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No. 4.

Praise the Lord.



1. Praise the Lord! ye heavens a-dore Him, Praise Him, an- gels in the height;

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Praise the Lord, for He hath spoken; Worlds His migh - ty voice o - beyed;

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3 To Thee alone, when life recedes,
The dying Israelite still pleads;
In One allgracious God and guide
His fleeting spirit doth confide.

No. 6.

f Maestoso.

The Sovereign Power.


I will ex tol Thee, O my King, Thy holiness pro- claim;

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Thy love

a beam-ing ray di vine, That lights each pass- ing hour.

I I will extol Thee, O my King,

Thy holiness proclaim;

And earth with every voice shall sing,

The glory of Thy name.

Thy tender mercies brightly shine,

Immortal is Thy power;

Thy love a beaming ray divine,
That lights each passing hour.

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re- posed with perfect trust, My changing hopes and fears.

I In God the holy, wise and just,
From childhood's tender years,
Have I reposed with perfect trust,
My changing hopes and fears.

2 From every page that time has turned,
Since that bright season fled,

Some holy lessons have I learned,
Some wholesome moral read.

3 Oh, should my term of life exceed,
Frail man's allotted days,

Until the last my prayer would plead
For strength, my God to praise.

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To guide Thine er ring steps a- right, Make it a law for Thee.

I Sing to the Sovereign of the skies,
To His great name alone,
Let winged words of praise arise
To the Almighty's throne.
For He has given His law of light
A radiant star to be;

To guide thine erring steps aright,
Make it a law for Thee.

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