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Edinburgh, the capital of the county, and of all Scotland, stands upon three ridges of low-lying hills, and on their intermediate vales. It was formerly much confined in its limits, consisting chiefly of what is now termed the Old Town; but its extent has been considerably increased by the buildings on the north, termed the New-Town, and some handsome streets and squares, which have been built on the south. What is called the Old Town covers the middle ridge, with the shelving declivities on each side; and on the south side, with the bottom below, and the rising ascent of the next ridge, about a mile in length. Its principal street extends in a tolerably even line, between east and west, terminated on the west by an abrupt rocky eminence or precipice, on which the castle is built, and descending with a gradual declivity to the east, in the hollow at the foot of the ridge, where the palace of Holyrood House is situated, on a plain called St. Ann's Yards, or the King's Park: from this plain, on both sides of the bill, two vallies extend the whole length of the high street; the southern one occupied by the Cowgate, a narrow mean lane; the other terminating in a marsh, which was lately drained, called the North Loch. The high street, which runs along the side of the hill on the ridge from the castle to the palace, on account of its length, width, and the height of the houses, is remarkably striking. Nearly in the middle of the high street stands the Tolbooth, an ugly and ruinous pile. On the south side of this disfigured building is situated the fine Gothic church of St. Giles. Near to this is the Parliament House, now occupied by the Court of Sessions, well worth the stranger's attention. In the middle of the close or square, which is before the Parliament House, there is a handsome equestrian statue of Charles the II. in bronze, in which the proportions are admirably observed. On the opposite side of the high street, a little to the east, is the Royal Exchange, founded in the year 1753. It is a handsome building, in the form of a square. At the corner of the high street, formed by the South Bridge, is the Tron Church, founded in 1637, but of late much modernized and improved. Proceeding farther east, the street takes the name of Canongate; on the north side of this street is a handsome church, and the whole is terminated by Holyrood House. This is a large good building, in the form of a square, the greater part being built by James the V. and completed by Charles the II. Adjoining the palace is the small ruinous chapel of the Holycross, or Holy rood, which was set apart for a chapel royal, aud for the knights of the order of the This tle; it was founded by David the I. in 1128, and completely destroyed by the Presbyte rians, when their reforming zeal laid waste every thing which had the appearance of idolatrous worship. The houses in the Old

Town are piled to an enormous height, some of them amounting to eight, ten, and even twelve stories; each of these were called lands, and the access to these separate lodg ings was by a common stair, exposed to every inconvenience arising from filth, steepness, darkness, and danger from fire. Such, in some measure, is the situation of the Old Town at this day.

The New-Town is situated on an elevated plain, beyond the basin which once contained the North Loch, on the most northern of the three hills, north from the old city, and united to it by the North Bridge, and an eastern mound composed of the earth and rubbish dug from the foundations of the buildings in the New-Town. It was begun to be built in 1767, and the general plan, the streets, the buildings, and the police, can scarcely be too highly praised. The new buildings are of stone, regular, beautiful, and elegant. They consist of three large parallel streets, and two inferior ones, though containing many handsome houses, running east and west nearly a mile in length, intersected with cross streets, at regular and convenient distances. North is Queen's-street, about one hundred feet broad. South is Prince's-street, similar to Queen's street. The middle is George-street, terminated on the east by St. Andrew's square, and on the west by Charlotte's square. York-place is a noble street, connecting Queen's-street with Leith-walk. Duke-street and Albany-row are in the vicinity of York-place.

On the south side of the Old Town, the streets are not near so elegant and regular, but many of the buildings are extensive and handsome. The largest square in Edinburgh, George's-square, is situated in the south side of the Old Town. There are besides several other squares in this, as Nicolson's, St. Patrick's, Brown's, Argyle's, Alison's. Besides St. Giles and the Tron Church, already mentioned, there is at the west end of Prince's-street, a handsome church, called the West Kirk. In Georgestreet, is St. Andrew's Church, a very handsome building, with an elegant spire.

The other principal buildings are, the Register Office, at the north end of the North Bridge, a handsome edifice. Nearly opposite is the theatre, neat but small, by no means so elegant as might be expected in such a metropolis. On Leith Walk are concert rooms, fitted up in an elegant style. The University is at the south end of the South Bridge. Nearly opposite is the Royal Infirmary. Analogous to this house is the Dispensary, a neat plain building in Richmondstreet.

