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The membership, notwithstanding the heavy loss by death and other causes, has made a handsome increase, and that, too, of a character and standing of which we may well feel proud. The interest felt by the members generally in the welfare of the Rite has sensibly increased, the result, in no small degree, of the earnest and well directed labors of the officers.

The work of the Bodies for the term ending June 30, 1877, and their present strength, are shown in the following tabular statement:

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The Deputy paid the following Bodies official visits, and installed their

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I visited Mount Calvary Chapter of Rose Croix on the 10th of April, 1877, and witnessed with much pleasure an impressive rendering of the Eighteenth grade. The Lowell Bodies are in the right hands, and are doing well.

The Lodges of Perfection at Salem, Springfield, and Worcester are in good condition, and their officers are able, energetic and enthusiastic. I am confident that, with the return of good times, the old measure of success will be secured.

The Boston Bodies have progressed quietly, and attained results which are highly satisfactory. While all of them deserve praise, I feel in duty bound to mention in particular the great progress made in the rendering of the work of Massachusetts Consistory. The patient and faithful labors of the late presiding officer paved the way for a steady advance, and the present Commander-in Chief entering upon his duties with a high sense of the requirements of the position, has striven to secure for the Consistory the fullest possible measure of success. I submit herewith a copy of the circular issued by him on assuming command. It explains itself, and cannot fail to awaken a hearty response from the members of the Consistory. On the 27th of April last the Thirtieth grade was exemplified in the presence of one hundred and ninety-one Sublime Princes, of whom fourteen are Sov. Gr.. Inspectors General. The work was of high order, and proved a very gratifying exhibit of the beautiful Ritual.

During the past term, Massachusetts Consistory has created the following brethren Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, 32° :

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On the 30th of June the Massachusetts Council of Deliberation held a pleasant and profitable session, but no business was transacted requiring the special sanction of the Supreme Council. The subject of a modification of the uniform of the Thirty-second grade was discussed, and a committee was instructed to report to the Deputy the exact changes desired, with a view to the presentation thereof to the Committee charged with the subject by the Supreme Council.

All of which is respectfully submitted, with the cheering assurance that the Brethren in Massachusetts will do their utmost to increase the usefulness and enhance the dignity of the Ancient Accepted Rite.


Deputy for Massachusetts.


To the M.. P... Sov. ́. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33°, A... and A... Rite for the N. M. J. of the U... S.`. A.........:

Your Deputy for the State of Rhode Island makes this report:

Since the last Session of the Supreme Council Ill. ·. NATHAN H. Gould, 33°, of this State, has removed to the State of Texas, within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council 33°, of the Southern Jurisdiction of the U. S. A., and under the provisions of the Constitutions his seat in this Body has hereby be

come vacant.

The great depression of the business interests of the State has prevented the addition of many new members to the Bodies of the Rite.

Respectfully submitted,

THOS. A. DOYLE, 33°,


Deputy for Rhode Island.

NORWICH, September 17, 1877.

To the M.. P... Sov.. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Sov.. Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third Degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, for the N.. M.. J.. of the U.. S.. A..., Orient, Boston, Mass...:

I hereby submit for your consideration, and that of the Supreme Council, my Annual Report as Deputy for the State of Connecticut :

Nothing has occurred since my last report which requires special attention. The Bodies in Bridgeport have returned a much larger amount of work than usual, and promise well for the future. The brethren in New Haven have been fitting up the Chapter of Rose Croix, and will soon be in good working condition. The Hartford Bodies have been somewhat disturbed in consequence of changing quarters, from the Old Masonic Hall to the New Hall in Cheney Block. The Bodies in Norwich have not been as prosperous as in former years; depression in business is no doubt the cause.


In conformity to the Constitutions of the Supreme Council, and by order of your Deputy, a State Council of Deliberation, for the Masonic District of Connecticut, was held at the Old Masonic Hall, in the city of Hartford, on the sixth day of the Hebrew month Ab. A. M., 5637, corresponding to the 16th day of July, A. D., 1877. Council convened at 2:30 P. M., the Ill.. Deputy presiding.

