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The Lord of Hosts sends down His word, To earth He speaks-Creation's Lord.

I In heavens high the thunder peals,
The Shofar sounds with might;

In storm and clouds the Lord reveals

The glory of His light.

The Lord of Hosts sends down His word,
To earth He speaks-Creation's Lord.

2 The idols reel, their temples shake
Despotic powers rebound-

Affrighted mountains hear and quake
Before the awful sound.

The Lord of Hosts sends down His word,
To earth He speaks-Creation's Lord.

3 The new day's sun on Sinai rose,

That every doubting mind,
Through righteousness the souls repose
In life and death may find.

O mortals hearken to the word
Thus spoken by Creation's Lord.

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No. 99.



The Banner of Light.

Andante con moto.

Obey, O Is - ra - el, God's commands, This is thy glory and might,

Behold, the Father has changed thy hands To bear the ban

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Em - brace hu-man-i- ty's sav-ing cause Re - vealed to Jacob in God's own laws.

1 Obey, O Israel, God's commands,
This is thy glory and might;

Behold, the Father has charged thy hands

To bear the banner of light.

Embrace humanity's saving cause

Revealed to Jacob in God's own laws.

2 Teach thou all nations obey with awe
The God of Justice and might;
Implore His mercy, obey His law,
And seek the banner of light.

The time of darkness shall soon decline,
The sun of Zion in brightness shine.

3 Proclaim, O Judah, with holy zeal
The King of glory and might,
That nations harken to Sinai's peal.
Unfurl the banner of light..

For truth and freedom thy voice upraise,
And live thyself to thy Maker's praise.

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1 On wings of time roll swiftly by
The hours, the days, the years;
We cannot check, howe'er we try,
The march of time's career.
A fleeting shadow seems our life,
A brief, all passing dream;
Its labors all but empty strife,
Its aims a flash, a gleam.

2 We stand. O God, with awe and fears
Before Thy holy throne-

Our thoughts, our deeds, our joys, our tears
To Thee, O Lord, are known.

The angels e'en, so pure and bright,

Cannot endure Thy test

How, then, can we approach Thy sight,

Who are by sin opprest.

3 We cannot hide our trespasses

Cannot our deeds rescind;

With contrite heart we must confess :
"Our father, we have sinned!"
O God, Thy pardon we implore,
Thou know'st that we are frail;
Refresh us from Thy mercy's store
Uplift us, when we fail.

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I Into the tomb of ages past
Another year has now been cast;
Shall time unheeded take its flight,
Nor leave one ray of higher light,

: That on man's pilgrimage may shine
And lead his soul to spheres divine? :||
2 With firm resolves your bosoms nerve,
The God of right alone to serve;
Speech, thought and act to regulate,
By what His perfect laws dictate;
|: Nor from His holy precepts stray,
By worldly idols lured away. :||

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