The Lying-in Hospital is in Parkplace. Halls for medical purposes in Surgeon's-square, and in Richmond-street. Opposite St. Andrew's Church, in Georgestreet, is the Physicians' Hall, with a portico of eight handsome Corinthian pillars in front. The High School in Edinburgh has long been deservedly noticed for the scho lars it has produced. Besides the High

School, there are four established schools in Edinburgh, under the patronage of the town council, and numerous private schools, where every branch of education is taught at a moderate rate. The other public buildings erected for charitable purposes are, Herriot's Hospital, an elegant Gothic pile, founded in 1628, finished in 1650, for the poor and fatherless boys of freemen. Watson's Hospital, a neat modern building, founded in 1738, for children of decayed members of the Merchant Company of Edinburgh. The Orphan Hospital, Trades Hospital, Trinity Hospital, Gillespie's Hospital, three charity work-houses, an Asylum for the Blind, and several other charitable institutions. In philosophy and general literature, Edinburgh possesses many societies and institutions: The Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Antiquarian Society, the Speculative Society, the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, another for the Sons and Widows of the Clergy, and several Societies for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. In fact, Edinburgh is the seat of science, politeness and elegance. The population of Edinburgh is above one hundred thousand.

[European Magazine.


There have been recently discovered in the parish of Motteston, on the south side of the Isle of Wight, the bones of that stupendous animal supposed to be the Mammoth, or Mastodon. Several of the vertebra, or joints of the back-bone, measure thirty-six inches in circumference: they correspond exactly in form, colour, and texture, with the bones found in plenty on the banks of the Ohio in North-America, in a vale called by the Indians Big-bone Swamp. Also, in the parish of Northwood, on the north side of the island, the bones of the Crocodile have recently been found by the Rev. Mr. Hughes of Newport. They scem to have belonged to an animal of that species, whose body did not exceed twelve feet in length. Their calcareous nature is not altered; but the bones of the Mastodon (found on the south side of the island) contain iron.


The propagation of fish is perhaps one of the most obscure matters in this branch of science. It was formerly a common custom in some of the Scottish rivers, to "fish the waters," as it was called, by torch light during the spawning season, during the latter end of November and beginning of December. On these occasions a boat furnished with a strong light was navigated in quest of salmon, technically denominated Bills (quasi Males, we suppose) which when discovered were immediately speared. A

witness of one of these expeditions relates the following fact:

"Two fish of a moderate size, perhaps about 18 inches long, were squeezed into a hollow space, resembling the rut of a cartwheel, about 8 or 9 inches wide, and rather more than two feet long, which they had evidently dug in the center of the stream. It was in a shallow, about 20 yards above a pool of considerable depth. They were not even disturbed by the glare of the torchlight; and were, for the sake of further investigation, left in the same state in which they were discovered. Next day there was no appearance of the hollow; on the contrary, the spot, which had been accurately marked, was, if any thing, rather higher than the rest of the gravel. In about three weeks or a month after the spawn had been thus deposited, the spot, and for a considerable distance around it, was covered with a glairy substance, resembling the spawn of frogs, which seemed to bind the sand and gravel together, so as to prevent their being acted upon or moved by the current. About the beginning of February this substance seemed to be disappearing, and one day, about the middle of the month the gravel appeared to be actually heaving up and down. A considerable fall of rain raised the river, and prevented the tumulus being turned over with a spade at this critical period; and when the water fell to its former level, no vestige of the fish burrow remained. The pool below was, however, investigated, and found to be swarming with myriads of fish, many of them so small as to be scarcely visible to the naked eye. In a week they had increased in size considerably; in a fortnight the pool was much thinned, and the fry could be traced nearly a mile down the river; by the middle of March some were an inch and a half long, and in May seven dozen were caught with the rod and fly, generally from four to five inches in length. They were moving in shoals, and making their way to the sea. The writer adds, that in the spawning the breeding fish are followed into the small rivers by a species, called spawn-suckers, who dig up and feed on the deposit: the young have also many enemies, but still the increase is prodigious.


