In the fields, in the town : looking at the birds in the trees : at the children in the streets: in the morning or in the moonlight: over his books in his own room : in a happy party at a country merry-making or a town assembly, good-will and peace to... The Southern literary messenger - Էջ 4401853Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - 1853 - 332 էջ
...merry-making or a town assembly, good- will and peace to God's creatures, and love and awe of Him who made them, fill his pure heart and shine from his...and affection afterwards for his happy and spotless name.1 1 " Garth sent to Addison (of whom he had a very high opinion) tn his death-bed, to ask him... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - 1853 - 360 էջ
...merrymaking or a town assembly, good-will and peace to God's creatures, and love and awe of Him who made them, fill his pure heart and shine from his...and affection afterwards for his happy and spotless name.1 1 " Garth sent to Addison (of whom he had a very high opinion) on his death-bed, to ask him... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - 1853 - 360 էջ
...creatures, and love and awe of Him who made them, nil his pure heart and shine from his kind face. Jf Swift's life was the most wretched, I think Addison's...affection afterwards for his happy and spotless name. LECTURE THE THIRD. STEELE. WHAT do we look for in studying the history of a past age ? Is it to learn... | |
 | 1853 - 682 էջ
...merry-making or a town assembly, good-will and peace to GOD'S creatures, and love and awe of HIM who made them, fill his pure heart and shine from his...think ADDISON'S was one of the most enviable. A life immense fame and aâection afterward For the admirable lectures upon STEELE, HOGARTH, STERNE, and GOLDSMITH,... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - 1854 - 306 էջ
...merry-making or a town assembly, good- will and peace to God's creatures, and love and awe of Him who made them, fill his pure heart and shine from his...and affection afterwards for his happy and spotless name.1 1 " Garth sent to Addison (of whom he had a very high opinion) on his death-bed, to ask him... | |
 | 1854 - 708 էջ
...and a love and awe of HIM who made them, fill his pure heart, and shine from his kind face. Bis was a life prosperous and beautiful ; a calm death ; an immense fame and affection afterward, for his happy and spotless name.' are accustomed to say, ' Why can we not, in this country,... | |
 | 1854 - 746 էջ
...merry-making or a town-assembly, good will and peace to GOD'S creatures, and a love and awe of HIM who made them, fill his pure heart, and shine from his kind face. His was a life pro» perous and beautiful ; a calm death ; an immense fame and affection afterward,... | |
 | George Gilfillan - 1855 - 480 էջ
...own room ; in a happy party — good-will and peace to God's creatures, and love and awe of Him who made them, fill his pure heart, and shine from his...affection afterwards for his happy and spotless name." Who has not heard of Sir Richard Steele ? Wordsworth says of one of his characters — " She was known... | |
 | Henry Reed - 1855 - 424 էջ
...merry-making or a town assembly, good-will and peace to God's creatures, and love and awe of Him who made them, fill his pure heart and shine from his...beautiful, a calm death, an immense fame and affection afterward for his happy and spotless name." — Thackeray't Lectures on the English Humorists. I may... | |
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