says I am hasty in charity, I'll kick him.-Heartly may lecture as much as he pleases; but I'd rather hire twenty housekeepers who' would let my jellies turn mouldy, than lose the chance of this meeting. I'll make you all happy-I perceive you two are inclined to be very happy together, [Pointing to Henry and_Fanny.] and I owe it in justice, sir, to you, [To Barford.] to take care of their fortunes, if you'll permit me. Bar. I begin not to be quite so fastidious relative to obligations as I have been, sir; but, still, I dislike favours. Tor. Well, well, we'll talk over all that. Master Oldskirt, you are a worthy fellow, for taking care of this poor girl, and I must take care of you. As for you, Solomon Gundy, I suppose I must portion you off with the daughter of the Spread Eagle, and be pestered with your brats and jabber in my house, to the last hour of my life. Sol. See voo play, as we say at Dunkirk. But I'm full of thankfulness and remorse. Tor. [To Sir Larry.] As for you, sir Sir L. Make yourself easy on my account, old gentleman. You seem a worthy person, and I'm sorry I've afforded you any kind of offence. But, as I didn't know the case of this mighty pretty couple, the lady will forgive all errors, and I'll look over the small words that happened to slide out of a wrong corner of that young gentleman's mouth. Tor. All must be forgotten that requires to be for given; and I will (if I can) try to convert my haste of charity into (what Heartly calls) thinking benevolence Bar. And I, Mr. Torrent, must endeavour to convert my mistaken tendency to misanthropy into a fair appreciation of mankind. To be soured with the world by the treachery of a few, is judging millions by individuals. Men were born to endure; but half the measure of our grief depends upon our own sentiments. And, gloomy as my thoughts have been, my anxious' wish now is, to observe all around me indicating a light heart and a good-humoured countenance. DISPOSITION OF THE CHARACTERS AT THE FALL OF THE CURTAIN. Father Luke. Each pious priest since Moses, One mighty truth discloses, You're never vext, If this the text Go fuddle all your noses. Act II. Scene 2. THE POOR SOLDIER: A MUSICAL FARCE. En Two Acts, BY JOHN O'KEEFFE, ESQ. Author of Modern Antiques, The Prisoner at Large, Love in a Camp, The Farmer, The Highland Reel,, &c. PRINTED FROM THE ACTING COPY, WITH REMARKS, BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL, To which are added, A DESCRIPTION OF THE COSTUME,-CAST OF THE CHARACTERS, ENTRANCES AND EXITS,-RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, AND THE WHOLE OF THE STAGE BUSINESS. As now performed at the THEATRES ROYAL, LONDON. EMBELLISHED WITH A FINE WOOD ENGRAVING By Mr. BONNER, from a Drawing taken in the Theatre, by LONDON: JOHN CUMBERLAND, 19, LUDGATE HILL. |