Enter the House of Commons as the Temple of Liberty; do not dishonour that Temple; preserve your freedom as the pledge of your integrity. Read, inquire, hear, debate, and then determine. Do not without inquiry approve of, nor without good cause oppose, the measures of the Court. The true patriot will lend his assis tance to enable the King to administer justice, to protect the subject, and to aggrandize the nation. Avoid bitter speeches : you meet not to revile, but to reason. The

best men may err, and therefore be not ashamed to be convinced yourself, nor be ready to reproach others. Remember that your electors did not send you to Parliament to make your own fortune, but to take care of theirs. When you do speak, take especial care that it is to the purpose; and rather study to confine yourself to the subject with brevity and perspicuity, than to indulge yourself in the unnecessary display of a flowery imagination. If you feel all right within, you will scorn to look round the House for support; for be assured that God, your conscience, and your country, will support you.

In a German Journal, called the Miscellanies from the newest Productions of Foreign Literature, we find the following remarkable, but not improbable, account:-A merchant not only heard the name of Bonaparte in the deserts of Tartary, but also saw a biography of this tyrant in the Arabic tongue, which contained a great many falsehoods and exaggerations, and ended with his marriage in the year 1810. This biography was printed in Paris, and thence it was sent to Aleppo, to be circulated in the East. It may be presumed, that this was

not done merely to spread the glory of the hero, but most probably to prepare the way for some great undertaking.

Professor Burdack in his report respecting the Anatomical Institution of Konigsberg, mentions the following singular will: "From the 19th of November, 1817, to the 19th of March, 1818, 26 human bodies have been dissected here. Among them I must mention that of M. Kanter, late a teacher of music in Konigsberg. This well-informed and scientific man, even in his last will expressed his wish to promote the welfare of society. He bequeathed his landed property to some establishments for public education, and his body to the Anatomical Institution. On the 23d of December, the funeral procession proceeded to the house of the anatomical Institution, where the friends of the deceased, who followed in 18 carIn conriages, delivered the body to me. forinity with the will of the deceased, on the 30th of December, Dr. Von Baer delivered, in the presence of a number of professors, physicians and students, a lecture on broken bones and ruptures, with demonstrations from the body."


Report of Diseases treated at the Public Dispensary, New-York, and in the Private Practice of the Reporter, during the month of August, 1818.


FEBRIS Intermittens, (Intermittent Fever,) 6; Febris Remittens, (Remittent Fever,) 8; Febris Continua, (Continued Fever,) 20; Febris Infantum Remittens, (Infantile Remittent Fever,) 11; Phlegione, 6; Phrenitis, (Inflammation of the Brain,) 2; Ophthalmia, Inflammation of the Eyes,) 4; Otitis, (Inflammation of the Ear,) 2; Cynanche Tonsillaris, (Inflammation of the Tonsils,) 4; Cynanche Trachealis, (Croup or Hives,) 1; Catarrhus, (Catarrh,) 2; Pneumonia, (Inflammation of the Chest,) 13; Pneumonia Typhodes, (Typhoid Pneumony,) 1; Pertussis, (Hooping Cough,) 15; Hastitis, (Inflammation of the Female Mamma,) 2; Gastritis, (Inflammation of the Stomach,) 2; Enteritis, Inflammation of the Intestines,) 2; Hepatitis, (Inflammation of the Liver,) 3; Icterus, (Jaundice,) 2; Rheumatismus, 4; Hydrothorax, Dropsy of the Chest,) 1; Cholera, 25; Dysenteria, (Dysentery,) 21; Erysipelas, (St. Anthony's Fire,) 2; Rubeola, (Measles,) 2; Rubeola et Pertussis, 2; Urticaria, (Nettle Rash,) 2: Vaccinia, (Kine Pock,) 8; Dentitio, 3; Convulsio, 2.


