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LETTER to the Gover

nors, Legislatures, and Proprietors of Plantations in the British West-India Islands. By the Right Rev. Beilby Porteus, D. D. Bishop of London. 2s.

An Illustration of General Evidence, establishing the Reality of Christ's Resurrection. By George Cook, A. M. Minister of Lawrencekirk. 7s.

A Sermon preached at SpringGarden Chapel, Feb. 17, being the day appointed for a General Fast; published at the request of many of the Congregation. By Edmund Cartwright, L.L.D. Rector of Goadley, Marwood, Leicestershire, and Prebendary of Lincoln. 1s. 6d.

The African Stranger, a Sermon preached Jan. 17, 1808, at London Wall, for the benefit of the African and Asiatic Society. By Robert Young, D. D. 1s.

An Apology for the late Christian Mission in India, comprising an Address to the Chairman of the East-India Company, in answer to Mr. Twining: and, Strictures on Major Scott Waring's Pamphlet: with an Appendix containing Authorities from the Reports of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. By Andrew Fuller, Secretary to the Baptist Missionary Society. 2s. 6d.

A Sermon, preached in the parish Churches of Stanwell and Bedfont, Middlesex, on Wednesday Feb. 17, the day appointed for a General Fast. By W. A. Phelp, A. M. Vicar of Stanwell.


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A Sermon preached in the Church of the united parishes of St. Mary Wolnoth, and St Mary Woolchurch-Haw, Lom bard Street on Wednesday, Feb 17. By the Rev. Thomas Ethe rington, M. A. Lecturer of St. Michael's Cornhill. Is.

A Vindication of the Moral. Government of Nations, from the Objections peculiar to it: a Sermon preached Feb. 17, 1808. By the Rev. J. F. Jackson, of Queen's College, Oxford, Assistant Minister of Curzon Chapel, May-Fair. Is.

Strictures on the Origin of Moral Evil: in which the Hypothesis of the Rev. Dr. Williams, is investigated. By William Parry. 2s. 6d.

The Buchanan Prize Dissertation. On the Propagation of Christianity in Asia, in two parts, to which is prefixed a brief Historic View of the Progress of the Gospel in different Nations, since its first promulgation. By the Rev. Hugh Pearson, M. A. of St. John's College, Oxford. 4to. 15s.

Studies, Sacred and Philoso phic, adapted to the Temple of Truth. 8vo. 9s.

Sermons, on various subjects. By the Rev. W. Agutter, M. A. 8vo. 9s.

An Examination of Mr. Marsh's Hypothesis, respecting the origin of our three first Canonical Gospels, including an at tempt to explain the Phœnomena observable in these Gospels by a new Hypothesis. By Daniel Veysie, B. D. Rector of Plymtree, Devon, and late Η Η

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progress and final overthrow of the Anti-Christian Confederacy in the Land of Palestine, and the ultimate general diffusion of Christianity. By the Rev. George Stanley Faber, B. D. Vicar of Stockton-uponTees. 2 vols. 8vo. 16s.

Joseph's Consideration, a Sermon, preached in Clare-Hall Chapel, on Monday Feb. 29, 1808, being the day of administering the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, at the division of the Term. By the Rev. James Plumptree, M.A. Fellow of Clare-Hall, Is.


HE Clarendon press is

tory, vol. Bishop Burtory of the Reformation. 1 vol. 8vo.

Mr. Kidd is preparing for the Cambridge Press a new edition of Dawes's Miscellanea Critica.

gaged, among other works, net's Abridgement of the His the following: Lowth de Sacra Poesi Hebræorum. 2 vols. Vita Abdollatiphi, Arab. et Lat. 4to.; Novum Testamentum Græc.cum variantibus Lectionibus que Griesbachii judicio textui recepto præferende vel æquiparandæ sunt, 2 tom. 8vo.; Euripides, Notis Musgrave, 8vo. Sophocles, Græc. Elmsley, 8vo. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, 2 tom. 18mo.; Cicero de Oratore, 8vo.; Shuckford's Connection of the Sacred and Profane His


Dr. Charles Burney is about an abridgement of Pearson on the Creed, for Schools.

