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Taube, General von, 169, 181, 322, 337, | Treaties, secret:


Taurida republic, 676, 685.

Telegraph employees, 10, 164, 165.
Temporary Siberian government. See
Provisional government of autono-
mous Siberia.

Tereshchenko, Michael I., 560-561,

B., 123.

Terror, 89, 104, 422, 450, 517, 593, 601.
policy, 555, 571, 639, 643.
Thompson, Lt. Col. William
Tomsk, uprising, 424, 452.
Torretta, Tomasi della, 523, 531.
Trade-unions. See Labor.
Trans-Caucasus (see also Caucasus;
Gegechkori; North Caucasus):
Allied military missions, 584, 607.
Bolshevism, 589, 619, 640.
disarming of returned troops, 592,

dissolution, 631, 639, 641.

finances, 624, 625; efforts of Consul

at Tiflis, 585, 589-590, 592, 595.
Germany, relations, 629, 632, 633.
history, 634-637, 640-642.
independence, 582-583, 586, 632.
recognition: Allied attitude, 584;
U.S. attitude, 583.

Southeastern federation, efforts at
union, 588, 589, 607.

Soviet régime, relations, 583, 585,
586, 625, 629, 630, 640.
Turkey: demands, 631, 637, 640-641;
opposition, 618-619, 620, 623-625,
626, 628, 630, 631-632, 633; peace
negotiations, 625, 629, 635-636,

Trans-Siberian Railway (see also Chi-
nese Eastern Railway; Railways),

Allied control, plans, 48, 63, 84, 587,
603, 605; French views, 172.
conditions, 28, 66, 71, 108.
Czecho-Slovaks: control, 197, 198,
204, 223, 226, 241, 259, 262, 266,
314, 331, 545; Czech-Japanese
guard, 388.

French investors, 60.
Japanese-Chinese joint occupation,

plan, 57-58; U.S. attitude, 57-58.
Japanese sole occupation proposed,

30, 49, 51; British plan, 35–36, 38,
41, 45, 48, 49-50; French attitude,
50-52, 76; Russian attitude, 74;
U.S. attitude, 42, 45-46.
Semenov: control, plan, 38-39, 48;
obstruction, 419-420, 424, 461;
U.S. operation, attitude, 156, 161,

U.S., Chinese, and Japanese joint
occupation, plan, 54.

U.S. control: Japanese criticism, 113,
Russian factions, attitude, 74,
165, 168, 170, 450; views, 91, 104,

[ocr errors]

Japanese statement, 10.
publication, 654.

Treaty of Brest Litovsk, Russia-Cen-
tral powers:

Esthonia, attitude, 832.

Finland, German attitude, 778.
Lettish National Council, attitude,

Russian protests, 61, 272, 535, 547,
635, 640-641, 646.
signature, 65.

Ukrainian delegation, status, 657.
U.S. Ambassador's statements.
against separate peace, German
protest, 717.

violations, German, 221-222, 236;
Soviet protests, 146-147, 679;
German reply, 685.

Treaty of Brest Litovsk, Ukraine-
Central powers, 665–671.

Allied and American Ministers,
Jassy, relations with Ukrainian
delegation, 663-664.

Central powers, gains by, 673, 674,
682, 696.

negotiations, 663, 664, 672.
Trepov, A. F., 858, 859.

Trotsky, L. D. (Bronstein), 652, 654.
Allied and American aid sought, 136,
Czecho-Slovaks, disbanding, views.
183, 187, 194, 200-201, 259.
Germany, influenced by, 74.
Tseretelli, I. G., 586.

Armenia: conflicts, 620, 624, 625,
632, 633, 635, 637; peace, 638, 641.
Brest Litovsk treaty, gains by, 632.
Caucasus, advance into, 623, 624,
625; evacuation, 644.
Crimea, advance into, 625.
Georgia, peace negotiations, 636-
637, 641.

North Caucasus, relations, 633.
Soviet Russia, armistice negotia-
tions, 585-586, 594.
Trans-Caucasus: advance into, 618-
619, 620, 623-625, 626, 628, 630,
631-632, 633; demands, 631, 637,
640-641; peace negotiations, 625,
629, 635-636, 640-641.