Asthenia, (Debility,) 4; Vertigo, 7; Cephalalgia, 5; Colica et Obstipatio, 12; Co

lica Pictonum, 2; Dyspepsia et Hypochon driasis, 22; Hysteria, 2; Mania, 1; Paralysis, (Palsy,) 1; Epilepsia, (Epilepsy,) i; Asthma et Dyspnoea, 5; Bronchitis Chronica, 3; Phthisis Pulmonalis, (Pulmonary

Consumption,) 8; Ophthalmia Chronica, 3 Rheumatismus Chronicus, 8; Pleurodyne, 2; Lumbago, 2; Menorrhagia, 1; Dysmenorrhea, 2; Dysuria, 2; Ischuria, 2; Amenorrhea, 7; Conceptio, 3; Diarrhoea, 22; Leucorrhea, 3; Scirrhus Uteri, 1; Hydrops, (Dropsy,) 2; Vermes, 7; Tabes Mesenterica, 1; Syphilis, 7; Urethritis Virulenta, 5; Tumor, 4; Contusio, (Bruise,) 6; Luxatio, 3; Fractura, 2; Vulnus, 4; Ustio, (Burn,) 2; Abscessus, (Abscess,) 4; Ulcus, (Ulcer,) 10; Scabies et Prurigo, 12; Porrigo, 3; Herpes, 3; Eruptiones Variæ, 7.

The same sultry and oppressive weather which characterized so great a portion of July, continued at intervals till the 22d of the present month, after which the temperature was sufficiently mild, and sometimes rather cool. The hottest days were from the 2d to the 6th, inclusive, the thermometer ranging from 84 to 889, in the shade, at two o'clock P. M.-and on six other days, the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 21st and 22d, it marked from 80 to 85°. From the 23d to the conclusion of the month, the mercury was never higher than 77°. The aver age temperature of the whole month is equal to about 72° 1-2, which is fill 4o 1-2

short of the average temperature of July preceding. Highest temperature of the mornings, at seven o'clock, 84°, lowest 60°, mean 67°; highest at two o'clock P. M. 88°, lowest 67, mean 789 2-3; highest at sunset 81°, lowest 63°, mean 72° 2-3. Greatest variation in 24 hours 19°. -Barometrical range from 28.34 to 31.04 inches. Winds chiefly from the S. and S.W. except in the latter part of the month, when the N.E. prevailed. The quantity of rain that has fallen is equal to nearly five inches, of which more than one-half fell on the 8th and 9th. Thunder and lightning have been comparatively rare.

The extreme intensity of the recent summer heats has increased, as was to be expected, the general disposition to disorders of the human constitution; and as a proof that this month has been uncommonly preg nant with diseases, it may be mentioned that the mortality has not only, in the aggregate, increased, but the number of deaths is greater than has occurred in any one month since the epidemic visitations of yellow fever. It is infancy, however, that has chiefly suffered, for as respects adults, the city appears to have been as healthy as is common at this season of the year. The results have been particularly fatal to children. The deaths under two years of age are indeed numerous, amounting to more than one half of the total of deaths of all ages. Heat and cold have a powerful influence upon the human frame. Extraordinary degrees of the latter are not more cruel to old age, than are extreme intensities of the former to the tender sensibilities of infancy.

Hooping cough is still epidemic among children, and, as will be seen by examining the annexed monthly bill, has been a considerable outlet to human life. Fevers have been fewer, and, in general, less severe than in some of the preceding months. The deaths from typhus are not equal to one half of the number for July. Asthenic cases have been rendered more permanent by the relaxing effects of the hot season. cases of Rubeola have been observed, and A few in two instances it was conjoined with Pertussis. But the predominant complaints (besides Hooping Cough) have been disorders of the Prima via, and of the hepatic system. Cholera, Dysenteria and Diarrhaa have, as is usual at this season of the year, been epidemic, and productive of more than common mortality.

A determination to, and increased discharges from, the intestinal canal, are, in many instances, of evident advantage to the constitution, and on this account should seldom be suddenly checked. With persons of plethoric habit, for instance, or with those who are subject to severe affections


of the head, a spontaneous Diarrhea will sometimes avert the stroke of an impending apoplexy. The premature use, therefore, of tonic and stimulating remedies to check these evacuations before they shall have vessels, or by thoroughly cleansing the indone their duty by unloading the blood terior of the body, is a practice often attended with much peril. Calomel and rheubarb, or some other appropriate evacuant, after which, the discharges become excesare the first medicines to be employed; sive, or continue too perseveringly, they may be restrained by astringents and tonics, Frequently, however, the original source and particularly by the exhibition of opium. state of the stomach, and, in such cases, an of Diarrhoea, is a deranged and vitiated emetic of ipecacuanha often succeeds in effecting a removal of the complaint, when other means have been assiduously tried in


