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England. By the Rev. J. Mil- Plan of the Society, with a List ner, D. D. F. S. A. 5s.

Report of a Deputation from. the Hibernian Society, respecting the Religious State of Ireland. To which is annexed a

of Officers. 1s.

Short Remarks on the alarming Increase of the Dissenters. By W. C. F. Esq. 1s.

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OXFORD, Dec. 29, 1807.

THIS day in full convocation, the Rev. John Parsons, D.D. Master of Baliol College, having been nominated by his Grace, the Duke of Portland, Chancellor of this University, was invested with the office of Vice Chancellor for the remainder of the year ensuing, in the room of Henry Richards, D. D. Rector of Exeter College, deceased: and at the same time


Chm. Mag. Jan. 1808.

the Rev. William Tournay, D. D. Warden of Wadhain College, was nominated by the Vice Chancellor to be one of the Pro-Vice Chancellors for the same period.

Jan. 1, 1808. This day the Rev. James Thomas Holloway, and Humphrey Waldo Sibthorp, of Exeter College, were admitted Fellows of that Society.

7. The Rev. John Cole, D. D. Sub-Rector and Fellow L

of Exeter College, is unanimously elected Rector of that Society; and the Rev. Mr. Read, Sub-Rector of the same.

14. This being the 1st day of Lent Term, the Rev. George Peloquin Cosserat, and the Rev. William Marris, of Exeter College, and the Rev.John Croome, of St. Mary Hall, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts.

Messrs. James Thomas Pedley, James Dean, Joseph Dale, and John Lingard, of Brasenose College; Martin West of University College, and John Beesley, of St. Edmund Hall, were admitted Bachelors of Arts.

23. The Rev. James Griffith, M. A. senior Fellow of University College, has been unanimously elected Master of that Society.


The Hulsean prize is this year adjudged to Mr. John Norman Pearson, Scholar of Trinity College, for his Critical Essay on the ninth Book of Bishop Warburton's Divine Legation of Mo


The Rev. William Okes, of Caius College, has been elected a senior Fellow of that Society. The Rev. William Leigh, LL. B. has been promoted to the Deanry of Hereford, on the death of Dr. Wetherell.

The Rev. Edward Christopher Dowdeswell, D. D. has been promoted to the dignity of a Canon of the Cathedral of Christ Church, Oxford, void by the translation of the Right Rev. Edward Venables Vernon, Bishop of Carlisle, to the Archbishopric of York.

The Rev. Charles Neve, B. D. has been instituted to the

vicarage of White Lady Aston, in Worcestershire, void by the cession of the Rev. H. G. Ver


A dispensation has passed the Great Seal to enable the Rev. Thomas Garnier, LL. B. to hold the Rectory of Alverstoke, with that of Bishop's Stoke, both in Hampshire.

The Reverend William Pugh, M. A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, is presented by the Master and Fellows of that society, to the Vicarage of Darfield, in Yorkshire, void by the death of the Rev. John Lonsdale.

A dispensation has passed the Great Seal, enabling the Rev. Dr. Roberts, Chaplain to the Prince of Wales, Rector of Grafton, and Vicar of Much Marsh, to hold the living of Abbey Dore, in the County of Hereford, under the presentation of the Duke of Norfolk.

The Rev. Mr. North, son of the Bishop of Winchester, has been appointed by his Lordship for this turn, to the valuable Mastership of the Hospital of St. Cross. The right of presentation to this preferment is alternate with the King, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Bishop of the diocese.

The Rev. Isaac Bacon, M. Α. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, has been presented by that Society to the Rectoryof Bletchingdon, in Oxfordshire, void by the death of the Rev. James Coward, B. D.

The Prince of Wales has appointed the Rev. John Cross Morphew, M. A. of King's College, Cambridge, and Rector of Walpole St. Peter, and of Clay, next the Sea, Norfolk, one of his domestic chaplains. The Rev. David Mathias, M. A. and a Senior Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, is presented by the Right Rev. Principal and Fellows of that house, to the Rectory of St. Mary, Whitechapel.

The Rev. M. Rowlandson, M. A. Chaplain to the Bishop of Chester, has been collated to the living of Warminster, Wilts, by the Bishop of Salisbury.

The Rev. J. Radcliffe, one of the Minor Canons of Canterbury, has been presented by the Dean and Chapter of that Cathedral, to the United Rectories of St. Andrew and St. Mary Bredman, in Canterbury.

The Rev. James Tomlin, M. A. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, has been appointed by Earl Grey, one of his Lordship's domestic Chaplains.

The Rev. Samuel Birch, B.A. is presented by the Chancellor to the United Rectories of St. Mary Woolnoth, and St. Mary Mountchurch Haw, in the city of London, void by the death of the Rev. John Newton.

The Rev. Daniel Williams has been inducted to the Vicarage of Romsey, Hants, (of which he has been the exemplary curate thirty-five years) on the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Winchester.

The Rev. E. B. James, M. A. of Magdalen College, Oxford, is appointed a Surrogate to grant marriage licenses in that city.

The Rev. Charles Phillott, M. A. Student of Christ Church, Oxford, and Curate of the Parish of St. Michael's, Bath, has been presented by the Marquis of Bath, to the Rectory of Kingston Deverell.


Monthly Obituary.

