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the D-fhould it, quo' he, when the one is in fix, and the other will make but three volumes ?"

Cry your mercy, Brother! we should never have thought of fo queer a comparison. But if you judge of merit only by quantity, fcrape together fluff enough for three volumes more, by all means; and the Edinburgh poems will then certainly, in one view, be upon a footing with the rival Collection of Pall-mall.

Art. 22. Poems, attempted in the Style of Milton. By Mr. John Philips With a new Account of his Life and Writings. 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound. Tonfon, &c.

There is an imitative as well as an original genius, by means of which many have acquired the reputation of Poets. John Philips must be ranked in this clafs: his Splendid Shilling may challenge all the praise that can be due to a burlefque imitation: but his Blenheim is a turgid and unnatural work, in which the chief praise he beflows on his Hero, Churchill, is that of perfonal prowefs.-He gives him enough of that; for the General, according to the Poet, lays about hi... most furiously, and flays his thoufands and ten thousands. The fame want of fkill is difcernable in his Cyder, which, tho' abounding with excellent obfervations, is full of abfurd fimiles, and impertinent digreffions.

The Account of Mr. Philips's Life, which is prefixed to this edition of his Poems, and by means of which they come under our review, contains few particulars befide what are to be found in the Lives of the Poets. The Author of it has not fo much as taken notice of that remarkable Tory fpirit fo noted in his life, and fo vifiole in his works, that he calls the defpicable James I. the favourite of Heaven, and Charles his fon, the best of Kings. Such expreffions, however, might have been paffed over, had he not, from a political bias, inful ed the memory of his glorious mafter, MILTON; an offence which no party attachment can palliate.

For the reit, we have only to obferve, that the admirers of this Bard will be pleafed to fee fo handfome an edition of his works; to which the Proprietors have added a fet of pretty Cuts, as Frontifpieces to the feveral poems.

Art. 23. An Epistle on poetical Compofition. By James Ogden. 4to. Is. Hinxman.

Art. 24. On the Crucifixion and Refurrection. A Poem. By James Ogden. 4to. 1s. Hinxman,

Both the last articles being the production of the extraordinary Author of the British Lion rous'd, (fee Review, vol. XXVI. p. 316) it will be fufficient to refer our Readers to the fpecimen we have already given of Mr. Ogden's genius: from whence, without trou.

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bling them with any particulars concerning the prefent pair of pamphlets, they will be able to form a tolerable judgment of his quali fications for writing on either of the foregoing fubjects.

Art. 25. An Effay on Happiness. In Four Books. 4to. 2s. 6d. DodЛley.

We cannot too much commend the apparent goodness of heart, and unaffected piety, that reign throughout this performance. Neither a love to virtue, nor the trueft fenfe of religion, however, neceffarily confer literary talents, nor have a ruling influence over the powers of poetry. Genius is an accomplishment of another kind, and is, indeed, too often attended with lefs amiable qualities.

Happiness is a fubject which has frequently engaged the pens both of Philofophers and Divines. Our Author treats it rather in the manner of the latter than of the former; nor can we think he hath displayed it to any advantage, by chufing to cloath his fentiments in a poetical drefs.

Art. 26. The Wandsworth Epifle. In Mietre. By Ofwald Fitz-James, Efq; 4to. 6d. Finmore.

Mr. Pitt's Letter to his Friend in the City, having been verfified with good fuccefs, this Poetafter has endeavoured to ridicule a late very extraordinary Epifle, induftrioufly diftributed and directed to every body and no body, by turning it into rhyme. But this imitative piece, if not totally deflitute of humour, is yet by no means equal to the original, which it follows haud paffibus æquis.


Art. 27. A particular Narrative of what has happened relative to a Paper published in the fifty first Volume of the Philofophical Tranfactions, entitled, An Account of a remarkable Operation on a broken Arm, &c. in which the principal Facts are proved by Evidence. By Charles White, F. R. S. Member of the Corporation of Surgeons in London, and Surgeon to the Manchefter Infirmary. 8vo. Is. Hitch.

