rive them with thine angry breath, Then shall our grateful voice On a day of humiliation in war. ORD thou hast scourg'd our guilty land, eath the terrors of thine eye, and mortals melt away. Zion trembles at thy stroke, nd dreads thy lifted hand ! heal the nation thou hast broke, nd save the sinking land. It the banner in the field, or those that fear thy name; n barb'rous hosts thy people shield, nd put our foes to shame. nd our armies to the fight, nd be their guardian God : ain shall num'rous pow'rs unite, gainst thy lifted rod. troops, beneath thy guiding hand, mall gain a glad renown : as we'll devote our future days, pay our vows and sing thy praise. PSALM 62. L. M. aith in the grace and power of the Redeemer. Y spirit looks to God alone; - My rock and refuge is his throne; 1 my fears, in all my straits, soul on his salvation waits. st him, ye saints, in all your ways, - out your hearts before his face : en helpers fail, and foes invade, is our all-sufficient aid. e are the men of high degree, baser sort are vanity; in the balance, both appear t as a puff of empty air. e not increasing gold your trust, set your hearts on glitt'ring dust; will ye grasp the fleeting smoke, not believe what God has spoke ? hath his awful voice declar'd, and again my ears have heard, pow'r is his eternal due ; must be fear'd and trusted too." ov'reign pow'r reigns not alone, e is a partner of the throne : grace and justice, mighty Lord, well divide our last reward. PSALM 63. First Part. C. M. The morning of a Lord's day. thout thy cheering prace The love of God better than life. The glories, that compose thy name, 4 Not fruits nor wines that tempt our taste, revere If I were banish'd from the Lord. idst the wakeful hours of night, ift my hands, I'll raise my voice, PSALM 63. Third Part. S. M. M Y God, permit my tongue et my early cries prevail PSALM 64. L. M. Hope in God for deliverance from enemies. REAT God attend to my complaint, Nor let my drooping spirit faint: |