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DEBATES respecting a message to the parliament of Ireland, requiring
troops from thence-Treaties for German troops laid before the House,
and consequent debates-Supply; Ways and Means-Duke of Grafton's
proposition for a conditional suspension of arms in America-Motion for
a militia in Scotland rejected-Trial of the Duchess of Kingston before
the House of Lords, for bigamy-Inquiry into licenses granted to
ships bound for North America-Conclusion of the session-Campaign
in America-Evacuation of Boston by the British army-Quebec re-
lieved, and the siege raised-Expedition against the Cedars-The Ame-
ricans repulsed at Trois Rivieres-They evacuate Montreal, St. John's,
and Chamblée-Defeated on Lake Champlain-Defeat of the loyalists
in the southern provinces-Late arrival of reinforcements-Unsuccess-
ful attempt upon Charlestown-Admiral and General Howe arrive at
Staten Island-Congress declare the United States free and indepen-
dent, and renounce all allegiance to the mother country-Lord Howe's
efforts for accommodation-Determines to commence hostilities-Descent
on Long Island-Defeat of the Americans at Brooklyn-Conference be-
tween Lord Howe and a committee of the Congress-New York aban-
doned by General Washington-Further successes of the British-General
Lee taken prisoner by Colonel Harcourt-Rhode Island taken-General
Howe's tardiness in following up his advantages-Three regiments of
Hessians surprised and taken at Trenton-Lord Cornwallis outmanœuvred
by Washington-Situation of both armies at the close of the campaign-
Loss sustained in the West India trade-Symptoms of enmity in France
and Spain-Meeting of Parliament, speech and address-Motion for a
committee to consider acts affecting America-Naval and military sup-
plies-Education of the Princes-Scheme for checking the ravages of
fire-The rope-house at Portsmouth destroyed by an incendiary.


Bills for granting letters of marque, and for securing persons charged
with treason-Discussion, in a Committee of Supply, on loan contracts
and German claims-Application for discharging the debts on the Civil
List-Increase of the royal revenue-Debate on the Speaker's address to
the King-Ways and Means-Extraordinary transactions in India-Lord
Chatham's renewed attempt at conciliation with America-Close of the
session-Expeditions to Peek's Hill and Danbury-The Americans attack
Saggy harbour-Lord Cornwallis defeats a detachment of Washington's
army-General Prescott taken and exchanged for General Lee-The
British fleet and army sail for Chesapeak Bay-Battle of Brandywine-
General Wayne surprised by General Grey-Entrance of Philadelphia-
Action at German-town-Forts on the Delaware taken-General Bur-
goyne takes the command in Canada-Is joined by the Indians, who
shortly secede-Various military operations, ending in his surrender at
Saratoga-Meeting of Parliament-Debate on the King's speech-Sup-
ply-Habeas Corpus suspension-State of the nation-Motions respect-
ing Burgoyne's expedition-Adjournment-Subscriptions for raising new
levies-Debates after the recess-Lord North's plan of conciliation—
Ways and Means-Treaty between France and America-Motions in
favour of Irish commerce-Bill to relieve Roman Catholics-Duke of
Richmond's motion for abandoning bostilities against America-Lord

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Chatham's reply-His death-Honours paid to his memory-General
Burgoyne's reception-Motions on the state of the navy, and to restrain
members from contracting with government-Prorogation-Provision for
the King's children-Lord Thurlow appointed Chancellor.


Review of French politics-Effect of the conciliatory bills in America-
Arrival of Commissioners from England with overtures-Their efforts
fruitless-Evacuation of Philadelphia by the British-Action on retreat-
Lee suspended-Count D'Estaign appears off Sandy Hook with a French
fleet-Foiled by Lord Howe-Various naval encounters-Lord Howe
succeeded by Admiral Gambier-Success of the British in various expe-
ditions-War between the Indians and Americans-D'Estaign sails to the
West Indies-St. Lucia taken by the British-The French blockaded in
Fort Royal by Admiral Byron-Successes against the French in the East
Indies-Naval movements in the Channel-Dispute between Admirals
Keppel and Palliser-Their trial by courts martial-Motions against Lord
Sandwich-Finance-Inquiry into Sir William Howe's conduct in Ame-
rica-Bill to relieve Dissenters-Measures for the relief of Ireland re-
jected-War with Spain-Acts to strengthen the military and naval force
-Session closed-Siege of Gibraltar-Loss of Senegal-Attempt on
Jersey-Combined French and Spanish fleet in the Channel-French
successes in the West Indies-Their repulse at Savannah-Return of
D'Estaign to France-Success of various enterprises against the Ameri-
cans-Indian excesses severely retaliated by General Sullivan-British
settlements on the Mississippi taken by the Spaniards-Expedition against
Fort Omoa-Changes in the ministry-Meeting of Parliament-Amend-
ment to the address rejected-Concessions to Ireland-Discussions on the
expenditure-Commission of accounts-Mr. Burke's plan of economy
rejected-Dispute between Sir Fletcher Norton and Lord North-Law
appointments-Duel between Mr. Fullarton and Lord Shelburne-In-
crease of the malt and other taxes discussed-Motions to control the ex-
penditure-Associations against the Papists-Dreadful riots-Trial of
Lord George Gordon-Proceedings of Parliament to the close of the
session-Naval successes of Sir George Rodney-Charlestown taken by
Sir Henry Clinton-Defection of General Arnold-Death of Major
André-Victory of Lord Cornwallis in Carolina-Severe losses of English
merchantmen taken by the enemy-Armed neutrality-Disputes with
Holland-Death of Maria Theresa.