The deaths stated in the New-York Bills of Mortality for the month of August are as follow:

Apoplexy, 3; Burned or Scalded, 3; CanConsumption, 45; Convulsions, 21; Diarcer, 2; Casualty, 7; Cholera Morbus, 24; rhoa, 10; Drinking Cold Water, 3; Dropsy, Head, 15; Drowned, 3; Dysentery, 40; 7; Dropsy in the Chest, 5; Dropsy in the Dyspepsia, 1; Fever, 7; Fever, Bilious, 2; Fever, Typhons, 18; Flux, infantile, 31; Gout, 1; Hives, 1; Hooping Cough, 20; of the Chest, 10; Inflammation of the Bowels, Inflammation of the Brain, 3; Inflammation 10; Inflammation of the Liver, 4; Insanity, slaughter, 1; Measles, 1; Mortification, 1; 1; Intemperance, 3; Locked Jaw, 1; ManOld Age, 8; Palsy, 2; Sprue, 5; Still-born, Tabes Mesenterica, 16; Teething, 11; Ulcer, 14; Stone, 1; Stranguary, 1; Suicide, 3; 3; Unknown, 6; Worms, 3.-Total 385.

Of this number there died 132 of and under the age of 1 year; 66 between 1 and 2 and 10; 10 between 10 and 20; 31 between years; 17 between 2 and 5; 9 between 5 20 and 30; 43 between 30 and 40; 21 be19 between 60 and 70; 12 between 70 and tween 40 and 50; 19 between 50 and 60; 80; 5 between 80 and 90; and 1 between 90 and 100 years.

New-York, August 31st, 1818.


page 421, the name of the author of the In a few copies of the present number, in pamphlet on the Canal is supposed to be Talmadge; it should be Haines.


Kaleidoscope is erroneously ascribed
In the last number, the Sonnet to the
the writer of the foregoing effusions-that
Sonnet should have the signature N.

[blocks in formation]

Art. 1. Original Communications, viz.— J.G. on an inaccurate Mode of Expression in common Use.-An Historical Essay on the Rise and Progress of Civil Liberty in Asia.-Biographical Sketch of the late Geographer, John H. Eddy, of New-York.--Three cases of Gun-shot Wounds, communicated by Dr. W. Thomas.--Seeond Memoir on the Genus Aphis, by C. S. Rafinesque.-Memoir on the Crystallization of snow, by Dr. P. S. Townsend.

Art. 2. Review of Forsyth's Remarks on the Antiquities, Arts, and Letters of Italy.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Art. 10. Monthly Summary of Political

Art. 11. Domestic Occurrences.
Art. 12. Reports of Diseases.

[ocr errors]


Art. 13. Cabinet of Varieties, viz.-Madame Deshoulieres, the French Poetess. Anecdotes of the Court of Portugal.-Instance of Female Intrepidity. Extraordinary perseverance. 76

No. II.


Art. 3. Review of Maclure's Geology of the United States.


Art. 4. Review of Caudus, and of Howard, on the Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Art. 5. Review of Curier's Theory of the Earth, with the Notes of Professors Jameson and Mitchill. Art. 6. Original Communications, viz.Letter of Dr. John Stranger on a Fossil Elephant, lately discovered in Virginia.-D. D. on the Causes of the Salivation of grazing Horses and Neat Cattle.-P.H. on a singular Numerical Coincidence.-K. on some Statements in the Review of Ellis's "Embassy to China."-M. Nash, on the Mode of determining the Latitude.


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Art. 7. Literary and Philosophical Intelligence.

Art. 8. Religious Intelligence.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Art. 4. Review of Bristed's Resources of
the United States.
Art. 5. Review of Purity of Heart, or
Woman as she should be.

Art. 6. Review of Blake's Treatise on
the Practice of the Court of Chancery
of the State of New-York.
Art. 7. Cabinet of Varieties, viz.-Let-
ters from the Hon. Horace Walpole
to George Montagu, Esq.-Remarks
on Mexico and the Mexican Lan-
guage.-Tiflis.-On the Identity of
Water-spouts and Whirlwinds.-Nar-

[merged small][ocr errors]
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