THE WINCHESTER CHURCH HYMN BOOK. WITH THE SANCTION OF WINCHESTER. HUGH BARCLAY, HIGH STREET, LONDON: HATCHARD AND CO., PICCADILLY. 1857. 147.0.185. THIS SELECTION has been made, with the sanction of the Bishop of the Diocese, to meet a desire, which had been strongly felt, that the same Hymn Book, and at a small cost, should be used in the Churches of Winchester. Such Psalms and Hymns, therefore, or portions of them, with few exceptions, have alone been chosen as seemed not unsuitable for Public Worship. The Hymns in the First Part are arranged according to the Seasons commemorated by the Church; to which others succeed for Special Occasions. The Miscellaneous Collection in the Second Part contains Hymns of a Doctrinal and Experimental Character, concluding with Adoration and Praise. |