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From the Quarterly Review.


writing of the best articles in English Reviews, together with novels, tales, and poems, such as rarely, if ever, appeared in English Magazines. Its fortnightly appearance was just frequent enough to keep it au courant; at the same time the interval between each two successive numbers was sufficiently long to prevent the precipitation inevitable in newspaper writing, and to enable the writers to bestow the requisite attention on their style.

We confess this

La Revue Nouvelle. Nos. II., III., and IV. 1845. Paris. (London, Jeffs.) THE 'Revue Nouvelle' declares itself to be an attempt to imitate the English Quarterlies; or rather to carry out the principles which distinguish the Review from the Newspaper. It is not always fair to judge of books according to their titles, nor of periodicals according to their seems to us to have been the happiest union prospectuses; we may, therefore, abstain from inquiring of qualities and circumstances in the histohow far the numbers of La Revue Nou-ry of periodicals. But it was doomed to suffer a severe shock. veile,' already published, bear out the promises which were offered in its prospectus. A slight survey of the state of literary journals in France will enable us to judge of the claims of the new comer, by enabling us to answer the question always meeting a new periodical: Is it wanted?

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M. Buloz, the proprietor, could not keep on good terms with his most popular contributors. One by one they fell off. He entertained the very ridiculous, but very common notion, that the authors were more indebted to him, than he to them in a The Revue Française' and the 'Revue word, he fancied that they could not do Encyclopédique,' having been for some without him. He was mistaken. First, years discontinued, the Revue des Deux Balzac, and then George Sand, then DuMondes' and the Revue des Paris' were mas, left him; others quickly followed. the sole literary journals; and as the 'Re- The result was that the Revue' was left vue de Paris' was much more like our to its literature and philosophy, while the magazines, and altogether of a slighter cha- newspapers eagerly caught up the novelist, racter than the 'Deux Mondes,' the latter and turned feuilletons into imitations of the may for a long time be said to have mo- most attractive portions of the Revue.' nopolized the field of serious periodical This was a sad blow to the circulation of literature. Those were the glorious daysRevue Independente' was established, the latter; another swiftly followed. The of the 'Revue.' Not only the first men in philosophy, history, criticism, and political with George Sand as the leading contribueconomy, were seen writing in it-the most tor; Pierre Leroux as the philosophe; and popular novelists, and the most admired Louis Viardot (the admirable translator of poets, were also amongst its contributors. Don Quixote, and the husband of Pauline By the side of Cousin, Remusat, Jouffroy, Garcia) as critic on art. George Sand's Nisard, Saint-Beuve, Gustave Planche, Au- novels of 'Horace,' and 'Consuelo' would gustin Thierry, Saint-Marc-Girardin, Du. have been enough to insure the success of vergier de Haurane, Michel Chevalier, any review. But the success of the IndeLerminier, Marmier, Rossi, and others- pendente' was in a great degree hampered men who knew how to invest serious lucu- by the humanitarian doctrines of Pierre brations with the graces of style--were to Leroux. Fortunately, the philosopher reThe Revue' now numbe found George Sand, Alfred de Musset, signed in time. Balzac, C. de Bernard, A Dumas, Alfred bers some important names amongst its conde Vigny, A. Briseux, Ch. Nodier, Méry, tributors. &c. The 'Revue' then was a valuable

work. It had the learning and careful


M. Buloz, seeing the mistake he had committed, endeavored to rectify it. He turned the Revue de Paris' (which was libraries, they are most annoying to people who also his) into a newspaper appearing three have libraries of their own, and buy books to be times a week; but the speculation was a bound, preserved, and consu ted-not merely to bad one, and the Revue de Paris' is now be read or glanced over, like a "standard novel," or some sentimental spinster's mince or jocular no more. M. Buloz has the credit of being Captain's hash of history or memoirs. In every considerably illiterate, though proprietor of considerable printing office there may be found two revues, 'dont il est l'ame,' said M. Hasome intelligent man willing and able to compile rel, with exquisite felicity, 'avec l'attention habile de n'en être jamais l'esprit.' But illiterate or not, he is a man of considera

a sufficient index for such a book as this now be

fore us, for a very moderare remuneration, at his

leisure hours.

