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PSALM 72. Third Part. C. M.
The glory of Christ.

HE mem'ry of Christ's glorious name
Thro' endless years shall run ;
spotless fame shall shine as bright
nd lasting as the sun.

m the nations of the world all be completely blest; his imputed righteousness ev'ry tongue confess'd.

bless'd be God, the mighty Lord, Le God whom Israel fears; only wond'rous in his works, yond compare appears.

arth be with his glory fill'd; ever bless his name;

st to his praise, the list'ning world
eir glad assent proclaim.

PSALM 73. First Part. S. M.
The mystery of Providence unfolded.
URE there's a righteous God,
Nor is religion vain :

n of vice may boast aloud,
1 men of grace complain.
w the wicked rise,
I felt my heart repine;
aughty fools with scornful eyes,
obes of honour shine.

per'd with wanton ease,
ir flesh looks full and fair;
alth rolls in like flowing seas,
grows without their care.
from the plagues and pains,

pious souls endure :


Thro' all their life oppression reigns,
And racks the humble poor.

5 Their impious tongues blaspheme
The everlasting God:

Their malice blasts the good man's name,
And spreads their lies abroad.
6 But I with flowing tears
Indulg'd my doubts to rise;
"Is there a God that sees or hears
"The things below the skies?"

7 The tumults of my thought
Held me in hard suspense;
'Till to thy house my feet were brought,
To learn thy justice thence.
8 Thy word with light and pow'r
Did my mistake amend;
I view'd the sinners' life before,
But here I learn'd their end.
9 On what a slipp'ry steep
The thoughtless wretches go;
And, O that dreadful fiery deep,
That waits their fall below!

10 Lord, at thy feet I bow,
My thoughts no more repine;
I call my God my portion now,
And all my pow'rs are thine.
PSALM 73. Second Part. C. М.
God our portion here and hereafter.

1 COD, my supporter, and my hope,
My help for ever near ;
Thine arm of mercy held me up,
When sinking in despair.

2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet,
Thro' this dark wilderness;


y hand conduct me near thy seat,
To dwell before thy face.
ere I in heav'n without my God,
Twould be no joy to me;

1 while this earth is my abode,

long for none but thee.

nat if the springs of life were broke,
and flesh and heart should faint;
1 is my soul's eternal rock,
The strength of ev'ry saint.
old! the sinners, that remove
ar from thy presence, die :
all the idol gods they love,
an save them when they cry.
to draw near to thee, my God,
hall be my sweet employ;
tongue shall sound thy works abroad,
nd tell the world my joy.

PSALM 74. First Part. C. M.
The church pleading under sore persecution.
7 ILL God for ever cast us off?
His wrath for ever smoke

inst the people of his love,
is little chosen_flock ?

ak of the tribes so dearly bought

let thy Zion be forgot,

There once thy glory stood.

up thy feet, and march in haste;

what a wide and fearful waste

my foes profanely roar :


Over thy gates their ensigns hang,
Sad tokens of their pow'r.

5 How are the seats of worship broke
They tear the buildings down :
And he, that deals the heaviest stroke,
Procures the chief renown.

6 With flames they threaten to destroy
Thy children in their nest :
"Come, let us burn at once," they cry,
"The temple and the priest."

7 And still to heighten our distress,
Thy presence is withdrawn ;
Thy wonted signs of pow'r and grace,
Thy pow'r and grace are gone.
8 No prophet speaks to calm our woes,
The best, the wisest, mourn :
And not a friend, nor promise, shows
The time of thy return.

PSALM 74. Second Part. C. М.

A Prayer of the church for deliverance from great afflictions.

HOW long, eternal God, how long,
Shall men of pride blaspheme!
Shall saints be made their endless song,
And bear immortal shame ?

2 Is not the world of nature thine,
The darkness and the day ?
Didst thou not bid the morning shine,
And mark the sun his way?
3 Hath not thy pow'r form'd ev'ry coast,
And set the earth its bounds;
With summer's heat and winter's frost
In their perpetual rounds ?

4 And shall the sons of earth and dust
That sacred pow'r blaspheme?


Il not thy hand that form'd them first, venge thine injur'd name ?

nk on the cov'nant thou hast made,

nd all thy words of love;

let the birds of prey invade,

nd vex thy mourning dove.

foes would triumph in our blood,
nd make our hope their jest :
1 thy own cause, Almighty God,
nd give thy children rest.

PSALM 75. L. M. The hand of God acknowledged. O thee, most high and holy God, To thee our thankful hearts we raise; works declare thy name abroad, wond'rous works demand our praise. av'ry doom'd, thy chosen sons Id their foes triumphant rise; sore opprest by earthly thrones, sought the sov'reign of the skies. s then, great God, with equal pow'r e thy vengeance and thy grace, courge their legions from the shore, save the remnant of thy race. hand, that form'd the restless main, ear'd the mountain's awful head, raging seas their course restrain, Lesert wilds receive their dead.

wonders never come by chance, an the wind such blessings blow: God the judge doth one advance, God that lays another low. aughty tyrants sink their pride,

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