Ufa conference. See under All-Russian
provisional government.
Ukraine (see also Treaty of Brest

Allied and American Ministers, Jassy,
aid sought, 660-661; reply, 661-

Allied Ministers, Jassy, declaration
to maintain order, 699-700, 701-

army, 651, 652-653, 656, 658, 659,
660, 661; French aid protested by
Soviet Russia, 652–653.
arrest of Rada members, 681-682,

[blocks in formation]

677; Soviet Russia, 691.
Central powers: armistice, 651; rela-
tions, 673, 690, 719.
Cossacks, relations, 654, 692.
Crimea, relations, 692, 695-696.
Czecho-Slovaks, relations, 255–256.
Federal Russia, views, 651, 658, 661,
673, 689, 700, 702.

finances, 656, 658, 660, 679.
France: commissioner, 34, 655, 656,

657, 659, 672; relations, 597-598,
615, 656, 702, 706.

Germany: activities, 473, 627, 643;
armistice, Korenevo, 686; Bolshe-
vism, attitude, 838; influence, 679,
687, 690-691, 694, 697; joint
military action, 125, 131, 626,
677, 679; land decree, 680-681;
military advance, 132, 236, 237,
478, 480, 625, 626, 697; requisi-
tions, 626-627; supplies obtain-
able, 221, 673, 674, 677, 681, 694,
governments: Rada, 650-651, 654,
658, 672, 681-682, 684; Skoropad-
ski, 682-683, 687, 688, 694, 701,
705-706; Petlyura, 705-706.
Great Britain, commissioner, 672,

intervention, attitude, 658-659, 660,

land reform, 656, 659, 660, 680–681,
683, 692, 695; German decree, 680-

peace: general, views, 651, 652, 659;
separate, views, 649, 653, 660.
recognition: France, attitude, 650,
655, 656, 657, 662, 743; U.S. atti-
tude, 655, 743.

republic proclaimed, 650-651, 672.
Rumania: annexation of Bessarabia,
protest, 130, 720-721; relations,
652, 664, 709.
Southeastern federation, relations,
602, 691.

Soviet Russia: armistices, 686, 693;
boundaries, 691; military advance

into, 686; peace negotiations, 685,
686, 687, 689, 691-692; war threat,

treaties of Imperial régime, attitude,

660; reply of Allied and American
Ministers, Jassy, 662.
Volunteer Army, relations, 609.


World War, attitude, 33, 598, 649,
651, 652, 658.

Ukrainian National Council, appeal to
President Wilson, 697-698.
Ukrainian National League, 703.
United States (see also Advisory Com-
mission of Railway Experts; Allied
and American Governments; Arch-
angel; Chinese Eastern Railway;
Diplomatic Missions; Interven-
tion; Murman; Publicity; Rail-
ways; Recognition; Relations, in-
formal; Siberia; Trans-Siberian
Railway; Wilson, Woodrow; World
Ambassador in Japan, reports on
Siberian situation, 366, 371, 410-
411, 414-415, 525.
Ambassador in Russia: appeal to
Finns, 803-804, 804-805, 809–810;
to Poles, 419, 432, 450-451; Brest
Litovsk treaty, statement, 717;
coup d'état at Archangel, attitude,
521-522, 523, 524; parting address
to troops, 566.

citizens, protection, 604, 619, 622,

code messages, Soviet prohibition,
179, 209, 250.

commission, economic, in Siberia,
290, 292, 329, 362, 373, 389, 417,
425, 437; provisional government
of autonomous Siberia, attitude,
350; representatives, views, 118,
387, 415.

commission, political, in Siberia,
plans, 138, 159-160, 162, 233,
340-341; attitude, 157, 362.
commissioner in Siberia, attitude,
360, 364.

Consul at Vladivostok, demand for
recall, 139, 142-143, 152, 153–154.
estrangement from Japan sought by
Soviet, 105, 166.

foreign military activities on Chinese
soil, attitude, 152-153, 188.
good offices of Allied and American
representatives between Czech and
Soviet forces, 184-187, 191-192,
197, 204, 210, 212-213, 250-251.
industrial interests, forced contribu-
tions, 70-71.

interference in Russian affairs, charge

against Consul at Vladivostok and
Minister in China, 139, 142-143,
152, 153-154.

interference in Russia affairs by
Japanese, attitude, 297-298, 462-

local governments, attitude, 361, 414,
416, 417, 426, 542-543.
Manchuria, Japanese forces in, atti-

tude, 58, 297, 304, 305, 314, 353.
martial law in Vladivostok, attitude,

United States-Continued.

military aid to Soviet régime re-
quested, 111, 473.