N the 82nd year of his age, the Rev. Nathan Wetherell, D. D. Dean of Hereford, Prebendary of Westminster, and Master of University College, Oxford. He was a native of Durham, and was bred in the College of which he became Master. He took the degree of M. A. in 1750; and accumu. lated those of B. and D. D. in 1764. He served the office of Vice Chancellor in 1769. Dean Wetherell was one of the early Hutchinsonians at Oxford, and in 1756, was attacked by an

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"animadversion of his superi"ors; for certainly his majesty "can have no security from " men of such principles. The "Church of England disclaims " them, and in her homilies has " answered all the pleas for re"bellion, that ever were, or can " be brought; and determined " this point fully and fairly from " Scripture: and to them I refer "the reader, as the only system " of politics a Christian need to " study, in order to 'live a quiet " and peaceable life, in humble " obedience to the king, and all "that are in authority under "him. If this writer will tell " me the mischief done by pas"sive obedience, I will tell him "the mischief done by resist"ance, and will enter the com"parison with him as soon as "he pleases." Apology for certain gentlemen in the University of Oxford, 2nd edition, p. 37.

Mr. Jones, in his life of the same excellent prelate, has given the following account of the connexion between him and the subject of this notice.

"The Rev. Dr. Wetherell, now Dean of Hereford, was then a young man in the College of which he is now the worthy Master; and such was his zeal at that time in favour of Hebrew literature, that Mr. Horne, Mr. Wetherell, and Mr. Martin (now Dr.) Fairfax, and a fourth person [Mr. Jones himself] intimately connected with them all, sat down for one whole winter, to examine and settle, as far as they were able, all the The mata of the Hebrew language: writing down their remarks daily, and collecting from Marius, and Buxtorf, and Pagninus,

and others, what might be of use for compiling a new Lexicon. How much judgment they had at this early period, to render their papers valuable, we dare not say; but such as they were, the fruits of a faithful and laborious scrutiny, a copy of them was handed to the learned Mr. Parkhurst, late of the University of Cambridge, an eminent labourer in the same vineyard, to whom the public have since been greatly indebted for three editions of his Hebrew Lexicon."

To have been the friend of Bishop Horne through life, and to be so spoken of by the venerable Jones, is no ordinary praise.

At Oxford, in the 61st year of his age, in consequence of a violent paralytic seizure, the Reverend Henry Richards, D.D. Rector of Exeter. College, and Vice-chancellor of that Univer sity. He was born at Tawstock, a village near Barnstaple, in the North of Devon, in the manth of March 1747; and, having been educated at Barnstaple school, was admitted a Commoner of Exeter College, at an early age, in Michaelmas. Term, 1763. Soon after he had taken the degree of Bachelor of Arts, he was elected to a fellowship in that society, on the 30th of June 1767. He was admitted a Master of Arts on the 26th of April 1770; and in compliance with the statutes of his college, proceeded to the degree of Bachelor in Divinity on the 9th of November1781. Having been constantly resident in Oxford, and engaged in discharging the office of Tutor, during a long course of years, he was at length

presented by the Rector and Fellows, on the 13th of March, 1794, to the valuable Rectory of Bushby, in the diocese of London, and county of Herts, at which place he soon after began to reside. In this retirement, however, he did not long continue, being recalled to the University on occasion of the death of Dr. Stinton, in whose room he was elected Rector of Exeter College on the 23rd of July 1797. In the month of October 1806, he was advanced to the office of Vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford, to which also he was again nominated, and admitted, at the expiration of the year, in October last. In the discharge of this high and arduous trust, his conduct was such as in a very high degree to conciliate the afsection and esteem of the University; so that his loss is very generally and sincerely, lamented. On Thursday, the 24th, his remains were privately interred in the chapel of his college, in compliance with the directions of his will; but the Heads of Houses and Proctors followed him to the grave, as a just testimony of their regard for his memory, and respect for the office which he bore. After leaving a few legacies of no very considerable amount to some of his friends, he has bequeathed the whole residue of his property to Exeter College.

Rev. Samuel Henshall, M. A. rector of St. Mary Stratford Bow, Middlesex; to which he was presented by Brazenose College, Oxford, in 1802. He had persuaded himself that he was the best Saxon scholar in the king

dom; and gave specimens of his knowledge in 1. "Specimensand Parts, containing a History of the County of Kent; and a Dissertation on the Laws, from the reign of Edward the Confessor, to Edward the First; of a Topographical, Commercial, Civil, and Natural History of South Bri tain; with its natural and comparative progress in trade, arts, polity, population, and shipping. From authentic documents. By Samuel Henshall, Clerk, M. A. Fellow of Brazenose College, Oxford, 1798." quarto. 2. "The Saxon and English Languages reciprocally illustrative of each other; the impracticability of acquiring an accurate knowledge of Saxon Literature through the medium of the Latin Phraseology exemplified in the errors of Hickes, Wilkins, Gibson, and other scholars; and a new mode suggested of radically studying the Saxon and English Languages;" 3. The first number of the Etymological Organic Reasoner; or, Yldest an Radchenistres Gewinessa; Oldest Reckoner's Witnesses; with observations on the works of Mr. White, and Mr. Tooke; and one sheet of the Gothic Gospel of St. Matthew, and another of the Saxon Durham Book, in Roman characters, and a literal English version, 1807," 8vo.; of which he lived to publish a second number the same year. He published, also, "Strictures on the late Motion of the Duke of Leinster, in the House of Peers, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. in the House of Commons, and a Paragraplı in the Sentimental Chronicle of Opposition, 1799," 8vo. ; and "A Sermon, preached in the

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