ble tact and readiness, as his success in life tion: it appears at intervals of six weeks, plainly shows for though originally only a and a single number may be bought, withprinter's foreman, he has founded one of out the purchaser being forced to a three the first periodicals in Europe by his own months' subscription. It is like our own exertions, and conducted it for fifteen years. Reviews in appearance; only not so bulky, It is in vain that his detractors endeavor and issued twice in the quarter. Its intento explain this, by saying that he sold him- tion is to be less a review than a periodical self to the ministry. This may be true, publication of books, the books made up of yet not affect his cleverness. How many essays. As we wish the Review well, we thousands are there equally willing to sell cannot forbear entreating the editor to themselves, but who find no buyers! If M. reconsider his plan. The notion of Buloz was bought, it is to be supposed that periodical essays looks well in prospectuses; he was worth paying for. The cause of his it will not do in execution. We have seen success must lie elsewhere than in a mere an example at home. A Review, having easiness of conscience. Besides, the fact all the advantages of money and talent, of sale is not proved; so far from being was forced at length to give up after a long proved is it, that the rumor in many quar- struggle in vain. Why was this struggle ters is that he has recently sold his 'Revue' vain? principally because the Review was entirely, and sold it to the government. less a Review than a periodical publication This rumor has a color of probability of essays. given to it by the return of certain writers, whose names have not figured in its pages for years, and who are all ministerial. The whole question is, however, of no impor

tance to us.

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Neither money nor courageneither learning nor talent could save it. Against a similar fate we would warn the Revue Nouvelle.' There is an essential difference between the book and the review, which it is fatal to overlook.

The Revue des Deux Mondes,' having Looking at the 'Revue Nouvelle' with a lost one great element of popularity, had view to the question, Is it wanted? we are only to endeavor to strengthen its other forced to admit that at present it shows no resources. This it has done. It is now signs of filling any want in French literanot so widely circulated. It is more exclu- ture. But it may succeed; it may estabsively serious. It addresses itself to ano-lish itself beside the 'Revue des Deux ther audience; but if it continues to keep Mondes,' and by important articles become its present aim steadily in view, we have no important. Let it, however, clearly settle doubt of its securing a sufficient audience. its aims. If it aspires to be popular, it In the last year or two it has been occa- must be more popular; if it aspires to be sionally heavy, seldom amusing, in the con- grave and useful, it must be more frankly fined sense of the word, but very instruc- so. We will make our meaning clear by a tive, and often enriched with really valua- reference to No. IV. The articles on Abéble contributions in the shape of biogra-lard, Henri Fonfrède, and on M. Quinet's phy, travels, history, and political economy. Cours,' are admirable specimens of ReIn its subjects it has approached our Re- view articles; whereas the other three views; in its treatment it has often surpass- articles should not have found admission; ed us. In literature, as in every thing else, though we would except that on Mr. D'Isit is something to know your position, and raeli's 'Sybil,' had not that novel been alto accept it: to see clearly what can be ready copiously reviewed in France. M. done, and to do it. The Revue des Deux Gobineau's paper is altogether unfit; and Mondes' has this advantage. the Prince de Broglie's is a pamphlet, not an article. Thus half the volume is, we believe, a mistake.

The 'Revue Nouvelle' seems to us to want this advantage. It has no definite aim. It attempts nothing new, and does not frankly In the article on 'Sybil' we were much accept what is old. The articles which it amused with the gravity of the exordium, publishes might just as well have appeared wherein France is called upon to study elsewhere; some of them had better have England more closely than she has hitherto appeared nowhere. The writers are prin- done: a feeling to which we cordially recipally writers in the Revue des Deux spond. France could not have studied us Mondes' or were so; and there is no new less. But she is beginning to see the folly element introduced, which is to separate of this, and perfide Albion is to be approthis review from its more ancient rival. fondie. To return to the exordium, M. The only novelty is a novelty of publica-Robin tells his countrymen that they must

