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6 Convince their madness, Lord, And make them seek thy name': Or else their stubborn rage confound, That they may die in shame. 7 Then shall the nations know That glorious dreadful word : Jehovah is thy name alone,

And thou the sov'reign Lord.

PSALM 84. First Part. L. М.

The pleasure of public worship.
OW pleasant, how divinely fair,
O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are !

With long desire my spirit faints
To meet th' assemblies of thy saints.

2 My flesh would rest in thine abode,
My panting heart cries out for God;
My God, my King, why should I be
So far from all my joys, and thee?

3 The sparrow chooses where to rest,
And for her young provides her nest;
But will my God to sparrows grant
That pleasure which his children want?

4 Blest are the saints who sit on high,
Around thy throne of majesty;
Thy brightest glories shine above,
And all their work is praise and lové.
Blest are the souls that find a place
Within the temple of thy grace :
There they behold thy gentler rays,
And seek thy face, and learn thy praise.

6 Blest are the men whose hearts are set
To find the way to Zion's gate :
God is their strength, and thro' the road
They lean upon their helper, God:



eerful they walk with growing strength,
I all shall meet in heav'n at length;
I all before thy face appear,
I join in nobler worship there.

PSALM 84. Second Part. L. M.

REAT God attend, while Zion sings
The joy, that from thy presence springs:
pend one day, with thee on earth,
eeds a thousand days of mirth..

ht I enjoy the meanest place
min thy house, O God of grace;
tents of ease, nor thrones of pow'r,
ald tempt my feet to leave thy door.
is our sun, he makes our day;
is our shield, he guards our way
1 all th' assaults of hell and sin;
foes without and foes within.

Leedful grace God will bestow,
crown that grace with glory too :
-ives us all things, and withholds
eal good from upright souls.
od, our King, thy sov'reign sway,
glorious hosts of heav'n obey;
devils at thy presence flee :
is the man that trusts in thee!
PSALM 84. Third Part. P. M.

Longing for the house of God.
ORD of the worlds above,
How pleasant and how fair
e dwellings of thy love,
ine earthly temples are
Line abode my heart aspires,


2 The sparrow for her young With pleasure seeks a nest, And wand'ring swallows long

To find their wonted rest : My spirit faints with equal zeal, To rise and dwell among thy saints. 3 O happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear! O happy men that pay Their constant service there! They praise thee still; and happy they That love the way to Zion's hill.

4. They go from strength to strength, Thro' this dark vale of tears; 'Till each arrives at length; 'Till each in heav'n appears. O glorious seat, when God our King Shall thither bring our willing feet! 5 To spend one sacred day, Where God and saints abide, Affords diviner joy,

Than thousand days beside : Where God resorts, I covet more To keep the door, than shine in courts. 6 God is our sun and shield, Our light and our defence; With gifts his hands are fill'd; We draw our blessings thence: He shall bestow on Jacob's race Peculiar grace, and glory too. 7 The Lord his people loves; His hand no good withholds From those his heart approves ; From pure and pious souls.


rice happy he, O God of hosts, nose spirit trusts alone in thee !

PSALM 85. First Part.

ORD, thou hast call'd thy grace to mind,

Thou hast revers'd our heavy doom :

God forgave when Israel sinn'd,

I brought his wand'ring captives home.

ou hast begun to set us free,

I made thy fiercest wrath abate :
v let our hearts be turn'd to thee;

I thy salvation be complete.

ive our dying graces, Lord,
let thy saints in thee rejoice :
e known thy truth, fulfil thy word;
wait for praise to tune our voice.
wait to hear what God will say;
1 speak, and give his people peace :
let them run no more astray,
his returning wrath increase.

PSALM 85. Second Part. L. M.
Salvation by Christ.

LVATION is for ever nigh
The souls, that fear and trust the Lord;
grace, descending from on high,
hopes of glory shall afford.

cy and truth on earth are met,

Christ the Lord came down from heav'n:

is obedience so complete,
ce is pleas'd, and peace is giv'n.
truth and honour shall abound;
ion dwell on earth again;
heav'nly influ'nce bless the ground,


+ His righteousness is gone before,

To give us free access to God :

Our wand'ring feet shall stray no more,

But mark his steps, and keep the road.

PSALM 86. First Part.

C. М.

A general song of praise to God.

A MONG the princes, earthly gods,

There's none hath pow'r divine;

Nor is their nature, mighty Lord!
Nor are their works like thine.

2 The nations, thou hast made, shall bring
Their off'rings round thy throne:
For thou alone dost wond'rous things;
For thou art God alone.

3 Lord, I would walk with holy feet :
Teach me thy heav'nly ways;
And my poor scatter'd thoughts unite
In God my Father's praise.

4 Great is thy mercy, and my tongue
Shall those sweet wonders tell;
How by thy grace my sinking soul
Rose from the deeps of hell.

PSALM 86. Second Part. L. M. Mourning over unbelief, and pleading for the evidence of an interest in Christ.

JESUS, my God, my all in all,

Display thy pow'r, unveil thy face;
Wilt thou not hear when sinners call?
Is not thy reign, a reign of grace ?

2 A thousand times my tongue hath said,
" Bought with a price, I'm not my own;"
A thousand times my soul hath fled,
And sought relief before thy throne.

3 But now I grope, as in the night,
I can't believe, and dare not trust;

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