corn of heav'n, so light, so pure, e loathe this light, this airy bread ; shall have flesh to please your lust," ne Lord in wrath replied ; sent them quails, like sand or dust, cap'd up from side to side. ave them all their own desire; d, greedy as they fed, engeance burnt with secret fire, ad smote the rebels dead. n some were slain, the rest return'd, ad sought the Lord with tears; r the rod they fear'd and mourn'd, t soon forgot their fears. e chastis'd and still forgave: IH, by his gracious hand, nation, he resolv’d to save, ssess'd the promis'd land, PSALM 79. L. M. Complaint of the church against enemies. HOLD! O God, what cruel foes, Thy peaceful heritage invade : holy temple stands defil'd ; ist thy sacred walls are laid. e o'er the vallies, drench'd in blood, people fall'n in death remain : fowls of heav'n their flesh devour; savage beasts divide the slain. insulting foes with impious rage, pach thy children to their face. " Where is your God of boasted pow'r, 4 Deep from the prison's horrid gloom, 5 Let those who dar'd t' insult thy reign, PSALM 80. First Part. L. M. GREAT Shepherd of thine Israel, 2 Thy church is in the desert now, 3 Great God, whom heav'nly hosts obey, 4 Instead of wine and cheerful bread, PSALM 80. Second Part. L. м. ORD thou hast planted with thy hands Christ, the defender of his church. ORD, when thy vine in Canaan grew, Thou wast its strength and glory too; ck'd in vain by all its foes, the fair Branch of promise rose. thy own Son; and he shall stand Turn us to thee, thy love restore ; PSALM 81. S. M. The warnings of God to his people. SING to the Lord aloud, 2 From vile idolatry " Preserve my worship clean; "I am the Lord who set thee free " From slavery and sin. 3 "Stretch thy desires abroad, " And I'll supply them well; "But if ye will refuse your God, "If Israel well rebel, < 4 "I'll leave them, saith the Lord, "To their own lusts a prey, " And let them run the dang'rous road, "'Tis their own chosen way. 5 " Yet O, that all my saints "Would hearken to my voice! " Soon would I ease their sore complaints, " And bid their hearts rejoice. 6 "While I destroy'd their foes, "And they should taste the stream, that flows " From their eternal Rock." PSALM 82. L. M.. God the supreme ruler; or, magistrates warned. A MONG th' assemblies of the great,, A greater Ruler takes his seat; The God of heav'n, as Judge, surveys Those gods, on earth, and all their ways. hy will ye then frame wicked laws? ey know not, Lord, nor will they know; rk are the ways in which they go: eir name of earthly gods is vain : they shall fall, and die like men. se, O Lord, and let thy Son ssess his universal throne; d rule the nations with his rod : is our Judge, and he our God. PSALM 83. S. M. The prayer of the church against persecutors. AND will the God of grace Perpetual silence keep? God of justice hold his peace, And let his vengeance sleep? Behold what cursed snares The men of mischief spread ! nen, that hate thy saints and thee, ift up their threat'ning head. gainst thy hidden ones Their counsels they employ nalice, with her watchful eye, ursues them to destroy. Come, let us join," they cry, To root them from the ground; not the name of saints remain, Nor mem'ry shall be found.* wake, almighty God! nd call thy wrath to mind : nem like forests to the fire, r stubble to the wind. |