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I With sacred joy we greet the season
That lifts our thoughts to Sinai's hight;
And list with rev'rence deep the message
Revealing man the way of light.
||: And Israel vowing on that day :||
To do, to hear what God shall say.

2 We see the man of God exhorting
His people, saved from tyrant's hand,
That they are now a chosen nation

For God and man, a priestly band.
||: To guard the truth from heaven brought :||
'Midst signs for their redemption wrought.

3 O holy mem'ry, fill our bosom

With aspirations worthy thee.
Within our heart the vow renewing
God's witness unto man to be.

||: In word and deed to prove the might :||
And saving grace of love and right.

4 And Thou, O God, who changest never,
Wilt thou our off'ring now disdain
But help our soul's self-dedictation
And keep it from becoming vain.
||: O strengthen Thou our wavering :||
Our holy mission to fulfill.

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No. 96.

Light and Truth.

2 In the desert of our wanderings,
O'er life's wide and trackless sand
But a single path can lead us
Safely to the promised land.
But be strong, Ō man, and doubt not;
Look aloft! the radiant light
Of the star of truth will guide thee
In thy troubled course aright.

3 O, Eternal Father, teach us

Well Thy sacred word to know,
Light upon the soul, and quiet
On the anxious heart bestow.
May our life be pure before Thee,
Till its race on earth is o'er,
May Thy blessings rest upon us,
And Thy peace forever more.

Happy who in Early Youth.

mf Andante moderato.

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Stores His mind with heav'n-ly truth- Life's un- fad - ing or

I Happy who in early youth,
While yet pure and innocent,

Stores his mind with heavenly truth-
Life's unfading ornament.

2 Happy who in tender years

Leans on God for His support;
Who life's bark in virtue steers,
That it reach salvation's port.

3 Guide, O guide this hopeful band,
Father, in Thy truth and light!
May these children ever stand
Firm in virtue and in right.

4 Thine, O God, these souls are Thine,
Undefiled they came to Thee;
Guide them in Thy love divine-
Heirs of immortality.

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No. 97.
f Maestoso.

Let There Be Light.

"Let there be light"-at dawn of time, The Lord of Hosts proclaimed;

"Let there be light," this call sub-lime Went forth when Ho reb flamed.


Then broke on Israel's mind a day, Then broke on Israel's mind a day,

Il lumined by a heav'nly ray, Il lum-ined by a

heav'nly ray.

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No. 97.

Let There Be Light.

3 O Israel, guard this heirloom light,
As did our sires of old;

They kept their watch in darkest night
'Midst agonies untold;

|: And often martyr's death endured, :||

: But could not from their posts be lured. :||

4 "Let there be light," God spoke once more
The age of freedom came;

Still Judah, as in days of yore,
Shall sanctify God's name,

||: Still be, O gracious Father grant! :||
: The people of Thy covenant. :||

5 We cling to Thee, this brighter day,
O Law of Righteousness;
No perils now beset our way,

But our own faithlessness.

||: O radiant beam from Sinai's height-:||
: Guide Thou our erring steps aright. :||


f Maestoso.

Let There Be Light.

"Let there be light"—at dawn of time, The Lord of Hosts proclaimed;

"Let there be light," this call sub-lime Went forth when Ho reb flamed.

Then broke on Is-rael's mind a

day, Illum-ined by a heav'nly ray.

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