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sing-ing on their way; Guide of the na- tions from the night profound In

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No. 24.

In Unity With God and Mar..

2 We would be one in hatred of all wrong,

One in our love of all things sweet and fair,
One with the joy that breaketh into song,

One with the grief that trembles into prayer,
One in the power that makes Thy children free
To follow truth and thus to follow Thee.

3 Oh, clothe us with Thy heavenly armor, Lord!
Thy trusty shield, Thy word of love divine;
Our inspiration be Thy constant word,

We ask no victories that are not Thine;
Give or withhold, let pain or pleasure be,
Enough to know that we are serving Thee.

mf Moderato.

Yearning For God.


How love- ly are Thy dwellings fair, O Lord of Hosts, how dear

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I How lovely are Thy dwellings fair,
O Lord of Hosts, how dear

The pleasant tabernacles are.
Where Thou dost dwell so near.

2 My soul doth long, yea, even faint
Thy courts, O Lord, to see;
My heart and flesh are crying out,
O living God, for Thee.

3 Behold, the sparrow findeth out
A house wherein to rest;
The swallow also for herself
Hath found a peaceful nest.

4 Blest all who dwell within Thy house;

They ever give Thee praise;

And blest the man whose strength Thou art,
Who faithful loves Thy ways.

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I Be still! be still! for all around
On either hand is holy ground;
Here in this house, the Lord to-day
Will listen while his children pray.

2 Thou tossed upon the waves of care,
In fear to sink with deep despair;
Here ask relief with heart sincere
And Thou shalt find that God is near.

3 If Thou hast dear ones far away,

In foreign lands, 'mid oceans' spray,
Now pray for them, and dry the tear,
And trust to God who listens here.

4 If thou art mourning o'er thy sin,
Deploring guilt that reigns within;
The God of peace does lend His ear
The troubled spirit meets Him here.

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I How blest are they, whose lives are pure
And upright in the way;

Who in the Lord's most holy law
Do walk and do not stray.

2 O blest are they, who to observe
His statutes are inclined,

And who do seek the living God
With all their heart and mind.

3 O that Thy statutes to observe
Thou wouldst my way direct;
Then shall I not be stained, when I
Thy precepts all respect.

4 Upon Thy statutes my delight

Shall constantly be set,

And by Thy grace I never will
Thy holy law forget.

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2 Each morn unfolds some fresh surprise,
I feast at life's full board;

And rising in my inner skies

Shines forth the thought of God.

3 At night my gladness is my prayer;
I drop my daily load,
And every care is pillowed there
Upon the thought of God.

4 To this their sacred strength they owed
The martyr's path who trod;
The fountain of their patience flowed
From out their thought of God.

5 Be still the light upon my way,
My pilgrim staff and rod,

My rest by night, my strength by day
O blessed thought of God.

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