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O Lord, my soul convicted stands 369 'Twas on that dark, that, &c.
Our Father, thron'd in, &c.

371 To Jesus, our exalted Lord




384 Thou lovely source of true delight 35

O the sweet wonders of that cross 400 That God, who made the, &c.


15 Thou art, O God! a Spirit pure 35 434 Thine earthly sabbaths, Lord, &c. 36 445 Tho' parents may in cov'nant be 36 451 The Lord, who truly knows Thou reign'st, O Lord, thy, &c. 37 395 Thro' all the downward tracts, &c.37 442 Thro' all the various shifting, &c. 38 Thus far my God has led me on 38


284 Teach us, O Lord, aright to, &c. 38

358 The broken bread, the blessed cup 38

366 The King of heav'n his table, &c. 39

383 The blest memorials of thy grief 39

413 The promise of my Father's love 39

The food on which thy, &c.










[blocks in formation]

Thee we adore, eternal name
The time is short! the season, &c. 40
Thy providence, great God, &c. 40
To praise the ever bounteous, &c. ibu
To thy great name, O Prince, &c. 424
To thee, who reign'st, &c.

Thy bounties, gracious Lord,


The gold and silver are the Lord's 431

Shout: for the blessed Jesus, &c. 320
Saviour divine, we know thy, &c. 329
Self-righteous souls on works, &c. 332
Sinners, the voice of God regard 346 Vain are the hopes the sons of men 26-







351 Wait, O my soul, thyMaker's, &c. 28
364 We bless the Prophet of the Lord 29-
With transports, Lord, our, &c. 31
402 What have I in this barren land 32
With what delight I raise my eyes 34
What shall the dying sinner do 34
When God his gracious, &c.
What does the worldling gain
Whate'er thy lot on earth may be 36
438 Where is my God? does he, &c. 36
What various hindrances we meet 37
263 What strange perplexities arise 38
ibid When the blest day of Pentecost 41
264 Welcome, sweet day of rest


The Saviour! O what endless, &c. 272 War, horrid war, deep stain'd, &c. 42




[blocks in formation]

To us a child is born from heav'n 302 When Hannah press'd with grief 44

[blocks in formation]

The sacraments are holy signs 335 Ye sin-sick souls draw near

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he way and end of the righteous and the wicked.


HE man is ever blest

Who shuns the sinner's ways,

st their councils never stands,
Vor takes the scorner's place.
But makes the law of God
His study and delight,
ghout the labours of the day,
And watches of the night.
Le like a tree shall thrive,
Vith waters near the root:
as the leaf his name shall live;
Lis works are heavenly fruit.
Tot so the ungodly race,
hey no such blessings find;
hopes shall flee like empty chaff
efore the driving wind.

ow will they bear to stand

efore that judgment-seat,

all the saints at Christ's right hand

- full assembly meet?

e knows, and he approves

he way the righteous go :

ners and their works shall meet

dreadful overthrow.


PSALM 2. First Part. L. M.
God the Father vindicates his Messiah.

WHY did the heathen madly rage,

in vain?

why the Jews conspire Why kings and rulers all engage, T' oppose Messiah's gracious reign?

2 "Come, let us break his bands," they say, "We'll ne'er be govern'd by his laws :" And thus they cast his yoke away, And nail'd Messiah to the cross.

3 But God the Father, from his throne, Laughs at their pride, their rage controls; He'll vex their hearts with pains unknown, And speak in thunder to their souls.

4 "I'll vindicate the King I made, " On Zion's everlasting hill; "My hand shall bring him from the dead, " And he shall reign, Messiah still."

PSALM 2. Second Part. L. М.
God the Son reveals the divine decree.

TH' eternal Son with power array'd, Declares th' unchangeable decree : "Thou art my Son," the Father said, "This day have I begotten thee.

2 "For sin thou'st offer'd up thy soul,
" And thou'st a right to intercede ;
"Thy life shall last while ages roll,
"And thou shalt see a num'rous seed.

3 "Ask then, my Son, and I will give
"The heathen for thy vast domain ;
"The utmost ends of earth receive,
"And boundless be thy blessed reign.

4 "But nations, that resist thy grace,
" Shall fall beneath thine iron stroke;

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