Murman Soviet, approval of agree-
ment, 556-557, 558.

naval forces in north Russia, instruc-
tions, 488, 566.

noninterference in Russian affairs,

152, 153-154, 157-158, 166, 210,
263, 267, 289–290, 329, 339, 361,
362, 463, 515; in the Caucasus,
582, 583.

prisoners of war in Siberia, British
plan to guard, 416, 440; attitude,
questionnaires to consuls, 45, 64, 66,
83, 118-119, 367-368.
Rumanian gold deposit at Moscow,
attitude toward seizure, 713.
Russian people, attitude toward,
339, 417, 817, 852.

safe passage for Czecho-Slovaks
through Manchuria, attitude,

Siberian governments: attitude
toward, 298,307-308,317, 323-324,
335, 414-415, 416, 417, 420, 421,
425, 455-456; military aid dis-
cussed, 62-63, 141, 295-297, 396-
397, 422-423.

territorial sovereignty of China,
attitude, 5, 15.

troops on Chinese soil, permission
sought, 391-392, 396.

war, state of, with Soviet Russia,
discussion, 489, 510, 544; attitude,

warships: at Murman, 475, 477, 485;
at Vladivostok, 6, 30, 46-47;
Soviet request to leave Russian
ports, 236, 486-487, 489, 502-504;
response, 495.

warships, Japanese, at Vladivostok,
attitude, 31.

Zemstvo Committee, relations, 17,


Ustrugov, L. A., 93, 138, 140, 157, 161,
273, 455.

Visas (see also Passports), 562, 831,

Vladivostok (see also Intervention;

Allied and American Consuls: code
messages prohibited, 179, 209;
criticism by Soviet, 71, 74; Czecho-
Slovaks, relations, 226, 265; Hor-
vat, views concerning, 277, 307-
308, 332; Soviet charges against,
139, 142-143, 152, 153–154.
Allied and American forces: com-
manders, proclamation, 270-271;
numbers, 352, 388.
Czecho-Slovaks, seizure of city, 234,
235, 261, 262, 271, 327, 354.
elections, 320, 321, 327, 467.
harbor patrol, Allied, 284.


Horvat government, 277-278, 282,
315, 321, 332, 354-355.
Japanese and British forces, landing,
April 1918, 99, 100-101, 104-105,
105-106, 109, 114, 115; British at-
titude, 108, 109; Soviet protests,
105-106, 107-108; U.S. aid sought,
108; U.S. Ambassadors' statements,
106-108, 115, 116-117, 121, 151,

Japanese forces, landing, December
1917, report, 6, 7-8, 9, 10.

lawless conditions, 6, 37-38, 50, 99,


martial law, British
British proposal,

349-350, 350-351; U.S. attitude,
350-351, 361.

munitions, 84, 219, 234, 275.
policing, inter-Allied, 270-271, 354,
355; U.S. attitude, 361.
provisional government of autono-
mous Siberia, 261, 280, 282, 293,
294, 315, 332, 336, 354, 391.
U.S. forces, landing, 261, 263, 352.
Zemstvo, city, 105, 271, 327, 332.
Zemstvo Committee, district, 14, 16,
17, 18, 25-26, 148, 261; Great
Britain, unofficial recognition,
18-19; provisional government of
autonomous Siberia, relations, 363;
U.S. attitude, 17, 19.
Vladivostok Soviet, 6, 10, 13-14, 70,
72, 152, 320, 321.

Consular Corps, relations, 209.
Czecho-Slovaks, relations, 234, 235,

Zemstvo, relations, 16, 18, 25-26,

Volga-Ural region:

Allied and American aid desired,
317-318, 379, 398, 411; Allied
attitude, 410, 466-467; U.S. atti-
tude, 393-394.