Mr. Dibdin is engaged on a variorum edition of Sir Thomas More's Utopia.

The Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, and Mrs. Chapone are preparing for publication.


OXFORD, Feb. 26.
HE Rev. James Griffith,
M. A. Master of Univer-
sity College, has been admitted

to the degree of Bachelor in Divinity.

Mr. Theophilus Jones, B. A. of Trinity College, Dublin, was


the same day admitted to that degree in this University.

March 1. The Rev. James Griffith, B. D. was admitted to his degree of Doctor in Divinity.

The Rev. John Quarington, of Pembroke College, and the Rev. Frederic Gardiner, of Lincoln College, B. A. were admitted Masters of Arts.

Messrs. Willian Munden, and Thomas Metcalfe, of Merton College, Charles Keysall, Thoas Thoresby Whitaker, Alexander Hordern, and Fortunatus William Dwarris, of University College, John Fletcher of Exeter College, and James Radcliffe Lyon, of Brasenose College, were admitted Bachelors

of Arts.

9. John Moore, Esq. of Christ Church, was admitted Bachelor of Arts Grand Compounder.

The Rev. John Kendal Fletcher, and Rev. Richard Smith of St. Alban-Hall, Messrs. George Augustus Seymer of Oriel College, James Horatio Rudge of Pembroke College, Jonathan Darby, Martin Sandys Wall, George Granville Venables Vernon, Richard Marnell, David Langlands, and Jonn Thomas James, of Christ Church, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

The Rev. Thomas Lee, B.D. rector of Barton on the Heath, is elected president of Trinity College in the room of the Rev. Dr. Chapman, deceased.

16. The Hon. and Rev. James Agar, and Rev. Thomas Slatter, B. A. of Christ Church, are admitted Masters of Arts.

Messrs, William Macleod of

University College, and John Jones of Christ Church, are admitted Bachelors of Arts.

17. Rowland Davies Gray, of St. Mary-hall, Esq. and Maynard Colchester, of Magdalen College, Esq. were admitted Bachelors of Arts Grand Compounders.

Mr. Christopher Erle has been admitted a scholar of New College, from Winchester school.

21. Mr. John Eastwick is elected a fellow of New College.

The appointment of the Rev. Joseph Hodgkinson, M. A. fellow of Brasenose College, and the Rev. George Leigh Cooke, M. A. fellow of Corpus Christi College, as public Examiners, has been approved of in convocation; also the appointment of the Rev. William Bishop, М.А. fellow of Oriel College, as one of the public preachers.

The Rev. Frodsham Hodson, and Rev. John Darcey, M. Α. of Brasenose College, are admitted Bachelors in Divinity.

Mr. John Gerard Ellis, B. A. of Church, is admitted Master of Arts.

Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, bart. and Mr. Walter Davenport, of Christ Church, are admitted Bachelors of Arts.

Messrs. William Abraham Shuldham, Henry John Ingilby, Thomas Carr, and Henry Matthew Hutchinson, are elected Scholars of University College.


Mr. Geldart, L. L. B. of Trinity Hall, has been elected Fellow of Catherine Hall, upon Mrs. Ramsden's foundation.

March 7. Mr. William Hepworth, of St. John's College, is admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

14. Rev. Herbert Marsh, B. D. Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, and late Fellow of St. John's College, and the Rev. Edward Pearson, B. D. Master of Sidney College, have been admitted Doctors in Divinity, by royal mandate.

The Hon. William Cust, of St. John's College, and brother to lord Brownlow, has been admitted honorary Master of Arts.

Mr. Nathaniel Rd. Clarke, B. A. of Trinity College, is elected a Fellow of Christ's College.

John Kaye, esq. Fellow of Christ's College, Senior Wrangler, and first Medalist in 1801, is appointed Tutor of that College, in the room of the Rev. T. Browne, the new Master.

The subjects for the Dissertations for the Bishop of London's medals, in Christ's College, are this year proposed by his Lordship, as follows:

For the Latin:-Doctrina Redemptionis universalis per mortem Christi ex sacris Scripturis patet.

