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My ref uge

is the Lord alone, His law-my only creed;

He look-eth down from mer- cy's throne On Ju- dah's faith - ful seed.


Exalted high Yet ev

er nigh Is Israel's Rock, the mighty King,

To all who to His glory sing, To all who to His glory sing.

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Sov-ereign, Lord, whose sceptre reigned Ere yet time its


course be- gan;

Since cre- a

tion was or - dained, It is guid - ed


His plan.

1 Sovereign Lord, whose sceptre reigned
Ere yet time its course began;
Since creation was ordained,

It is guided by His plan.

2 When all things fade and decline,
He abides in majesty ;

As He was in power divine,
Is and will He ever be.

3 No beginning and no end—
His is rule and victory;
My redeemer, rock and friend,
My salvation's guaranty.

4 When my lips the Lord extol,
I feel safe in every sphere,
Safe in body and in soul:

God with me-I have no fear.

No. 16.



Eternity of God.


With-out begin - ning, with-out end, Art Thou, O God, o'er time and space;

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No fi-nite mind can com - pre - hend Thy be- ing, nor Thy es - sence trace.

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I Without beginning, without end,

Art Thou, O God o'er time and space;
No finite mind can comprehend
Thy being, nor Thy essence trace.
Thou Ruler of the world alone,
From everlasting is Thy throne.

2 Thou wast when dark and formless yet
The universe in chaos lay;

Then, by Thy word, in order set
Were earth and sea and night and day.
Almighty then was Thy decree,

As never it shall cease to be.

3 How wonderful Thy mercy's way,
Though often hidden from our sight!
Yet this remains our staff, our stay,
Our star of hope in darkest night:
Thou orderest all things alone,
And everlasting is Thy throne.

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Vaster yet than time and space Are His kind-ness and His grace.

I Holy, holy, holy God,
Lord, eternal Zebaoth!
Sphere's encircling melody
Glorify His throne on high.
Vaster yet than time and space
Are His kindness and His grace.

2 Glorious is His rule, His might,
Both in darkness and in light
Which, in the celestial choir
Ceaseless songs of praise inspire.
Hark! from the immortal throng
Sounds the pure and holy song.

3 Everlasting Unity!

Thine are power and majesty ;
Time may change, and aeons roll,
Thine is still the world's control.

As it was in ages past,

So it will through ages last.

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