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I To Thee, above all creatures' gaze,
To Thee, whom earth and heaven praise,
Whose ever watchful Providence

Proves daily Thine omnipotence-
To Thee our thanks in chorus rise.

2 Thou didst redeem the captive band,

Who were enslaved by tyrant's hand;

Their cries were heard, their groans were stilled,
Their yearning hopes at last fulfilled,

And Freedom dawned on Israel.

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I God of Might, God of Right,
Thee we give all glory;
Thine all praise in these days
As in ages hoary,

When we hear, year by year
Freedom's wondrous story.

2 Now as erst, when Thou first
Mad'st the proclamation,
Warning loud every proud,
Every tyrant nation,
We, Thy fame still proclaim,
Bend in adoration.

3 Be with all, who in thrall

To their task are driven;
In Thy power speed the hour
When their chains are riven;
Earth around will resound
Gleeful hymns to heaven.


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No. 93.

The Hope of Nations.

3 And all the sunny joys, till now concealed,
Are emblems bright of freedom's blessed morn,
When Israel's rescue first that truth revealed;
"To free and equal rights all men are born!"
4 Then let our festival to all proclaim

Who yearn for liberty's enkindling sun,
And let the nations join the glad acclaim ;
"Our God is One-humanity is one!"

f Moderato.

The House of God.




a dream, when by

the Lord


bondage Zi - on was restored; Our mouths were filled with

mirth and songs Το God, to whom all praise belongs.

I 'Twas like a dream, when by the Lord
From bondage Zion was restored;

Our mouths were filled with mirth and songs
To God, to whom all praise belongs.

2 The nations owned that God has wrought
Great works, which joy to us have brought;
As southern streams when filled with rain,
He turned our captive state again.

3 Who sow in tears, with joy shall reap;
Though wearing precious seed they weep
While going forth, yet shall they sing
When coming back, their sheaves they bring.

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