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not suppose England is to be accurately does it aim at giving any thing like a meknown by a perusal of parliamentary de- thodical account of that country and its bates and newspapers. Very true; there inhabitants. It is little more than a travelare other purer sources of information and ler's description of what he saw and heard, where does M. Robin advise France to seek during his wayfaring and sojourn in a noble them? In our novels, and particularly in region, and among an interesting and hopethe novels of Mr. D'Israeli! It may be as ful people; and though not a complete a collection of well to add that the Revue Nouvelle' is picture of Servia, it is conservative in its politics; defends Guizot; sketches from the life, struck off with a free and professes a friendly feeling towards and firm hand, and bearing on the face of England. This latter point is important. them a strong warranty of their truth. Mr. The anti-English feeling is so strong in Paton is the least prolix of travel-writers;. France, so mad, so unreflecting, so certain, he does not weary his readers with long if not checked, to involve the two countries dissertations and ponderous inductions; in a war, that any serious periodical raising but, moving about with his eyes and ears its voice against such folly cannot but be of well open, he is peculiarly happy in seizing service. We English are so little occupied and recording pregnant instances. For about France-we are so little desirous of example, he halts at a road-side tavern to war-that we cannot, without an effort, dine: bring ourselves to believe that the war-cry in France is any thing more than the agitation of a small faction. This is a serious error. The feeling against England is deeply rooted-widely spread; it is, moreover, a national feeling. The middle classes-above all, the manufacturers-are of course strongly averse to war; but the mass of the nation hungers for it. The feeling exists,' says one of the most eminent men in France, in a private letter now before us, it increases, and will increase daily. I think I see the Channel grow wider and wider. France is repressed by two millions of shopkeepers and manufacturers-for how long? No one can predict. And we have a military and agricultural population of thirty millions and more.' The struggle for peace must needs be a difficult and precarious one. Any ally on the side of peace is therefore welcome; such an ally as the 'Revue Nouvelle' may be very important.

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"A booby, with idiocy marked on his countenance, was lounging about the door, and when our mid-day meal was done, I ordered the man to give him a glass of slivovitsa, as plum-brandy is called. He then came forward, trembling as if about to receive sentence of death, and taking off his greasy fez, said, 'I drink to our prince, Kana Georgovich, and to the progress and enlightenment of the nation.' I looked with astonishment at the torn, wretched habiliments of this idiot swineherd. He was too stupid to entertain these sentiments himself, but this trifling circumstance was the feather which indicated how the wind blew. The Servians are by no means a nation of talkers; they are a serious people; and if the determination to rise were not in the minds of the people, it would not be on the lips of the baboon-visaged oaf of an insignificant hamlet."

The following admirable passage needs. no preface or comment:


"On the day of departure a tap was heard at the door, and enter Holman [the blind traveller] to bid me good-bye. Another tap at the door, and enter Milutinovich, who is the best of the living poets of Servia, and has been sometimes called the Ossian of the Balkan. for his other pseudonyme, 'the Homer of a hundred sieges,' that must have been invented by Mr. George Robins, the Demosthenes of one hundred rostra.' The reading public in Servia is not yet large enough to enable a man of letters to live solely by his works; so our bard has a situation in the ministry of public instruction. One of the most remarkable compositions of Milutinovich is an address to a young surgeon, who, to relieve the poet from difficulties, expended in the printing of his poems a sum which he had destined for his own support at a university, in order to obtain his degree.



"Now it may not be generally known that cellent method, which enables him to preone of the oldest legends of Bulgaria is that serve much of the native hue of his facts. of 'Poor Lasar,' which runs somewhat thus: "The day departed and the stranger -e. g. came, as the moon rose on the silver snow "Welcome,' said the poor Lasar to the stran-shook the crumbs out of my napkin, and took "I think,' said I to the entertainer, as I ger: Luibitza, light the faggot and prepare the first whiff of my chibouque, the supper.' that if Stethe grave, he could not give us better fare.' phen Dushan's chief cook were to rise from

"Luibitza answered: the forest is wide, and the lighted faggot burns bright, but where is the supper? Have we not lasted since yesterday?