New Parliament-Address-Grant for relief of Barbadoes and Jamaica-
Debate on the Dutch war-Mr. Burke's reform bill again rejected-First
speech of Mr. Pitt-Warm debates on the loan bill-Other proceedings to
the close of the session-India affairs-Second attempt of the French on
Jersey-Capture of St. Eustatia and other Dutch settlements-Loss of
Tobago-St. Eustatia retaken by the Marquis de Bouillé-Campaign in
America-Defeat of Colonel Tarleton-Battle of Guildford Court-house-
Threatened attack on New York-Naval action between Admiral Graves
and Count De Grasse, favourable to the latter-Surrender of Lord Corn-
wallis's army-Reduction of Pensacola by Don Galvez-Siege of Gib-
raltar-Expedition to the Cape of Good Hope-Successes in the East
Indies-Engagement on the Dogger Bank-Kempenfelt's success against
a French convoy-Meeting of Parliament-Discussions on the American
war-Decline of ministerial influence-Rockingham ministry formed-
Concessions to Ireland-Other popular measures-Death of the Marquis
of Rockingham, and consequent changes-Loss of Minorca, and of seve

ral islands in the West Indies-Rodney's brilliant victory-Relief of Gib-
raltar-Provisional articles of peace between England and America-
Meeting of Parliament-Peace concluded by Great Britain with France
and Spain-Coalition of Lord North and Mr. Fox-Debates on the con-
ditions of peace-Ministers defeated-Their resignation-Coalition mi-
nistry-Bills to declare the legislative independence of Ireland, and to
facilitate an intercourse with America-East India bills-Peace with the
Mahrattas-Loan-Mr. Pitt's motion for Parliamentary_reform-Slave-
trade-Separate establishment for the heir apparent-Parliament pro-.
rogued-Order in council, limiting the trade between America and the
West Indies-Peace with Holland-Meeting of Parliament-Warm de-
bates on Mr. Fox's East India bills-The measure disapproved by the
King, and rejected by the Lords-Contest between the Crown and the
Commons-Dismissal of ministers, and new appointments, with Mr. Pitt
at the head-Address against a dissolution of Parliament-Unprecedented
contests between the House of Commons and the ministry-Eventually
terminated by a dissolution-Elections-New Parliament-Question of
the return for Westminster-Motion for reform-Mr. Pitt's India bill—
Burke's motion against Warren Hastings-Commutation tax-Unfunded
debt-Restoration of forfeited estates in Scotland-Prorogation of Parlia-
ment-Irish affairs.



Meeting of Parliament-Westminster scrutiny-Mr. Pitt's plan of
liamentary reform-Public accounts-Taxes-Commercial intercourse
with Ireland-The plan carried in England, but rejected by the Irish
House of Commons-Parliament re-assembled-Plan for fortifying the
dock-yards Sinking fund-Civil list-Shop tax-Hawkers-Duty on
wine transferred to the Excise-India affairs-Charges against Mr. Hast-
ings-Prorogation of Parliament-Margaret Nicholson's attempt to assas-
sinate the King-Board of trade-Treaty of commerce with France-
Convention with Spain-Meeting of Parliament -Discussion on the
French commercial treaty-Consolidation of the customs-Post-horse
duty-Mr. Fox's attempt to repeal the Shop tax-Corporation and Test
acts-Prince of Wales's affairs-Grant for the payment of his debts-
Hastings's impeachment-Close of the session-Affairs of Holland-Dis-
pute with France amicably terminated-Meeting of Parliament-Treaties
of alliance between England, Prussia, and Holland-Debate on naval
promotions-Dispute between the East India Company and Board of
Control-Trial of Warren Hastings-Impeachment of Sir Elijah Impey-
Election petitions-American loyalists-Transportation of slaves-Pro-
rogation of Parliament-Death of the young Pretender-Centenary of
the Revolution-Mental malady of the King, and consequent proceed.
ings-Various discussions of the Regency question-The King's recovery
Proceedings in Ireland-The Shop tax at length repealed-Motion for
the repeal of the Test Act again rejected-Slave-trade-India affairs-
Finance Progress of Hastings's trial-The duty on tobacco transferred
to the Excise-Parliament prorogued.


Commencement of the French revolution-Public opinion in England
thereon-Meeting of Parliament-Debate on French affairs-Dissenters
again defeated-Motion for reform-East India affairs-Hastings's trial-
Slave-trade-Dispute with Spain respecting Nootka Sound-Vote of
Credit-Session closed-Adjustment with Spain-War in India-Writings
of Burke and Paine-Meeting of Parliament-Debate on the treaty with
Spain-Ways and Means-Question respecting impeachment-Close of

the charges against Warren Hastings-Bill to relieve Catholics-Mr. Fox's
1ibel bill-Slave-trade-Bill for the government of Canada-Quarrel be-
tween Burke and Fox-Message, respecting war with Russia-Colony
established at Sierra Leone-Close of session-Affairs of France-Riots
at Birmingham-Revolution societies.

Meeting of Parliament-Marriage of the Duke of York-Prosperous
state of the finances-Lottery opposed-Slave-trade-Westminster police
-Royal burghs of Scotland-Libel bill carried-Society of Friends of the
People-Proclamation against sedition-Conviction of Thomas Paine-
Revenues of India-Indian war-Parliament prorogued-Affairs of France
-Poland-Sweden-The English ambassador quits Paris-Loyal associa-
'tion formed in London-Various other societies in correspondence with
the French Convention-Proclamations for calling out the militia, and
for assembling Parliament-King's speech-Debates on the address-Di-
minution of the Opposition party-Motion for sending a minister to Paris
-Alien bill-Trial and death of Louis the XVIth.

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