Of the remarkable Cafe, occafioning this Narrative, we have given fome account, in our Review of the fecond part of the fifty frit volume of the fanfictions, vol. XXV. p. 10, the prefent pamphlet having arifen chiefly from the manner in which Mr. White had intitled that cafe, and which, indeed, might induce a Reader of the title only, to conclude the Communicator of it had also been the Operator in it: tho', in the deduction of the cafe, the Operation is afcribed to another unnamed Hospital Surgeon at Manchester, with a compliment to him. This anonymous compliment, however, was not fatisfactory enough to the real Operator, Mr. Burchal, to prevent his appealing to the public against the title of that cafe, and


against Mr. White's frequent egotifms in the detail of it, in an Advertisement fubfcribed by him, and published in Lloyd's Evening Poft, Sept. 7, 1761. Mr. White answered this in the fame paper of the 18th; to which Mr. Burchal replied Oct. 21: that cafe, and all these altercations refulting from it, being prefixed to the present Narrative.

Without entering much, however, into the particulars of the debate, it feems probable to us, after reading the affirmations and attestations on both fides, that Mr. White was the Inventor or Propofer of the expedient by which the amputation of the Patient's arm was prevented. At the fame time, as his Mafter, and himself too we fuppofe, were pofitively determined against parting with the limb; and we really cannot imagine by what other means it was poffible to preferve it and the ufe of it, we fhould not be in the leaft furprized, if the very fame thought had offered itself to any good Surgeon concerned about it. How was fuch a purpose to be obtained, but by removing all fplinters and afperities of the fractured bone, and difpofing the feparated ends of it, by a proper fituation and retenfion, to be united by the callus which the divine Economy of Nature conftantly fupplies for that purpofe? In our review of the fecond volume of Medical Inquiries, inferted this month, we have abstracted a cafe, in which a callus above feven inches long was formed, and effectually fupplied the place of as much of the larger bone of the leg, which Nature had feparated, after fome accident, about the middle of it. In that cafe, did fhe not clearly indicate, what might be attempted in a fimilar or relative one?

We think, however, that as the Lad, the fubject of this cafe, was Mr. Burchel's Patient, it was not entirely decent, to tranfmit the history of it to the Royal Society without his confent or privity; efpecially as Mr. White acknowleges his Collegue's great ability in his profeffion, and profeffes much regard for him: neither do we think Mr. White's great hurry and want of leifure, a fufficient apology for this omiffion. But we imagine Mr. B. fhould rather have contented himself with infifting on this unkindness and indecorum, than have affumed the invention of the expedient, which he faintly hints the probability of Mr. W's affuming from him. All he himself fays, with the declarations of Mr. Wright and Mr. Ashwood in his favour, do not prove his right to the invention, much lefs his Colleague's furreptition of it from him. Our Author feems, by the atteftation of Mr. Bent and others, fufficiently to have established this claim, of which he is abundantly retentive, as he may have both a legal and moral right to be; for fince reputation in fuch a profeflion may be fuppofed eventually tantamount to money, it were unfafhionable to find it lefs infifted on, by either of these Gentlemen. It is affirmed, indeed, that Sir Ifaac Newton was, with great difficulty, perfuaded, for the honour of his country, to affert his right to fome mathematical difcovery, which Leibnitz very difingenuously published as his own; it having been communicated to him by Sir Ifaac many years before, in the courfe of their correfpondence: our great Philofopher affirming, "he thought it of very little confequence, who made the difcovery, if mankind were the wifer o better for it.'

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So very amiably may the fublimeft pretenfions to fame be accompa nied with the leaft folicitude about it! The prefent difpute is of a very different complexion; tho' the advantageous confequence of the whole, to the public, may be, the preventing a precipitate amputation fometimes, and faving a limb, and perhaps a life in confequence of it. This good purpale we have had a very late occafion to recommend in our review of a valuable work already referred to in this article.

Art. 28. Phyfiological Effays. By Robert Whytt, M. D. F. R. S. Physician to his Majefty. The fecond Edition; corrected and enlarged. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Wilfon.

Our Readers will find a pretty full account of the first edition of thefe Effays in the fourteenth volume of the Review. The prefent edition is now mentioned on account of the new Obfervations, Notes, and Corrections, which are confiderable; efpecially the addition of the Appendix, which contains a Review of the whole controversy with Dr. Haller, concerning the fenfibility and moving power of men and other animals; in which Dr. Whytt appears to have entirely refuted his learned Adverfary. This Appendix is alfo published feparately, for the conveniency of thofe who have purchased the first edition of the Phyfiological Effays: which we have again perufed, with additional fatisfaction; and find in them many things that well deferve the attention of every Practitioner in the medical art.