Shame and confusion smote the heart of poor Lasar.

"Art thou a Bulgarian,' said the stranger, and settest not food before thy guest?'" "Poor Lasar looked in the cupboard, and looked in the garret, nor crumb, nor onion were found in either. Shame and confusion smote the heart of poor Lasar.

"Long lived the rich Lasar, the fair Luibitza, and the curly-haired Janko'

good pasture, good flocks and herds, good "Captain-God sends us good provender, land is rich, the climate excellent; but we corn and fruits, and wood and water. The are often in political troubles.

"Author. These recent affairs are trifles, tions of Kara Georg. and you are too young to recollect the revolu

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Boluk Bashi, who accompanied you hither?
Captain.-Yes, I am ; but do you see that
Simco Slivovats is a brave soldier; but, al-
His history is a droll illustration of past times.
though a Servian, has two wives.

"Author.-Is he a Moslem?

"Here is fat and fair flesh,' said the stranger, pointing to Janko, the curly-haired boy. Luibitza shrieked and fell. 'Never,' said Lasar, shall it be said that a Bulgarian was wanting to his guest.' He seized a hatchet, Georg he was an active guerilla fighter, and "Captain.-Not at all. In the time of Kara and Janko was slaughtered as a lamb. Ah, took prisoner a Turk called Sidi Mengia, who can describe the supper of the stranger? whose life he spared. In the year 1813, when Lasar fell into a deep sleep, and at mid-Servia was temporarily reconquered by the night he heard the stranger cry aloud, Arise, Turks, the same Sidi Mengia returned to Lasar, for I am the Lord thy God; the hos- Zhupa, and said, Where is the brave Servian pitality of Bulgaria is untarnished. Thy son who saved my life?' The Boluk Bashi being Janko is restored to life, and thy stores are found, he said to him, 'My friend, you deserve filled.' another wife for your generosity. I cannot marry two wives,' said Simo; my religion "Milutinovich, in his address to the youth-country being sought out, Sidi Mengia sent a forbids it.' But the handsomest woman in the ful surgeon, compares his transcendent gener-message to the priest of the place, ordering osity to the sacrifice made by Lasar in the him to marry Simo to the young won an. wild and distasteful legend I have here given. The priest refused; but Sidi Mengia sent a "I introduced the poet and the traveller to second threatening message; so the priest each other, and explained their respective married the couple. The two wives live tomerits and peculiarities. Poor old Milutino-gether to this day, in the house of Simo, at vich, who looked on his own journey to Montenegro as a memorable feat, was awe struck when I mentioned the innumerable countries in the four quarters of the world which had been visited by the blind traveller. He immediately recollected having read an account of him in the Augsburg Gazette, and with a reverential simplicity begged me to convey to him his desire to kiss his beard. Holman consented with a smile, and Milutinovich, advancing as if he were about to worship a deity, lifted the peak of white hairs from the beard of the aged stranger, pressed them to his lips, and prayed aloud that he might return to his home in safety.

"In old Europe Milutinovich would have been called an actor; but his deportment, if it had the originality, had also the childish simplicity of nature."

Zhupa. The archbishop, since the departure of the Turks, has repeatedly called on Simo to repudiate his second wife; but the principal obstacle is the first wife, who looks upon the second as a sort of sister. Under these anomalous circumstances Simo was under a sort of excommunication, until he had made a fashion of repudiating the second wile, by the first adopting her as a sister."

blunder, at which those may laugh who Here is a ludicrous, but very excusable have never fallen into any similar absurdity.

swallowing countless boxes of Morrison's pilis, "The major of the town [Prassova] after died in the belief that he had not begun to take them soon enough. The consumption of these drugs at that time almost surpassed belief. There was scarcely a sickly or hypo

Mr. Paton's reminiscences frequently chondriac person from the Hill of Presburg to assume a dramatic form. He is fond of the Iron Gates, who had not taken large quan

noting down snatches of dialogue,—an ex-tities of them.”

