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admiration at his intrepidity and content; nor could I avoid acknowledging 63 that an habitual acquaintance with misery serves better than philosophy to teach us to despise it.


s'éloigna en boitant.-63 Nor could....., et je ne pus m'empêcher de reconnaître.


Of those things called sights in London, which every stranger is supposed desirous to see, Bedlam is one To that place, therefore, an acquaintance of Harley's', after having accompanied him to several other shows, proposed a visit. Harley objected to it: "Because," said he, "I think it an inhuman practice to expose the greatest misery with which our nature is afflicted, to every idle visitant who can afford a trifling perquisite to the keeper; especially as it is a

1 Cette phrase, ainsi que la suivante, présentent la même inversion. Construisez: Bedlam is one of those, etc., et la seconde: Therefore an acquaintance...... to that place. 2 Harley, the Man of

distress which the humane 3 must see, with the painful reflection, that it is not in their power to alleviate it." He was overpowered, however, by the solicitations of his friend, and the other persons of the party, amongst whom were several ladies, and they went in a body to Moorfields 4.

Their conductor led them first to the dismal mansions of those who are in the most horrid state of incurable madness. The clanking of chains, the wildness of their cries and the imprecations which some of them uttered, formed a scene inexpressibly shocking. Harley and his companions, especially the female part of them, begged their guide to return he seemed surprised at their uneasiness, and was with difficulty prevailed on to leave that part of the house without showing them some others, who, as he expressed it in the phrase of those that keep wild beasts for show, were much better worth seeing than any they had passed, being ten times more fierce and unmanageable.



He led them next to that quarter where those reside, who, as they are not dangerous to themselves or others, enjoy a certain degree of freedom, according to the state of their distemper.

Feeling. -3The humane, l'homme sensible.-4 Moorfields, quartier de Londres, où se trouvait Bedlam.5 To return, de revenir sur ses pas.-6 Were much étaient bien plus curieux à voir qu'aucun de ceux



Harley had fallen' behind his companions, looking at a man, who was making pendulums with bits of thread and little balls of clay. He had delineated a segment of a circle on the wall with chalk, and, marked their different vibrations, by intersecting it with cross-lines. A decentlooking man came up, and smiling at the maniac, turned to Harley, and told him that gentleman had once been a very celebrated mathematician. "He fell a sacrifice," said he, "to 1o the theory of comets; for having, with infinite labour, formed a table on the conjectures of Sir Isaac Newton, he was disappointed on the return of one of those luminaries, and was very soon after obliged to be placed here by his friends. If you please to follow me, Sir," continued the stranger, "I believe I shall be able to give you a more satisfactory account of the unfortunate people you see here, than the man who attends your companions." Harley bowed, and accepted his offer.

The next person they came up to", had scrawled a variety of figures on a piece of slate. Harley had the curiosity to take a nearer view of them. They consisted of different columns, on


-Had fallen, était resté.-8 Decent-looking, qui. avait un maintien décent.-9 At. de.-10 He fell a sacrifice to, c'est une victime de. -11 Anglicisme pour person to whom they came up.-42 To take a... ... 5.

66 was a gen

the top of which were marked South-sea annuitics, and three per cent annuities consol. 13 "This," said Harley's instructor, tleman well known in Change-Alley 14. He was once worth fifty thousand pounds, and had actually agreed for the purchase of an estate in the West, in order to realise his money; but he quarrelled with the proprietor about the repairs of the garden-wall, and so returned to town to follow his old trade of stock-jobbing a little longer; when an unlucky fluctuation of stock, in which he was engaged to an immense extent 15, 15, reduced him at once to poverty and madness. Poor wretch!-He told me t'other day, that against the next 16 payment of differences, he should be some hundreds above a plum 17.


'It is a spondee, and I will maintain it,' interrupted a voice on his left hand. This assertion was followed by a very rapid recital of some verses from Homer. "That figure," said the gentleman, whose clothes are bedaubed with snuff, was a schoolmaster of some reputation; he came hither to be resolved 18 of some doubts he

de les examiner de plus près.—13 Consol., consolidės. -14Change Alley, passage près de la bourse de Londres où se réunissent les agioteurs: .15 He was enga

ged.. .....3


il avait engagé des sommes énormes.— Against the next, au premier.—17 He should be

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il aurait plus de cent mille livres.-1 & To

entertained concerning the genuine pronunciation of the Greek vowels.

"But delusive ideas, Sir, are the motives of the greatest part of mankind, and a heated imagination the power by which their actions are incited the world, in the eye of a philosopher, may be said to be a large mad-house." "It is true," answered Harley, "the passions of men. are temporary madness, and sometimes very fatal in their effects,

From Macedonia's madman19 to the Swede20.”



'It was indeed," said the stranger, a very mad thing in Charles, to think of adding so vast a country as Russia to his dominions; that would have been fatal, indeed; the balance of the North would then have been lost; but the Sultan and I would never have allowed it 21. "Sir!" said Harley, with no small surprise on his countenance. "Why yes answered the other, "the Sultan and I-do you know me? I am the Chan of Tartary."


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Harley was a good deal struck by this discovery; he had prudence enough, however, to conceal his amazement, and bowing as low to the

be resolved, pour avoir la solution. -19 Alexandre. 20 Charles XII.--24Would never...., ne l'cussions

jamais permis.

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Why yes, oui certainement.

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