Japanese aid, Allied request, 418.
military conditions, 317-318, 379-

380, 381, 383-384, 388, 398, 415.
Perm, capture, 458, 464, 467.
Vologodski, Peter V., 120, 343, 397, 405,
409, 418, 421, 423, 429, 455, 553.
Volunteer Army, 593, 602, 603, 604,
638, 643.

Allied aid sought, 646.

Consul at Moscow, views, 609, 615.
financial aid sought, 591, 603; French
grant, 609-610; U.S. attitude, 606.
formation, 587, 588, 591, 612, 650,
653, 704.

governmental commission, 644, 645–

officers, 611, 612, 644, 645.

peace conference, desire for repre-
sentation, 646–647.

policies and plans, 610, 611, 613–614,
644, 646-647.

Volunteer Army-Continued.
Siberian forces, relations, 443, 448,

Southeastern federation, relations,
609, 616.

Ukrainian and other forces, relations,
587, 609, 701.

War, state of, between Associated
Governments and Soviet Russia,
discussion, 489, 510, 544, 548.
Wardwell, Maj. Allen, 469, 789.

Allied and American, asked to leave
Russian ports, 236, 486-487, 489,
495, 502-504.

Russian, disposition, 488.
Webster, Capt. William B., 84, 96-97,

White Guard, 70, 252, 309-310, 311.
White Russia, German occupation, 830,

Wilson, Woodrow:

all-Russian provisional government,
appeal, 422-423.
provisional government of autono-
mous Siberia, appeal, 118.
Russian bodies, appeal for inter-
vention, 272, 281–282.

Supreme government of the northern
region, appeal, 541-542.
Ukrainian National Council, appeal,

World War (see also Allied and Ameri-
can Governments; Central powers;
Germany; Treaty of



all-Russian provisional government,
attitude, 407, 412, 422-423.
armistice: retention of troops in
north Russia after, 567-568, 569-
570, 570-573, 574; Russian atti-
tude, 438, 448, 646-647.
Bulgaria, separate peace with Russia,
report, 23-24.

Caucasus, attitude, 579, 580, 582,

Cossacks, attitude, 605, 609-615,

eastern front, German forces re-
duced, 112, 114, 135, 654.
Murman Soviet, attitude, 492.
peace conference, desire for repre-
sentation: Esthonian, 815, 817,
828, 829, 853, 860; Russian, 568,
571, 646-647.


World War-Continued.

Polish forces, attitude, 178, 626.
prosecution of war, Russian: Allied
and American efforts to induce,
96, 109, 135, 157, 170-171, 227, 239,
529, 537-538, 540, 550, 551, 553;
discussion, 65, 73-74, 327, 363, 374,
384, 479, 482, 609-615, 645–646.
provisional government of auton-
omous Siberia, attitude, 102, 295-
297, 379, 390-391, 547.
Samara, fall, 409–410.
Southeastern federation, attitude,
580, 588.

Supreme government of the northern
region, attitude, 509, 518, 538, 540,
553, 560, 561, 564.

training in Siberia, 386, 390; U.S.
attitude, 399.

Ukraine, attitude, 33, 598, 649, 651,
652, 658.

withdrawal of German forces from
occupied territories, 838, 839, 843,
844-845, 860-861; Bolshevik ad-
vance, 699, 844, 854-855, 857-859,
859-861; U.S. attitude, 850, 856.

Wright, J. Butler, 84, 89-91, 102–104.
Y.M.C.A., 459.

Japanese forces, relations, 438.
northern region, activities, 504, 517,
541, 550, 566, 572.

Yudenich, Gen. N. N., 857-858, 859.
Zemstvo Committee, Far Eastern dis-

activities, 14, 16, 17, 18, 25-26, 148,

Great Britain, unofficial recognition,

provisional government of autono-
mous Siberia, relations, 363.
United States, relations, 17, 19.
Zemstvos (see also Municipal govern-
ments), 513.

army, relations, 1-2.
Livonia, 835.

northern region, 468, 508, 509, 522,

526, 534, 535, 539, 549, 568.

Siberia: activities, 101, 119, 120, 127,
203, 294, 336, 343; intervention,
attitude, 78, 105; military forces,
327, 354, 377; Vladivostok, 105,
271, 327, 332.
Ukraine, 688.

Zhordanya, N. N., 639, 641.

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