From Tait's Magazine.


A Scottish Craftsman's Travels in the
United States and Canada, in the years
1840, 1841, and 1842. By William
Thomson of Stonehaven. Edinburgh
Oliver & Boyd.

est art, by the way: but, in his own direct words, says,

Having mixed with the mass of the people, Union and in Upper Canada, having eaten having been employed in different parts of the with them, and sat down at their firesidessometimes living amongst tradesmen and mechanics, and sometimes amongst farmers-I devoted my attention principally to the collection of information on the actual condition of the farmers and tradesmen-what they eat, drink, and what they wear; and seeing that the numerous books that have been written on the subject do not descend far enough into the scale of society, do not enter closely enough into the minutiae of every-day life, to convey of those who have to toil for their daily subsistany thing like a correct idea of the condition ence, I purpose to make this my task.

We cannot guess where this little book has been sleeping for three years: but it is, if not exactly the book, then the kind of book on America which we have long desired to see. British travellers in the United States run generally in the same track. They land at New York; they have introductions to a few great merchants, leading statesmen, and celebrated professors of colleges and preachers. They see Broadway, they survey the public institutions, and de- A more useful office could not be underscribe their own hotel or boarding-house; taken; and we only wish that the author's try a touch at the sublime in the way of de- modesty had permitted him to tell us a good scription of the Hudson; steam on to Bos- deal more; though we probably have obton, tell of ministers, go to Albany, perhaps tained the cream of his experience. He is to the Falls of Niagara, then back to Phil- a native of Stonehaven, and by trade a adelphia, take a peep at Washington and worker in wool,—a carder and spinner of the Congress, at the Slave States, and now wool, as we take it. Being threatened with and then proceed as far as New Orleans, pulmonary disease, he was advised to try a and even "the far west," by the lakes and warmer climate; and, having two brothers the Mississippi; and, with few exceptions, settled in South Carolina, he went to the observe the same objects, and receive the United States, where he soon recovered his same impressions, modified only by the cir- health, and afterwards traversed the length cumstance of their having been Whig, and breadth of the land; travelling like a Tory, or Radical, before they set forth upon German wandering craftsman, and stopping their travels. In the little book upon our a few days or weeks here and there, whertable, an artisan's tour, and that a pretty ever he could obtain any kind of employlengthy and extensive one, there is happily ment. This he often did to have better opnothing whatever about the fashionable cir- portunities of ascertaining the real condicles of New York, or the learned coteries tion of the people. In the winter months he of Boston; little about sermons or lec- went first among the manufactories of the tures, and nothing about anniversaries and Carolinas and of Georgia, and in the summer speeches, and Sing-sing, and the other perambulated the northern states; workhackneyed sights, and out-worn Lions of ing either with the farmers or at the factothe Union. The book consists of a plain, ries, as was most convenient. In this way intelligent workman's brief relation of what he visited nearly all the Atlantic states and he saw in a country where his class is the Upper Canada; and afterwards Ohio, Inmost important of all, and we are inclined diana, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, the to think, the most enviable also. America States of Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, is a bad land for "aristocrats," or wealthy &c. &c. He found temporary employment people of "highly civilized" tastes and in cotton mills, as well as in the wool-cardhabits; and an indifferent one for scholars ers' mills, and every where laid himself out and literary or idle persons; though it is, to learn the real condition and character of with all its drawbacks, the land in which the people. For acquiring this knowledge, "the greatest happiness of the greatest he found much better opportunities than number" is, partly from institution and those which fall to the lot of travellers by partly from circumstance, the most effectu- profession. ally promoted and secured; and it is of the "greatest number" these travels speak. The author makes no pretensions to "making a book;" a disreputable if not a dishonVOL: VI.-No. III.


First we may see, in his book, the great matter of how the people live, what they eat and drink, and how they are lodged and clothed.

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