest in the prosperity of the Rite. Eleven Brothers have received the Degrees in the Lodge of Perfection, and four in the Council of Princes of Jerusalem.

The returns of all the Bodies in this Jurisdiction have been made, and dues paid to the Secretary General H.. E..

There was no Council of Deliberation held during the past year, there being no business to come before the Council that would justify the expense.

The Lodge and Council formerly held at Ann Arbor have not as yet been re-organized. They will probably ask for the restoration of their Charters during the coming year.

There is a fair prospect that the Bodies in the Valley of Kalamazoo will pay their dues and ask the Supreme Council to restore their Charters.

I have no information from the late Bodies in the Valley of Jackson. The prospects are favorable that during the coming year these Bodies will do more work than they have for several years past.

Fraternally submitted,


Deputy for Michigan.

P. S.

BOSTON, September 18, 1877.

Since my arrival at Boston I have received from the Bodies in the

Valley of Kalamazoo, the following petition:

To the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33°, A.. A.·. S.·. Rite, Northern Jurisdiction of the U. S. A.:

At a convention of the members of the several Bodies of the A.. A.·. S. ·. Rite, located in the Valley of Kalamazoo, Michigan, whose several Charters have been revoked because of the non-payment of dues to your Illustrious Body, which convention was held at Masonic Hall, Kalamazoo, September 13, 1877; it was unanimously

Resolved, That we respectfully pray the Supreme Council to restore the Charters to the several Bodies of the Rite located at Kalamazoo, Michigan, upon the payment, within ninety days from this date, by them or their representative, into the treasury of the Supreme Council, the sum that may now be due to it from each and all of them.

September 13, A. D., 1877.

In accordance with the intent and spirit of the foregoing action of the convention, the undersigned, members in good standing of the Bodies of the A.'. A.. S.. Rite (whose Charters were lately revoked) at Kalamazoo, do most respectfully and fraternally pray that upon the conditions named in the foregoing resolution, their Charters may be restored to them.

September 13, 1877.


The undersigned, whose names were procured to a letter expressing a willingness to have the Bodies once here, established elsewhere, beg leave to state that those signatures are hereby revoked, and that they cordially concur in the foregoing petition for the restoration of our Charters.

KALAMAZOO, September 13, 1877.





I most earnestly recommend that the prayer of the petitioners from the Valley of Kalamazoo be granted.


We fully concur in the above recommendation.

Deputy for Michigan.

A. T. METCALF, 33,

F. A. BLADES, 33o,
R. W. LANDON, 339.


ORIENT OF CINCINNATI, September 14, 1877.

To Ill.. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, M... P... Sov.. Gr.. Commander of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, 33°, Northern Jurisdiction of the U. S.:


I have the honor to submit my annual report as to the condition of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in Ohio, for the year ending July 1, 1877.

The Rite has been undisturbed by contention or discord, and has, notwithstanding the depressed condition of the business of the country, made about its average increase in Ohio.

All of the subordinates have done more or less work, except the Lodge and Council at Cambridge.

I submit a condensed statistical statement of the Rite for the year, as follows, viz:

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Total dues to Supreme Council......

The above sum has been paid to the Grand Secretary General.


A Council of Deliberation was held on the 20th, 21st and 22d days of February, 1877, and here with I submit a printed copy of the minutes of said meeting.

I would most respectfully beg leave to call the attention of the Supreme Council to several matters of importance acted upon by said Council of Deliberation, and which are submitted for the consideration of the Supreme Council.

The melancholy duty devolves upon me of making official announcement of the death of Illustrious Bro.. Kent Jarvis, Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33d degree, and Honorary Member of this Supreme Council, which event took place January 15, 1877. Full particulars as to his death and funeral will be found in the proceedings of the Council of Deliberation.

The following named Brethren, all Princes of the Royal Secret, 32°, have

also deceased during the year:

Plato B. Hayward...............

Jos. B. Covert.

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