For the English:- Foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender strifes, &c. 2 Tim. ii. 23, 4, 5.

The Rev. Walter Gee, B. A. of St. John's College, and Mr. Robert Z. Jefferson, B A. of Sidney College, have been elected Fellows of the latter Society.

21. Mr. Henry Bickersteth, and Mr. John White, B. A. of Caius College, are elected Fellows of that Society.

His Grace the Archbishop of York, assisted by the Bishops of

Salisbury, Bangor, and Chester, on Sunday March 13, consecrated the Rev. Dr. Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle, in the Royal Chapel at Whitehall. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Goodenough, son of the new Bishop.

The King has been pleased to grant to the Rev. Beaumont Busby, D. D. late Fellow of New College Oxford, the place and dignity of Dean of the Cathedral Church of Rochester.

The King has been pleased to grant to the Hon. and Rev. Henry Ryder, M. A. the place and dignity of a prebendary of the free chapel of St. George in the Castle of Windsor, void by the resignation of the Rev. Beaumont Busby, D. D.

The Rev. Dr. Goodall, Master of Eton School, is appointed a Canon of Windsor, in the room of the Rev. Dr. Duval, deceased.

The Rev. Walter King, D. D. has been presented by the King to the dignity of a Prebendary in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster.

The Lord Bishop of Lincoln has appointed the Rev. Thomas Brand, M. A. late of Christ College Cambridge, and Chaplain to his Lordship, Chancellor and Residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. His Lordship has also collated the Rev. Cayley Illingworth, Rector of Scampton and Epworth, to the Archdeaconry of Stow, and the Prebend of Liddington, in the same Cathedral, both vacant by the death of the Rev. Robert Warton.

The Rev. Johnson Baines, M. A. of Christ College Cambridge, has been presented by the Earl of Guildford to the Vicarage of Burwell in Cambridgeshire, vacated by the death of the Rev. Henry Turner. The King has been pleased to present the Rev. William Harry Edward Bentinck, to the Rectory of Sigglesthorp otherwise Sigglesthorne, in Yorkshire, void by the death of the Rev. Robert Wharton.

The Prince of Wales has appointed the Rev. Henry Fellowes, M. A. of Colebroke Devon, one of his Royal Highness's domestic Chaplains.

The Rev. W. Collett, is presented to the living of Swanton

Morley, by Sir John Lombe, the same being void by the death of the Rev. Josiah Larwood.

The Rev. Frederic Hotham, is presented to the valuable living of Dennington, in Suffolk, vacated by the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Longe, now Rec tor of Pulham.

The Rev. R. Wilson, M. A. has been presented by the Lord Chancellor to the living of Brodsworth, near Doncaster.

The King has been pleased to present the Rev. Wm. Cooper, B. D. and Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Rectory of St. Mary's and St. Peter's, with the Chapel of Smitterby, in Lincolnshire, void by the death of Dr. John Barker.


Monthly Obituary.

T Lincoln, of a dropsy in the chest, aged 56, the Rev. Robert Warton, M. A. chancellor of the church of Lincoln, archdeacon of Stowe, and rector of Sigglesthorne, in the East Riding of Yorkshire; B. A. 1773; Μ. Α. 1776. He received the earlier part of his education at Durham, his native city; whence he removed to Eton, and afterwards to Pembroke-hall, Cambridge. At his first degree, he obtained one of the Classical Medals: and, the year following, the Middle Bachelor's Prize. Part of the interval between his degrees he spent in foreign travel, that exquisite source of enjoyment to men of taste and learning. In

this tour he improved his taste for the Fine Arts, Musick especially, which was his " dear delight," and in which he was no mean proficient, both in theory and practice. His preferments in the Church of Lincoln he owed to the sincere and disinterested friendship of the present Bishop; and his rectory, in the gift of the Crown, was the honourable and enviable testimony of the personal regard of Mr. Pitt. To the more solid qualities of the mind he added a singleness of heart, and a cheerfulness and amenity of manners, which endeared him to all who knew him. In the performance of his public as well as private duties he was

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