Ill.. J. K. WHEELER, 33°, John W. Stedman, 32°, and CHAS. W. SKIFF, 33°, were appointed a Committee on Credentials, and reported the following brethren present as representatives of the Bodies of the Rite, meeting in the different valleys of Connecticut.


CHAS. W. CARTER, 33, GEO. W. BENTLEY, 33°, H. L. PARKER, 33°, John W. Stedman, 32°, and James Kerker, 32°.


WM. R. HIGBY, 33°, ED. W. ATWOOD, 33°, JAMES L. GOULD, 33°, M. C. ALLEN, 33°, Amos S. Treat, 32o, W. R. Seeley, 32°, and A. H. Doolittle, 32°.


CHAS. W. SKIFF, 33°, Dan. A. Davison, 32°, Julius Tyler, Jr., 32°, T. Parsons Dickerman, 320, Wm. Stafford, 32°, Louis Bail, 32°, and Charles W. Bradley, 32°.


CHARLES E. BILLINGS, 33°, JAS. K. WHEELER, 33°, S. M. Brinson, 32o, W. H. Higgs, 32°, Lester L. Ainsworth, 32°, J. K. Hall, 32°, Wm. Pierce, 32°, R. D. Case, 32, Amos Pillsbury, 320, Washington L. Morgan, 32°, and Zeno P. King, 32°.

Report of the Committee was accepted and left open until close of Council, for additions and corrections.

The matter of the application for a Consistory, presented by fourteen residents, 320, of New Haven, was, on motion of WM. R. HIGBY, 33°, laid upon the table.

On motion of WM. R. HIGBY, 33°, J. K. WHEELER, 33°, Julius Tyler, Jr., 32°, and Wm. E. Seeley, 32°, were appointed a Committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. The Committee reported the following named brethren, who were elected officers for the year ensuing, viz:

CHAS. W. CARTER, 33°, Norwich.......
WM. R. HIGBY, 33°, Bridgeport..........
ED. W. ATWOOD, 339, Bridgeport.......
CHAS. E. BILLINGS, 33, Hartford.......

Ill.. Commander-in-Chief.


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First Lieut.. Commander.


Minister of State.


JOHN W. STEDMAN, 32, Norwich.............. Ill.. Grand Prior.

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After the installation Ill.. Bro.. CHAS. E. BILLINGS, 33, in behalf of the Hartford Brethren, invited the Council to a banquet at the City Hall, which was accepted and enjoyed by all.

No further business offering, the Council was duly closed, and the labors of the year ended.

Respectfully submitted,


Deputy for Connecticut.


SYRACUSE, September 8, 1877.

To M.. P.. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND 33°, Sov.. Gr.. Commander, &c.:

Dear Sir and Ill.·. Bro..—

I have the honor to hand you herewith a printed copy of the transactions of the Council of Deliberation for the District of New York, held in the City of Albany, on the 6th day of February last past.

There were present three Active, one Emeritus, and nineteen Honorary Members of the Supreme Council, besides the representatives of seven Consi stories, eight Chapters of Rose Croix, nine Councils of Princes of Jerusalem, fourteen Lodges of Perfection, and many visiting brethren.

The proceedings were exceedingly harmonious and interesting, and I do not overstate the matter when I say that the brethren parted with a retempered zeal and a renewed determination to labor for the best interests of the Rite.

Your attention is respectfully called to the resolution to be found on page 14 of the transactions, with the view that the attention and judgment of the Supreme Council may be attracted thereto.

The need of a Standard Form for the installation of officers is greatly felt, and attention to it by the Supreme Council will be highly appreciated.

It is also desired that there should be added to the recognized list of officers of Councils of Princes of Jerusalem an "Almoner," to perform the duties exercised by the Hospitaler in the other Bodies; a proposition which I feel assured needs only to be stated to secure acquiescence.

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