Art. 29. Adhefions or Accretions of the Lungs to the Pleura, and their Effects on Refpiration confidered, both with respect to Theory and Practice, in a Letter to Dr. George Baker, &c. &c. 8vo. IS. Becket.

This Letter is fubfcribed by Dr. Malcolm Fleming, a medical Writer, whom we have had occafion to introduce more than once to our Readers. If his prefent tract has not been wrote merely ta indulge a custom of writing, it has been, we conceive, more for the fake of amufing himfelf, and the ingenious Phyfician to whom he addrefies it, than from a real expectation of increafing the common ftock of medi al knowlege and improvement. Having premised with regard to his fubject, that he thall not prefume to be Umpire between two fuch great names as Boerhaave and Haller, he tells us, the former maintained, that broad accretions and adhefions of the Lungs to the Pleura, under certain circumftances, create Dyfonda or Ahma; and that Haller denies, from experience and diffection, that fuch adhefions can, in the leaft, contribute to impair refpiration." He next tranflates and reprints fome of the arguments on both fides; in which there can be very little new to his learned medical brethren. When we come, however, to his own practical inferences. it is 'vious, he rather inclines to the opinion of Boerhaave; in imita

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of whofe practice, in the cafe of a foreign Nobleman who died,


he recommends a continual application of warm emollient Fomentations: but thinking thefe might only palliate now (as they did then) he fuggefts the ufe of the extract of Hemlock, on the credit of Dr. Storck's hiftories, to diffolve the adhering fubftance or humour cementing thefe, accretions. This leads our Author to give his judgment of the proper time and method of preparing that extract, to the want of which he afcribes, with very little hesitation, its very frequent inefficacy here. He directs the plant not to be gathered till the end of May at the fooneft, telling us the manner in which he then made an ounce of it, for his own fatisfaction; and which en tirely refembled the appearances and fmell that Dr. Storck afcribes to his own extract. It would have given us, however, ftill more satis-, faction, if Dr. Fleming could have affured us, it had the fame furpriz-. ingly good effects here, which the German Doctor fo very generally. attributes to it. But Dr. F. does not affirm his having given a fingle grain of it,

The extent of this pamphlet, containing thirty-fix pages, gives our Author an opportunity of fhewing a pretty deal of his reading, and fome of his reafoning. It reads off agreeably enough, except in thofe places where he appears to infilt on a tranfgreffion against the idiom of our language, by frequently omitting the prepofitive Particle, or the Sign of the Cafe, to his Subitantives. Of this, we hoped, we had fufficiently admonished him, vol. XXI. page 460, to which we refer him; affuring him at the fame time, that "adhefions of lungs,' page 20,---" create or increase Dyspnea or Afthma," page 21,---" abfence of cough," page 26,---" caufe of Dyspnæa," 29. 30, &c. &c.--are by no means English, and, we think, not even British, idiom. Had they occurred but once or twice, we might have overlooked them, as typographical omiffions. And as they are allo often joined properly with the Particle, perhaps this Gentleman fuppofes fuch an Ellipfis indifferent; which is certainly not the cafe in our language, when a thing is mentioned definitely. We have attempted to conjecture the occafion of Dr. F's fingularity in this refpect, in the volume and page already referred to.


Art. 30. Twelve Sermons, preached upon feveral Occafions. By the Hon. and Rev. Walter Shirley, A. B. Rector of Loughrea in the County of Galway. Dublin printed: London re-printed. 12mo. 2s. Johnson.

The fubjects of thefe Difcourfes are-Gof el repentance; the MiniAry of the Gofel; the great Importance of Time; the Way to eternal Life; Salvation by Chrift for Jews and Gentiles; Man not to be farel, but God; Man's Salvation compleat by the Death of Chrift; the keurretion of Chrift; Juftification by Faith; the new Birth; on right Hearing.- If the Reader of thefe Sermons fits down with an expectation of being entertained with elegance of compofition, fine writing, new fentiments, great extent and refinement of though,


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