I With sacred joy we greet the season 2 We see the man of God exhorting For God and man, a priestly band. 3 O holy mem'ry, fill our bosom With aspirations worthy thee. ||: In word and deed to prove the might :|| 4 And Thou, O God, who changest never, No. 96. Light and Truth. 2 In the desert of our wanderings, 3 O, Eternal Father, teach us Well Thy sacred word to know, Happy who in Early Youth. mf Andante moderato. Stores His mind with heav'n-ly truth- Life's un- fad - ing or I Happy who in early youth, Stores his mind with heavenly truth- 2 Happy who in tender years Leans on God for His support; 3 Guide, O guide this hopeful band, 4 Thine, O God, these souls are Thine, No. 97. Let There Be Light. "Let there be light"-at dawn of time, The Lord of Hosts proclaimed; "Let there be light," this call sub-lime Went forth when Ho reb flamed. cres. Then broke on Israel's mind a day, Then broke on Israel's mind a day, Il lumined by a heav'nly ray, Il lum-ined by a heav'nly ray. No. 97. Let There Be Light. 3 O Israel, guard this heirloom light, They kept their watch in darkest night |: And often martyr's death endured, :|| : But could not from their posts be lured. :|| 4 "Let there be light," God spoke once more Still Judah, as in days of yore, ||: Still be, O gracious Father grant! :|| 5 We cling to Thee, this brighter day, But our own faithlessness. ||: O radiant beam from Sinai's height-:|| SECOND TUNE. f Maestoso. Let There Be Light. "Let there be light"—at dawn of time, The Lord of Hosts proclaimed; "Let there be light," this call sub-lime Went forth when Ho reb flamed. Then broke on Is-rael's mind a day, Illum-ined by a heav'nly ray. |